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Vocabulary Test: The Cay 1
gnats, tutored, drone, massive, conch, leeward, galleons, fronds, haunches, wrenching, schooner, reeve, thrashing, torpedo, rancid, papayas, lurched, scorch

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Vocabulary Test: Broken Wing
doomed, cringed, spectrum, passionate, firestorm, productive

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Vocabulary Test: Embalming 1 pgs. 4-12
Agonal Edema, Agonal Dehydration, Agonal Bacterial Translocation, Postmortem Physical and Chemical changes, Postmorten Physical Changes, Intrinsic Factors, Extrinsic Factors, Hypostasis, Contact Pallor, Livor Mortis, Cadaveric/Postmortem Lividity, Postmortem Dehydration, Postmortem Edema, Imbibition, Sludge Agglutination, Increase in Blood Viscosity, Endogenous Invasion or Micro-Organisms Bacterial Translocation, Postmortem Chemical Changes, Postmortem Caloricity, Postmortem Stain, Shift in Body Ph, Primary Flaccidity, Secondary Flaccidity, Rigor Mortis, Breaking Rigor Mortis, Min. Temperature for Rigor Mortis, Ideal/Optimum Temperature for Rigor Mortis, Max. Temperature for Rigor Mortis, Cadaveric Spasm, 3 Major Biochemicals of the body, Saprophytic Bacteria, Lysosome(not lysine), Autolysis, Hydrolysis, Ptomaine's, Ptoma, Skato, Saccharolysis, Fermentation, Saponification, Adipocere(grave wax), Order of Decomposition, Order of Tissue Decomposition, Min. Temperature for Decompostion, Optimum Temperature for Decomposition, Max. Temperature for Decomposition, Order of Decomposition of Body Compounds, Order of Putrefaction of the Organs, End Products of Decomposition, Hydrogen Sulfide & Mercaptan, Methane, Ammonia & Ammonium compounds, 5 Classic Signs of Decomposition, Color Changes, Odor, Desquamation(skin slip), Gas, Tissue Gas

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Vocabulary Test: GRE Test 8
specious, stentorian, rapacious, hubris, exculpate, toady, axiomatic, gainsay, odium, perfidious, obviate, recondite, adumbrate, propitiate, veracity, desultory, canard, opprobrious, banal, recalcitrant, carp, forestall, viscid, nascent, obsequious, sententious, insensate, maculated, rancor, cadge, fervent, lugubrious, meretricious, laconic, recondite, redoubtable, inveigle, anathema, abnegate, imbroglio, irascible, insouciant, proscribe, nonplussed, inure, reconnoiter, quixotic, occluded, somatic, cogent

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Vocabulary Test: Peter
raucous, receptive, renounce, repress, reticent, I love you

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Vocabulary Test: 4th Grade Lesson 5
adequate, administer, agitate, capitulate, citrus, disrupt, hovel, illiterate, indifferent, menial, permanent, respite, strenuous, toil, urgent

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Vocabulary Test: 5th Grade Lesson 5
audacious, confiscate, conscientious, depict, embark, inkling, lackadaisical, mutiny, pilfer, profusion, prudent, rankle, rebuke, serene, slovenly

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Vocabulary Test: Transformation Vocab
Transformation, Preimage, Image, Isometry, Translation, Composition, Reflection, Rotation, Center of rotation, Symmetry, Line of symmetry, Rotational Symmetry, Point Symmetry, Dilation, Enlargement, Reduction, Tessellation of Tiling

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Vocabulary Test: Names/Nombres Vocabulary Quiz
Chaotic, Convoluted, Ethnicity, Exotic, Inevitably, Initial, Ironically, Merge, Specify, Usher

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Vocabulary Test: Merchandising Exam 4
average, cash advance, cash discount, quantity discount, trade discount, consecutive method, customer value index (cvi), demonstration (educational) grouping, funeral merchandising, markup, mean, median, mode, merchandise value ratio (mvr), rebate, sales frequency chart, disadvantages of unit pricing, advantages of planned buying, range, casket stand (casket standard), casket rack, church truck, bier, minimal number of caskets displayed, maximum number of caskets displayed, 1st quartile, 2nd and 3rd quartile, 4th quartile, personal satisfaction quartile, number of square feet to display a casket, post selection room procedures, locations of funeral home display, pre-selection room counseling, direct selection room procedure, indirect selection room procedure, criteria for the price of a funeral, Itemization, bi-unit pricing, functional pricing, package pricing, unit pricing, lighting, direct lighting, indirect lighting, fluorescent lighting, incandescent lighting, advantages of itemization, disadvantages of itemization, advantages of bi-unit pricing, advantages of functional pricing, advantages of unit pricing

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Vocabulary Test: seal surfer vocab.
basked, buffeted, horizon, quay, surf, swell, swooped

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 24
Wrath, Wrest, Yen, Wanderlust, Wheedle, Waffle, Welter, Wan, Zealous, Wiseacre, Zeitaeist, Wince, Woe, Zephyr, Wily, Waft, Winnow, Wane, Zest, Witticism

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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 18
abroad, anguish, commence, commend, controversy, cordial, dissent, earnest, elicit, exhilaration, genuine, hoax, manipulate, recount, skeptic

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Vocabulary Test: The Dog That Dug for Dinosaurs
growled, guard, exact, discovered, remove, explained, amazed, souvenirs

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz for The Josefina Story Quilt
buffalo, starve, bitter, quilt, colt, banjo

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Vocabulary Test: Lit EOCT Words
Alliteration, Allusion, Anecdote, Antagonist, Archetype, Aside, Assonance, Autobiography, Ballad, Biography, Characterization, Cliche, Climax, Conflict, Connotation, Denotation, Dialogue, Dramatic POV, End Rhyme, Epic Poetry, Epithet, Exposition, Falling Action, Fantasy, Fiction, Figurative Language, First Person Point Of View, Flashback, Forehadowing, Free Verse, Genre, Hero, Haiku, Historical Fiction, Hyperbole, Iambic Pentameter, Imagery, Irony, Lyric Poetry, Metaphor, Meter, Monologue, Mystery, Myth, Narrative Poetry, Non-Fiction, Omniscient Point Of View, Onomatopoeia, Oxymoron, Paradox, Parallelism, Personification, Plot, Point Of View, Poetic Justice, Prologue, Prose, Protagonist, Pseudonym, Pun, Refrain, Rhyme, Science Fiction, Second Person, Setting, Simile, Soliloquy, Sonnet, Stream Of Consciounes, Stanza, Style, Symbol, Theme, Third Peron Point Of View, Tone, Tragedy

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Vocabulary Test: Ch.9 - Prosocial Behavior
altruistic personality, diffusion of responsibility (bk), empathic joy hypothesis, empathy, empathy-altruism hypothesis, generativity, kin selection theory, moral integrity, negative state-relief model, pluralistic ignorance, prosocial behavior, self-interest (egoism), social exclusion, bystander effect, diffusion of responsibility (wksht), deindividuation, just-world illusion, norms of altruism, equity norm, reciprocity, social responsibility, empathy

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Vocabulary Test: CCJ 215 Final
Pixel Policy, memorial criminal justice policies, Looping, Multimedia web, Narrowcasting, On-demand, Interactiviety, infotainment, Commodification, Media trial, Mediated experience, 3 Characteristics of New Media, 4 types of media, social constructionism, Claims makers, Factual Claims, Interpretative claims, linkage, Frames, Narratives, Symbolic Crimes, ownership, Conversational reality, court of public opinion, Criminologist Theodore Sasson

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Vocabulary Test: CCJ 215 Final Exam 2
Criminogenic Infotainment, Common portrait of a criminal in the media, Priming mechanism, Rational choice theories, Lombroso, William Sheldon, mesomorph, Freud, Robert Merton, Albert Bandura, Political Theories, Front-end loaded, Hays commission and Hays code, Backwards law, Functions of law enforcement, Mapp v Ohio, Terry v Ohio, Media trials and abuse of power, Media trials and sinful rich, Evil strangers, Estes v Texas, Concerns regarding the effects of televising trials, Hyper-reality, Technique of naturalization, Technique of identication, The Shield, Taxi Driver

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Vocabulary Test: CCJ 215 Final Exam 3
Percentage of television and films concerning connections, Nature of confinement, Authority and control, pursuit of justice, freedom and release, Types of negative stories that typify correctional news, corrections coverage and infotainment, 3 factors that determine quantity of correctional news, victimization reduction ads, what do anti-crime efforts focus on, announcement effect, surveillance effect, what media campaigns have to do to be effective, Reefer Madness anti-crime campaign, citizan cooperation ads, when is media technology used by the CJS, video recording-crime control advocates v due process advocates, video taped interrogations, mental illness and the media, mental illness and violence, insanity defense, Comic code authority office, does comics and juvenile delinquency cause the other, entertainment industries council and mental illness, Murder in the First, Blind man and the Elephant, Dr. Karl Jung
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