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Vocabulary Test: Ch. 4 Early Empires
empire, emperor, Fertile Crescent, code of law, justice, exile, tribute, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Anatolia, toleration, province, satrap, Royal Road, Hammurabi

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Vocabulary Test: Contemporary Issues EOC vocabulary test
culture, tradition, capitalism, economics, natural resources, global warming, Pro-choice, discrimination, abortion, Five First Amendment Freedoms, cyberethics, capitol crime

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Vocabulary Test: Contemp
hope, human dignity, grace, injustice, individualism, free will, shema, suffering, enlightened self-interest, original sin, prphets, incarnation, compassion, personal sins, justics, beatitudes, sojourner truth, jean donovan, craig kielburger, paulo mercado, enlightenment, socialism, subsidiarity, pastoral letter, industrial revolution, communism, solidarity, survival rights, liberalist philosophy, natural law, encyclical, thrival rights, capitalism, marginalized, constitution, base communities, pope leo XIII, dorothy day, catholic relief services, USCCB, karl marx, frederick ozanam, cardinal james gibbons, melba patillo beals, rerum navrum, the challenge of peace, universal declaration of human rights, pacem in terris, social structure, liberation theology, circle of praxis, circle of faith in action, analysis, direct action, awareness, tiananmen square, power with, power over, power-with, structure of sin, interdependent, world view, boycot, strike, relationship map, apartheid, civil disobedience, culture, social action, respect, the children's march, ghandi, paul VI, nelson mandela, desmond tutu, aung san sui kyi, on social concern, a call to action

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Vocabulary Test: Au printemps - Vocabulaire
redingote, serin, rumeur, logis, pleurésie, pardessus, exhalaison, effluve, gabier, plumitif, capiteux, entamer, griser, gambader, balivernes, talus, commérages, polissonneries, chasteté, débiner, furtif, ponton, perfidie, désappointer, attendrissement

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Vocabulary Test: Temperature Lingo Quiz
Wind Chill Advisory, Heat Advisory, Excessive Heat Warning, Temperature, Excessive Heat Watch, Wind Chill Warning

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Vocabulary Test: exemplary 51-100
exemplary means , duress means, tribulation means, plaudits, ludicrous , if you gesticulate , garner, belate means, adults have, spices can , an apparition , asinine means , assiduous means, a bigamist needs, A laggard is someone, a toddler wants you, erudite means , a baseball mitt, a philanderer, praxis means , Unkempt , Truncated means , tractable people, Verbose teachers, Sallow means , Proffer means, sycophants, I surreptitiously, Veritable means, Voluble people, Lackadaisical means , flippant is, INDOLENT, capitulate, feral dogs , a sage, a sage (wise person), endemic, supine means, deprecate means, circuitous is , if you're crass, descry means, the burned "eggs" were , sedulous, urbane means, dour, delectable, propinquity means, lugubrious means
Test Also Includes: parts of speech

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Vocabulary Test: Redemption
Reins, rheum, vulgar, dank , flax, harrows, taunts, daubing , scuff, croft, relinquish, applegate, pious , parchment, beadle, minstrels, kirtle , cherub, barhop, balmy

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Vocabulary Test: Empty ch 1-5
feebly, vulnerable, steely, defiantly, scrutinizing, warily, hybrid vehicle, electric vehicle, totter, gangly, advent, reprieve, stalemate, embargo, monotony, deft, donning, frolicking, nonchalance, feigned, raucous, optimist, undulating, drone, hoarding, disdainful, inadvertent, evaded, ubiquitous, reverie, initiative, intriguing, conspiratorial, scoffed, delusional

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Vocabulary Test: Les Expressions de Temps
Hier, Aujourd'hui, Demain, Le Matin, L'aprés-midi, Le soir

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Vocabulary Test: Tempest Act 4
Austerely , Vexation, Ardor, Temperate , Cankers, Infirmity, Wanton

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Vocabulary Test: Contemp
Anaphylaxis, Antipyretic, Aura, Catatonia, Dyspenea, Dystonia, Edema, Electroconvulsive therapy, Goblet cell, Gran Mal, Hemoptysis, Hypoxia, Lanugo, Mast cell, Neurosis, Nosocomial, Orthopnea, Otalgia, Paresthesia, Petit Mal, Pleurisy, Pleuritic, Pneumothorax, Prodome, Psychosis, Pulmonary hypotension, Tardive dyskinesia, Tonic-Clonic

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Vocabulary Test: Esspressioni di tempo al passato
ieri, ieri mattina, ieri pomeriggio, ieri sera, l'altro ieri, sabato scorso, settimana scorso, mese scorso, l'anno scorso, un'ora fa, due giorni (settimane, mesi, anni) fa, molto tempo fa, poco tempo fa, qualche tempo fa, quanto tempo fa?

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Vocabulary Test: Esspressioni di tempo
ogni anno (mese, settimana, giorno), ogni estate (autunno, inverno, primavera), ogni lunedi, ogni tanto, a volte, una volta (due volte) al giorno (alla settimana, al mese, all'an, qualche volta, di quando in quando, di rado, di solito, di tanto in tanto, tutti i giorni (i mesi), tutte le sere (le settimane)

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Vocabulary Test: Para Empezar
¿Como esta usred?, Srta., señorita, Señora, Sra., Señor, Sr., Mucho gusto, Igualmente, Encantado, Encantada, Me llamo...., ¿Como te llamas?, ¡Hola!, Buenas tardes, Buenas noches, buenos dias

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Vocabulary Test: How to Save a Baby Elephant/Emperor's New Clothes
baobab, bloated, buck, clamp, communal, culprit, deteriorate, guzzle, slink, teem, buffoon, clamor, coat of arms, courtier, cushy, embroidery, fantastic, moat, regal, sublime

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Vocabulary Test: Zoetemp
Villa, Via, Pecunia, Femina, Fabula, Culinary , Cena, Ancillary

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Vocabulary Test: Empire of Persia
Achaemenid, Ahura Mazda, Ancestor Wordship, Avesta, Gathas, Indo-Europeans, Macedon , Magi, Medes, Parsis, Parthians, Perseopolis, Qanat, Sasanids, Satraps, Seleucids, Zarathustra , Zoroastrianism

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Vocabulary Test: el desempleo
la agencia de colocaciones, el aislamiento, la desesperación, despedir, el depsido, la dignidad, la dimisión, dimitir, sentirse inútil, la oficina de empleo, los parados, la reducción personal, el tedio, tener serias dificultades económicas, apuntarse al paro, no tener perspectivas, echar del trabajo a alguien, el aspirante, el currículo, la carta adjunta, la experiencia laboral, la hoja de solicitud, el rechazo, la referencia, el solicitante, emplear a alguien

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Vocabulary Test: Unemployment
Define Employed, Define Unemployed., Define Labor Force., What is the labor force participation rate?, What is the unemployment rate?, Who are the underemployed?, What are discouraged workers?, What are marginally attached workers?, How do you calculate the unemployment rate?, How do you calculate labor force participation rate?

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Vocabulary Test: attempting to be funny
Jeer, Jest, Parody, Recreation, Skit, Dog

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Vocabulary Test: Island of the Blue Dolphins
idly, dozed, fiber, pursued, tides, deserted, cover, lacking

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Vocabulary Test: Arthur's Reading Race Vocabulary
style, challenge, heed, dangerous, proficient, ignore, underestimate, passion, already, prove, police, sign, eight, fiction, characters

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Vocabulary Test: Word Lesson Two
Clipboard, Copy, Cut, Paste, File Extension, File Icon, Insert, Keywords, Proofreader's marks, Read-Only

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test 1
bias, hypothesis, law, theory, conclusion, constant, scientific method, controlled variable, dependent variable, description, evidence, fair test, independent variable, inference

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Vocabulary Test: number1
aardvark, cosmetic, cause, en masse, enormity, flavor, lode, load, localization, locus of cotrol, minority, minimize, minstrel, asteroid, black hole, comet, asteroid belt, script, scripture, screenwriter, spark, mule, morphology, cryptozoology, alternative, cryoextraction, constitutional, manifesto, socialistic, view, vertigo, yearn, yearling, yak, yoke, zany, zen, zodiac, zwieback, zucchini, couch potato, veritable, villify, underbelly, underling

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Vocabulary Test: profligate-sent
profligate, senescence, bourgeois, covet, cerulean, broach, cavalier, paradoxical, compunctious, chagrin

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Vocabulary Test: abjure-sent
abjure, guile, obstreperous, mendacious, mercurial, propitiate, demise, phlegmatic, sententious, succor

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Vocabulary Test: demure-sent
demure, preclude, ineluctable, vitiate, pejorative, importunate, propitious, precipitous, wont, pique

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Vocabulary Test: coalesce-sent
coalesce, coruscate, zaftig, delineate, degenerate, chicanery, indemnify, extrapolate, extant, uncanny

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Vocabulary Test: venue-sent
venue, obsequious, cynosure, heinous, consternation, forlorn, gormandize, eclectic, plebian, plenary

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Vocabulary Test: Real Number System
Real Number System, Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Integers, Rational Numbers, Irrational Numbers

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Vocabulary Test: 6th grade vocabulary
accumulate, beneficial, consequence, elaborate, idiom, precise, unanimous, rigorous

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Vocabulary Test: Orientation and Directional Terms Quiz
Superior, Inferior, Anterior, Posterior, Medial, Lateral, Intermediate, Proximal, Distal, Superficial, Deep

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Vocabulary Test: Call of the Wild Vocabulary Chapter 1
arbors, aristrocrat, array, artesian well, calamity, cayuses, conciliated, conveyance, culprit, demesne, docilely, dominion, genial, impending, imperiously, incurious, insular, kindred, latent, legion, metamorphosed, paddocks, populous, primitive, progeny, prowess, revelation, ruction, sated, slaver, soliloquized, square-head, tidewater, treachery, uncowed, unwonted, weazened, wheedingly

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Vocabulary Test: Case 1 Vocab
adhesions, adnexa, adnexal mass, approximate, arthralgia, beta-hCG, bimanual, blood type O, chromic suture, Claforan, crown-rump length, cul-de-sac, Demerol, distal, ectopic pregnancy, edema, embedding, endovaginal, EtOH, exploratory laparotomy

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Vocabulary Test: Case 1.1 vocab
fallopian tube, fascia, figure-of-8 stitches, fundus, general endotracheal tube, gravida 3, para 1-0-2-1, GYN, Heaney clamp, HEENT, hematemesis, hematochezia, hematocrit, hematuria, hemoglobin, hemoperitoneum, hemostasis, ICD Code 633.1, informed consent, lactated Ringer's, lyse

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Vocabulary Test: ACT Vocabulary #2
theoretical, terse, surreptitious, soporific, sedentary, scrutinize, recalcitrant, ramification, obscure, novice, nihilism, mundane, incorrigible, impetuous, fortuitous, extricate, exonerate, fallacious, facetious

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 3
ambiguous, dissident, embellish, fritter, inadvertent, inane, juxtapose, lethargy, sporadic, subsidize

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Vocabulary Test: Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour The Tea
appreciate, companion, fond, loyal, company, delighted, enjoyed, share, thinning, wonderful

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Vocabulary Test: Ben and Me Vocabulary Quiz
Subdued, Resolved, Deceit, Lenient, Treacherous, Incessant, Manifestation, Inadvertently, Eloquence, Rift
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