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Vocabulary Test: chapter 8 spanish vocab
la banca, la escasez, la cifra, la vivencia, la travesía, agrupar, aportar, citar, fortalecer, según, remontarse, surgir, triunfar, agudo, debido de, en busca de, el tejado, meterse, infame, por si acaso, ahogar, hundir, quitar, ni así

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Vocabulary Test: chapter 9 spanish vocab
el orgullo, la confitería, la cordillera, el cuentista, el ganado, la imprenta, la llanura, la orilla, el pasto, el taller, el terreno, la trucha, el vaquero, destacarse, encabezar, habitar, justificar, sobrecoger, dejar atrás, lugar de temporada, al pie de, al alejarse de, el andén, la joya, mudo, quedarse con, la aspiradora, la valija, fingir, fastidiado, la mitad, el sillón, alcanzar, apretar, bastar, prevalecer, quedar, tropezar, disponible, ellos mismos, ni siquiera

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Vocabulary Test: chapter 10 spanish vocab
la bahía, la carretera, la espada, el ferrocaril, la meseta, la pesca, el propósito, el tamaño, el trozo, caluroso, desértico, estreche, maravilloso, pintoresco, valioso, vistoso, a raíz de, Escuela de Derecho, junto a, junto con

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Vocabulary Test: 20 words
accept, attended, desired, distinguishing, desert, declared, detirmine, Oregon, Refused, parted, cermony, loyal, outcast, remained, unfortunately, Swayed, eventually, interperting, perhaps, Replied

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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 24 Vocabulary
Carthago, fabula, imperator, imperium, perfugium, servus, solacium, vulnus, re or red, ut, postea, accipio, exipio, recipio, pello, expello, narro, quaero, rideo
Test Also Includes: parts of speech

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Vocabulary Test: Roots Unit #1-#4
aqua, bio, gen, mater, spec, cogn, loc, nat, ped, sign, aud, photo, struct, therm, vissee

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Week 1 Term 4 Assiduous
assiduous (adj.), astute (adj.), atrophy (n.), audacity (n.), augment (v), auspicious (adj.)

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Vocabulary Test: Roots Unit #1-#4
aqua, bio, gen, mater, spec, cogn, loc, nat, ped, sign, aud, photo, struct, therm, vis, act, cycl, graph, mem, tact

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Vocabulary Test: 1
Adequate, Ajar, Dialogue, Emblem, Gigantic, Havoc, Hearth, Implore, Infamous, Innumerable, Lax, Mar, Misdemeanor, Mull, Narrative, Overture, Pact, Stalemate, Vindictive, Wilt

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Vocabulary Test: Un Viaje en Tren
la estación de ferrocarril, la ventanilla, el billete/ el boleto, el boleto sencillo, de ida y vuelta, la sala de espera, el mozo/ el maletero, el equipaje, la maleta, la bolsa, el tablero de llegadas y salidas, el horario, el quiosco, el tren, el andén , la vía, en segunda clase, en primera clase, el vagón/ el coche, ayudar

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Vocabulary Test: 3.3.4 Engineering test
Appendix, Bias, Brainstorming, Criteria, Decsion Matrix, Discriptive Abstract, Executive Summary, Innovation, Invention, Product, Purpose, Technical Report

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Vocabulary Test: CST Vocab
Stanza, First Person, Third Person, Lot, Main Idea, Quotation

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Vocabulary Test: Chp. 8 and 9 CHem Vocab
hi, how are you, i like you, do you like to dance, hello, justin

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 4/3/12
internet, internet service provider, HTML, web page title, Hyperlink, blog, web layout, attachment, intranet, e-mail

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Vocabulary Test: mk9259512
Nomination, General Election, Caucus, Direct Primary, Closed Primary, Open Primary, Blanket Primary, Runoff Primary, Nonpartisan Election, Ballot, Absentee Voting, Coattail Effect, Precinct, Polling Place, Political Action Committee (PAC), Subsidy, Hard Money, Soft Money

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Vocabulary Test: 1
acceptable , accidentally , accommodate , acquire  , acquire  , a lot , amateur , apparent , argument , atheist , immaturity, presidential, precision, precious, president, precedence, precedent, preceding

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Vocabulary Test: word test 4/3/12
Internet, Internet Service Provider, HTML, Hyperlink, Blog Post, Web Layout, Web Page Title, Attachment, Intranet, E-Mail

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Vocabulary Test: victoria
Community, Population, Ecosystem, Condensation, Niche, Reusable Resources, Transpiration

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Vocabulary Test: vocabulay April
Agile, Savagely, Underling, Allegiance, Corrupt, Exploit

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Vocabulary Test: science 4/3
Golden rule, chemical property, 2 examples of chemical properties, crystalline solid, amorphous solid, surface tension, liquid, sublimation, vaporization , freezing, melting, energy, Boyle's law, Charle's law, Gas , How is a amorphous solid related to a liquid, chemical change (chemical reaction), condensation, chemical property, physical property, 5 physical properties of matter, viscosity, solid, four phases of matter
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