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Vocabulary Test: 4/4/12
refutation, rejoinder, terseness, audacity, blister, xenophobia, scoundrel, rascal, nonentity, listlessness, jibe, bias, quarrel

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Week 31
coalition, covenant, fetish, incentive, incubus, insurrection, paradox, pargon, plagirism, solstice, aesthetic, chimerical, exotic, forensic, ineffable, maudlin, occult, portentous, relerant, sadistic

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Vocabulary Test: Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Chapter 6 Vocab
reluctant, dawdle, scant, mechanic, plodded, shame, pediatrician

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Vocabulary Test: word lesson 4
Internet, Internet service provider, HTML, Hyperlink, Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Blog Post, E-Mail, Intranet, Attachment, Website

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Vocabulary Test: I'll be the judge of that
Conciliatory, Credible, Exonerate, Incontrobertible, Indict, Litigious, Partisan, Parity, Rectitude, Remiss

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Vocabulary Test: Literary quiz 2
Doggerel, Ellipsis, End-stopped line, Enjambment, Epigram, Epistrophe, Euphemism, Euphony, Extended/Sustained Figure, Farce, Feminine Rhyme, Fixed Form, Foil, Harmatia, Internal rhyme, Juxtaposition, Litotes, Masculine rhyme

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Vocabulary Test: 7c
bargain, allowance, wage, waste, society, regret, shopaholic, reach for, blow, feeling a bit down, receipt, finances, slightly, in control, get into debt, save, earn

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Vocabulary Test: oasho7cefwey
pummel, frivolous, vice, medieval, theology, stupor, fervant, pios, enabled, episode, virtue, vanity, encient, hubbub, pursuade

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Vocabulary Test: Zoey's Vocab Test ch 15
yes, yes1, yes2, yes3, yes4, yes5

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Vocabulary Test: unit6
atone, bondage, credible, defray, diligent, doleful, ghastly, hamper, hew, impoverished, incessant, intricate, lucid, posthumous, prim, sardonic, superfluous, supplant, taunt, tenacious

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Vocabulary Test: zoeys chapter test
adopt, agile, analyze, assist, babble, captivity, drab, fatal, generosity, genuine, illegal, merit

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Vocabulary Test: Weather
Polar Front, Occluded Front, Stationary Front, Warm Front, Cold Front, Maritime Tropical Pacific, Maritime Tropical Gulf and Maritime Tropical Atlantic, Continental Tropical, Moist Air Masses, Dry Air Masses, Global Winds, Uneven Heating, Front, Maritime Polar Atlantic, Maritime Polar Pacific, Continental Polar Canadian, Air Mass, Wave, Wave Cyclone, Anticyclone, Thunderstorms, Cumulus Stage

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Vocabulary Test: Hons Biology Vocab
Pedigree, Epistasis, Multiple Alleles, Autosome, Polygenic Trait, Nondisjunction, Karyotype, Telomere, Carrier, Sex Chromosome, Codominance, Sex-linked Trait, Incomplete Dominance , Genetic Recombination, Polyploidy, Allele, Dominant, Genetics , Genotype, Heterozygous , Homozygous, Hybrid, Law of Independent Assortment, Law of Segregation, Phenotype, Recessive, Crossing Over, Diploid, Fertilization, Gamete, Gene, Haploid, Homologous Chromosome, Meiosis, Nucleosome, Okazaki Fragment, Codon, Double Helix, Transcription, Ribosomal RNA, Gene Regulation, Semiconservative replication, Exon, Translation, DNA Polymerase, Mutagen, RNA, Mutation, Intron, Operon, Transfer RNA, Messenger RNA, RNA Polymerase, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), Cellular Respiration, Energy, Metabolism, Photosynthesis, Thermodynamics, Calvin Cycle, Granum, NADP+, Pigment, Rubisco, Stroma, Thylakoid, Aerobic Process, Aerobic Respiration, Anaerobic Process , Fermentation, Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle

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Vocabulary Test: Earth's Features and Landforms
Shield Volcano, Composite Volcano, Cinder Volcano, Weathering , Erosion, Volcano, Earthquake, Lava , Magma, Epicenter, Plates, Fault , Ashflow Caldera Volcano, Conduits

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Vocabulary Test: Matching
Difficult to travel, Yellow River, Family, Shi Haungdi, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, Merit-Based, Got rid of books, Expand Chinese Empire, Iron farming tools, Emperor says to bring back Confucian tradition, Wheel barrow, rudder, collar, harness, Great Wall of China, tool, You die and become something else (cycle of rebirth)

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Vocabulary Test: Matching
Difficult to travel, Yellow River, Family, Shi Haungdi, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, Merit-Based, Got rid of books, Expand Chinese Empire, Iron farming tools, Emperor says to bring back Confucian tradition, Wheel barrow, rudder, collar, harness, Great Wall of China, tool, You die and become something else (cycle of rebirth)

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Vocabulary Test: fgsjnl;
halide ion, covelant bond, valence electron, electron dot structure, octet rule, cation, anion, ionic compound, ionic bond, chemical formula, formula unit, coordination number, metallic bond, ductile, malleable, alloy, substitutional alloy, interstitial alloy

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Vocabulary Test: French Activities
Noel, Paques, pendent, a la mer, a la montagne, seul(e), un jour, une semaine, un mois, le sport, le jogging, la natacion, l'escalade, le ski, le ski nautique, la voile, la planche a voile, le roller, le skate, le snowboard, le VTT, matin, apres-midi, le soir, prochain, reparer, preparer, aider, laver, nettoyer, ranger, louer, voir, recontrer, assister a, campagne, avant, apres

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Vocabulary Test: Aspects of Poetry
Tone, Theme, Dramatic Situation, Free Verse, Narrative Poem, Dramatic Monologue, Elegy, Lyric Poem, Ballad, alliteration, simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, onompatopoeia, oxymoron, Flashback, Satire

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Vocabulary Test: statistics
Cluster sample, Stratified sample, Random, Unbiased sample , Systematic sample, Population, Sample-
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