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Vocabulary Test: Soc St 6: Egyptian EmpireWords:Hyksos, Bronze, Tribute, Thebes , Middle_Kingdom, New_Kingdom, Incense, Hatshepsut, Thutmose_III, Slavery, Amenhotep_IV, Nefertiti, Aton, Tutenkhamen
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Vocabulary Test: ¿Qué tiempo hace? - Unit 5Words:¿Qué tiempo hace?, Está despejado., Está (muy) nublado., Hace buen tiempo., Hace mal tiempo., Hace (mucho) calor., Hace fresco., Hace (mucho) frío., Hace (mucho) sol., Hace (mucho) viento., Hay (mucha) niebla., llover (o:ue), Llueve., nevar (e:ie), Nieva.
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Vocabulary Test: employment law quizWords:Precedent, Jurisdiction, Mitigate; mitigation, Repudiation, Indirect discrimination, Further particulars, Effective date of termination, E.T, Schedule of Loss; Schedule of Remedies and Loss, Vicarious liability
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Vocabulary Test: Employee rights and stuffWords:Wages, Landrum Griffin Act 1959, Taft Hartley Act 1947, Wagner Act 1935, Norris La Quardia Act (1932) , Ex of ADA employees, Family and Medical Level Act 1993, Social Security Act 1935 , Americans with Disabilities Act 1990, Age Discrimination in Employment 1967, Worker Adjustment and Retaining Act 1988, Equal Employment Opportunity , Equal Pay Act 1963, Civil Rights Act 1964, Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), Grievances, Benefits
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Vocabulary Test: Kemp's testWords:alienate, deploy, culinary, gape, unkempt, warily, delete, nostalgia, amicable, extol
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Vocabulary Test: EmpathyWords:warmth, sentiment, responsiveness, respect, recognize, rapport, pity, mercy, lenity, kinship, insight, humble, harmony, grace, enmity, empathy, concord, communion, compassion, clemency , appreciation, affinity
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Vocabulary Test: roman empireWords:when were the romans at their largest?, when were the romans at their weakest?, why did the romas expand?, importance of roman laws...., what do the roman laws tell us about the roman life?, dhfjmerog'mfds,g
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Vocabulary Test: templeWords:circumspect, inhibit, differentiate, ameliorate, onerous, honoraria, illegible, melee, affray, sanctuary, immunity, castigate, detriment, precipitate, adverse, remonstrate, facilitate, preponderance, susceptible, prevalent, pertain, initiate, tabulate, originate, preconceive, malefactor, miscreant, parity, predominate, secondary, imminent, catastrophe, symbolic, altercation, exonerate, expedient, propensity, prosperity, traditional, artifice, conspiracy, intervene, capitulate, restitution, resilient
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Vocabulary Test: GRE V The Empire Strikes BackWords:ostentatious , volatile, soporific, tout, inured, terse, vituperate, capricious, intractable, anachromism, astringent, refulgant, flout, garrulous , approbation, pernicious, profuse, reticent, profligate, phlegmatic, prosaic, inimical, desiccate, renege , sedulous, prevaricate, perspicacious, ebullience, erudite, aggrandize
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Vocabulary Test: First Age of EmpiresWords:Cyrus, Nebuchadnezzar, Medes, Chaldeans, Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, Sennacherib, Assyria, Meroe, Piankhi, Kush, Ramses II, Nubia, Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, New Kingdom, Hyksos
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Vocabulary Test: Metric Temperature QuizWords:Uses the Standard System, Uses the Metric System, Room temperature in Metrics, Room temperature in Standard, Boiling point in Standard, Boiling point in Metrics, Freezing point Metrics, Freezing point in Standard
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Vocabulary Test: Mi pasatiempo/los juguetesWords:olividarse, obedecer, el sube y baja, la risa, el resbaladero, el recreo, los personajes, el payaso, el oso de peluche, la plastilina, mentir, la sonrisa, la muneca, la llanta, los cubos, el columpio, la caja, el barro, las barras, los juguetes , mi pasatiempo, pensar
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Vocabulary Test: ContempWords:hope, human dignity, grace, injustice, individualism, free will, shema, suffering, enlightened self-interest, original sin, prphets, incarnation, compassion, personal sins, justics, beatitudes, sojourner truth, jean donovan, craig kielburger, paulo mercado, enlightenment, socialism, subsidiarity, pastoral letter, industrial revolution, communism, solidarity, survival rights, liberalist philosophy, natural law, encyclical, thrival rights, capitalism, marginalized, constitution, base communities, pope leo XIII, dorothy day, catholic relief services, USCCB, karl marx, frederick ozanam, cardinal james gibbons, melba patillo beals, rerum navrum, the challenge of peace, universal declaration of human rights, pacem in terris, social structure, liberation theology, circle of praxis, circle of faith in action, analysis, direct action, awareness, tiananmen square, power with, power over, power-with, structure of sin, interdependent, world view, boycot, strike, relationship map, apartheid, civil disobedience, culture, social action, respect, the children's march, ghandi, paul VI, nelson mandela, desmond tutu, aung san sui kyi, on social concern, a call to action
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Vocabulary Test: Ch. 4 Early EmpiresWords:empire, emperor, Fertile Crescent, code of law, justice, exile, tribute, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Anatolia, toleration, province, satrap, Royal Road, Hammurabi
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Vocabulary Test: Au printemps - VocabulaireWords:redingote, serin, rumeur, logis, pleurésie, pardessus, exhalaison, effluve, gabier, plumitif, capiteux, entamer, griser, gambader, balivernes, talus, commérages, polissonneries, chasteté, débiner, furtif, ponton, perfidie, désappointer, attendrissement
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Vocabulary Test: exemplary 51-100Words:exemplary means , duress means, tribulation means, plaudits, ludicrous , if you gesticulate , garner, belate means, adults have, spices can , an apparition , asinine means , assiduous means, a bigamist needs, A laggard is someone, a toddler wants you, erudite means , a baseball mitt, a philanderer, praxis means , Unkempt , Truncated means , tractable people, Verbose teachers, Sallow means , Proffer means, sycophants, I surreptitiously, Veritable means, Voluble people, Lackadaisical means , flippant is, INDOLENT, capitulate, feral dogs , a sage, a sage (wise person), endemic, supine means, deprecate means, circuitous is , if you're crass, descry means, the burned "eggs" were , sedulous, urbane means, dour, delectable, propinquity means, lugubrious means
Test Also Includes: parts of speech
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Vocabulary Test: Para EmpezarWords:¿Como esta usred?, Srta., señorita, Señora, Sra., Señor, Sr., Mucho gusto, Igualmente, Encantado, Encantada, Me llamo...., ¿Como te llamas?, ¡Hola!, Buenas tardes, Buenas noches, buenos dias
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Vocabulary Test: profligateWords:profligate, senescence, bourgeois, covet, cerulean, broach, cavalier, paradoxical, compunctious, chagrin
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Vocabulary Test: abjureWords:abjure, guile, obstreperous, mendacious, mercurial, propitiate, demise, phlegmatic, sententious, succor
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Vocabulary Test: demureWords:demure, preclude, ineluctable, vitiate, pejorative, importunate, propitious, precipitous, wont, pique
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Vocabulary Test: coalesceWords:coalesce, coruscate, zaftig, delineate, degenerate, chicanery, indemnify, extrapolate, uncanny, extant
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Vocabulary Test: venueWords:venue, obsequious, cynosure, heinous, constemation, forlorn, gormandize, eclectic, plebian, plenary
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Vocabulary Test: contumelyWords:contumely, ignominious, caveat, chary, jejune, edify, nebulous, parity, impromptu, impunity, precocious, revelry, retribution, effusive, stoic
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Vocabulary Test: MLISEE2011Set1Words:abridge, abscond, abyss, acclaimed, acquittal, adroit, adversary, adversity, affront, agile, aloof, ambience, amicable, apprehensive, arbitrary, assimilate, atone, baffle, balmy, banal, barren, belligerent, benevolent, bestow, bland, bleak, bludgeon, brazen, buoyant, burly
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Vocabulary Test: summervocab7Words:account, accumulate, automatic, attire, barter, brisk, bliss, brawny, caress, clamor, contour, consume, canopy, diagnose, discordant, enveloped, enable, extract, enmity, falter, foreground, fury, ferocious, fortify, flecked, harness, interval, infinite, liable, mangle, mindful, nook, optimism, pendulum, petty, promote, remnant, ransacked, rigid, saturate, smolder, sustain, swivel, sufficient, saunter, dwelling, trinket, unsung, vibrant, vibrant
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Vocabulary Test: Adam of the Road 1-6Words:franklins, surcoat, whey-faced, comfits, portmanteau, monotonous, doleful, yeomen, plaintive, disdain, abbot, prior, pert
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Vocabulary Test: prefixesWords:forecast, foreword, forewarn, foreshadow, foresee, postseason, postdate, postpone, postscript
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Vocabulary Test: pedWords:biped, centipede, impediment, millipede, pedal, peddler, pedestrian, pedicure, quadruped, tripod
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Vocabulary Test: Corwin Chap. 1Words:adage, bonanza, churlish, citadel, collaborate, decree, discordant, evolve, excerpt, grope, hover, jostle, laggard, plaudits, preclude, revert, rubble, servile, vigil, wrangle
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Vocabulary Test: suspense 1Words:suspense, flashback, foreshadow, mood, theme, setting, point of view, genre, narrator, plot
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Vocabulary Test: Old Yeller/Mother Fletcher's Gift Vocabulary TestWords:Lunging, Survive, Slung, Fixtures, Speckled, Romping, Flimsy, Apparently, Rowdy, Subscribe, Nub, Incident
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Vocabulary Test: japaneseWords:imin-shimasu, umareru, oshieru, keiei, kouritsu, kokusai, shimaitoshi, shima, shyakushyo, jyuushyo, juku, shiritsu, seikatsu, soba-, sofu, soba, daitai, taitei, taihen, tanoshiminishimasu, tanoshimimasu, danjokyougaku, chizu, tsutomemasu, tokui, dokusho, nigate, hotondo_masen, majime, manabimasu, muri, mei, oi, kaiteishi, haisha, isha, kangofu, kangoshi, inaka, gakunen, kashu, kawaisou, kiniirimasu, kyoukasho, kengaku, kengakushimasu, koi, koukan, koe, kotori, kondoo, shokudou, soto, tsuiteimasu, tsukaremasu, dooi, nakunarimasu, naraimasu, ni niteimasu, noriba, hikkoushimasu, ryokou, uraniwa, sentakushitsu, kaidan, nakanaorishimasu, wakaremasu, futotteimasu, yaseteimasu, namaiki, tsumetai, majime, omoiyari ga arimasu, zurui, genki, seikaku ga ii, shoujiki, sekkyokuteki, kawatteimasu, otonashii
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