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Vocabulary Test: Dear Mr. Henshaw Vocabulary Test 1
amuse, diorama, duplicated, gondolas, enclosure, mobile home, duplex, bandanna, snitch, fictitious, mimeograph, loner, cautious, reefer, broker, halyard, canape, quiche, partition, pseudonym, nuisance, wrath

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Vocabulary Test: 25 weeks
renovation, compassion, condescending, digression, inconsequential, jubilation, mundane, opulent

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Unit 8
alternate, demolish, energetic, enforce, feat, hearty, mature, observant, primary, resign, strive, verdict

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Vocabulary Test: Ethan Frome Vocab Quiz
vernacular, articulate, imponderable, colonnade, mien, taciturnity, capitulating, colloquially, ebb, innocuous, reticent, provocation, arid, poignant, exanimate, writhing, chaotically, floundered, querulously, undulations, tenuous, aligned, effrontery, demurred, fatuity, dormant, intangible, plaintive, self-effacement, discern, tranquil, arch, quavered, affecting, scintillating, cessation, gaunt, luxuriated, languidly, inexorable, affability, mottling, facetious, audacity, abhorrent, swathed, excruciating, slatternly, opaque

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Vocabulary Test: Old Yeller and the Bear
swelled, spasms, romping, mesquite, poultice, drown, whopper, frantic, marrow, whimpering, prowl, spooked, rowdy

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Vocabulary Test: Officer Quiz
secondary, predominate, parity, miscreant, malefactor, preconceive, tabulate, originate, circumspect, detriment, imminent, capitulate, catastrophe, affray, symbolic, inhibit, altercation, ameliorate, propensity, exonerate, differentiate, expedient, honoraria, illegible, melee, sanctuary, immunity, castigate, prosperity, adverse, traditional, artifice, conspiracy, intervene, remonstrate, facilitate, restitution, susceptible, resilient, onerous, prevalent, pertain, preponderance, precipitate, initiate

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Vocabulary Test: lesson 10
millennium, millipede, millionaire, millefleurs, millisecond, milligram, milliliter, mile, millimeter, milestone

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Vocabulary Test: temple
circumspect, inhibit, differentiate, ameliorate, onerous, honoraria, illegible, melee, affray, sanctuary, immunity, castigate, detriment, precipitate, adverse, remonstrate, facilitate, preponderance, susceptible, prevalent, pertain, initiate, tabulate, originate, preconceive, malefactor, miscreant, parity, predominate, secondary, imminent, catastrophe, symbolic, altercation, exonerate, expedient, propensity, prosperity, traditional, artifice, conspiracy, intervene, capitulate, restitution, resilient

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Vocabulary Test: CNA3
meds, mid noc, min, mL, NA, neg, noc, NPO;npo, O2, OB, OOB, OR, os, OT, oz;Oz, PC;p.c., PCA, Peds, per, PM, PO;po, postop;post-op, preop;pre-op, prep, prn, Pt;pt, PT

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Vocabulary Test: The Yang's First Thanksgiving
dismayed, insult, winced, inpression, records, sprouts

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Vocabulary Test: th finish of patsy barnes
incorrigible, truant, paddocks, pneumonia, dam, hoodoo, stead, meager, compulsory, deizen of litte africa

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Vocabulary Test: Kinetics and Equilibrium
Kinetics, Rate, Mechanism, Activation Energy, Enthalpy, Exothermic Reactions, Endothermic Reactions, "R", "P", "PE", "AE", "AC", Heat of Reaction, Catalyst

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Vocabulary Test: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Vocab Review
Rhetorical, Expedition, Ponder, Precocious, Intersperse, Myriad, Imply, Figurative Language, Contributing, Extremely, Incredibly, Declare, Carnage, Self-conscious, Merely

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Vocabulary Test: Tuck Everlasting Ch.'s1-5 Vocabulary Test
trod, tangent, ambled, fringes, meadow, tranquil, bovine, contemplation, infinite, veered, oppressive, meager, forlorn, humbly, accessible, balmy, quivers, undisturbed

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Vocabulary Test: mnemonics 100
capacious, acquiesce, misconstrue, efface, abrogate, feign, multifarious, opine, surreal, vilify, pernicious, pallid, obfuscate, maniacal, malinger, penury, hellion, vacillate, feckless, apathy, benign, clamor, clandestine, efficacious, enmity, glean, emaciated, effrontery, vacuous, covert, overt, cower, furtive, facade, dilatory, aggrandize, plaudits, ludicrous, grsticulate, adulterated, asinine, ameliorate, assiduous, allure, laggard, expunge, erudite, mitigate, philanderer, praxis, truncated, tractable, verbose, sallow, proffer, sycophant, surreptitious, veritable, voluble, lackadaisical, flippant, capitulate, feral, sagacious, endemic, supine, deprecate, circuitous, cajole, execrable, urbane, dour, lugubrious, seethe, obsequious, officious, bumptious, rapacious, bilious, ruminate, palliate, rancorous, rife, inane, respite, querulous, pristine, wane, impetuous, desiccate, inure, deft, arduous, tempestuous, sanguine, cantankerous, mundane, pretentious, paucity, boorish

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Vocabulary Test: Eucharist
Eucharist, Bread, Wine, Cross, Symbols, Sins, Eternal, Sacrament, Tabernacle, Mass, Church, Origin, Passover meal, Memorial, Thanksgiving, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Priest, Old Testament, New Testament, First Reading, Second Reading, Gospel, Homily, Prayers of the Faithful -, Apostles’ Creed, Our Father, Intercession, Petition, Repentance, Grace, Altar, Lectionary, Peace, Matthew, Mark, John, Luke, Response, Hymns

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 44: Osmoregulation and Excretion
osmosregulation, excretion, nephron, urea, Loop of Henle, uric acid, ammonia, aldosterone, urethra, filtrate, Transport Epithelia

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Vocabulary Test: Ceramics Quiz 1
Sculpture, Ceramics, Earthenware, Stoneware, Carving, Modeling, Sgraffito, Incising, Relief, Freestanding, Clay, Wedging, Plasticicity, Coil, Slab, Pinch, Slip, Score, Assemblage, Sprigging, Greenware, Bisque ware, Leather-hard, Bone dry, Firing, Kiln, Dryfoot, Glaze, Functional, Nonfuncitonal

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Vocabulary Test: In Control
grasp, function, elementary, swollen, accused, uproar, flinging, imitating

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Vocabulary Test: TMADoMS vocab
sluggishly, flustered, metamorphosis, persistently, transfixed, defiant
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