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Vocabulary Test: un oso y un amor
ahijaderor, trasquila, ganado, hallar, carpa, ramas, ovejas, remolinar, pasto, lazano, temblete, arroyo, lanzar, alarido, perosogamos, gozar, estremezco, soeces, corderito, paloma, belleza, hoja, crin, cucurucu, coqueteos, cojo, hocico, cachorro, herido, grunia, reculabamos, bico, alzar, desolle, anillo, piel

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Vocabulary Test: Chasing Vermeer #1
archives, bizarre, cavernous, coincidence, credulity, curator, dilemma, eerie, gargoyle, hybrid

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Vocabulary Test: scrutinize-tawdry
scrutinize, truculent, fathom, panache, fetter, peccadillo, surfeit, dolt, lament, potentate, accrue, pious, egalitarian, irascible, bovine, fussilade, sage, mammoth, cower, capacious, abate, acme, abashed, ehtereal, tawdry

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Vocabulary Test: purpsle vocab
hyperbole, oxymoron, similes, puns, sarcasm, paradox, analogy, symbol, foreshadow, irony, personification, jargon, metaphors

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Vocabulary Test: bud not buddy
caseworkers, depression, cur, urchins, mission, gait, paltry, knickers, puny, sully, moldering, insinuating, imply, charitable, coward, mischievous, devastate, behavior, punishment, destination, matrimonial, radiating, ventriloquists, copacetic, embouchure

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Vocabulary Test: Can We Rescue The Reefs?
coral, damage, loosened, percent, reefs, ton

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Vocabulary Test: seal surfer vocab
swooped, swell, quay, surf, molted, dissolved, wrenched, sensation, basked, buffeted, horizon, mussels, panic, reformed, elated, deserted

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Vocabulary Test: journal of wong ming-chung v2
breakwater, levees, appetite, rockers, prospect, hesitated, eddy, rehearse, employee, nuggets, lumber, registered, delta, deposits, headquarters, immigrants, district, investment, claim

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Vocabulary Test: excel
Ribbon, Formula bar, Worksheet, sheet tabs, gridlines, rows, columns, cell, cell address, workbook, sheet, design, layout, format, legend, explode, page break, shape effects, selected data, percentage, zoom, active cell

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test 2
Suspicion, Stingy, Noble, Scrounging, Resolved, Pathetic, Fidget, Forlornly

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Vocabulary Test: Career Management 3.00 B
Journey Worker, Military, Part-time Jobs, Postsecondary school, PSAT, On-the-job training, SAT, Student organizations, Study Habits, Test-taking skills, Trade and professional organizations, Transcript, VOCATS, Volunteer, Volunteer experiences, Work-based learning, Proprietary school

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Vocabulary Test: lesson 4
anti, co, syn, aort, arct, thes/thet, synthesize, coarctate, antithesis, thesis, aortarctia, antithetic, coarctation, arch, crac, glyph, hier, typ, archaic, hierocracy, hierarch, archetype, hieroglyphics, hierarchy, thes/thet

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Vocabulary Test: Body of Christopher Creed
aloof, galley, idle, kidnap, momentarily, paranoid, quizzical, serendipitous, stability, perplexed, maneuvered, foundations, deliberate, mentioned, condescending, animated, coy, antagonist, alibi, suspect

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Vocabulary Test: Tell Tale Heart
hideous, vulture, chimney, dull, haunted, film, lantern, terror

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Vocabulary Test: Gollywhopper Games 2
concession, philosophical, distractions, conceive, earpiece, survivors, zeroed in, swarmed, impropriety, relinquished, petty, verified, traffic cones, indignation, kaleidoscope, pulsed, saluted, auburn, logical, legitimately, schmooze, oblige

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Vocabulary Test: Feb 25
restless, dormant, frenetic, sluggish, industrious, spry, loiter, strenuous, lull, vigor

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clients, communicate, courteous, employees, firm, reschedule, transfer, update

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Vocabulary Test: LEVEL 1
backstitch, bobbin, casing, clipping curves, ditch stitch, edgestitch, fold, pinking shears, pivot, presser foot, raw edge, seam, selvage, topstitch, zig zag

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Vocabulary Test: Weird Word of the Day 4
exscind, ethology, zany, redoubtable, redress, stellify, digitiform, bawdy, barrage, melee, aerophobia, pyrrhotism, acuity, canoodle, bastion, mayhem, metoposcopy, behoove, snitty, harbinger, bicuspid, quadrilateral, quintuplets, decathlon, septennial, trefoil, sextet, octave, nonagenarian, monochromatic

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 6 Review
Anonymous, Browse, Dupe, Dynamic, Eradicate, Frustrate, Grim, Inimitable, Makeshift, Marginal, Pending, Prescribe, Preview, Prominent, Quaint, Reluctant, Scrimp, Snare, Utmost, Vengeance
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