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Vocabulary Test: Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary
shrift, Lammastide, fortnight, shall have the chinks, jest, procure, peppered, fond, blaze, sojourn, revel, twain, inundation, orisons, shroud, sullen, dirge, cordial, maw, unthrifty, attach, sepulcher, entreat, peruse

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Vocabulary Test: HSC- 2011 listening
polvere, influenzare, urlare, assaggiare, affrontare, trattare, costruire, convincere, vincere, apprezzare, spostare, il fiore, l'albergo, l'albero, il cortile, anziani, rovina, regina, paessagio, l'ambiente, riciclati, vetro, legno, plastica, il sacco a pelo, portatile, gioia, fastidioso, cotta, stretti, inoltre, anzi, ormai, capogiro, potere, lesa, ridotte, mostre, quadri, treccia

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Vocabulary Test: S's
luis , sordid, salacious, satiate, scathing, sojourn

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Vocabulary Test: 11CP Vocab Lists 30, 31
arduous, berate, connoisseur, expedient, insipid, irascible, partial, reverent, usurp, vertigo, aghast, blighted, chimerical, harried, ingrate, misnomer, pensive, sanctuary, tyranny, zeal

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Vocabulary Test: WHCH9
Constantinople, Justinian, Justinian's Code, Autocrat, Theodora, Patriarch, Icon, Great Schism, Steppe, Kiev, Cyrillic , Golden Horde, Ivan the Great, Tsar, Ivan the Terrible, boyar, Balkan Peninsula, Diet, Ethnic group, Golden Bull of 1222

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Vocabulary Test: What Worrior cat are you
What best describes your self., What would you do if your leader(a cat) was about to fall in a r, What clan would you be in..., Who do you think is more mean.., How do you think whitestorm died, What was sorge's first name

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Vocabulary Test: unit 5
accomplice, annihilate, arbitrary, brazen, catalyst, exodus, facilitate, incorrigible, latent, militant, mororse, opaque, paramount, prattle, rebut, reprimand, servitude, slapdash, stagnant, succumb

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Vocabulary Test: lesson 19
breach, clammy, construct, elaborate, fragrant, furnish, haven, install, massive, repel, restore, retaliate, stench, strew, vicinity

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Vocabulary Test: 4th 9 Weeks
recall, bicameral, veto, Constitution, referendum, initiative, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Judicial Branch

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Vocabulary Test: VOCAM

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Vocabulary Test: test
perish, linger , fugitive, clamor , agitate, compassion, belittle, percieve, listless, melancholy, ample , abode, relish, reminisce, timidity, cycle, balk, inconceivabe, ancestry, mediocre, opinionated, daze , shimmer, santuary, harass, substantial, studious, wary, cordial, dilute, appropriate, contradict, fraud, heritage, hostile, intelligible, intervene, invalid, jostle, majestic, obliging, parch, potential, scurry, shiftless, glutton, summon , bilingual, zeal , manipulate, knowledgeable, infancy , glint, quake, dreary, incomprehensible, instinct, mimic, mystify, shun

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Vocabulary Test: VOCAB

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Vocabulary Test: history
monoploy, beringia, Maya, quipa, montezuma II, aztec, city state, christopher columbus, inca, toltec, conquidors, olmec

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Vocabulary Test: Insane Words
refrainer, Rubharb, crap, thornwater, utensil, griger, henchman, stereotypical, tramatic, yesetri, gunpowder, kerosene, mullite, treduous

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Vocabulary Test: Post-Mortem
moribund, Agonal Algor, Agonal Hypostasis, Necrobiosis, Aecubitus Ulcers, First internal sign of death, Homeostasis, Algor Mortis, Livor Mortis, Green..., Carbohydrates, Hypostasis is ... and removable via..., Rigor Mortis brings..., Rigor Mortis indicates..., Ideal temperature for rigor mortis, Post-Mortem Caloricity, Anabolism, Catabolism, Hemolysis brings..., The problems with Post Mortem Stain..., What's the PH of humans?, What makes up a protien?, Sucessful embalming must..., What does HCHO do to protein?, Protiens contain...

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Vocabulary Test: onehundred
about, after, also, as, because, by, can, could, got, her, had, be, did, all, a

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Vocabulary Test: Psych ch 8
Emotion, James-Lange theory, Cannon-Bard theory, Two-fact theory , Appraisal, Emotion regulation, Reappraisal, Emotional expression, Universality hypothesis-, Facial Feedback hypothesis, Display rules , Motivation, Hedonic principle, Homeostasis , Drive , Bulimia nervosa, Anorexia nervosa, Metabolism, Human sexual response cycle , Mortality salience hypothesis , Intrinsic motivation, Extrinsic motivation, Unconscious motivation, Need for achievement, Approach motivation, Avoidance motivation, Conscious motivation

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test
abase, blight, chide, derive, elicit, fidelity, gaunt, hone, impediment, kinetic

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Vocabulary Test: enviro science
Malthusians, Cornucopians, fertility, Crude birth rate, Total Fertility Rate , zero population growth, Demographic transition, Economic efficiency, ecosystem services, external costs

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Vocabulary Test: Blah
ose (ost), Osti, ostrac, oti (oto), ovum, pachy, palae, -palmate, papil, par, para, pariet, parv, pect, ped, peduncl, pelecy, penis, pente, peri, perisso, perenni, petr, phaeo, phago, phil, phor, photo, phragm, phyl, phyl, physa, physio, phyte, pino, pili, pinna, plac, plan, plantar, plasm, plast, platy, pleio, pleur, plex, plica, -ploid, plume, pneumo, pod, poly, pollex
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