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Vocabulary Test: GamzeeWords:Karkat, Terezi, Tavros, Vriska, Equius, Sollux, Kanaya, Eridan, Feferi, Nepeta
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Vocabulary Test: NSF- 5.1Words:conciliate, conclave, concordant, conflagration, congential, congeries, connive, consternation, constricted, contagion, contrarian, contravention, contrive, contumacious, conveyance, convivial, convocation, coquetry, cornice, corolla, corpus, coruscate, cosmology, countermand, counterpoint, countervail, covenant, covert, cower, credentials, credo, credulity, creel, crimp, crux, cryptic, cul-de-sac, culpable, cummerbund, cumulus, cupola, curator, curio, curtail, cut and run, cyclopean, dalliance, dally, dandle, dandy
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Vocabulary Test: Command TermsWords:Distinguish, Analyze, Determine, Evaluate, Examine, Describe, Discuss, Suggest, Label, Identify, Draw, Contrast, Estimate, To What Extent, Compare, Classify, Define, State, Outline, Explain, Justify, Annotate, Big, Small
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Vocabulary Test: The Epic TestWords:Epicness, Mudpenguin, Uber, 9000, Lax0r, IMAFIRENMAH, ZOMG, LMAO, Sackboy, Minecraft, Minecraftia, Piggin, lol, lolz, WTF, NUKEM, Bazooooooka, Filmer, Podcast, The Tubez
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Vocabulary Test: Word Lesson 1Words:Insertion Point, Default, Word Wrap, Thesaurus, Auto Correct, Toggle, Line Spacing, Fonts, Full block, Tab
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Vocabulary Test: Talasalitaan Filipino 2Words:malikhain, naengkanto, nagisnan, nagtungo, nakisiksik, namamaga, napatunganga, pagkakawanggawa, pagnanasa, pagsaluhan, pahiran, panauhin, pagmasdan, sinilaban, sumilong
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Vocabulary Test: medlistWords:mustargen, leukeran, mlyleran, cytoxan, paraplatin, platinol, rheumatrex, wellcovorin, navelbine, taxol, toposar, novaldex, arimidex, evista, zoladex, 5-fu, oncovin, cosmegen, tarceva, adriamycin
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Vocabulary Test: SAT quiz 1Words:candid, conjecture, didactic, euphemism, extrapolate, incoherent, insinuate, lucid, rhetoric, acumen, adroit, ascertain, astute, circumspect, reticent, staid, arcane, assimilate, autonomy, cosmopolitan, derivative (n), entourage, esoteric, gaffe, idiosyncrasy, insular, orthodox, potentate, castigate, censure, denounce, reclusive, relinquish, renounce, wituperative, circumscribe, contiguous, conciliatory, credible, exonerate, controvertible, indict, litigious, partisan (adj.), parity, rectitude, remiss, repudiate, sanctimonious, scrupulous
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Vocabulary Test: SAT quiz 3Words:multifarious, multiplicity, alleviate, ameliorate, beneficial, curative, palliative, therapeutic, complement (n), epitome, felicitous, belie, debunk, dubious, duplicitous, fabricate, fallacy, mendacious, specious, ambiguous, ambivalent, apathetic, capricious, equivocal, erratic, impetuous, impetus, sporadic, vacillate, whimsical, flag (v.), jaded, ingenous, subterfuge, surreptitious, dearth, modicum, paucity, squander, temperate, tenuous, diligent, maverick, mercenary, obstinate
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Vocabulary Test: SAT quiz 4Words:proliferate, tenacity, vigilant, extraneous, juxtapose, superfluous, synergy, tangential, aesthetic, aural, cacophony, dirge, eclectic, incongruous, sonorous, strident, debacle, debilitate, tumultuous, anachronistic, archaic, dilatory, ephemeral, redolent, temporal, onerous, portent, prescience, austere, banal, hackneyed, insipid, prosaic, soporific, vapid, brevity, expedient, transient, augment, bolster, burgeon, copious, distend, grandiose, prodigious, profundity, redouble, scintillating, averse, conspicuous
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Vocabulary Test: SAT quiz 5Words:demure, diffidence, docile, innocuous, placid, quiescent, concord, concur, dogmatic, fastidious, intransigence, jocular, meticulous, affable, alacrity, amiable, benign, sanguine, belligerent, byzantine, cantankerous, contentious, deleterious, exacerbate, flippant, insolent, nefarious, pernicious, rancorous, repugnant, tawdry, arboreal, invocation (n), stratify, variegated, variegated
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Vocabulary Test: The Glory of Ancient GreeceWords:Sparta, Helots, Athens, Agoras, Vendors, Slavery, Peloponnesian War, Plague, Blockade, Barbarians, Assassinated, Alexander the Great, Hellenistic
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Vocabulary Test: what dbz charecter are you?Words:are u nice or mean?, are u strong or r u weak?, wats ur favorite color?, if u had the dragon balls wat would u wish for?, do u like to eat?, how old r u?, wats ur favorite dbz charecter, r u funny?, do u have kids?, do u like to fight lots of people?
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Vocabulary Test: dissembledWords:dissembled, disabuse, disparate, compendious, alacrity, louche, sanguineous, laconic, droll, errant
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Vocabulary Test: SAT Vocabulary Day 1Words:abate, abatement, abdicate, aberrant, aberration, aboveboard, abrasive, abridge, abrupt, abstemious, abstinence, abstruse, abundant, abysmal, accede, accolade, accomodate, accord, accumulate, acerbic, acme, acne, acquiesce, acquisitive, acrimonious, acumen, adhere, adjudicate
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Vocabulary Test: SAT Vocabulary Day 2Words:adjunct, admonish, adroit, adulation, adulatory, adversity, advocate, aegis, aesthetic, affected, affirm, affliction, affluence, affront, afficionado, aggravate, aghast, agile, agitate, agitation, agnostic, agnosticism, akin, alacrity, alibi, align, allay, allegory
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Vocabulary Test: 100 Words Every High School Freshman Should Know Vocabulary TestWords:accentuate, analogy, aspire, bamboozle, boycott, commemorate, cower, decorum, deign, eclectic, embargo, exult, fallacy, formidable, guerilla, guru, hypocrisy, immune, empertinent, inference, introspection, jaunty, jovial, labyrinth, laconic
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