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Vocabulary Test: employability skills Words:communication , interpersonal relationship , creativity , critcal thinking , employability skills , diversity , professional image
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Vocabulary Test: Employability SkillsWords:Creativity, Critical Thinking, Interpersonel Relationship, Employability Skills, Communication, Diversity, Professional Image
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Vocabulary Test: Muscial Terms- TempoWords:Very Broad, Very Relaxed, Very Slow, Slow, At ease , Broad, Rather Broad, Rather relaxed, Walking, Moderately, Animated, Happy, Cheerful, ecstatic, Lively, Alive, Fast, Very lively , very fast, Gradual Acceleration, Gradual accel with dynamic increase, Immediately faster, gradual deceleration, gradual decel. w/ dynamic increase, gradual decel. w/ dynamic decrease , at pleasure, flexible/ robbed time, steady tempo, a tempo, tempo 1/ tempo primo, non troppo, lunga, moto, a poco, subito, molto, doppio movimento, l'stesso tempo
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Vocabulary Test: My Dad Cooked ThisWords:below, jewel, whisper, afraid, utter, skid, peer, elixir, mental, deflated, alien, mend, pile, search, injured
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 3&4Words:Topographical Anatomy, Anatomical Guides, Anatomical Limit, Linear Guide, Anterior Cervical Triangle, Superior Border (ACT), Lateral Border (ACT), Medial Border (ACT), Superior, Lateral, Medial, Internal Jugular Vein, Common Carotid Artery, Vagus Nerve, Internal Jugular Vein, Common Carotid Artery, Vagus Nerve, Carotid Sheath, Axilla, Axillary Artery, Axillary Vein, Brachial Plexus, Axillary Artery, Axillary Vein, Brachial Plexus, Femoral Triangle, Superior Boundary (FT), Lateral Boundary (FT), Medial Boundary (FT), Femoral Artery, Femoral Vein, Femoral Nerve, Femoral Artery, Femoral Vein, Femoral Nerve, Cell Membrane, Semi-Permeable, Solution, Solvent, Solute, Solvent, Solute, Diffusion, Osmosis, Diffusion, Osmosis, Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic, Isotonic Solution, Hypotonic Solution, Hypertonic Solution, Hemolysis, Crenation, Plasmolysis, Plasmoptysis, Homogeneous, Solvent (water), Osmosis
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Vocabulary Test: 7th grade unit 9Words:Accelerate, Bystander, canvass, downtrodden, entice, erode, founder, graphic, gruesome, melancholy, ordeal, parch, persist, puny, quibble
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test IIIWords:stereotype, odyssey, chauvinist, ostracize, bedlam, maudlin, cynic, sabotage, nemesis, filibuster, constituent, lobby, liberal, conservative, tariff, electoral, subsidy, acrid, acrimony, incensed, molten, caustic, irate, inflammable, fervent
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test III-AWords:bellicose, animosity, vanquish, altercation, affront, concede, amicable, rapport, alter ego, collaborator, congenial, fraternal, affinity, animus, confidant, enmity, adversarial, ardor, amorous, platonic, lovelorn, betrothal, nubile, nuptial, conjugal
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Vocabulary Test: ModismosWords:Prestar atención, De moda, De buena gana, Soñar con, Hacerse, De mala gana
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Vocabulary Test: American Born Chinese Vocabulary QuizWords:Deity, Prerquisite, Purge, Anticipation, Descend, Patron, Tangible, Peril, Vagrants, Dissipate, Profusely, Sovereign, Forfeit, Fervently, Sage, Impudence, Parameters, Pinnacle, Emissary, Jeopardize, Immortality, Haggle, Decree, Invulnerable, Seclusion, Transcend, Antiquity, Repetance, Muster, Inevitable
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Vocabulary Test: unit 11 defWords:blockade, chant, despair, elevate, extraordinary, heroic, lance, missionary, pointless, reflect, site, toxic
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Vocabulary Test: SAT Rocks -- Silence, ReticenceWords:reticence, impertinent, impudent, stupefy, vilify, denounce, taciturn, telepathy, tranquil, serenity, futile, truculent, belligerent
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Vocabulary Test: nipps6Words:gourmand, gluttony, physiology, satiate, gastronomy, alimentary, billet, bivouc, courier, covert
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Vocabulary Test: Chemistry: Solutions VocabularyWords:Brownian motion, soluable, colloid, suspension, immiscible, Tyndall effect, insoluable, miscible, concentration, molality, molarity, mole fraction, heat of solution, Henry's Law, saturated solution, solvation, supersaturated solution, unsaturated solution, boiling point elevation, colligative property, freezing point depression, osmosis, osmotic pressure, vapor pressure lowering
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Vocabulary Test: WS 13Words:aloof, aphorism, austere, bisect, casual, demeanor, domain, elegance, enigmatic, exemplify, explicitly, impose, inscribe, magnetism, obliterate, prime, profound, reactionary, rigor, tantamount
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Vocabulary Test: 7x9=Trouble!Words:multiplication, trouble, concentrate, impressed, negativity, relief map, responsibility, grumbled, furious, compared, towering, custodian, diorama, quarrel
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 26 and 25Words:brusque, microcosm, acquisition, debacle, wily, ulterior, alleviate, tenacity, thwart, rigorous, impetuous, synchronize, arduous, platitude, insatiable, grandiose, enthrall, sluice, oracular, deluge
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Vocabulary Test: Frankenstein VocabularyWords:Fervent, Perpetual, Diffusing, Phenomena, Eccentricities, Ardent, Induce, Requisite, Dominion, Tranquilize, Effusions, Inuring, Dauntless, Inexorable, Allusion, Solicitude, Capitulated, Repose, Conciliating, Paroxysm, Ameliorate
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