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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 18Words:Zany, Abash, Abduct, Abbess, Wanton, Waive, Writhe, Abdicate, Zealot, Wither, Voluminous, Voracious, Whet, Abate, Abbreviate, Abase, Abacus, Zenith, Abet, Abberrant
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Vocabulary Test: College TermsWords:academic advisor, CAVS, Chancellor, course catalog, FERPA, Part-time student, schema, mnemonic devices, student handbook, transcript, withdrawl grade, Curriculum, credit hour, GPA, Prerequisite, syllabus, Blackboard, Dean, Full-time student, course of study
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Vocabulary Test: phobias testWords:Phobia, Bogyphobia, Hobophobia, Arachnophobia, Ophidiophobia, Zemmiphobia, Physical Phobias, Physcological Phobias, Germaphobia, Claustrophobia
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Vocabulary Test: Phylum Mollusca test reviewWords:outer shell, valve, visceral mass, muscular foot, mantle, radula, bivalvia/aplacophora, ctenidia, nephridia, periostracum, prismatic, nacreous, veliger, bivalves, gastropoda, cephalopoda, chiton, graze on algae and scraping, scaphopoda, feed on detritus and protistans, torsion, operculum, propodium, gastropodia, bivalvia, pelecypoda, dioecious/external fertilization, sedentary filter feed, cephalopoda, syphon, dioecious/internal fertilization, substrate
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Vocabulary Test: vocab lesson 21 and 22Words:vogue, faction, assay, taint, diverge, inherent, fiord, unremitting, augment, subside, abstain, entomology, tepid, prototype, credence, omnivorous, idyll, catharsis, dissipate, entity
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Vocabulary Test: wiki reviewWords:capacious, acquiesce, destitute, envenom, efface, abrogate, feign, multifarious, opine, insolent, rue, surreal, vilify, pernicious, pallid, obfuscate, maniacal, malinger, timorous, penury, serpentine, hellion, vacillate, feckless, meticulous, apathy, benign, clamor, clandestine, efficacious, enmity, glean, emaciated, effrontery, fatuous, covert, overt, cower, furtive, facade, dilatory, aggrandize, plaudits, ludicrous, gesticulate, garner, tribulation, adulterated, ameliorate, asinine, assiduous, laggard, coddle, erudite, mitigate, praxis, unkempt, truncated, tractable, verbose, sallow, proffer, sycophant, surreptitious, veritable, voluble, flippant, indolent, capitulate, feral, sagacious, supine, circuitous, descry, crass, execrable, urbane, dour, delectable, propinquity, lugubrious, seethe, obsequious, officious, bumptious, ingrate, billious, ruminate, palliate, rife, acute, acumen, exacerbate, replete, respite, querulous, pristine, wane, impetuous, duplicitious
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Vocabulary Test: The Forgotten Door VocabularyWords:lichens, quench, resolutely, warily, liniment, skinflint, mercenary, concoction, crinkling, bewilderment, misgivings, ramie, filigree, compressed, confound, seared, inaudible, emphatically, enclosure, evasive, recuperate, aloofly, lurched, ogling, officious, preposterous, abhorred, torrents, dawdled, gape, strode, inhospitable, priority
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Vocabulary Test: Project Citizen Vocab QuizWords:analysis, liberty, bill, citizen, city government, civic, community organizations, community standards, ethnic group, government agency, interest group, legislature, lobbyist, local government, policy, public policy, statistics, values, zoning
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Vocabulary Test: Theatre Vocabulary TestWords:Stage, House, Onstage, Offstage, Backstage, Set, Props, Foot Mics, Body Mics, Monitor, Blocking, Entrance, Exit, Cross, Counter, Cue, Crew, Cast, Company
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Vocabulary Test: The Phantom Tollbooth Vocabulary QuizWords:Connotation, Decree, Dejected, Disrepute, Glum, Humbug, Inscribe, Lethargy, Minstrel, Presume, Quagmire, Depict, Unabridged, Surmise, Wistful
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Vocabulary Test: Solutions Vocabulary QuizWords:Colligative properties, Colloid, Molar concentration, Saturated solution, Solubility, Solute, Solvent, Supersaturated solution, Suspension, Tyndall Effect, Unsaturated Solution, Solution
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Vocabulary Test: accrued-truculentWords:accrued, bovine, dolt, fetter, fusillade, mammoth, panache, peccadillo, pious, sage, capacious, cower, egalitarian, fathom, lament, potentate, scrutinize, surfeit, truculent, irascible
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Vocabulary Test: frenchWords:un coup de telephone –, un enterrement –, . un chef d’orchestre, . un sobriquet, un internat, fond de l'etang, un pion, un gardien, un potager, un piege, un pensionnaire, blesse, un rassemblement, lache, un attentat, le coupable, un cachot, des point de souture, crane d'obus, trebucher, le metier, le toit, une experience, une chorale, les water, faire le chantier, s'occuper de quelqu'un, le dortoir, fouiller dans mes affaires, tenter, les gosses, un cancre, un rage des dents, les travaux d'interet, mythomane, avoir le droit de, saigner, crever, pousser le chansonette, engeuler, un bourse, basculer, la fierte, planquer, un fugue, renvoyé, rate, au chomage, un incendie, etre coince/ piege comme un rat
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Vocabulary Test: PeteyWords:Vengeance, Askew, Impeccably, Morosely, Interviewer, Scrutinized, Immense, Rehabilitative, Probation, Gestures, Flail, Composure, Competency, Pummeled, Bedlam, Interrogation, Tenacity, Diligent, Conjured, Deteriorate, Anticipation, Elated, Divulge, Curtly, Modified, Taunted, Seclusion, Essence, Depressed, Grotesque
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Vocabulary Test: Muggie Maggie Vocabulary TestWords:cootie, nuisance, indignant, contrariness, demonstrate, artistic, reluctant, dread, suspicious, revolt, daintily, virtuous, accurate, rumpled, annoyingly, scrunched, supervised, defeated, peculiar, tittered, distinguished, frantically, astonished, arithmetic, cursive
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Vocabulary Test: Archaeology Vocabulary QuizWords:Aboriginal people, dendrochronology, absolute dating, ecofact, Anthropology, Envrionmental Archaeology, Archaeobotany, excavation, Archeozoology, Experimental Archaeology, artifact, feature, biface, flint, Carbon 14, flake, cuneiform, fossil, datum, geomorphology
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