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Vocabulary Test: DO IT YOURSELFWords:do it yourself, parents, house, home, always, fix, opening, month, teenagers, just, like , like (v), called (adj), course, will, use, different, tools, for example, leak, bathroom, paint, bedroom, change, lock (n) (v), last (adj), last (v), simple, bookshelf, starts, meet, free, only, other, neighborhood, have to, pay, must, bring, letter, participate, sign up, information, first, them
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L8.2 self-study words vocabtest P306Words:租, 租金, 房租, 租房, 出租, 出租房, 出租屋, 押金, 贵, 便宜, 方便, 便利, 便利店, 生存, 百分之, 价钱, 首付, 位置, 月供, 贷款, 按揭, 百分比
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Vocabulary Test: Getting to Know YourselfWords:Accomplishment , Aesthetics , Aptitudes , Entrepreneur, Interests , Lifestyle , Personality , Procrastinator , Relationships , Skills, Values
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Vocabulary Test: Self DeterminationWords:Academic, Portfolio, Literal Comprehension, Post Secondary, IEP, Self Advocacy, Accommodations, Inferential Comprehension, Transcript, Assistive Technology
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Vocabulary Test: EXPRESS YOURSELFWords:delighted, determined, disappointed, worried, upset, succeed, confident, make mistakes, frustrating, fail, improve, insecure, furious, optimistic, enthusiastic
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L8.1 self-study words vocabtest P302Words:暖气, 冷气, 空调, 茶几, 冰箱, 炉子, 烤箱, 电器, 鞋柜, 椅子, 书桌, 饭桌, 沙发, 衣柜, 双人床, 单人床, 家具, 主人房, 卧室, 厨房, 书房, 厕所, 浴室, 洗手间, 卫生间, 房间, 房子
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Vocabulary Test: What will life be like in the first self-sustainable city on MarWords:orb, to excavate, preliminary, swanky, feasible, to incentivise, hurdle, radiation, lethal, slated, jut out, mining
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L7.2 self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P279 Words:面包店, 博物馆, 菜市场, 加油站, 警察局, 消防站, 篮球场, 大使馆, 运动场, 宠物店, 回收站, 取款机, 水果店, 足球场, 理发店, 洗衣店, 书店, 花店, 酒吧, 设施, 邮局, 银行, 剧院, 教堂, 酒店, 诊所
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Vocabulary Test: Don't Soil YourselfWords:Clay, Loam, sand, silt, pore Space, Organic matter , CEC, Field Capacity, Permanent Wilting Point, Soil Horizons, Hardpan, Erosion, Macrofauna, Soil Biology, Microbiota, PH, Soil Amendment, Compost, Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Peat Moss, Coir, Vermiculite, Top watering, Bottom watering, Submersion watering, Wick watering
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L7.1 self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P269Words:中间, 里边, 外边, 旁边, 右边, 上边, 下边, 后边, 左边, 东北, 东南, 前边, 西北, 西南
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L7. 3 self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P291Words:电梯, 顾客, 排队, 发票, 服务台, 售货员, 退换处, 试衣间, 收银员, 收银台, 营业时间, 百货公司
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L9. 3 self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P354Words:快递, 网购, 卖家, 买家, 登录, 网店, 注册, 立即购买, 货到付款, 淘宝账户, 分期付款, 海外配送, 加入购物车
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L8.3 self-study words Vocabtest P318Words:社交媒体, 社交软件, 微软, 主页, 雅虎, 新浪微博, 脸书, 谷歌, 优酷, 油管, 连我, 推特, 微信, 电报, 即时电报, 抖音
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Vocabulary Test: suck my dickWords:decorum, demurely, unmollified, obliterating, pallor, pavillion, perpetual, quicken, refuge, reproach, sachet, solicitude, sultry, surly, trifle
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy1Words:elevation, eversion, intermediate, proximal (closer), distal (far), inversion, plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, deep (internal), supination, pronation, superficial (external), palmer, plantar, ipsilateral, contralateral, circumduction, external rotation, internal rotation, hyperextension, extension, flexion, adduction, abduction, inverted, prone, supine, superior (cranial), inferior (caudel), ventral (anterior), dorsal (posterior), medial, lordasis, depression, lateral, horizontal abduction, lateral flexion, a
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy muscles testWords:Flexor, Extensor, Abductor, Adductor, Levator, Depressor, Supinator, Pronator, Sphincter, Tensor, Rotator, Prime mover, Antagonist, Synergist
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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain test #2Words:amateur, bandit, berated, captive, cavity, civilization, concoction, conspicuous, contentment, dependent, edible, exertion, fatigue, forum, frayed, harassing, humanity, originated, pondered, preen
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Vocabulary Test: My TestWords:Ambivalence, Exemplify, Lucid, Salubrious, Ornate, Desecrate, Orthadox, Capitulate, Lukewarm, Preclude
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Vocabulary Test: across the wide dark sea vocabWords:anchor, journey, settlement, weary, shuddered, jack, lurked, defend, rough, sprouting, faith, desperate, rigging, survive, seeping, cramped
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Vocabulary Test: ben, bene, bonWords:benediction, benefactor, beneficial, beneficiary, benefit, beneveloent, benign, bonafide, bonus, bon voyage
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Vocabulary Test: The Adventures of SojournerWords:analysis, engineers, interpreted, maneuvers, monitoring, navigation, rover, sensors, stereoscopic, descent, transmit, panorama, retracted, array, barnacles, virtual reality, aeronautics, perilous, predicament, auxiliary
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Vocabulary Test: Beneath Blue WatersWords:crustacean, gelatinous, menagerie, oceanographers, submersible, tentacles, undulates, unfathomable, hydrothermal, mesopelagic, prow, starboard, bioluminescence, sparse, frigid, insulated, cavernous, parasites, copepods, elusive
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary List #3Words:exasperation, exhilarate, falter, foresight, fragrance, furtive, grueling, gusto, habitation, hasten, havoc, headway, ignite, illuminate, impending
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Vocabulary Test: The Kid Who Became PresidentWords:abolish, assassinated, blazer, bleachers, busting your chops, capitalism, causes, chandelier, dignitaries, encore, enterprise, fiasco, flip, gilded, gross, hovering, humiliate, immobilize, inauguration, intercom, interfere, lunatics, pandemonium, quintet, render, seal
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Vocabulary Test: The Memory Keeper's DaughterWords:Down's Syndrome, Cherubic, Billowed, Apgar Test, Exasperation, Unconfined, Flanke, Linoleum, Reprimanded, Dithered, Transfixed, Sluicing
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 3Words:abominate, acculturation, enjoin, ascribe, adventious, circuitous, commesierate, expedite, expiate, ferment, inadvertent, nominal, noncommittal, peculate, proclivity, sangfroid, seditious, tenuous, vitorilic, wheedle
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Vocabulary Test: CNAWords:abd, AC;ac, ADL, ad lib, AIDS, AKA, AM, AMB;abm, amt, ap;AP, BE, BKA, BM;bm, BP, BRP, /c, C, Ca;CA, CABG, cal, cath, CBC, CBR, CDC, CNA, C/O;c/o, CPR, CNS, CS, DOA, DOE, DON, drsg, Dx
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Vocabulary Test: On the pampasWords:Corral, Frisky, Gaucho, Graze, Hoof, Initials, Lasso, Mane, Mare, Pampas, Prance, Reins, Spooky, Tall Tale, Windmills
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Vocabulary Test: Miss AwfulWords:torpor, whimsical, martial, prodigy, mortified, disparage, infiltrated, reconvened, quavered, squander
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Vocabulary Test: Estar, Sentirse, and Tener Matching QuizWords:Estar, Sentirse, Tener, Aburrido(a), Cansado(a), Contento(a), Enfermo(a), Enojado(a), Nervioso(a), Triste, Calor, Frio, Hombre, Miedo, Sed, Sueno, Catarro
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Vocabulary Test: Romeo and JulietWords:Shroud, Valor, Environed, Pilgrimage, Lamentable, Array, Lament, Dirges, Apothecary, Detestable, Vengeance, Amorous, Paramour, Dispose, Restorative, Conspires, Ambiguities, Direful, Tedious, Devise
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Vocabulary Test: StormalongWords:seafaring, tidal, foaming, outcast, yearning, memorable, betrayed, condition, shortage, horrified
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Vocabulary Test: english vocab chickenWords:uni, uniform, unison, unanimous, mono, monologue, monopolize, monogamy, monolithic, homo, homonym, homogenized, equi, equitable, equilibrium, iniquity
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