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Vocabulary Test: 7th grade unit 9
Accelerate, Bystander, canvass, downtrodden, entice, erode, founder, graphic, gruesome, melancholy, ordeal, parch, persist, puny, quibble

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test III
stereotype, odyssey, chauvinist, ostracize, bedlam, maudlin, cynic, sabotage, nemesis, filibuster, constituent, lobby, liberal, conservative, tariff, electoral, subsidy, acrid, acrimony, incensed, molten, caustic, irate, inflammable, fervent

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test III-A
bellicose, animosity, vanquish, altercation, affront, concede, amicable, rapport, alter ego, collaborator, congenial, fraternal, affinity, animus, confidant, enmity, adversarial, ardor, amorous, platonic, lovelorn, betrothal, nubile, nuptial, conjugal

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Vocabulary Test: Modismos
Prestar atención, De moda, De buena gana, Soñar con, Hacerse, De mala gana

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Vocabulary Test: American Born Chinese Vocabulary Quiz
Deity, Prerquisite, Purge, Anticipation, Descend, Patron, Tangible, Peril, Vagrants, Dissipate, Profusely, Sovereign, Forfeit, Fervently, Sage, Impudence, Parameters, Pinnacle, Emissary, Jeopardize, Immortality, Haggle, Decree, Invulnerable, Seclusion, Transcend, Antiquity, Repetance, Muster, Inevitable

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Vocabulary Test: unit 11 def
blockade, chant, despair, elevate, extraordinary, heroic, lance, missionary, pointless, reflect, site, toxic

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Vocabulary Test: SAT Rocks -- Silence, Reticence
reticence, impertinent, impudent, stupefy, vilify, denounce, taciturn, telepathy, tranquil, serenity, futile, truculent, belligerent

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Vocabulary Test: Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Vocabulary Test
mournfully, dolefully, disgraced, sulkily, obnoxious, trousers, extricated

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Vocabulary Test: nipps6
gourmand, gluttony, physiology, satiate, gastronomy, alimentary, billet, bivouc, courier, covert

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Vocabulary Test: Chemistry: Solutions Vocabulary
Brownian motion, soluable, colloid, suspension, immiscible, Tyndall effect, insoluable, miscible, concentration, molality, molarity, mole fraction, heat of solution, Henry's Law, saturated solution, solvation, supersaturated solution, unsaturated solution, boiling point elevation, colligative property, freezing point depression, osmosis, osmotic pressure, vapor pressure lowering

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Vocabulary Test: WS 13
aloof, aphorism, austere, bisect, casual, demeanor, domain, elegance, enigmatic, exemplify, explicitly, impose, inscribe, magnetism, obliterate, prime, profound, reactionary, rigor, tantamount

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Vocabulary Test: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Chapter 1-2
engaged, moaned, peered, perched, slate, whitewash

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Vocabulary Test: Wayside School is Falling Down Vocabulary Test
brine, scurry, impatient, attache case, glare, cluster, stern, mumble, assert, sarcastic

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Vocabulary Test: Freak the Mighty Vocabulary Quiz 1
mastadon, prehistoric, unvanquished, bulkhead, demeanor, invincible, limitation, massive, vacant, sobriquet

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Vocabulary Test: Read 180 Workshop #2 Vocabulary
destruction, major, prevent, recovery, severe, focus, increase, cycle, degree, abandon

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Vocabulary Test: Who are you in rangers apprentice
will, halt, horace, aliss, evalyn, gilian

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Vocabulary Test: cc
s, k, j, ij, oj, oj

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Vocabulary Test: 7x9=Trouble!
multiplication, trouble, concentrate, impressed, negativity, relief map, responsibility, grumbled, furious, compared, towering, custodian, diorama, quarrel

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 26 and 25
brusque, microcosm, acquisition, debacle, wily, ulterior, alleviate, tenacity, thwart, rigorous, impetuous, synchronize, arduous, platitude, insatiable, grandiose, enthrall, sluice, oracular, deluge

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Vocabulary Test: Frankenstein Vocabulary
Fervent, Perpetual, Diffusing, Phenomena, Eccentricities, Ardent, Induce, Requisite, Dominion, Tranquilize, Effusions, Inuring, Dauntless, Inexorable, Allusion, Solicitude, Capitulated, Repose, Conciliating, Paroxysm, Ameliorate
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