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Vocabulary Test: Tempest VocabWords:Mettle, Spendthrift, Beseech, Importune, Supplant, Credulous, Paragon, Surfeit, Phoenix, Perdition, Odious, Jocund, Precepts, Incensed , Austerely , Vexation, Ardor , Temperate, Cankers, Infirmity, Wanton
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Vocabulary Test: Para empezarWords:Buenos dias, Buenas noches, Buenas tardes, Hola, Cómo te llamas?, Me llamo . . ., Encantado, Igualmente, Mucho gusto, señor, señora, señorita, Cómo está Ud.?, Cómo estás?, Qué pasa?, Qué tal?, Y tú / Y usted , (muy) bien, nada, regular, gracias, Adiós, Hasta luego, Hasta mañana, Nos vemos, Qué hora es?, Es la una., Son las . . . y / menos . . ., y cuarto / menos cuarto, y media, Qué tiempo hace?, Hace calor, Hace frío, Hace sol, Hace viento, Llueve., Nieva, el bolígrafo, la carpeta, el cuaderno, el estudiante, la estudiante, la hoja de papel, el lápiz, el libro, el profesor, la profesora, el pupitre, la sala de clases, el año, el día, el mes, la semana, Qué día es hoy?, Cuál es la fecha?, Es el (number) de (month), Es el primero de (month)., hoy, mañana, cuántos, -as?, en, hay, por favor, Cómo se dice . . . ?, Se dice . . ., Cómo se escribe . . . ?, Se escribe . . ., Qué quiere decir . . . ?, Quiere decir . . ., la estación, el invierno, el otoño, la primavera, el verano
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Vocabulary Test: Ottoman EmpireWords:Ottoman Empire, Sultan, Janasaries , Caliph , Suleiman I, Mosque, Constantinople , Tulip Period, Harem, Anatolia , Ghazis, Osman , Devshirme , Millets , Vizier
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Vocabulary Test: cuanto tiempo hace queWords:I am as athletic as Jordan, You are as boring as the girl, He is as daring as the boy, We are as studious as the girls., The book is as easy as the homework., Michael is as rich as julia.
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Vocabulary Test: Contemporary Moral IssuesWords:Absolute, Culture, Engagement (With), Escape (From), Family, Feminine, High, Low, Narrative, Nature, Remember, Repetition, Science, Special, Truth, Word
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Vocabulary Test: The Emperor's EggWords:completely, actually, doing, taking, swimming, eating, slowly, starting, standing, freezing, leaf, leaves, important, nothing, dinner, flippers, hatch, miserable, slippery, waddled, horizon
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Vocabulary Test: Roman empireWords:Aeneas, Romulus, Remus, Etruscans, Roman Republic , First Punic War , Second Punic War , Third Punic War , Julius Caesar , Augustus, Pax Romana , Nero, Domus, Gladiators, Juris Prudentes , Diocletian, Constantine I
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Vocabulary Test: templeWords:circumspect, inhibit, differentiate, ameliorate, onerous, honoraria, illegible, melee, affray, sanctuary, immunity, castigate, detriment, precipitate, adverse, remonstrate, facilitate, preponderance, susceptible, prevalent, pertain, initiate, tabulate, originate, preconceive, malefactor, miscreant, parity, predominate, secondary, imminent, catastrophe, symbolic, altercation, exonerate, expedient, propensity, prosperity, traditional, artifice, conspiracy, intervene, capitulate, restitution, resilient
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Vocabulary Test: roman empireWords:when were the romans at their largest?, when were the romans at their weakest?, why did the romas expand?, importance of roman laws...., what do the roman laws tell us about the roman life?, dhfjmerog'mfds,g
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Vocabulary Test: employment law quizWords:Precedent, Jurisdiction, Mitigate; mitigation, Repudiation, Indirect discrimination, Further particulars, Effective date of termination, E.T, Schedule of Loss; Schedule of Remedies and Loss, Vicarious liability
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Vocabulary Test: Employee rights and stuffWords:Wages, Landrum Griffin Act 1959, Taft Hartley Act 1947, Wagner Act 1935, Norris La Quardia Act (1932) , Ex of ADA employees, Family and Medical Level Act 1993, Social Security Act 1935 , Americans with Disabilities Act 1990, Age Discrimination in Employment 1967, Worker Adjustment and Retaining Act 1988, Equal Employment Opportunity , Equal Pay Act 1963, Civil Rights Act 1964, Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), Grievances, Benefits
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Vocabulary Test: Mi pasatiempo/los juguetesWords:olividarse, obedecer, el sube y baja, la risa, el resbaladero, el recreo, los personajes, el payaso, el oso de peluche, la plastilina, mentir, la sonrisa, la muneca, la llanta, los cubos, el columpio, la caja, el barro, las barras, los juguetes , mi pasatiempo, pensar
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Vocabulary Test: GamzeeWords:Karkat, Terezi, Tavros, Vriska, Equius, Sollux, Kanaya, Eridan, Feferi, Nepeta
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Vocabulary Test: NSF- 5.1Words:conciliate, conclave, concordant, conflagration, congential, congeries, connive, consternation, constricted, contagion, contrarian, contravention, contrive, contumacious, conveyance, convivial, convocation, coquetry, cornice, corolla, corpus, coruscate, cosmology, countermand, counterpoint, countervail, covenant, covert, cower, credentials, credo, credulity, creel, crimp, crux, cryptic, cul-de-sac, culpable, cummerbund, cumulus, cupola, curator, curio, curtail, cut and run, cyclopean, dalliance, dally, dandle, dandy
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Vocabulary Test: Command TermsWords:Distinguish, Analyze, Determine, Evaluate, Examine, Describe, Discuss, Suggest, Label, Identify, Draw, Contrast, Estimate, To What Extent, Compare, Classify, Define, State, Outline, Explain, Justify, Annotate, Big, Small
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Vocabulary Test: The Epic TestWords:Epicness, Mudpenguin, Uber, 9000, Lax0r, IMAFIRENMAH, ZOMG, LMAO, Sackboy, Minecraft, Minecraftia, Piggin, lol, lolz, WTF, NUKEM, Bazooooooka, Filmer, Podcast, The Tubez
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Vocabulary Test: Word Lesson 1Words:Insertion Point, Default, Word Wrap, Thesaurus, Auto Correct, Toggle, Line Spacing, Fonts, Full block, Tab
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Vocabulary Test: Talasalitaan Filipino 2Words:malikhain, naengkanto, nagisnan, nagtungo, nakisiksik, namamaga, napatunganga, pagkakawanggawa, pagnanasa, pagsaluhan, pahiran, panauhin, pagmasdan, sinilaban, sumilong
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Vocabulary Test: medlistWords:mustargen, leukeran, mlyleran, cytoxan, paraplatin, platinol, rheumatrex, wellcovorin, navelbine, taxol, toposar, novaldex, arimidex, evista, zoladex, 5-fu, oncovin, cosmegen, tarceva, adriamycin
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Vocabulary Test: SAT quiz 1Words:candid, conjecture, didactic, euphemism, extrapolate, incoherent, insinuate, lucid, rhetoric, acumen, adroit, ascertain, astute, circumspect, reticent, staid, arcane, assimilate, autonomy, cosmopolitan, derivative (n), entourage, esoteric, gaffe, idiosyncrasy, insular, orthodox, potentate, castigate, censure, denounce, reclusive, relinquish, renounce, wituperative, circumscribe, contiguous, conciliatory, credible, exonerate, controvertible, indict, litigious, partisan (adj.), parity, rectitude, remiss, repudiate, sanctimonious, scrupulous
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Vocabulary Test: SAT quiz 3Words:multifarious, multiplicity, alleviate, ameliorate, beneficial, curative, palliative, therapeutic, complement (n), epitome, felicitous, belie, debunk, dubious, duplicitous, fabricate, fallacy, mendacious, specious, ambiguous, ambivalent, apathetic, capricious, equivocal, erratic, impetuous, impetus, sporadic, vacillate, whimsical, flag (v.), jaded, ingenous, subterfuge, surreptitious, dearth, modicum, paucity, squander, temperate, tenuous, diligent, maverick, mercenary, obstinate
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Vocabulary Test: SAT quiz 4Words:proliferate, tenacity, vigilant, extraneous, juxtapose, superfluous, synergy, tangential, aesthetic, aural, cacophony, dirge, eclectic, incongruous, sonorous, strident, debacle, debilitate, tumultuous, anachronistic, archaic, dilatory, ephemeral, redolent, temporal, onerous, portent, prescience, austere, banal, hackneyed, insipid, prosaic, soporific, vapid, brevity, expedient, transient, augment, bolster, burgeon, copious, distend, grandiose, prodigious, profundity, redouble, scintillating, averse, conspicuous
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Vocabulary Test: SAT quiz 5Words:demure, diffidence, docile, innocuous, placid, quiescent, concord, concur, dogmatic, fastidious, intransigence, jocular, meticulous, affable, alacrity, amiable, benign, sanguine, belligerent, byzantine, cantankerous, contentious, deleterious, exacerbate, flippant, insolent, nefarious, pernicious, rancorous, repugnant, tawdry, arboreal, invocation (n), stratify, variegated, variegated
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Vocabulary Test: The Glory of Ancient GreeceWords:Sparta, Helots, Athens, Agoras, Vendors, Slavery, Peloponnesian War, Plague, Blockade, Barbarians, Assassinated, Alexander the Great, Hellenistic
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Vocabulary Test: what dbz charecter are you?Words:are u nice or mean?, are u strong or r u weak?, wats ur favorite color?, if u had the dragon balls wat would u wish for?, do u like to eat?, how old r u?, wats ur favorite dbz charecter, r u funny?, do u have kids?, do u like to fight lots of people?
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Vocabulary Test: dissembledWords:dissembled, disabuse, disparate, compendious, alacrity, louche, sanguineous, laconic, droll, errant
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Vocabulary Test: SAT Vocabulary Day 1Words:abate, abatement, abdicate, aberrant, aberration, aboveboard, abrasive, abridge, abrupt, abstemious, abstinence, abstruse, abundant, abysmal, accede, accolade, accomodate, accord, accumulate, acerbic, acme, acne, acquiesce, acquisitive, acrimonious, acumen, adhere, adjudicate
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Vocabulary Test: SAT Vocabulary Day 2Words:adjunct, admonish, adroit, adulation, adulatory, adversity, advocate, aegis, aesthetic, affected, affirm, affliction, affluence, affront, afficionado, aggravate, aghast, agile, agitate, agitation, agnostic, agnosticism, akin, alacrity, alibi, align, allay, allegory
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Vocabulary Test: 100 Words Every High School Freshman Should Know Vocabulary TestWords:accentuate, analogy, aspire, bamboozle, boycott, commemorate, cower, decorum, deign, eclectic, embargo, exult, fallacy, formidable, guerilla, guru, hypocrisy, immune, empertinent, inference, introspection, jaunty, jovial, labyrinth, laconic
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