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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Tuesdays With MorrieWords:imminent, insidious, inconsequential, transcend, atrophy, innately, agnostic, cynical, accosted, mogul, ambivalence, aphorisms
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Vocabulary Test: around the hornWords:hamper, hiatus, hierarchy, idolatry, iconoclast, idyllic, impair, incontrovertible, indolence, influx, intrepid, inure, lackadaisical, lambaste, lampoon, latent, languid, malice, nemesis, nocturnal, opaque, ostensible, pacifist, palisade, palliate, palpable, pandemic, paridigm, paragon, parley, acrid, acrimony, acumen, acute, bibulous, construe, deviate, dubious, exacerbate, gratuitous, gratuity, imbibe, impervious, indubitable, infrastructure, ingrate, ingratiate, insipid, introspection, misconstrue, obviate, perspicacious, retrospect, sapient, viaduct, abate, accrue, antediluvian, bovine, carnage, corpulent, covert, crass, credulous, culpable, dilatory, efficacious, egregious, fortuitous, gratuitous, impugn, inimical, mitigate, munificent, novice, penury, recapitulate, succinct, surfeit, torpid, adamant, petulance, preclude, immutable, opulence, extricate, paltry, innocuous, irresolute, redolent, fulminate, garrulous, futile, relegate, sententious, rampant, obliterate, usurp, impudence, capricious, carrion, cataclysm, annals, deploy, brouhaha, bolster, amity, benighted, inundate, bevy, bauble, capitulate, balked, attrition, clone, booty, deter, courier, camaraderie, assail, placid, emaciated, somnolent, truculent, assiduous, voluble, endemic, exemplary, diffident, explicate, complacent, reticent, deviate, fathom, concur, placate, benefactor, officious, explicit, misconstrue, pompous, baleful, belie, abstruse, wastrel, ominous, undulate, querulous, sardonic, nuance
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Vocabulary Test: easy streetWords:capacious, penury, serpentine, acquiesce, defame, misconstrue, destitute, envenom, efface, erroneous, feign, multifarious, opine, laud, insolent, irksome, rue, stupified, surreal, vilify, pernicious, pallid, obfuscate, maniacal, timorous, penury, serpentine, hellion, vacillate, feckless, meticulous, apathy, benign, clamor, clandestine, efficacious, enmity, glean, emaciated, effrontery, fatuous, fictitious, covert, overt, cower, furtive, flagrant, facade, dilatory, aggrandize, exemplary, tribulation, plaudits, ludicrous, gesticulate, garner, belate, adulterate, ameliorate, apparition, asinine, assiduous, bigamist, laggard, coddle, erudite, mitigate, philanderer, praxis, unkempt, truncated, tractable, verbose, sallow, proffer
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Vocabulary Test: rashed7Words:affected, computers, environment, methods, consume, negative, areas, authorities, economy, impact, involved, benefits
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test 5Words:hone, hubbub, ideology, illumine, imbibe, imminent, impel, impend, imperative, impertinent, imperturbable, impervious, import, impoverish, inprecation, impromptu, imprudent, incessant, inclement, incredulity, infer, ingenue, ingenuous, ingratiate, inherent, innumerable, inoculation, inordinate, inscrutable, insurrection, interchangeable, intrepid, intrigue, introspection, intrude, intuition, inveterate, invincible, irrelevant, jetty, knave, labyrinth, lampoon, languish, lank
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Vocabulary Test: Gothic and Horror FictionWords:Gothic fiction, horror fiction, genre, setting, imagery, suspense, grotesque, supernatural, macabre, immortality, superstition, circumstance, death
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test 6Words:larding, lassitude, laud, linguist, list, loot, malediction, mandate, marooned, masochist, meander, meddlesome, melancholy, mellifluous, merciless, merriment, mete, methodical, meticulous, misconstrue, mongrel, monomaniacal, monstrosity, monumental, mooring, mottle, mused, mutiny, myriad, nascent, nettle, nonchalance, nuisance, nullify, obdurate, obscure, obsequious, obtuse, odious, orator, orient, ornithologist, ostracize, palate, pallid
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Vocabulary Test: unit 11Words:arch, authentic, clarify, declare, grant, grave, modest, opponent, valid, yearn
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Vocabulary Test: PreceptorshipWords:hematocrit, hematopoesis, hemostat, heparin, hypertonic, iatrogenic, immunization, intradermal, invasive tumor, isotonic, lavage, leukocytes, leukopenia, ligate, macrocytic, malignant, microcytic, palliative, palpation, parasite, pathogen, pathology, phagocyte, plasma, prevalence, PRN, prognosis, prophylaxis, pyrexia, regimen, remission, retractor, septicemia, serum, strabismus, sublingual, symptom, tranquilizer, venipuncture, acute, agglutination, analgesic, anaphylaxis, anisocytosis, antibody, antidiarrheal, antigen, bacilli, blood smear, centesis, centrifuge, chronic, communicable disease, contagious disease, diagnosis, dosage, drain, EDTA, erythrocyte, excise
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 12Words:blunt, fervor, impressive, inferior, neglect, obviously, quality, query, uniform, urgency
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab - SpringWords:rebuke, recant, recapitulate, recoil, recondite, recreant, rectify, redolent, redundant, regale, regress, sacrosanct, sagacious, sadistic, salacious
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Vocabulary Test: SAT quiz 3Words:cajole, chicanery, obsequious, sycophant, altruism, eminent, empathy, extol, laudatory, magnanimous, philanthropic, reciprocate, defunct, eradicate, expurgate, extirpate, quell, raze, squelch, supplant, stymie, abase, deride, derogatory, disparage, effrontery, ignominy, impugn, mar, pejorative, vex, vindictive, bombastic, ebullience, exorbitant, exuberant, embellish, flagrant, gratuitous, lavish, lugubrious, opulent, ornate, penchant, redundant, ubiquitous, vicarious, vignette, amalgam, inundate
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Vocabulary Test: how to talk like a metalsmithWords:Annealing, Bench Pin, Bezel, Brass, Chamfer, Chasing, Copper, Cross peen hammer, dapping block, drawplate, findings, flex shaft, flux, forging, liver of sulfur, mallet, mandrel, needle files, nickel silver, patina, pickle, piercing, planishing, punches, rivets, roll printing, rolling mill, silver, solder, stakes, stamping, steel, tabs, work hardening
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Vocabulary Test: 30 weekWords:abstinence, amicable, benevolent, camaraderie, conditional, congregation, enhance, hackneyed, superficial, vindicate
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Vocabulary Test: 111 finalWords:emergency, physician, maximum, omit, quarterly, semiannually, cardiac, residence, minimum, ordinance, laceration, prescription, liable, spouse, violation, annually, collision, hazardous, signature, employer, equestrian, references, fatality, intoxicated, confidential, respriratory system, resume', temporary, seldom, contagious, consult, biography, autobiography, revoke, prompt, flashback, dialog, legible, parable, Caucasian, pharmacist, internal, external, pneumonia, abdomen, fracture, expired, dusk, interview, fatal
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 23Words:Joust, Juncture, Kin, Jaunt, Kiosk, Jetsam, Kinetic, Jostle, Kilter, Jocular, Jubilation, Judicious, Juggernaut, Kismet, Junket, Jovial, Juxtapose, Jilt, Jeopardize, Karma
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