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Vocabulary Test: 8th Grade Earth Science Exam Review Chap 5Words:Recycling, Ore, Mineral resource, Biomass energy, Geothermal energy, Hydroelectric energy, Wind farm, Solar energy, Nuclear energy, Reserve, Natural gas, Oil, Coal, Fossil fuel, Hydrocarbons, Renewable energy sources that are inexhaustible, Renewable energy that is not inexhaustible
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Vocabulary Test: 101-150Words:seethe, obsequious, officious, fallacious, bumptious, ingrate, bilious, ruminate, palliate, rancorous, respite, rife, duplicity, querulous, pristine, wane, wily, impetuous, replete, rapacious, travail, duplicitous, boisterous, laggard, mundane, nadir, expunge, pretentious, paucity, cache, cadaver, cajole, cantankerous, chastise, boorish, sanguine, inane, depraved, deleterious, tempestuous, arduous, deft, allure, callow, emulate, chattel, inure, desiccate, misnomer, emit
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Vocabulary Test: Afghan Star Vocab TestWords:landlocked, drought, illicit, Islam, Quran, deforestation, famine, elimination, Taliban, Muslim, competition, choreography, repertoire, lyrics, modesty
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Vocabulary Test: Social Studies VocabularyWords:defiantly, banishment, sullenly, bombarded, reluctantly, vengeance, rehabilitating, relinquish, treacherous, resentment, bluffing, humility, persistnet, scepticism, resigned, inevitable, tentative, reverently, submission, incessant, taunting, monotonous, savouring, mauled, arraignment
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Vocabulary Test: 101-150-sentWords:seethe, obsequious, officious, fallacious, bumptious, ingrate, bilious, ruminating, palliate, rancorous, rife, duplicity, respite, querulous, pristine, wane, wily, impetuous, replete, rapacious, travail, duplicitous, boisterous, laggard, mundane, nadir, expunged, pretentious, paucity, boorish, cache, cadaver, cajole, cantankerous, chastising, sanguine, inane, depraved, deleterious, tempestuous, arduous, deft, allure, callow, emulate, chattel, inure, dehydrate, misnomer, emit
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Vocabulary Test: Critical Thinking Test, .net, .edu, .org, .gov, .mil, .kids, domain, cite, citation, reference, footnote, source, URL, page, bias, ethos, pathos, logos, logic, logical fallacy, evaluate, validity, reliablity
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Vocabulary Test: ramiro rodriguezWords:abate, adulation, anathema, astute, avarice, culpable, dilatory, egregious, equivocate, evanescent, irresolute, nebulous, novice, penury, pretentious, recapitulate, resuscitate, slovenly, supposition, torpid
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Vocabulary Test: 8th Grade Earth Science Exam Review Chap 11Words:Fault, Earthquake, Normal faults, Reverse fault, Strike-slip fault, Seismic waves, Focus, Primary wave, Secondary waves, Surface waves, Epicenter, Seismograph, magnitude, liquefaction, tsunami
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Vocabulary Test: Milkweed VocabularyWords:matzoh, bombardment, babka, sandbag, jackboots, hooligan, scrounge, orphan, rubble, mutter, typhus, plod, ghetto, turnip, scowl, shalom, bedraggled, maggot, maternalize, bellow, ramrod, careen, swagger, flamethrower, pod, intersection, taunt, patrol, mimic, menorah, undertaker, refugee, quota, zloty, silhouette, agitated, huckster
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Vocabulary Test: Civil Rights Vocabulary QuizWords:Discrimination, Freedom Ride, Fillbuster, Gerrymandering, Racism, Busing, Prejudice, Defiance, Harass, Abolish, Segregation, Desegregation, Civil Rights, Lincoln Memorial, Constitution, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcom X, Coretta Scott King, Boycott, Sit-in, Nonviolence, Integration, Black Codes, 13th Ammendment, 14th Ammendment, Ku Klux Klan, Interracial, Civil, Lynch, Court, Justice, Beat, Segregation, Black Panther, Desegregation, Constitution, Democracy, 15th Ammendment, Gettysburg Address
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Vocabulary Test: GRE Letter AWords:Abate, Aberrant, Abjure, Abrogate, Abscission, Abscond, Abstain, Accolade, Accretion, Acerbic, Acumen, Admonish, Adroit, Adulation, Adulterate, Adumbrate, Advocate, Aesthetic, Aggrandize, Alacrity, Alchemy, Alloy, Amalgamate, Ambiguity, Ambivalence, Ameliorate, Amenable, Anachronism, Anathema, Anodyne, Anomaly, Antagonize, Antipathy
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 1 Quack VocabWords:delineate, nefarious, vernacular, brawn, tout, enhance, hinderance, efface, glutton, hiatus, guerulous, engender, obliterate, copious, obscure, extol, pugnacious, quell, artisan, kindle
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Vocabulary Test: 8th Grade Earth Science Exam Review Chap 13Words:Fossil, Permineralized remain, Carbon film, Mold, Cast, Index fossil, Principle of superposition, Relative age, Unconformity, Absolute age, Radioactive decay, Half-life, Radiometric dating, Uniformitarianism
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Vocabulary Test: 8th Grade Earth Science Exam Review Chap 16Words:Front-, Cold front, Relative humidity, Dew point, Hurricane, Lightning, Isobar, Saturated, Fog, Air mass, Weather, Precipitation, Four main types of precipitation:, Low pressure, High pressure, Tornado, Severe weather watch, Severe weather warning
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Vocabulary Test: 8th Grade Earth Science Exam Review Chap 12Words:Caldera, Volcanic neck, Sill, Dike, Batholith, Composite volcano, Cinder cone volcano, Tephra, Shield volcano, Hot spots, Crater, Vent, Volcano, Where do volcanoes occur?, Factors that control whether an eruption will be explosive or qu
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Vocabulary Test: dirty-thirty-sentWords:lieu, discomfited, insular, repose, guise, anterior, complicit, licit, diverge, umbrage, draconian, lassitude, inveigle, laconic, commodious, castigate, cacophony, ostracize, sundry, coterie, candor, bucolic, baleful, sardonic, belie, nuance, abstruse, undulate, penchant, wastrel
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Vocabulary Test: lesson 13Words:calendar, carnival, experience (noun), experience (verb), govern, gulf (noun), gulf (not sea), haste, hasty, nation, nation (not the place), national, scatter, scatter (not to spread), surrender, thrill (noun), thrill (verb)
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 29 and 30Words:flail, stoic, haggard, vanquish, baleful, somnolent, entourage, bilateral, impunity, attrition, arable, gird, incise, gradation, askew, abut, orient, indigenous, nurture, solstice
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