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Vocabulary Test: Greek and Latin Roots: Lesson 1 "Foil"
bifoliate, defoliant, exfoliate, foliage, folic acid, folio, portfolio, trefolio, foil, unifoliate

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Tuesdays With Morrie
imminent, insidious, inconsequential, transcend, atrophy, innately, agnostic, cynical, accosted, mogul, ambivalence, aphorisms

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Vocabulary Test: around the horn
hamper, hiatus, hierarchy, idolatry, iconoclast, idyllic, impair, incontrovertible, indolence, influx, intrepid, inure, lackadaisical, lambaste, lampoon, latent, languid, malice, nemesis, nocturnal, opaque, ostensible, pacifist, palisade, palliate, palpable, pandemic, paridigm, paragon, parley, acrid, acrimony, acumen, acute, bibulous, construe, deviate, dubious, exacerbate, gratuitous, gratuity, imbibe, impervious, indubitable, infrastructure, ingrate, ingratiate, insipid, introspection, misconstrue, obviate, perspicacious, retrospect, sapient, viaduct, abate, accrue, antediluvian, bovine, carnage, corpulent, covert, crass, credulous, culpable, dilatory, efficacious, egregious, fortuitous, gratuitous, impugn, inimical, mitigate, munificent, novice, penury, recapitulate, succinct, surfeit, torpid, adamant, petulance, preclude, immutable, opulence, extricate, paltry, innocuous, irresolute, redolent, fulminate, garrulous, futile, relegate, sententious, rampant, obliterate, usurp, impudence, capricious, carrion, cataclysm, annals, deploy, brouhaha, bolster, amity, benighted, inundate, bevy, bauble, capitulate, balked, attrition, clone, booty, deter, courier, camaraderie, assail, placid, emaciated, somnolent, truculent, assiduous, voluble, endemic, exemplary, diffident, explicate, complacent, reticent, deviate, fathom, concur, placate, benefactor, officious, explicit, misconstrue, pompous, baleful, belie, abstruse, wastrel, ominous, undulate, querulous, sardonic, nuance

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Vocabulary Test: easy street
capacious, penury, serpentine, acquiesce, defame, misconstrue, destitute, envenom, efface, erroneous, feign, multifarious, opine, laud, insolent, irksome, rue, stupified, surreal, vilify, pernicious, pallid, obfuscate, maniacal, timorous, penury, serpentine, hellion, vacillate, feckless, meticulous, apathy, benign, clamor, clandestine, efficacious, enmity, glean, emaciated, effrontery, fatuous, fictitious, covert, overt, cower, furtive, flagrant, facade, dilatory, aggrandize, exemplary, tribulation, plaudits, ludicrous, gesticulate, garner, belate, adulterate, ameliorate, apparition, asinine, assiduous, bigamist, laggard, coddle, erudite, mitigate, philanderer, praxis, unkempt, truncated, tractable, verbose, sallow, proffer

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Vocabulary Test: rashed7
affected, computers, environment, methods, consume, negative, areas, authorities, economy, impact, involved, benefits

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Vocabulary Test: the luckiest time of all
bunch, dogwood, crokasack, twine, hindleg, bust, twirl, fancy, craddle, trailed off

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Vocabulary Test: Desert Biome: Vocabulary
structure, retreated, desperate, summit, ruthless, adapted, abound, manufacture, enbankment, reservoir

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test 5
hone, hubbub, ideology, illumine, imbibe, imminent, impel, impend, imperative, impertinent, imperturbable, impervious, import, impoverish, inprecation, impromptu, imprudent, incessant, inclement, incredulity, infer, ingenue, ingenuous, ingratiate, inherent, innumerable, inoculation, inordinate, inscrutable, insurrection, interchangeable, intrepid, intrigue, introspection, intrude, intuition, inveterate, invincible, irrelevant, jetty, knave, labyrinth, lampoon, languish, lank

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Vocabulary Test: Gothic and Horror Fiction
Gothic fiction, horror fiction, genre, setting, imagery, suspense, grotesque, supernatural, macabre, immortality, superstition, circumstance, death

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test 6
larding, lassitude, laud, linguist, list, loot, malediction, mandate, marooned, masochist, meander, meddlesome, melancholy, mellifluous, merciless, merriment, mete, methodical, meticulous, misconstrue, mongrel, monomaniacal, monstrosity, monumental, mooring, mottle, mused, mutiny, myriad, nascent, nettle, nonchalance, nuisance, nullify, obdurate, obscure, obsequious, obtuse, odious, orator, orient, ornithologist, ostracize, palate, pallid

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Vocabulary Test: unit 11
arch, authentic, clarify, declare, grant, grave, modest, opponent, valid, yearn

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Vocabulary Test: Preceptorship
hematocrit, hematopoesis, hemostat, heparin, hypertonic, iatrogenic, immunization, intradermal, invasive tumor, isotonic, lavage, leukocytes, leukopenia, ligate, macrocytic, malignant, microcytic, palliative, palpation, parasite, pathogen, pathology, phagocyte, plasma, prevalence, PRN, prognosis, prophylaxis, pyrexia, regimen, remission, retractor, septicemia, serum, strabismus, sublingual, symptom, tranquilizer, venipuncture, acute, agglutination, analgesic, anaphylaxis, anisocytosis, antibody, antidiarrheal, antigen, bacilli, blood smear, centesis, centrifuge, chronic, communicable disease, contagious disease, diagnosis, dosage, drain, EDTA, erythrocyte, excise

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 12
blunt, fervor, impressive, inferior, neglect, obviously, quality, query, uniform, urgency

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab - Spring
rebuke, recant, recapitulate, recoil, recondite, recreant, rectify, redolent, redundant, regale, regress, sacrosanct, sagacious, sadistic, salacious

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Vocabulary Test: XXIII: The Trunk of the Olive Tree
u, u, u, u, u, u

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Vocabulary Test: SAT quiz 3
cajole, chicanery, obsequious, sycophant, altruism, eminent, empathy, extol, laudatory, magnanimous, philanthropic, reciprocate, defunct, eradicate, expurgate, extirpate, quell, raze, squelch, supplant, stymie, abase, deride, derogatory, disparage, effrontery, ignominy, impugn, mar, pejorative, vex, vindictive, bombastic, ebullience, exorbitant, exuberant, embellish, flagrant, gratuitous, lavish, lugubrious, opulent, ornate, penchant, redundant, ubiquitous, vicarious, vignette, amalgam, inundate

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Vocabulary Test: how to talk like a metalsmith
Annealing, Bench Pin, Bezel, Brass, Chamfer, Chasing, Copper, Cross peen hammer, dapping block, drawplate, findings, flex shaft, flux, forging, liver of sulfur, mallet, mandrel, needle files, nickel silver, patina, pickle, piercing, planishing, punches, rivets, roll printing, rolling mill, silver, solder, stakes, stamping, steel, tabs, work hardening

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Vocabulary Test: 30 week
abstinence, amicable, benevolent, camaraderie, conditional, congregation, enhance, hackneyed, superficial, vindicate

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Vocabulary Test: 111 final
emergency, physician, maximum, omit, quarterly, semiannually, cardiac, residence, minimum, ordinance, laceration, prescription, liable, spouse, violation, annually, collision, hazardous, signature, employer, equestrian, references, fatality, intoxicated, confidential, respriratory system, resume', temporary, seldom, contagious, consult, biography, autobiography, revoke, prompt, flashback, dialog, legible, parable, Caucasian, pharmacist, internal, external, pneumonia, abdomen, fracture, expired, dusk, interview, fatal

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 23
Joust, Juncture, Kin, Jaunt, Kiosk, Jetsam, Kinetic, Jostle, Kilter, Jocular, Jubilation, Judicious, Juggernaut, Kismet, Junket, Jovial, Juxtapose, Jilt, Jeopardize, Karma
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