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Vocabulary Test: Kaddo's WallWords:granary, mortar, taunt, insult, generous, solemn, famine, melancholy, bulge, surplus, poverty, millet, humanity, deserted
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 4 and OutlookWords:Internet, Internet Service Provider, HTML, Attachment, E-Mail, Intranet, Web Layout, Hyperlink, Blog Post, Web Page Title, Recurring, Reply, Outlook Today, Tasks, Appointment, Item, Attachment, Contact, Subject, Calendar
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Vocabulary Test: TypographyWords:Typography, Ascender, Descender, Font, Kern, Leading, Sans Serif, Serif, x-height, characters, negative space
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Vocabulary Test: Word Lesson 3 TestWords:Bibliography, Border, Bullets, Font Effects, Footnote, Format Panter, Gutter, Highlight, Landscape, margin, Point, Records Management, Shading, Sort, Styles, Symbols, Theme
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Vocabulary Test: plot elementsWords:plot, exposition, setting, rising action, falling action, climax, falling action, resolution, dialect, conflict, mood, internal conflict, external conflict, theme, character, static character, dynamic character, protagonist, antagonist
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Vocabulary Test: la vocabWords:abash, amenable, augur, auspicious, congenial, contumely, demeanor, discerning, deportment, edifice, efficacy, eminence, grievous, hypocrisy, ignominous, impediment, indubitable, infer, lurid, malefactor, peremptory, phantasmagoric, physiognomy, pillory, sojourn, successive, sumptuous, transgress, evanescent
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Vocabulary Test: Lab EquipmentWords:clay triangle, centrifuge, balance, test tube, graduated cylinder, thermometer, funnel, Erlenmeyer flask, beaker, test tube clamp, wire square, ring stand, beaker tongs, striker, evaporating dish, scoopula, Florence flask, test tube rack, Bunsen burner, watch glass
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Vocabulary Test: SAT Prep. Week 1Words:candid, conjecture, euphemism, extrapolate, incoherent, insinuate, lucid, rhetoric, acumen, adroit, ascertain, astute, circumspect, disseminate, erudition, husbandry, pedantic, perspicacious, pragmatic, didactic
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Vocabulary Test: Ballet PrinciplesWords:Turn-out, Stance, Transfer of weight, Distribution of weight, Pull-up or lift, Squareness, Counterpull, Counterbalance, Aplomb, Balance
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz 2Words:accost, animadeversion, avid, brackish, celerity, devious, gambit, halcyon, histrionic, incendiary, maelstrom, myopic, overt, pejorative, propriety, sacrilege, summarily, suppliant, talisman, undulate
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Vocabulary Test: Shakespeare Vocabulary #3Words:Ballad, Metaphor, Synecdoche, Simile, onomatopoeia, metonymy, "Figures of speech", Ode, Meter, Lyric, Limerick, Epic
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Vocabulary Test: Microscope Vocabulary QuizWords:eyepiece, body tube, nosepiece, objective lenses, arm, coarse adjustment knob, fine adjustment knob, slide, stage, stage clips, aperture, diaphragm, lamp, base, legs
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Vocabulary Test: Maniac Magee Vocab test 1-11Words:legacy, trolley, trestle, musicale, theory, obvious, infamous, suffice, emanations, mirage, hallucination, Samaritan, phantom, stupefied, pandemonium, lumbered, finicky, befuddled
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