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Vocabulary Test: Temperature: Vitals TestWords:Normal Systolic and Diastolic:, Prehypertension Systolic and Diastolic:, Stage 1 Hypertension Systolic and Diastolic:, Stage 2 Hypertension Systolic and Diastolic:, Pulse ranges in Adult and Children:, Respiration in Adults and Children:, 5 Places to take Temperature name the least accurate and most ac, The four vital signs are:, Temperature Febrile and Afebrile:, Temperature can be measured in degrees of list two:, Normal Adult Temperature:, Which method is the most accurate:, Which method is commonly used and if done correctly is accurate:, Which method have low temperatures and the least accurate and wh, Temperature is measured with:, Electronic digital list 7 things about it:, Tympanic Thermometers list 4 things about it:, Disposable Thermometers list 3 things about it:, Measuring Oral Temperature list 5 things:
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Vocabulary Test: Temperature: Vitals Test Copy CopyWords:anal, ear, arm pit, mouth, Temperature Temporal, Temperature Rectal, Temperature Tympanic, Temperature Oral, Temperature Axillary, Prehypertension Systolic and Diastolic, Normal Systolic and Diastolic, Stage 1 Hypertension Systolic and Diastolic, Stage 2 Hypertension Systolic and Diastolic, Pulse ranges in Adults, Respiration in Adults, Pulse ranges in Infants, Respiration in Infants, four vital signs, Febrile, Afebrile, A temperature can be taken at, Normal adult temperature, Temperature measured in degrees of, Rectal and Tympanic Temperature are normally, most accurate, most commonly used, lowest and least accurate, normally 1 degree lower than oral, Temperature is measured with a, 3 Types of Thermometers are, most used, provide a digital read out, most accurate, designed for the ear, measures infrared energy, not as accurate, indicator changes colors, disposable sheath and place snugly in ear, hold thermometer in mouth, breath through nose, and lips closed, wait 15 minutes before taking oral temperature , oral temperature can't be taken, wear to prevent contamination, positioned with anus exposed, adults rectal, infants rectal, held in place when measuring, temperature for a child should be last, taken first to avoid inaccuracy, thermometers not appropriate for children under 5 years, Axillary temperature patient must be, axillary tip of the thermometer, touches skin on all sides of the axilla, upper arm, measuring axillary, forehead, febrile, afebrile, most accurate readings, least accurate readings, accurate temperature if done correctly, down and back, Pull ear up and back
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Vocabulary Test: Verbos y pasatiemposWords:comenzar/empezar, explicar, almorzar, jugar, llegar, practicar, sacar, tocar, dar, hacer, ir, ser, ver, acampar en las montañas , bajar un río en canoa, cantar en el coro, disfrutar con los amigos, estudiar las artes marciales, jugar al ajedrez, tomar un curso de natación
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Vocabulary Test: La Vida ContemporáneaWords:Licenciado(a), Matricularse, Subvención, Farándula, Criada, Gerente, Peluquero, Letras, Creencia, Aduana, Equipaje, Derecho, Vecindario, Prometido, Empleado
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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 1, Vocab 4Words:Wrought, Animosity, Winnow, Vortex, Tempestuous, Tectonic, Taxonomy, Tautology, Obsequious , Vulpine, Niggardly , Concupiscence , Indefatigable, Pernicious , Decimate, Malinger, Filial, Inimical, Bellicose, Ubiquitous, Taciturn , Scrupulous, Salient, Disillusion, Fraternal, Sardonic, Perturbations, Xenophobe , Yeoman, Ziggurat
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Vocabulary Test: Ottoman EmpireWords:Ottoman Empire, Sultan , political philosophy, summarize, analyze, impact, Qing Dynasty, Khangxi , Yonglo, Hongwu , Midwives, Envoys , Ming Dynasty, Vassal states , Purges:
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Vocabulary Test: Grammar 4, Emphatic pronounsWords:elle écrit ses discours elle-même, eux-mêmes, elles-même, vous-même(s), nous-même, soi-même, elle-même, lui-même, toi-même, moi-même, son avis à elle means her opinion, son avis à lui, son avis à elle, C'est notre avis à nous, à + emphatic pronoun (mon, lui, eux), On a du temps pour soi, elles, eux, vous, nous, soi, elle, lui, toi, moi, Mon frère et moi, on est sortis, Et moi, je fais le travail, Il a écrit plus qu'elle, Eux je les connais, comparisons, emphasis and after et, Rentrons chez nous, Je suis fier de moi, Elle l'a fait à cause de lui, prepositions (sans, à cause de, etc), people
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Vocabulary Test: el tiempoWords:Hace viento, Llueve, Nieva , Hay niebla, Hay helada, Hay Cellisca, La estrella, El cielo, La aguanieve, La lluvia, la niebla, la nube, el viento, el arco de iris, el arco de calores, la estacion , el mes, el dia, el ano, la semana, la primavera, el verano, el ontono, el invierno, los dias, lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves, viernes, sabado, domingo, hoy, manana, ayer
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Vocabulary Test: Time and Temperature VocabWords:thermometer, minute, P.M., quarter hour, Celcius, second, half hour, elapsed time, A.M., hour, Fahrenheit
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Vocabulary Test: Ottoman EmpireWords:Ottoman Empire, Sultan, Janasaries , Five Pillars of Islam , Suleiman I, Mosque, Constantinople , Tulip Period, Harem, Gazis
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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 1, Vocab 9Words:Melancholy, Amiable, Myriad, Insolent, Erudite, Fallacy, Philanthropy, Ascertain, Litany, Sage, Dour, Aloof, Idiosyncrasy, Restive, Inexorable, Riven, Implement, Heresy, Enigma, Magnanimous, Travail, Desolate, Revulsion, Congeal, Monotonous, Derisive, Ribald, Supplant, Unkempt, Obsequies
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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 1, Vocab 8Words:Inoculate, Diffident, Inductive, Countenance, Paradox, Poultice, Indignant, Forbearance, Dispensation, Gaunt, Contentious, Agnostic, Verities, Astringent, Dilapidated , Assay, Impunity , Paragon, Impertinent, Inconstancy , Repute, Viscous, Dissemble, Pungent, Imminence , Vehement, Indolence, Queue, Rueful, Emasculate
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Vocabulary Test: The Tempest Act 1Words:fortitude, prerogative, zenith, auspicious, celestial, indignity, meandered, usurped, chastise, potent
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 1, Vocab 3Words:Precipitous, Pecuniary, Oxidize, Omnipotent , Nomenclature, Interpolate, Filibuster, Expurgate, Euro, Auspicious, Diffident, Reparation, Polymer, Plasma, Plagiarize, Photosynthesis , Parameter, Orthography, Notarize, Nonsectarian , Moiety , Mitosis, Irony, Infrastructure , Hypotenuse , Gerrymander, Evanescent , Antebellum, Soliloquy , Subjugate
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Vocabulary Test: Kaddo's WallWords:granary, mortar, taunt, insult, generous, solemn, famine, melancholy, bulge, surplus, poverty, millet, humanity, deserted
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 4 and OutlookWords:Internet, Internet Service Provider, HTML, Attachment, E-Mail, Intranet, Web Layout, Hyperlink, Blog Post, Web Page Title, Recurring, Reply, Outlook Today, Tasks, Appointment, Item, Attachment, Contact, Subject, Calendar
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Vocabulary Test: TypographyWords:Typography, Ascender, Descender, Font, Kern, Leading, Sans Serif, Serif, x-height, characters, negative space
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Vocabulary Test: Word Lesson 3 TestWords:Bibliography, Border, Bullets, Font Effects, Footnote, Format Panter, Gutter, Highlight, Landscape, margin, Point, Records Management, Shading, Sort, Styles, Symbols, Theme
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Vocabulary Test: plot elementsWords:plot, exposition, setting, rising action, falling action, climax, falling action, resolution, dialect, conflict, mood, internal conflict, external conflict, theme, character, static character, dynamic character, protagonist, antagonist
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Vocabulary Test: la vocabWords:abash, amenable, augur, auspicious, congenial, contumely, demeanor, discerning, deportment, edifice, efficacy, eminence, grievous, hypocrisy, ignominous, impediment, indubitable, infer, lurid, malefactor, peremptory, phantasmagoric, physiognomy, pillory, sojourn, successive, sumptuous, transgress, evanescent
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Vocabulary Test: Lab EquipmentWords:clay triangle, centrifuge, balance, test tube, graduated cylinder, thermometer, funnel, Erlenmeyer flask, beaker, test tube clamp, wire square, ring stand, beaker tongs, striker, evaporating dish, scoopula, Florence flask, test tube rack, Bunsen burner, watch glass
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Vocabulary Test: SAT Prep. Week 1Words:candid, conjecture, euphemism, extrapolate, incoherent, insinuate, lucid, rhetoric, acumen, adroit, ascertain, astute, circumspect, disseminate, erudition, husbandry, pedantic, perspicacious, pragmatic, didactic
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Vocabulary Test: Ballet PrinciplesWords:Turn-out, Stance, Transfer of weight, Distribution of weight, Pull-up or lift, Squareness, Counterpull, Counterbalance, Aplomb, Balance
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz 2Words:accost, animadeversion, avid, brackish, celerity, devious, gambit, halcyon, histrionic, incendiary, maelstrom, myopic, overt, pejorative, propriety, sacrilege, summarily, suppliant, talisman, undulate
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Vocabulary Test: Shakespeare Vocabulary #3Words:Ballad, Metaphor, Synecdoche, Simile, onomatopoeia, metonymy, "Figures of speech", Ode, Meter, Lyric, Limerick, Epic
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Vocabulary Test: Microscope Vocabulary QuizWords:eyepiece, body tube, nosepiece, objective lenses, arm, coarse adjustment knob, fine adjustment knob, slide, stage, stage clips, aperture, diaphragm, lamp, base, legs
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Vocabulary Test: Maniac Magee Vocab test 1-11Words:legacy, trolley, trestle, musicale, theory, obvious, infamous, suffice, emanations, mirage, hallucination, Samaritan, phantom, stupefied, pandemonium, lumbered, finicky, befuddled
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