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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain test #3Words:barometer, bellow, bough, brooding, combustible, dale, deadfall, furtive, forum, preen, originated, exertion, fatigue, concoction, marksmanship, plumage, poach, primitive, sagely, sanguine, savory, scant, vengeance, gangplank, flint
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Vocabulary Test: MythologyWords:Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Artemis, Apollo, Athena, Demeter, Gaia, Aphrodite, Perseus, Pegasus, Perseus, Hercules, Strangled the lion, also killed with hands, cetus, her mother boasted about her beauty, 12, Aquarius, Aquila the Eagle, Chiron, Aries the Ram, Castor and Pollux, Athena and Hermes, Draco, Ladon, Nemean, Hercules, had 2 heads that would grow back
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 2Words:cell, tissues, epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous, epithelial tissue, tiled or mosaic, connective, endothelium and glandular epithelium, endothelium, exocrine, endocrine, heterocrine, exocrine glands, sweat glands, endocrine glands, thyroid, pancreas, digestive enzymes, insuline, islets of langerhan, osseous, tendons, aponeurosis, periosteum, perichondrium, fasciae, adipose, adipose, cartilage, cartilage, hyaline, fibrous, elastic, articular, costal, hyaline, hyaline, articular cartilage, costal cartilage, osseous, fibrous, external part of nose, ear, auditory tubes, and epligottis, vascular, skeletal, cardiac, visceral, visceral, skeletal, cardiac, cardiac, visceral, skeletal, organ, system, membrane, mucous, synovial, serous, mucous, synovial, serous, parietal, visceral, cavity, pleura, pericardium, peritoneum, epicardium, peritoneum, muscle
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Vocabulary Test: mythologyWords:smith, sprite, nymph, sickle, mortal, nectar, ambrosia, prudence, wield, impenetrable, hearth, mason, Aegis, ichor, iridescent, lyre, vain, forge, strife, discord, plume, writhing, woe, precocious, dismal
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Vocabulary Test: My Dad Cooked ThisWords:below, jewel, whisper, afraid, utter, skid, peer, elixir, mental, deflated, alien, mend, pile, search, injured
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy white blood cellsWords:neutrophils nucleus, neutrophils cytoplasmic granules, neutrophils phagocytize, neutrophils produced, eosinophils nucleus, eosinophils cytoplasmic granules, eosinoplis destroy, eosinoplis produced, basophils nucleus, basophils cytoplasmic granules, basophils caused, basophils produced, lymphocytes nucleus, lymphocytes (b ), lymphocytes (t), lymphocytes produced, lymphocytes have no, monocytes nucleus, monocytes have no, monocytes differentiate, monocytes provide, monocytes activate, monocytes produced
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 6&7Words:Viscosity, 7.35-7.45, 5 Quartz of blood, Formed elements (corpuscles) and Plasma, Erythrocytes, Leucocytes, Platellets, Erythrocytes, Shape of Erythrocytes, Life span of erythrocytes, nucleus, spleen, hemoglobin, Heme and Globin, Heme, Globin, transport CO2 and O2, Oxy-hemoglobin, Carbamino-hemoglobin, Carboxy-hemoglobin, Erythropoiesis, Hematopoiesis, Crenation, Hemolysis, Leucocytes, Life Span of Leucocytes, Diapedesis, Leukopoiesis, To help the body fight infection and disease., Granulocytes and Agranulocytes, Granulocytes, Neutrophils, Eosinophils (Acidophils), Basophils., Neutrophils, Eosinophil, Basophils, Agranulocytes, Lymphocytes and Monocytes, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Shape of Platellets, Thrombopoiesis, red bone marrow, to help in the clotting process, Plasma, water, serum, Thromboplastin, Prothrombin, Calcium, Fibrinogen, Vitamin K, Thrombocytes, Antithrombin and antiprothrombin (heparin), calcium and prothrombin, intestines, thrombin, fibrin, Pericardium, Myocardium, Endocardium, Pericardium, Myocardium, Endocardium, atria or atrium, ventricles, Septal walls, Interatrial Septum, Atrio-ventricular Septa, Right atrio-ventricular septum, Left atrio-ventricular septum, Interventricular septum, Triscupid valve or right atrio-ventricular valve, Bicuspid valve, mitral valve or left atrio-ventricular valve, Pulmonary semi-lunar valve, Aortic Semi-lunar valve, Superior Vena Cava (SVC), Inferior Vena Cava (IVC), Coronary Sinus, Pectinate Muscles, Fossa Ovalis (Ovale), Trabeculae Carnae, Chordae tendinae, Papillary muscles, Pulmonary veins, Sino-Atrial Node (SA Node), Atrio-Ventricular node (AV node), Bundle of his, Purkinge Fibers, Systole, Diastole, Pulmonary Circulation and Systemic Circulation, Pulmonary Circulation, right ventricle of the heart., left atrium of the heart.
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Vocabulary Test: myronkWords:obsequious, pedantic, intransigent, indelible, laconic, alienate, affront, truncate, eschew, emulate, coherent, taciturn, germane, pernicious, wistful, sardonic, coerce, agenda, garrulous, churlish
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Vocabulary Test: mynewwordsWords:injuspingadople, abinstryat, inispeeable, tackpieep, mouthcitie, hidos, injijinlied
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Vocabulary Test: cassie myersWords:assuage, brandish, cynical, demoralize, despair, dignify, engulf, ennoble, grotesque, impede, inert, maganificent, menace, minimize, misconception, overtake, profound, sheepishly, splendor, staid
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Vocabulary Test: How many stars in my crownWords:Bandages, Clinic, Couriers, Factory, Garland, Handkercheif, Intended, Mewing, Payment, Messengers, Solitaire, Sparrows, Typewriter, Lines, Stanza, Repetition, Rhythm, Assonance, Couplet, Onomatopoeia
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 3&4Words:Topographical Anatomy, Anatomical Guides, Anatomical Limit, Linear Guide, Anterior Cervical Triangle, Superior Border (ACT), Lateral Border (ACT), Medial Border (ACT), Superior, Lateral, Medial, Internal Jugular Vein, Common Carotid Artery, Vagus Nerve, Internal Jugular Vein, Common Carotid Artery, Vagus Nerve, Carotid Sheath, Axilla, Axillary Artery, Axillary Vein, Brachial Plexus, Axillary Artery, Axillary Vein, Brachial Plexus, Femoral Triangle, Superior Boundary (FT), Lateral Boundary (FT), Medial Boundary (FT), Femoral Artery, Femoral Vein, Femoral Nerve, Femoral Artery, Femoral Vein, Femoral Nerve, Cell Membrane, Semi-Permeable, Solution, Solvent, Solute, Solvent, Solute, Diffusion, Osmosis, Diffusion, Osmosis, Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic, Isotonic Solution, Hypotonic Solution, Hypertonic Solution, Hemolysis, Crenation, Plasmolysis, Plasmoptysis, Homogeneous, Solvent (water), Osmosis
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Vocabulary Test: Employability SkillsWords:Creativity, Critical Thinking, Interpersonel Relationship, Employability Skills, Communication, Diversity, Professional Image
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Vocabulary Test: lesson17Words:capacious, commodious, dearth, equilibrium, gargantuan, inordinate, opulence, paucity, satiate, sparse
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Vocabulary Test: McBroom the RainmakerWords:regard, merciful, skeeters, rapscallions, gallinippers, confounded, parched, ornery, drought, genuine, prairie, downpour
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz 8Words:Emaciated, Surge, Tranquil, Sanctuary, Ascend, Malnutrition, Afflict, Besiege, Privation, Sinister, Ubiquitous, Remote, Thwart, Harbinger, Malignant, Excruciating, Respite, Reverbating, Fretful, Succumb
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy IWords:Anatomy, Physiology, Embryology, Regional Anatomy, Systemic Anatomy, Topographical Anatomy (Surface Anatomy), Gross Anatomy (Macroscopic Anatomy), Histology (Microscopic Anatomy), Morbid Anatomy (Pathological Anatomy), Biology, Botany, Zoology, Movement, Responsiveness, Growth, Reproduction, Respiration, Digestion, Absorption, Circulation, Assimilation, Excretion, Chemical Level, Cell, Tissue, Organ, System, Organism, Integumentary System, Circulatory System, Muscular System, Nervous System, Endocrine System, Skeletal System, Digestive System, Respiratory System, Urinary System, Reproductive System, Cadaver, Anatomical Position, Medial, Lateral, Superior, Inferior, Anterior (Ventral), Posterior (Dorsal), Deep, Superficial, Visceral, Parietal, Prone, Supine, Peripheral, Central, Proximal, Distal, Median Plane (Midsagittal Plane), Sagittal Plane, Coronal Plane (Frontal Plane), Transverse Plane (Horizontal Plane), Linear Guide, Anatomical Guide, Anatomical Limits, Dorsal Cavity, Cranial Cavity, Spinal Cavity, Ventral Cavity, Thoracic Cavity, Pleural Cavities, Mediastinal Cavity (Mediastinum), Pericardial Cavity, Abdominal-Pelvic Cavity (Abdominal Cavity), Abdominal Cavity Proper, Pelvic Cavity, Peritoneal Cavity, Orbital Cavity, Nasal Cavity, Oral Cavity (Buccal Cavity), Epithelial Tissue, Endothelium, Endocardium, Tunica Intima (Interna), Mesothelium, Pleura (Pleural Membranes), Parietal Pleura, Visceral Pleura, Pericardium (Pericardial Membranes), Pericardium (Parietal Pericardium), Epicardium (Visceral Pericardium), Peritoneum, Tunica Adventitia (Externa), Epithelial Tissue Proper, Epidermis, Mucous Membranes, Endometrium, Glandular Epithelium, Connective Tissue, Muscle Tissue (Muscular Tissue), Skeletal Muscle, Smooth Muscle, Cardiac Muscle, Nerve Tissue (Nervous Tissue), Myocardium, Epithelial Type Membranes, Serous Membranes, Connective Type Membranes, Synovial Membranes, Functions Of The Skin, Factors That Influence Skin Color, Melanin Cells, Albinism (Albino), Freckles, Hair, Hair Follicle, Root (Shaft), Nails, Dermis, Sebaccous Glands (Oil Glands), Sudoriferous Glands (Sweat Glands), Ceruminous Glands ("Ear Wax Glands")
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Vocabulary Test: Mudshark VocabWords:cunning, prohibit, utilitarian, inhalation, jouncy, incessant, methane, concoction, sidle, refrain, perplexing, noxious, aversion, transom, docile
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Vocabulary Test: Inherit the WindWords:levity, crucify, pariah, venire man, galluses, affable, nettled, fervent, benign, firmament, heresies, grandiose, cocksure, reconcile, prolific, oratory, pentatuech, furor, melange, precedent, incredulous, sine die, bulwark, inocuously
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Vocabulary Test: port=carryWords:portal, export, deportation, deportment, portable, portage, portcullis, porter, support, transport
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Vocabulary Test: ndubz (:Words:what is dappy and tulisas surename?, who sang 'so alive' with n-dubz?, how old is dappy 2011?, what was n-dubz first song they sang?, what is fazers first name?, what does dappy start with in some songs?, what is tulisas mum called?, did n-dubz sing best behaviour with anybody?, in 2011 was tulisas hair blonde or brown?, does dappy have a son?
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Vocabulary Test: unit13Words:abet, aver, blatant, broach, buttress, carousal, collate, connoisseur, disconsolate, encumber, forment, grisly, herculean, impassive, inauspicious, incontrovertible, nonplussed, oppurtune, prolific, rejoinder
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Vocabulary Test: Common Phrases 4Words:Oh nisatyérha?, Kateró:roks ne kaya’tárha, Oh niwatyérha?, Tewatskahons, Oh na’satyere shiyo:kara’s?, Wa’katero:roke kaya’tarha shiyo:kara’s., Kateró:roks, kaya’tárha, ki wenhniserá:te, Shiyó:kara’s, orhon’ké:ne
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Vocabulary Test: Review vocabulary quizWords:bailar, nadar, correr, cantar, dibujar, esquiar, escuchar, patinar, trabajar, practicar deportes, escribir, tocar la guitarra, usar la computadora, montar en bicicleta, escuchar musica
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Vocabulary Test: Mudshark Vocab QuizWords:utilitarian, cunning, copious, prohibit, tinkering, incessant, composure, salve, sidle, compulsive, perplexing, noxious, aversion, ransom, docile
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Mid TermWords:Ventral, Lumbar, hypochondriac, hypogastric, epigastric, anatomy, physiology, embryology, biology, linear guide, anatomical guide, anatomical limits, visceral or viscera, sagittal plane, coronal or frontal plane, median or midsagittal, transverse or horizontal, central, superficial, lateral, proximal, ventral or anterior, superior, parietal, organ, tissue, integumentary, vascular, skeletal, cadaver, prone, dorsal, ventral, abdominal, buccal, pericardial, arms and legs, face and cranium, abdominal-pelvic cavity, torso, pelvic cavity, pleural cavities, cervical region, femoral region, elbow, nasal septum (Vomer), thoracic cavity, botany, gross or macroscopic anatomy, histology, morbid or pathological anatomy, regional anatomy, surface or topographical anatomy, zoology, systemic anatomy, cell, chemical level, organism, movement, responsiveness, growth, reproduction,respiration, dige, circulatory system, digestive system, endocrine system, excretory or urinary system, reproductive system, anatomical position, suspine, inferior, adipose, blood, bone, brain, cardiac muscle, cartilage, connective tissue, cranial nerves, encephalon, endocardium, endometrium, endothelium, fascia, lymph, ligaments, hematopoitic, mucous membranes, myocardium, glandular epithelium, mesothelium, membrane, synovial membranes, synovial joint, synovial fluid, synovia, serum, serous fluid, serouse(mesothelium)membranes, viceral pericardium, visceral pleura, tendons, spinal chord, striated muscle
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Vocabulary Test: Watership DownWords:Bobstones, Crixa, Efrafa, Elahrairah, Elil, Embleer, Flay, Flayrah, Frith, FuInle, Hlao, Hlaoroo, Hlessi, Homba, Hrair, Hrairoo, Hraka, Hrududu, Hyzenthlay, Inle, Lendri, Marli, Msaion, Narn, NiFrith, NildroHain, Owsla, Owslafa, Pfeffa, Rah, Roo, Sayn, Silf, Silflay, Tharn, Thethuythinnang, Thlay, Thlayli, Threar, Vair, Yona, Zorn
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Vocabulary Test: review mnemonicsWords:ruminate, officious, seethe, pristine, duplicity, impetuous, replete, rife, obsequious, querulous, ingrate, wily, palliate, rapacious, bumptious, tempestuous, boisterous, deleterious, nadir, paucity, cajole, abrogated, pernicious, misconstrue, destitute, goad, melancholy, ubiquitous, captious, impudent, perfunctory, revere, odious, servile, solvent, punctilious, vapid, solicitous, expurgate, prognosticate, porcine, miasma, calumnious, craven, entreat, desiccate, inure, chattel, emulate, callow, allure, deft, arduous, covert, firtive, aggrandize, ameliorate, truncated, adulterate, feckless, surreptitious, sycophant, proffer, circuitous, urbane, sagacious, salubrious, voluble, veritable, capitulate, assiduous, emaciated, clandestine, effrontery, dilatory
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Vocabulary Test: Body SystemsWords:system, reproductive system, endocrine system, body system, circulatory system, nervous system, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, excretory system, respiratory system, digestive system
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Vocabulary Test: Freckle Juice VocabularyWords:warts, thought, wondering, recipe, inspected, allowance, combination, scratched, pretended, aisle, balance, important, blur, mayonnaise, overdoing, ingredients, probably, crept, appendicitis, refused, sensible, dropout, reflection, formula, directions, alongside
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