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Vocabulary Test: Mason-Dixon Memory Vocabulary Quiz
civic, predominantly, provoked, forfeit, ominous, brigade, facilty, bigotry

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Vocabulary Test: who am I
potential, self image, spontaneous, linguistic, expert, nurturing, empathetic, sympathetic, systematic, spatial, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, impulsive, linguistic, competent, indecisive, insightful, significant other, values, authority, influencing, precise, recreation, opportunistic

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test #1
abhor, bigot, counterfeit, enfranchise, hamper, kindle, noxious, placid, remuneration, talisman

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Vocabulary Test: Siddhartha Vocabulary 1
Respite, Demeanor, Coherent, Relinguish, Subservient, Illusive, Ascetics, Pallid, Candid, Thwart, Sage, Futile, Supple, Lament, Insatiable

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test #2
abrasive, bilk, covert, engender, hangar, knotty, nuance, plagiarism, renown, tangent

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 4
Spurious, Salubrious, Hegemony, Insipid, Prodigal, Surfeit, Obsequious, Polemical, Tenuous, Pithy, Opprobium, Pedagogy, Grandiloquence, Infelicitous, Mendacity, Malleable, Obdurate, Evanescent, Aver, Salubrious

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Vocabulary Test: The Pretty Pennies Picket
crescent, human nature, awesome, presence, revelations, fowl, picket line, injustices, proprietor, insincere, rapping, bore, embroidery, veterinarian, linoleum, half light, polecats, unlikeliest, picketing, refund

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Vocabulary Test: word
footle, neoteric, surly, clambor, irenic, timorous, pantheon, sychophant, abrogate, vivify, variegated, asperity, gustatory, venerate, galvanic, serendipity, concinnity, hebetude, peripetetic, frangible

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Vocabulary Test: Mother Fletcher's Gift
Apperently, Fixtures, Flimsy, Incident, Subscribe, Survive

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 82511
arch, authentic, clarify, declare, grant, grave, modest, opponent, valid, yearn

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Vocabulary Test: 82511syn
arch, authentic, clarify, declare, grant, grave, modest, opponent, valid, yearn

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Vocabulary Test: ap lang
google, tumblr, facebook, postsecret, myspace, youtube, mibba

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab #3

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Vocabulary Test: Mama and The Doctor's Wife Vocabulary Quiz
harrumphed, chamois, brusquely, bustled, scope, mundane, obligations, alterations, gallantly, intricate

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Vocabulary Test: Medical Abbreviations Quiz IV
tid, bid, qid, qm, pm, qd

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 2
Essence, Apropos, Stanch, Staunch, Depose, Stasis, Extant, Entity, Restive, Ecstasy, Static

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Vocabulary Test: Earthquake Terror Vocab
debris, devastation, fault, impact, jolt, shuddered, susceptible, undulating, upheaval

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Vocabulary Test: TKAM Section 1 Vocab Quiz
synonyms, malevolent, inquisitive, erratic, monosyllabic, edification, nocturnal, indigenous, tranquility, auspicious, collards, predilection, benign, iniquities, Gothic, cowlick, domiciled, meditating, benevolence, melancholy, repertoire, beadle, dispensation, contentious, probate, vapid, nebulous, condescended, diminutive, magisterial

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Vocabulary Test: 8th grade
delegate, refuge, nocturnal, compensate, thwart, evacuate, forgery, serene, retain, esteemed, spare, audible, involuntary, anonymous, slight, exult, mores, discourteous, reprimand, modify, unbiased, symmetry, supreme, hoax, rectify, dormant, debatable, absolute, fabricate, bellow, asset, exuberant, detour, exhaustively, evident, gather, frigid, forge, tedious, horde, abundant, circumstance, glaring, era, ascend, barbed, detonate, tyrannical, vague, stench, vivid, neglible, miniscule, jumpy, trickle, tributary, poise, snare, complex, transient, screen, discard, befuddled, yield, conquest, brood, dignified, dilapidated, dimished, morass, obscure, substandard, catastrophe, augment, lexicon, gregarious, vapor, plentiful, vulgar, boorish, tyrant, bizarre, bellicose, prophecy, bias, pilfer, prodigy, opposition, judicious, visualize, oasis, proclaim, exotic, oath, plateau, expansive, spurn, zeal, indifferent, twitch, gorge, excursion, gorge, crest, gibe, fundamental, distress, cavort, mystify, flora, fauna, quirk, chaotic, route, restitution, predominant, compensation, impartial, mediate, lush, rash, miniature, reiterate, illuminate, haughty, quadrupeds, robust, averse, foreign, debut, intricate, plea, blissful, perpetual, fulfill, scan, staccato, motive, assault, aptitude, emerged, flaunted, staggered, mar, hovel, diminish, solemn, staple, credible, mimic, partial, propose, emigrate, shirk, volume, pique, hinder, peer, ostracize, embrace, query, provoke, domesticate, butcher, cherish, mania, repel, spacious, vacant, tactful, abbreviated, frailty, morals, sagacity, thicket, shun, currency, juncture, persevering, steadfast, idiosyncracies, exemplary, pampered, pledged, linger, inevitable, elevation, omen, acerbic, unflagging, inventive, passage, acquit, alternative, endorse, outing, ogre, stable, mishap, urge, tepid, morsel, convention, astute, pursue, barrier, rigid, dismay, indulged, repast, ignorant, labor, scant, enumerate, innumerable, illusions, stall, exile, shards, affluence, motive, rendezvous, originate, disdain, perishable, ajar, refuge, debris, swab, pack, inquisitive, stout, prosperity, character, reside, ample, outdated, affection, retain, transfer, dutiful, unfurl, exceptional, mingled, recollect, indefinite, morsel, endeavor, clarity, premier, summit, zenith, originality, batch, monotony, summon, appraise, tract, angular, deed, devote, trifle, imply, allude, elude, feverish, arid, tarnished, commute, evident, flummox, stump, segue, segregate, allure, deride, colossal, incapable, feign, deity, jeer, deign, predate, prior, ultimatum, quixotic, clamor, tremor, placid, plague, derisive, ulterior, impassive, alight, ignite, scorch, sear, predecessor, precede, antecedent

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Vocabulary Test: Unit #1
blunder, cancel, continuous, distribute, document, fragile, myth, reject, scuffle, solitary, temporary, veteran
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