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Vocabulary Test: employability skills
communication, interprersonal relationship, creativity, critical thinking , employability skills, diversity , professional image

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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 2, Vocab 3
Inimical, Protean, Rapport, Sardonic, Putative, Raiment, Sapient, Uxorious, Prurient, Rancor, Stygian, Vehement, Puerile, Repugnant, Truculent, Impecunious, Quagmire, Repudiate, Trepidation, Inscrutable, Declivity, Flotsam, Jetsam, Obsequious, Diffident, Germane, Juggernaut, Offal, Effete, Knell

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Vocabulary Test: Employability skills
Communication , Interpersonal Relationships, Creativity, Critical Thinking , Employability Skills, Diversity

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Vocabulary Test: Employability skills key term
Communication, Interpersonal Relationships, Creativity , Critical Thinking, Employability Skills, Diversity, Professional Image

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Vocabulary Test: employability skill Key terms
Employability skills, Creativity, critical thinking, Interpersonal relationships, Communication , Diversity

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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills Key Terms
professional image , Diversity, Employability skills, Critical thinking, Interpersonal relationships, Creativity, Communication

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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 2, Vocab 4
Egregious, Scathing, Corpulent, Felonious, Convoluted, Excoriate, Ludicrous, Insuperable, Deference, Gesticulate, Porcine, Immutable, Nemesis, Factitious, Phlegmatic, Nascent, Iconoclast, Expedite, Pecuniary, Malaise, Recondite, Renege, Deleterious, Prefigure, Sententious, Temerity, Dearth, Desultory, Xenophobia, Prevaricate

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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 2, Vocab 2
Alight, Turgid, Meretricious, Benediction, Denizen , Subterfuge, Malevolence, Convivial, Ascertain, Harlequin , Kike, Apathetic, Indeterminate, Oculist, Settee, Complacence, Languid, Incredulous, Vicarious, Truculent, Aesthetic, Effectually, Ineffable, Contingencies, Inviolate, Portentous, Redolent, Amorphous, commensurate, nebulous, ramification, Dilatory, libertine, magnanimous, garrulous, pasquinade, orgiastic, Cog, Hovel, Cupidity

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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 2, Vocab 6
Panacea, Stentorian, Countermand, Debilitate, Galvanize, Idiosyncrasy, Menagerie, Narcissistic, Inculcate, Largess, Obeisance, Paucity, Redoubtable, Miscreant, Tribulation, Utilitarian, Vapid, Coalesce, Maladroit, Salubrious, Idiomatic, Pundit, Onus, Nascent, Providence, Dispel, Servile, Truculent, Depravity, Unabated

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Vocabulary Test: Economics: Unemployment
Unemployed , Structural Unemployment, Seasonal Unemployment, Frictional Unemployment, Cyclical Unemployment, Technological Unemployment, Automation, Unemployment Rate

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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 2, Vocab 5
Corroborate, Impinge, Multifarious, Recaltricant, Caveat, Derision, Spurious, Immolate, Neophyte, Cryptic, Platitude, Endeavor, Anomaly, Wane, Appellation, Specious, Ancillary, Placebo, Compendium, Lampoon, Deprecate, Purported, Cogent, Propitiation, Liminal, Catarrh, Proboscis , Anathema, Assuage, Rail

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Vocabulary Test: Alex's Wonder Empourium
disorderly, breakdown, annihlate, affix, afar, malady

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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 2, Vocab 1
Privy, Excursion, Supercilious, Vista, Irrelevant , Persistent, Wan, Unobtrusive, Extemporaneous , Rotogravure, Contiguous, Pastoral, Incessant, Ambiguous, Erroneous, Vacuous, Enjoined, Somnambulism, Parcel, Unaffected, Fractious, Pungent, Imperceptibly, Deft, Imperative, Banter, Tangible, Peremptory , Anemic, Interposed, Hauteur, Strident, Innuendo, Asunder, Affectation, Indignant, Inclined, Wistful, Divan, Desolate

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Vocabulary Test: SFHS Kemp, Sem 2, Vocab 9
Cogent, Purported, Deprecate, Lampoon, Compendium, Placebo, Ancillary, Specious, Appellation, Wane, Anomaly, Endeavor, Platitude, Cryptic, Neophyte, Immolate, Spurious, Derision, Caveat, Recaltricant, Impetuous , Furtive, Pariah, Sapient, Facetious, Foible, Lugubrious, Punitive, Tenet, Heinous

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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills Key Terms
Diversity, Employability Skills, Interpersonal Relationships, Professional Image, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication

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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills Key Terms
Communication , Interpersonal Relationships, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Employability Skills, Diversity , Professional Image

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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills Key Terms
professional image , employability skills, critical thinking , interpersonal relationships, creativity, diversity, communication

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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills Key Terms
Professional Image, Diversity , Employability Skills, Critical Thinking , Creativity , Communication, Interpersonal Relationships

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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills Key Terms
Communication , Interpersonal Relationships , Creativity , Critical Thinking , Employability Skills, Diversity, Professional Image

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Vocabulary Test: Employabilty Skills Key Terms
professional image, diversity, employability skills , interpersonal relationships, critical thinking, creativity , communication

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Vocabulary Test: is tht you?
adonis, atlas, baedeker, bowdlerize, boycott, chauvinist, cicerone, damoclean, gargantuan, john hancock, machiavellian, malapropism, mentor, mesmerize, odyssey, phillipic, quisling, quixotic, sadistic, stentorian, draconian, exorbitant, vile, effeminate, calamity, lenient, diehard, antedivulian, cower, timourous, sinewy, chaff, horde, score, insurgent, obese, stout, emaciated, alchemy, backsheesh, bellicose, carp, collation, cull, demur, desuetude, divert, dun, empirical, equivocate, hypothetical, imprimatur, ingenious, mendacious, paneqyric, preen, pusillanimous, quagmire, rue, taciturn, fester, stifle, beguile, orison, peevish, pensive, turret, myriad, minute, bard

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Vocabulary Test: vocab roots
vis, spect, audi, phon, dict, voc, scrib, graph, soci, mem, de, sub, port, mis, vers, contra

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Vocabulary Test: Review for L.A. Finals
Corporal, Incorporate, Manuscript, Sanguine, Sanguinary, Capitulation, Decapitate, Degustation, Gustatory, Oculist, Exsanguinate, Incorporal, Consanguineous, Peddler, Manumission, Aural, Auricle, Auricular, Digit, Prestidigitator, Digital, Mandate, Palpable, Impalpable, Abstruce, Complaint, Endemic, Ferver, Homage, Belie, Deprecate, Exacerbate, Garner, Infer, Acrimony, Bombast, Contingent, Euphemism, Innocuous, Hackneyed, Extricate, Enervate, Indict, Concur, Abyss, Altruistic, Automaton, conflagration, Harangue, Hermetically, Imprudent, Penury, Pestilential, Wizened, Assent, Malice, Etheral, Impalpable, Grisly, Firmament, Latent, Erudite, Visage, Replete

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Unit 12
absolve, extenuate, enthrall, prosaic, deleterious, preeminent, caricature, paraphrase, redundant, paragon, cupidity, clangor, exude, sanctimonious, enhance, ostentatious, windsome, politic, implicit, incisive, contiguous, scintillating

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 11 Lesson 2
capital, raw material, human resources, capital resources, factory, manufacture

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Vocabulary Test: bucolic-umbrage
bucolic, umbrage, candor, abridge, cloister, chide, sundry, coterie, queue, disparage, ostracize, cacophony, bereave, ubiquitous, assuage, supplant, castigate, petulant, commodious, laconic, curtail, inveigle, duress, lassitude, draconian

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Vocabulary Test: personal finance
wants, needs, value, short term goal, intermediate term goal, long term goal, fixed expense, variable expense, periodic expense, pay-yourself-first, APR, Credit Limt, Credit Score, Universal Default Clause, 70-20-10 Rule, Rule of 72, Risk-to-return relationship, Diversification, Liquid Asset, CD, Savings Account, Bank, Credit Union, April 15th, Voluntary Compliance, Net Pay, Gross Pay, Interest, Sales Tax

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Vocabulary Test: buc-umb-sent
abridge, assuage, bereave, bucolic, cacophony, candor, castigate, chide, cloister, commodious, coterie, curtail, disparage, draconian, duress, inveigle, laconic, lassitude, ostracize, petulant, queue, sundry, supplant, ubiquitous, umbrage

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Vocabulary Test: econ
Capital, Land, Labor, Entrepreneurship, Opportunity Cost, Trade-off, Scarcity, Productions Possibilities Curve, Capitalism, Pure Market Economy, Socialism, Communism, Command Economy, Control Economy, Traditional Economy, Free Enterprise System, Mixed Economy, Credit Union, Savings and Loan Bank, Credit Check, Principal, Warehouse store, Convenience store, Shortage, Surplus, Elastic, Inelastic, Complement, Substitute, Horizontal meger, Vertical meger, Conglomerate merger, Perfect Competition, Monopolisitic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly, Cost-benefit Analysis, Mediation, Arbitration, Injunction, Unskilled Worker, Semiskilled Worker, Skilled worker, professional, right-to-work, developed country, developing country

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Final
e'lan, acrimonious, bovine, conducive, consternation, corpulent, disavow, dispassionate, dissension, dissipate, expurgate, gauntlet, hypothetical, ignoble, impugn, intemperate, odium, perfidy, relegate, squeamish, subservient, suspectible

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Vocabulary Test: vocabch11
arch, authentic, clarify, declare, grant, grave, modest, opponent, valid, yearn

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Vocabulary Test: vocabch11syn
arch, authentic, clarify, declare, grant, grave, modest, opponent, valid, yearn

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Vocabulary Test: vocabch11ant
authentic, clarify, declare, grant, grave, modest, opponent, valid

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Vocabulary Test: science 19.1
solar system, nebulas, solar nebula, planetesimals, rotation, orbit, revolution, period of revolution, ellipse, astronomonical unit

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Vocabulary Test: Wordly Wise B Test 9
branch, brooch, brush, chest, crack, cry, ruler, soak, stare

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 22 Chemical Bonds 9th
polyatomic ion, binary compound, polar molecule, ion, ionic bond, covalent bond, hydrate, molecule, oxidation number, chemical formula

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Vocabulary Test: Ellen Foster Quiz
Lounger, Cot, Accumulate, Notion, Vengeance, Outfitted, Variety, Speculation, Contemplation, Liquor, Sidled, Lincoln, Sorrow, Agitate, Hoarse, Raucous, Defect, Dinette, Irresponsible, Irrefragable, Irate, Inglorious, Harbinger, Grimace, Grievance, Terrarium, Freethinker, Expitate, Explosive, Exempt, Donate, Measly, Disappoint, Puerile, Smooch, Grateful, Brooding, Fragile, Conspicuous, Broach

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Vocabulary Test: "The Pigman" Vocabulary Quiz Ch. 1 - 4
epic, commemorative, destructive, distort, phony, repress, compassion, avocation, excrutiating, infantile, mortified, incandescent, paranoia, marathon, disinfectant, fanatic, hideous, philanthropy, glaring, prevarication, donation, innocent

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Vocabulary Test: King Midas and the Golden Touch
adorn, cleanse, lifeless, precious, realm, spoonful

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Vocabulary Test: 8th Grade Earth Science Exam Review Chap 4
Cementation, Compaction, Sedimentary rock, Sediment, Foliated, Nonfoliated, Metamorphic rock, Granitic, Basaltic, Extrusive, Intrusive, Lava, Igneous rock, Rock cycle, Rock
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