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Vocabulary Test: Tommy VentoWords:Retailers, Wholesalers, Production Oriented, Sales Oriented, Customer Oriented, Marketing Concept, Market, Market Research, Target Markets, Marketing Mix, Product, Price, Distribution, Promotion, Marketing Plan, Product Life Cycle, Introduction Stage, Growth Stage, Maturity Stage, Decline Stage, Industrial Goods, Consumer Goods, Convenience Goods, Shopping Goods, Speciality Goods, Unsought Goods
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Vocabulary Test: MysturffWords:Article (n), Chicken nuggets, Respond (vi ) , Respone (n), Quarrel some (adj), Thrity (adj), thrif (adv), Eventhought, Quarrel (n), Even so, Even if , Even (adj) <=> uneven, Even less,more, bigger, nicer, Indention (n), Futher (adj,adv), Indent (vt,I), Marginally (adv), Marginal ( adj ), Article clerk, Margin (n),(c) (aw), Fortunately (adv) ( SYN) luckily, Fortunate (adj) <=> unfortunate, Quit, Somewhat (AW) (adv), Articulate (adj), articulate (Vi,T); articulation (n,u ), live (liv)(vi), live ( laiv) ( adj, adv ), lively ( laivli ) ( adj ) ( livelier, liveliest ), serve / se:v / ( Vt), server / se:ve(r)/ (n)(C) ( computing), harmful /'ha:mfl/ (adj) -> harmful to sb/sth, harm /ha:m/ (Vt), harmless (adj)/ harmlessly ( adv )
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Vocabulary Test: AP Taxonomy and Body PlansWords:amniotes, ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm, gastrulation, blastopore, protostome, deuterostome, bilateral symmetry, radial symmetry, mammal, dorsal, ventral, anterior, posterior, cephalization, phylogeny, domain, coelom, sporangia, alternation of generations, monocots, eudicots, nephridia, tetrapods, annelid, archaeans, rotifer, cephalopods, chondrichthyes, chordate, cnidaria, echinodermata, gastropods, lichen, mollusca, nematode, osteichthyes, platyhelminthes, porifera
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Vocabulary Test: My Perplexing QuizWords:., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., .., ., ., ., ., ., .
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Vocabulary Test: My -_- QuizWords:Abominable, Foil, Free!!!!!, Free, Free , Hard, Hard, Easy, Hard, Big, Tiny
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Vocabulary Test: kimmyWords:anarchy, articulate, attrition, blandishments, disgruntled, entreapuneur, fecundity, inane, infrasctrcture, libertine, litigation, missive , quintessence, palpable, paradox, resonate, subpoena, surfeit, trepidation, vociferous
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Vocabulary Test: My TestWords:Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Alliumphobia, Automatonophobia, Automysophobia, Batrachophobia-
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Vocabulary Test: JeremyWords:rankle, renown, unassuming, attribute, avail, convey, defile, disarming, doctrine, excise, fervent, jaunty, juncture, pertinent, bolster, devoid, frivolous, muster, perturb, prodigious, promontory , qualm, solicitous, staid , ethical , instill , premonition, resolute
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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain test #2Words:amateur, bandit, berated, captive, cavity, civilization, concoction, conspicuous, contentment, dependent, edible, exertion, fatigue, forum, frayed, harassing, humanity, originated, pondered, preen
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Vocabulary Test: suck my dickWords:decorum, demurely, unmollified, obliterating, pallor, pavillion, perpetual, quicken, refuge, reproach, sachet, solicitude, sultry, surly, trifle
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Exam 1Words:Pectoralis Major Innervation?, Pectoralis Major Action?, Pectoralis Minor Innervation?, Pectoralis Minor Action?, External Intercostals Action?, External Intercostals Innervation?, Internal and innermost intercostals action?, Internal and innermost intercostals innervation?
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Vocabulary Test: mycleoWords:contented, ridiculous, emotion, fondness, collaborating, inherit, eagerly, transferred, disgraceful, decent
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Vocabulary Test: My TestWords:Ambivalence, Exemplify, Lucid, Salubrious, Ornate, Desecrate, Orthadox, Capitulate, Lukewarm, Preclude
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Vocabulary Test: my vocabWords:Dispatch, Attest , Discern , Attribute, Exemplify , Contitute, Predomiant , Confiscate, Nominal , Hypothetical
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Vocabulary Test: myronkWords:obsequious, pedantic, intransigent, indelible, laconic, alienate, affront, truncate, eschew, emulate, coherent, taciturn, germane, pernicious, wistful, sardonic, coerce, agenda, garrulous, churlish
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Vocabulary Test: Ch 2 Learning About Yourself Discovering Careers, 9eWords:Logical/Mathematical , intrapersonal , Kinesthetic , interpersonal , resource, value, self-concept, self-assessment inventory, personality, learning style, interest, attitude, aptitude, ability, Musical , Naturalist , Verbal/Linguistic , Visual/Spatial
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Vocabulary Test: Mystery VocabularyWords:victim, witness, suspect, sleuth, red herring, detective, evidence, crime, mystery, alibi, clue
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 6&7Words:Viscosity, 7.35-7.45, 5 Quartz of blood, Formed elements (corpuscles) and Plasma, Erythrocytes, Leucocytes, Platellets, Erythrocytes, Shape of Erythrocytes, Life span of erythrocytes, nucleus, spleen, hemoglobin, Heme and Globin, Heme, Globin, transport CO2 and O2, Oxy-hemoglobin, Carbamino-hemoglobin, Carboxy-hemoglobin, Erythropoiesis, Hematopoiesis, Crenation, Hemolysis, Leucocytes, Life Span of Leucocytes, Diapedesis, Leukopoiesis, To help the body fight infection and disease., Granulocytes and Agranulocytes, Granulocytes, Neutrophils, Eosinophils (Acidophils), Basophils., Neutrophils, Eosinophil, Basophils, Agranulocytes, Lymphocytes and Monocytes, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Shape of Platellets, Thrombopoiesis, red bone marrow, to help in the clotting process, Plasma, water, serum, Thromboplastin, Prothrombin, Calcium, Fibrinogen, Vitamin K, Thrombocytes, Antithrombin and antiprothrombin (heparin), calcium and prothrombin, intestines, thrombin, fibrin, Pericardium, Myocardium, Endocardium, Pericardium, Myocardium, Endocardium, atria or atrium, ventricles, Septal walls, Interatrial Septum, Atrio-ventricular Septa, Right atrio-ventricular septum, Left atrio-ventricular septum, Interventricular septum, Triscupid valve or right atrio-ventricular valve, Bicuspid valve, mitral valve or left atrio-ventricular valve, Pulmonary semi-lunar valve, Aortic Semi-lunar valve, Superior Vena Cava (SVC), Inferior Vena Cava (IVC), Coronary Sinus, Pectinate Muscles, Fossa Ovalis (Ovale), Trabeculae Carnae, Chordae tendinae, Papillary muscles, Pulmonary veins, Sino-Atrial Node (SA Node), Atrio-Ventricular node (AV node), Bundle of his, Purkinge Fibers, Systole, Diastole, Pulmonary Circulation and Systemic Circulation, Pulmonary Circulation, right ventricle of the heart., left atrium of the heart.
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Vocabulary Test: mynewwordsWords:injuspingadople, abinstryat, inispeeable, tackpieep, mouthcitie, hidos, injijinlied
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Vocabulary Test: Dear Mr. Henshaw Vocabulary Test 1Words:amuse, diorama, duplicated, gondolas, enclosure, mobile home, duplex, bandanna, snitch, fictitious, mimeograph, loner, cautious, reefer, broker, halyard, canape, quiche, partition, pseudonym, nuisance, wrath
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Vocabulary Test: 25 weeksWords:renovation, compassion, condescending, digression, inconsequential, jubilation, mundane, opulent
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Unit 8Words:alternate, demolish, energetic, enforce, feat, hearty, mature, observant, primary, resign, strive, verdict
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Vocabulary Test: Ethan Frome Vocab QuizWords:vernacular, articulate, imponderable, colonnade, mien, taciturnity, capitulating, colloquially, ebb, innocuous, reticent, provocation, arid, poignant, exanimate, writhing, chaotically, floundered, querulously, undulations, tenuous, aligned, effrontery, demurred, fatuity, dormant, intangible, plaintive, self-effacement, discern, tranquil, arch, quavered, affecting, scintillating, cessation, gaunt, luxuriated, languidly, inexorable, affability, mottling, facetious, audacity, abhorrent, swathed, excruciating, slatternly, opaque
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Vocabulary Test: Old Yeller and the BearWords:swelled, spasms, romping, mesquite, poultice, drown, whopper, frantic, marrow, whimpering, prowl, spooked, rowdy
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Vocabulary Test: Officer QuizWords:secondary, predominate, parity, miscreant, malefactor, preconceive, tabulate, originate, circumspect, detriment, imminent, capitulate, catastrophe, affray, symbolic, inhibit, altercation, ameliorate, propensity, exonerate, differentiate, expedient, honoraria, illegible, melee, sanctuary, immunity, castigate, prosperity, adverse, traditional, artifice, conspiracy, intervene, remonstrate, facilitate, restitution, susceptible, resilient, onerous, prevalent, pertain, preponderance, precipitate, initiate
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Vocabulary Test: lesson 10Words:millennium, millipede, millionaire, millefleurs, millisecond, milligram, milliliter, mile, millimeter, milestone
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Vocabulary Test: templeWords:circumspect, inhibit, differentiate, ameliorate, onerous, honoraria, illegible, melee, affray, sanctuary, immunity, castigate, detriment, precipitate, adverse, remonstrate, facilitate, preponderance, susceptible, prevalent, pertain, initiate, tabulate, originate, preconceive, malefactor, miscreant, parity, predominate, secondary, imminent, catastrophe, symbolic, altercation, exonerate, expedient, propensity, prosperity, traditional, artifice, conspiracy, intervene, capitulate, restitution, resilient
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Vocabulary Test: CNA3Words:meds, mid noc, min, mL, NA, neg, noc, NPO;npo, O2, OB, OOB, OR, os, OT, oz;Oz, PC;p.c., PCA, Peds, per, PM, PO;po, postop;post-op, preop;pre-op, prep, prn, Pt;pt, PT
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Vocabulary Test: Kinetics and EquilibriumWords:Kinetics, Rate, Mechanism, Activation Energy, Enthalpy, Exothermic Reactions, Endothermic Reactions, "R", "P", "PE", "AE", "AC", Heat of Reaction, Catalyst
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Vocabulary Test: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Vocab ReviewWords:Rhetorical, Expedition, Ponder, Precocious, Intersperse, Myriad, Imply, Figurative Language, Contributing, Extremely, Incredibly, Declare, Carnage, Self-conscious, Merely
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Vocabulary Test: Tuck Everlasting Ch.'s1-5 Vocabulary TestWords:trod, tangent, ambled, fringes, meadow, tranquil, bovine, contemplation, infinite, veered, oppressive, meager, forlorn, humbly, accessible, balmy, quivers, undisturbed
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Vocabulary Test: mnemonics 100Words:capacious, acquiesce, misconstrue, efface, abrogate, feign, multifarious, opine, surreal, vilify, pernicious, pallid, obfuscate, maniacal, malinger, penury, hellion, vacillate, feckless, apathy, benign, clamor, clandestine, efficacious, enmity, glean, emaciated, effrontery, vacuous, covert, overt, cower, furtive, facade, dilatory, aggrandize, plaudits, ludicrous, grsticulate, adulterated, asinine, ameliorate, assiduous, allure, laggard, expunge, erudite, mitigate, philanderer, praxis, truncated, tractable, verbose, sallow, proffer, sycophant, surreptitious, veritable, voluble, lackadaisical, flippant, capitulate, feral, sagacious, endemic, supine, deprecate, circuitous, cajole, execrable, urbane, dour, lugubrious, seethe, obsequious, officious, bumptious, rapacious, bilious, ruminate, palliate, rancorous, rife, inane, respite, querulous, pristine, wane, impetuous, desiccate, inure, deft, arduous, tempestuous, sanguine, cantankerous, mundane, pretentious, paucity, boorish
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Vocabulary Test: EucharistWords:Eucharist, Bread, Wine, Cross, Symbols, Sins, Eternal, Sacrament, Tabernacle, Mass, Church, Origin, Passover meal, Memorial, Thanksgiving, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Priest, Old Testament, New Testament, First Reading, Second Reading, Gospel, Homily, Prayers of the Faithful -, Apostles’ Creed, Our Father, Intercession, Petition, Repentance, Grace, Altar, Lectionary, Peace, Matthew, Mark, John, Luke, Response, Hymns
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 44: Osmoregulation and ExcretionWords:osmosregulation, excretion, nephron, urea, Loop of Henle, uric acid, ammonia, aldosterone, urethra, filtrate, Transport Epithelia
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Vocabulary Test: Ceramics Quiz 1Words:Sculpture, Ceramics, Earthenware, Stoneware, Carving, Modeling, Sgraffito, Incising, Relief, Freestanding, Clay, Wedging, Plasticicity, Coil, Slab, Pinch, Slip, Score, Assemblage, Sprigging, Greenware, Bisque ware, Leather-hard, Bone dry, Firing, Kiln, Dryfoot, Glaze, Functional, Nonfuncitonal
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