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Vocabulary Test: Employability SkillsWords:Communication, Interpersonal Relationships, Creativity, Critical Thinking , Employability Skills, Diversity , Professional Image
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Vocabulary Test: The Emperor's EggWords:completely, actually, doing, taking, swimming, eating, slowly, starting, standing, freezing, leaf, leaves, important, nothing, dinner, flippers, hatch, miserable, slippery, waddled, horizon
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Vocabulary Test: bigboi100Words:rpg, ak47, desert eagle, uzi, wonderwaffle, mp5k, commando, G11, python, cz75, crossbow, ballestic knife, ak74u, m1911, spas12, stakeout, olmypia, hk21, stoner63, m60, m16, m14, grim reaper, tomahawk, AUG, semtex, frag, claymore, scavenger, Ghost, mystery box
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Vocabulary Test: junct, joinWords:conjoined, conjugate, conjunction, disjointed, join, joint, joint committee, jugular, junction, rejoin
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Vocabulary Test: Animal FarmWords:Old Major, Mr. Jones, Napoleon, Snowball, Animal Farm, Manor Farm, Napoleon's dogs, Moses, Squealer, Mollie, Boxer, Farmhouse, Seizing the eggs, Confessions and Executions, Hoof and horn of flag, Chasing away Jones, Snowball driven from the farm, Timber Sale, Pilkington, Frederick, Battle of the Cowshed, Battle of the Windmill, Building of the Windmill, Blowing up the WIndmill, Napoleon and Pilkington's cardgame
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Vocabulary Test: bone markingsWords:foramen, fossa, groove, meatus, sinus, condyle, eminence, facet, head, crest, epicondyle, line, spine, trochanter, tubercle, tuberosity
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Vocabulary Test: AP Lit. Terms for 2nd Semster ExamWords:dramatic irony, situational irony, verbal irony, homily, metonomy, allegory, allusion, antecedent, apostrophe, aphorism, ambiguity, ad hominem argument, analogy, inference, paradox, parallelism, oxymoron, subjunctive mood, loose sentence, extended metaphor, euphemism, conceit, denotation, independent clause, dependent clause, imperative mood, attitude, atmosphere, alliteration, genres, rhetorical modes, invective, hyperbole, satire, onomatopoeia, imagery, simle, parody, colloquialism, diction, didactic, penantic, tone, understatement, odium, nebulous, contingent, impassive, grisly
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Vocabulary Test: NightWords:Abstraction, Achtung, Aden, Aryan, annihilate, apathy, appeasing, Austerlitz, Babylonian Captivity, barometer, beastial, billeted, base, benediction, blandishment, boche, Cabbala, the captivity of babylon, Cavalry, charnel house, compulsory, compatriots, concentration camps, constraint, countenance, crucible, death camp, Death's head, derision, the destruction of the temple, dysentary, edict, emigration, expounding, expulsion, fascism, functionaries, Gestapo, Guerrillas, ghetto, gypsy, harangued, Hasidism, hermetically, Himmler, Heinrich, Hitler, Adolf, Horthy, Admiral Miklos, implored, incite, inconsiderable, indeterminate, inert, interminable, Job, Kaddish, kapos, knell, lamentation, Lazarus, lorries, lucidity, los, Maimonides, meager, Mengele, Dr. Josef, Messiah, mountebanks, Musulman, nocturnal, numerology, Nyilas party, oblivion, Passover, Pentecost, phylacteries, pillage, premonition, privations, rabbi, raucous, Red Army, reprieve, Rosh Hashana, SS, sage, sanctity, semblance, Spanish Inquisition, stupefied, summarily, Synagogue, Talmud, Temple, treatise, truncheons, unremittingly, vigilance, visionary, wizened, yellow star, Yom Kippur, Zionism, Zohar
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Vocabulary Test: LatinWords:ambulo, clamo, do, exclamo, delecto, festino, intro, laboro, libero, narro, neco, rogo, supero, verbero, vitupero, habeo, respondo, sedeo, video, cena, fabula, femina, pecunia, taberna, terra, via, villa, amicus, argentarius, servus, dominus, filius, puer, bellum, forum, atrium, vinum, clamor, fur, homo, iuvenis, mecator, pater, urbs, mater, uxor, nemo, cena
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Vocabulary Test: frenchWords:What day is it, Today is wednesday, Tomorrow is Thursday, See you Saturday, See you tomorrow, See you soon, See you in a little while, The day of the week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, day, today, tomorrow, yesterday, What is the date, Its October 12, Its June first, When is your birthday, My birthday is March 2, The months of the year, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
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Vocabulary Test: interme01Words:a cappella, aberration, abet, ablution, abrogate, abscess, abtruse, abysmal, accentuate, achilles' heel, acid rain, acid test, acquiescence, acrid, acronym, actuary, acuity, addled, adjudicate, adjunct
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Vocabulary Test: FitzgeraldWords:discipline, misbehave, acceptable, for their own good, respect, admit, violence, child abuse, lead to, get in trouble, complains
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Vocabulary Test: French FinalWords:La pluie acide, Les déchets nucleairir, Le charbon dioxide, Les pesticides, Les fumées, Les déchets (toxiques), Les fumées, La maréenoire, Le chauffrage, La chimie, La lumière, Les cuisinière de gaz, La peinture de plomb, Les gaz naturelle, Le pollueur, Les aérosols, Les engrais, La déforestation, La mouse chimique, L’ouïe, Le gout, Le toucher, L’odorat, La tête chauve, Les favoris, La gorge, Le menton, La narine, La mâchoire, Un os, Les gencives, La prunelle, La paupière, Le cil, Le sourcil, Tuer, Un meurtrier, Suffoquer, Étrangler, La victime, Blesser, Se suicider, Pendre, Noyer, Cambrioler, Terroriser, Violer, Travailler, Les émeutes, Une manifestation, Les drogues, La cocaïne, L’héroïne, La marijuana, Un sans-abri, Un logement, Un clochard, Un pauvre, Un H.L.M., Le chômeur, Le quartier populaire, Manquer de, Le tiers-monde, La sécheresse, Le déluge, Le mécontentement, La grogne, une aveugle, un poignet, l'orteils, la cuisse
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test IWords:abhor, abundant, accessible, acumen, adept, adversity, advocate, affable, affectation, alienate, aloof, amenable, anarchy, antagonistic, appease, apphrehensive, artless, assiduous, autonomous, bellicose, belligerent, bewilder, bombastic, brusque, bucolic
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Vocabulary Test: GREWords:Achromatic, Bifurcate, Contuse, Diadromous, Esoteric, Fuddle, Gynandromorph, Hirsute, Inveigle, Jural, Kibitzer, Luciferous, Minx, Noisome, Ominous, Piffle, Quiesent, Rotgut, Soluble, Tocsin, Userer, Viscid, Whang, Xenophile, Yeshiva, Zymurgy, Alacrity, Bowdlerize, Cacophony, Demimonde
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Vocabulary Test: intermefinal04Words:arboreal, archetype, ardor, aria, armageddon, arraign, arrogate, ascendancy, ascertain, aspersion, aspirant, assignation, astute, atmospheric inversion, attrition, audacious, august, aural, autocratic, automaton
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Vocabulary Test: intermefinal05Words:avarice, aversion, avian, aviary, avionics, awry, axis, bacchanal, back-pedal, baksheesh, baleful, bandy, basilica, bastion, bay, bear, bedevil, bedlam, bedfuddled, beggar
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