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Vocabulary Test: Chufa Book1 L5.2 Self-study Vocab P177Words:功能, 通讯录, 消息, 短信, 简信, 文字, 群聊, 即时通话, 朋友圈, 二维码, 设置, 头像, 表情, 添加, 搜索, 转账, 信息
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L4.3 Self-study Vocabtest P159Words:橄榄球, 棒球, 篮球, 排球, 乒乓球, 网球, 高尔夫球, 板球, 跑步, 滑冰, 滑雪, 唱歌, 跳舞, 画画, 摄影
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Vocabulary Test: self-contradictory2Words:它 , 刺破 , 被, 能, 都, 东西, 用 , 无论 , 无, 锐利 , 坚硬, 又, 对, 对大家说 , 拿, 拿着 , 刺 , 破
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: self-contradictory1Words:也 , 在桌子上 , 卖 , 在市场上 , 上 , 市场 , 在 , 有个人, 楚国, 星, 自相矛盾, 星期, 时, 战, 国, 时期 , 战国, 矛, 盾, 相, 自
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L3.1 Self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P103Words:父母, 父亲, 母亲, 爷爷, 奶奶, 祖母, 祖父, 外祖母, 外祖父, 姥姥, 姥爷, 外婆, 外公, 哥哥, 姐姐, 妹妹, 弟弟, 兄弟姐妹, 工程师, 电脑工程师, 建筑师, 设计师, 教师, 教授, 经理, 大夫, 医生, 护士, 退休, 属相, 鼠, 牛, 虎, 兔, 龙, 蛇, 马, 羊, 猴, 鸡, 狗, 猪
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L9. 2 self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P344Words:汽水, 牛肉, 苹果, 橙子, 猪肉, 虾, 西瓜, 蛋糕, 冰淇淋, 薯条, 饼干, 三明治, 鱼, 橘子, 羊肉, 牛奶, 汉堡包, 草莓, 巧克力, 热狗, 香蕉
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L9. 1 self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P331Words:闯红灯, 安全带, 过马路, 人行道, 红绿灯, 发短信, 代驾, 酒驾/酒后驾驶, 最高限速, 交通规则, 遵守, 系
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Vocabulary Test: Hatshepsut; his majesty, herselfWords:Pharaoh, prosperous, Heir, Protocol, Justify, Inscribed, Conquest , Coronation, regent , Harem
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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L3.3 Self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P122Words:生气, 坏脾气, 急脾气, 有耐心, 粗鲁, 有礼貌, 外向, 大气, 乐观, 马虎, 认真, 被动, 主动, 冷淡, 友好, 买, 生日, 负责任, 有原则, 一样, 将来, 那样, 这样, 大方, 热情, 应该, 重要, 更, 好脾气, 内向, 希望, 悲观, 小气, 积极, 问, 男孩子, 女孩子, 但是, 性格, 长相, 既...又..., 家人, 亲切, 给, 消极, 礼物
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Vocabulary Test: un oso y un amorWords:ahijaderor, trasquila, ganado, hallar, carpa, ramas, ovejas, remolinar, pasto, lazano, temblete, arroyo, lanzar, alarido, perosogamos, gozar, estremezco, soeces, corderito, paloma, belleza, hoja, crin, cucurucu, coqueteos, cojo, hocico, cachorro, herido, grunia, reculabamos, bico, alzar, desolle, anillo, piel
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Vocabulary Test: scrutinize-tawdryWords:scrutinize, truculent, fathom, panache, fetter, peccadillo, surfeit, dolt, lament, potentate, accrue, pious, egalitarian, irascible, bovine, fussilade, sage, mammoth, cower, capacious, abate, acme, abashed, ehtereal, tawdry
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Vocabulary Test: purpsle vocabWords:hyperbole, oxymoron, similes, puns, sarcasm, paradox, analogy, symbol, foreshadow, irony, personification, jargon, metaphors
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Vocabulary Test: bud not buddyWords:caseworkers, depression, cur, urchins, mission, gait, paltry, knickers, puny, sully, moldering, insinuating, imply, charitable, coward, mischievous, devastate, behavior, punishment, destination, matrimonial, radiating, ventriloquists, copacetic, embouchure
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Vocabulary Test: seal surfer vocabWords:swooped, swell, quay, surf, molted, dissolved, wrenched, sensation, basked, buffeted, horizon, mussels, panic, reformed, elated, deserted
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Vocabulary Test: journal of wong ming-chung v2Words:breakwater, levees, appetite, rockers, prospect, hesitated, eddy, rehearse, employee, nuggets, lumber, registered, delta, deposits, headquarters, immigrants, district, investment, claim
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Vocabulary Test: excelWords:Ribbon, Formula bar, Worksheet, sheet tabs, gridlines, rows, columns, cell, cell address, workbook, sheet, design, layout, format, legend, explode, page break, shape effects, selected data, percentage, zoom, active cell
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Vocabulary Test: Career Management 3.00 BWords:Journey Worker, Military, Part-time Jobs, Postsecondary school, PSAT, On-the-job training, SAT, Student organizations, Study Habits, Test-taking skills, Trade and professional organizations, Transcript, VOCATS, Volunteer, Volunteer experiences, Work-based learning, Proprietary school
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Vocabulary Test: lesson 4Words:anti, co, syn, aort, arct, thes/thet, synthesize, coarctate, antithesis, thesis, aortarctia, antithetic, coarctation, arch, crac, glyph, hier, typ, archaic, hierocracy, hierarch, archetype, hieroglyphics, hierarchy, thes/thet
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Vocabulary Test: Body of Christopher CreedWords:aloof, galley, idle, kidnap, momentarily, paranoid, quizzical, serendipitous, stability, perplexed, maneuvered, foundations, deliberate, mentioned, condescending, animated, coy, antagonist, alibi, suspect
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Vocabulary Test: Gollywhopper Games 2Words:concession, philosophical, distractions, conceive, earpiece, survivors, zeroed in, swarmed, impropriety, relinquished, petty, verified, traffic cones, indignation, kaleidoscope, pulsed, saluted, auburn, logical, legitimately, schmooze, oblige
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Vocabulary Test: Feb 25Words:restless, dormant, frenetic, sluggish, industrious, spry, loiter, strenuous, lull, vigor
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Vocabulary Test: LEVEL 1Words:backstitch, bobbin, casing, clipping curves, ditch stitch, edgestitch, fold, pinking shears, pivot, presser foot, raw edge, seam, selvage, topstitch, zig zag
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Vocabulary Test: Weird Word of the Day 4Words:exscind, ethology, zany, redoubtable, redress, stellify, digitiform, bawdy, barrage, melee, aerophobia, pyrrhotism, acuity, canoodle, bastion, mayhem, metoposcopy, behoove, snitty, harbinger, bicuspid, quadrilateral, quintuplets, decathlon, septennial, trefoil, sextet, octave, nonagenarian, monochromatic
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 6 ReviewWords:Anonymous, Browse, Dupe, Dynamic, Eradicate, Frustrate, Grim, Inimitable, Makeshift, Marginal, Pending, Prescribe, Preview, Prominent, Quaint, Reluctant, Scrimp, Snare, Utmost, Vengeance
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