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Vocabulary Test: Citizenship test
What is the supreme law of the land?, What does the Constitution do? , The idea of self-government is the first three words of the cons, What is an amendment?, What do we call the first 10 amendments to the Constitution?, What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?, How many amendments does the Constitution have?, What did the declaration of Independence do?, What are the two rights in the Declaration of Independence?, What is the freedom of religion?

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Vocabulary Test: Citizenship test 2
What is the economic system in the United States?, What is the rule of law?, Name one branch or part of the government, What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?, Who is in charge of the executive branch?, Who makes federal laws?, What are the two parts of the US Congress?, How many Senators are there?, We elect a US Senator for how many years?, Who is one of your state's US Senators now? (PA)

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Vocabulary Test: Citizenship test 3
The House of Representative has how many voting members?, We elect the US representative for how many years?, Name your US Representative, Who does a US Senator represent?, Why does some states have more Representatives than other states, We elect a President for how many years?, In what month do we vote for President?, What is the name of the President of the United States Now?, What is the name of the Vice President of the US now?, If the president can longer serve, who becomes President?

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Vocabulary Test: Citizenship test 4
If both the president and vice president can no longer serve, wh, Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?, Who signs bills to become laws?, Who vetoes bills?, What does the President's Cabinet do?, What are the two Cabinet-level positions?, What does the judicial branch do?, What is the highest court in the US?, How many justices are one the Supreme Court?, Who is the Chief Justice of the US now?

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Vocabulary Test: Citizenship test 5
Under our Constitutions, some powers belong to the federal gover, Under our Constitution some powers belong to the states. What is, Who is the Governor of PA state now?, What is the capital of your state?, What are the two political parties in the US?, What is the political party of President Obama now?, What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives , There are 4 amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. D, What is one responsibility that is only for the US citizens?, Name one right only the US citizens have?

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Vocabulary Test: Suffix
-plasia, -sarcoma, -osis, -gen, -genic, -oma, -sis, -stasis, -logist, -al, -ic, -ous, -logy, -pathy, -cyte, -oid, -plasm

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Vocabulary Test: Fuck Into To PoL
Precedent, "Stare decisis" , Amicus Curiae Brief, Class Action Suit, Writ of Certiorari, Judicial restriant, what is the rule of 4, oral arguments, majority opinion- concurring opinion, Dissenting opinion, Judicial activism (book)"

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Vocabulary Test: Final Exam
Pericardium, Gastroenterology, Arthritis, Adenopathy, Atria, Vertebra, Microcephalic, Acromegaly, Psychogenic, dyskinesia, phagocyte, thrombocyte, lymphangiography, rhinoplasty, hemothorax, eupepsia, gingivodynia, pancreatitis, transhepatic, cystotomy, orchidorrhaphy, amniocentesis, neurotransmitters, intracerebral, paraplegia, gonadotropic hormones, suprarenal glands, prone, supine, distal, proximal, posteroanterior, endocarditis, dysrhythmia, hypoxemia, laryngoscopy, heptomegaly, splenomegaly, lithotripsy, pyuria, retrograde pyelogram, osteoarthritis, scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis, blepharitis, otosclerosis, mommoplasty, hyperparathyroidism, calcipenia, pathogens, natural immunities , veins, arteriosclerosis, hyperglycemia, cholecystectomy, vesicle, pediculosis, pathology, anesthesiology, orthodontics, immunologist, perinatologist, perinatologist, cryptorchidism, menarche, hysteropexy, primigravida, abduction, flexion, ulcer, nodule, aids, erythrocyte, spleen, cyanosis, choledocholithiasis, arachnophobia, midsagittal , jejunum, abdominopelvic, nephritis, humerus, radius, clavicle, plasma, pleura, peritoneum, sarcoma, myometrium, pneumothorax, melanoma, bursitis, ureterostomy, lymph, hemolysis, proctoscope, platelet, jaundice, caudid, trachea, bronchi, calcaneus, shingles, pyelitis

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Vocabulary Test: met
Dick, jane, sdas, adas, adsad, aada, ads, ad

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Vocabulary Test: Privatschulen
lkjaf;d, asdfsd, daf, asdfef, werwe, aserfs

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Vocabulary Test: La perte de poids
suivre un régime, avoir des kilos en trop, vomir, être obséde par, s'alimenter, être bien dans sa peau, rechuter, se remettre à, négocier, se permettre à, focaliser sur, tricher, compter, peser, mincir, majeur, malsain, déspespéré, affaibli, creux, le poids, ressembler à, maigrir, faible, rond, maigre, mince, la joue, la balance, le régime, l'amaigrissement, l'anorexie, le mannequin, être la faute de, être responsable de, reprocher à qqn de

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Vocabulary Test: mty2012
unobtrusive, perilous, imbibed, warren, commodity, scintillating, phalanx, provender, perfunctory, spasm, ominous, disquieting, malice, respite, loathsome, abominable, furtive, disheveled, frugal, tussock, bower, causeway, bollards, wallowing, inquisitiveness, scrupulous, sluggard, writhing, hoary, conspiracy, pinnacle, wights, russet, marrow, incantation, bumpkin, brooch, damasked, botanical, shanks, rogue, indignant, pondering, stealth, sallow, quagmires, wraith, undulating, cairn, haggard, chattels, panoply, bane, chalcedony, adamant, carcanet, errantry, baldric, necromancer, tryst, mementos, sylvan, delved, furlong, sinuous, fissures, chasms, gnarled, draught, corslet, scimitar, truncheon, bole, plaited, fallow, poignant, fosse, plight, ewer, assuaged, hythe, tortuous, circuitous, fen, phial, wold, eyot, gunwale, sloe, mustering, wain

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Vocabulary Test: Grade 6 SSAT words D-F
Declare, Deluge, Dense, Deplete, Deposit, Designate, deteriorate, dialogue, diligent, diminish, discretion, dissent, dissolve, distinct, drastic, dwell, duration, eclipse, eerie, economy, effect, efficient, elaborate, eligible, elude, erupt, exploit, extract, factor, formulate, fuse, futile, domestic, dominate, ferocious

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Vocabulary Test: jvb 2012 a words
aback, authentic, abdomen, aye, abduction, abhorrent, abidance, abnormal, abolition, abomination, abortive, abrupt, abundant, abusive, academy, accommodate, accompany, accomplish, accusation, accusatory, acknowledge, acquaint, acquittal, acreage, ad infinitum, adaptation, address, adhesion, adieu, adjacency, adjacent, administrator, adoration, adulterant, adversary, adversity, aerostat, affect, afterthought, agenda, aggravate, aggravation, aggress, agile, agnostic, album, alcohol, alias, alien, alienate, alienation, alleged, allegiance, alley, allocate, allot, almanac, aloft, altar, alteration, altitude, ambitious, amend, americanism, amoral, amputate, amusement, anatomy, ancestry, angelic, anguish, animate, annul, antic, antichrist, antique, antonym, apology, apparent, aquatic, arbitrate, archangel, aristocracy, aristocrat, arrange, arrangement, artful, askew, assail, assets, astray, athirst, atlas, audacity

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Vocabulary Test: Poetry Terminology
Alliteration, Carpe Diem, Couplet, Haiku, Hyperbole, Limerick, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Personification, Quatrain, Quintet, Rhyme, Simile, Sonnet, Stanza

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Matching Quiz
Amenable, Adsdun, dnaisduh, adasdasd, frfrf, aujjy

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Vocabulary Test: Renaissance
Renaissance, humanism, movable type, indulgence, Salvation , Reformation , Protestant

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 9 Vocab:S.S
Romulus , Aeneas , Remus, republic, patricians , plebeians , Senate, consuls , legend , peninsula , civilwar , Julius Caesar , Cicero, Augustus , civil service, Pax Romana , campaign, marble , aqueducts , Colosseum, gladiators , cause, private-school , shrines , emperor, empire, Jesus, Gospels , disciples , parables , Gentiles , Paul, missionary , Epistles , morals

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab. Test
flimsy, long, gruff, persist, strain, adjust, lively, memorable, astounding, zoom, intense, exhilarated

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Vocabulary Test: Matching
Doric , Ionic, Corinthian, Erectheum, Apollo at Didyma, Acropolis at Athens, Parthenon, Athena, Phideas, Politicians
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