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Vocabulary Test: mytest1
Que Tiempo Hace?, Hace buen tiempo, Hace Mal Tiempo, Hace Frio, Hace calor, Hace Viento, Llueve, Nieva, Esta nublado, Hace Sol, la primavera, el otono, el verano, el invierno

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Vocabulary Test: English Final - Mythology Matching/Vocab
Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Demeter, Hades, Persephone, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Hestia, Eros

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Vocabulary Test: My Test, YO
Liam, Glasses, Sexy, Eight, Justin Bieber, Kyle Morello

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Vocabulary Test: My quiz
dinosaur, apple, box, wheel, number, paper

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy2
frontal bone, frontal eminences, superciliary arches, supra orbital margin, glabella, frontal sinuses, parietal bones, temporal bones, squama/squamous portion, zygomatic process of temporal bones, petrous portion of the temporal bone, carotid canal or foramen, mandibular fossa, temporomandibular articulation, mastoid process, styloid process, occipital bone, foramen magnum, occipital condyles, external occipital protuberance, superior nuchal line, sphenoid bone, sella turcica, sphenoidal sinuses, ethmoid bone, cribiform plate/horizontal plate of ethmoid bone, perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone, crista galli, superior nasal conchae and middle nasal conchae, ethmoidal sinuses, cribiform plate, perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone, septal cartilage, vomer

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy3
nasal bones, Maxillary bone, maxillary sinus (antrums of highmore), alveolar process, Palatine process of the maxillae, zygomatic bone or malar bone, temporal process of the zygomatic bone, mandible, body, rami/ramus, angle, condylar process, coronoid process, mandibular notch, lacrimal bones, palatine bones, horizontal plate of the palatine bone, maxillary bone and palatine bone, inferior nasal conchae, vomer, Superior portion, perp. plate of eth. bone; infe. portion vomer;, Frontal; ethmoid; maxillary; sphenoid, frontal;ethmoid;maxillary;sphenoid;palatine;lacrimal;zygomatic, hyoid

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Vocabulary Test: shadow and amy love story
shadamy, hug, comfort, romantic, love, hate

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Vocabulary Test: Crossword dummy
Ariana, Gregory , Amadou , Professer Bennett, Professer Vairo , Ezmeralda

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 6 Anatomy
superior, brachial artery, inferior , 30-2 , medial, posterior , distal, physiology , anatomy, lateral, homeostasis, proximal , deep, superficial, anterior , Nucleus , cytoplasm

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Vocabulary Test: Economy Vocabulary Test
good, service, consumer, producer, productive resources, natural resources, human resources , capital resources, entrepreneur, scarcity, price, specialization, division of labor, interdependence, income

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Vocabulary Test: A House of My Own
flat, landlord, laundromat, ordinary , own, real , rent, temporary , washroom

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Vocabulary Test: mystery
alibi, clue, crime, detective, evidence, mystery, red herring, sleuth, suspect, victim, witness

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy
Auroras, Astroid, meterorid, meteor, comet, solstice, equinox, nebula, Galileo, Newton, galaxy

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Vocabulary Test: Female Reproductive System-Anatomy
gestation, puerperium, amni/o, cervic/o, colp/o, vagin/o, galact/o, lact/o, gynec/o, hyster/o, metri/o, uter/o, mamm/o, mast/o, men/o, metr/o, nat/o, oophor/o, ovari/o, perine/o, salping/o, -arche, -cyesis, -gravida, -para, -salpinx, -tocia, -version, lapr/o, -rrhagia, -rrhea, -cleisis, nulli, ante-, dys-, endo-, multi-, post-, primi-

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy
Cat, Shirt, Shoe, Food, Movie, Couch, Phone, Floor, Car, School

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Vocabulary Test: 6th grade astronomy
astronomy, spectroscope, nebulas, cluster, galaxy, terrestrial planets, comets, asteroids, meteors, gas giants, meteorites, light- year

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 2 of 8
what pulls fluid in is , what pulls fluid out is , blood supply to the brain comes from , external coratid gives blood supply to , internal coratid gives blood supply to , circle of willis, short term control of bp, short term control means, neural, hormones, long term control means, long term control includes, chemo receptors, baro receptors, 3 things that could increase or decrease resistance, of those three tings which one would play a role, if you increase vessel diameter what happens to resistance, what are your resistance vessels, why are arterioles considered resistance vessels, what happens to blood flow further from the heart

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 2 of 7
contain a lot of elastic tissue, hae precapillary sphincters, single layer of simple squamous cells, tick tunica media, vasodilation and vasoconstriction, vessels located close to the heart, vessels closest to capillaries , capillaries , delivering material, have valves, blood leaving cappilaries enter these vessels, always contain all three tunica layers, 3 things help propel blood back to the heart, how to increase blood pressure, baro receptors are located in the , decrease blood pressure, areas of large cross section is the , hydrostatic pressure, albumin does what, pulls fluid out is

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Vocabulary Test: self-contradictory1
也 , 在桌子上 , 卖 , 在市场上 , 上 , 市场 , 在 , 有个人, 楚国, 星, 自相矛盾, 星期, 时, 战, 国, 时期 , 战国, 矛, 盾, 相, 自
Test Also Includes: sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Chufa book1 L3.1 Self-study vocabulary Vocabtest P103
父母, 父亲, 母亲, 爷爷, 奶奶, 祖母, 祖父, 外祖母, 外祖父, 姥姥, 姥爷, 外婆, 外公, 哥哥, 姐姐, 妹妹, 弟弟, 兄弟姐妹, 工程师, 电脑工程师, 建筑师, 设计师, 教师, 教授, 经理, 大夫, 医生, 护士, 退休, 属相, 鼠, 牛, 虎, 兔, 龙, 蛇, 马, 羊, 猴, 鸡, 狗, 猪

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Vocabulary Test: Literary Terms Quiz 1
alliteration, allusion, ambiguity, anachronism, analogy, analysis, anapest, anecdote, antagonist, antecedent, anticlimax, antihero, antithesis, aphorism, apostrophe, apotheosis, archetype, aside, assonance, attitude

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Vocabulary Test: Introduction
Domine Ut Videam, Jogging, Car Accident, Zelie Burke, Father Ted Mclean, Peter Miller, Rexdale, Father Mohan, Motto, Discipline, Knowledge, Goodness, Saint Basil the Great, France, Congregation, Basilian, Fathers, Catholic, Education, St Michaels’s College, St Basils, Priest, Educator, Father Henry Carr, Lord That I Might See, The whole person

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Vocabulary Test: Kate Shelley
dispatched, downpour, heroic, rescuers, locomotives, rugged, schedules

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Vocabulary Test: biology II chapter 47-1

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Vocabulary Test: apparition-voluble 61-80
apparition, asinine, assiduous, bigamist, laggard, coddle, erudite, mitigate, philanderer, praxis, unkempt, truncated, tractable, verbose, sallow, proffer, sycophant, surreptitiously, veritable, voluble

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Vocabulary Test: lackadaisical-lugubrious 81-100
lackadaisical, flippant, indolent, capitulate, feral, sage, endemic, perturbing, deprecate, circuitous, crass, descry, execrable, sedulous, urbane, dour, delectable, propinquity, lugubrious, supine

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Vocabulary Test: The Serial Garden
Vigil, Wan, Gaudy, Aggrievedly, Convalesing, Tantalizing, Susceptible, Incalculable, Forage, Chaos

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Vocabulary Test: test
polymath, hoi polloi, polyglot, divulge, vulgar, poly, poll, monosyllabic, monotone, vulg, soliloquy, mono, monotonous, sol, solipsism, desolate

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Vocabulary Test: Greek Myth Vocab 2
Atlas, Calliope, Cloth, Echo, Fortune, Titanic, Morphine, Erotic, Geology, Hypnosis, Insomnia, Jovial, Opulent, Terminal, Lunatic

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Vocabulary Test: De allerslimste dommerik ter wereld.
Wat, is, de, verleden, tijd, van, komkommer?

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Vocabulary Test: capacious-lugubrious
lugubrious, propinquity, delectable, dour, urbane, sedulous, execrable, descry, crass, circuitous, deprecate, supine, endemic, sagacious, perturbing, feral, capitulate, indolent, flippant, lackadaisical, voluble, veritable, surreptitious, sycophant, proffer, sallow, verbose, tractable, truncated, unkempt, praxis, philanderer, mitigate, erudite, coddle, laggard, bigamist, assiduous, asinine, apparition, capacious, acquiesce, defame, misconstrue, destitute, envenom, efface, abrogate, erroneous, feign, multifarious, opine, laud, insolent, irksome, rue, stupified, surreal, vilify, pernicious, pallid, obfuscate, maniacal, malinger, timorous, serpentine, hellion, vacillate, feckless, meticulous, apathy, benign, clamor, clandestine, efficacious, enmity, glean, emaciated, effrontery, fatuous, fictitious, covert, overt, cower, furtive, flagrant, facade, dilatory, aggrandize, exemplary, reputable, tribulation, plaudits, ludicrous, gesticulate, garner, belate, penury, adulterated, ameliorate

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Vocabulary Test: urban sprawl
metropolitan area, rural fringe, suburb, urban core, urban fringe, urban sprawl, land use laws, urban growth boundaries, public transit system, mixed-use developments, infill

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Vocabulary Test: "Love as Strong as Ginger"
exclaimed, billowed, vats, deafening, conveyor belt, wandered

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Vocabulary Test: Political Geography Vocab Quiz
Political Geography, State, Territoriality, Sovereignty, Territorial integrity, Peace of Westphalia, Mercantilism, Nation, Nation-State, Democracy, Multinational state, Multistate nation, Stateless nations, Colonialism, Scale, Capitalism, Commodification, Periphery, Semiperiphery, Ability, Centripetal, Centrifugal, Unitary, Federal, Devolution, Territorial Representation, Reapportionment, Splitting, Majority-Minority districts, Gerrymandering boundary, Boundary, Geometric boundary, Physical-Political boundary, Heartland theory, Critical Geopolitics, Unilateralism, Core, Supranational Organization, Eighty Years’ War

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Vocabulary Test: seethe-reticent 101-120
seethe, obsequious, officious, fallacious, bumptious, ingrate, bilious, ruminate, palliate, rife, duplcity, respite, pristine, wane, wily, impetuous, replete, rancorous, querulous, rapacious

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Vocabulary Test: Social Studies 20.1
Patent, Business Cycle, Busts, Booms, Bessemer Steel Process, Generator, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Centennia; Exhibition, Christopher Latham Sholes, Elias Howe, Isacc Singer, Margaret Knight

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Vocabulary Test: obese-pinion
obese, portal, poltroon, mete, maritime, portend, obtrude, predatory, mogul, prattle, quaff, quell, quail, quietude, jetsam, pedestrian, personify, inundate, incessant, pinion

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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 20
territory, attracted, audible, universal, expression, volume, performance, creative, relieved, concentrate

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Vocabulary Test: art history
Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Pop Art, American Scene, Op Art, Photo Realism, Pointlism, Post-Impressionism, Regionalism, Abstract Expressionism, Cubism

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Vocabulary Test: cap-pern-sent
capacious, acquiesced, abrogated, destitute, defame, efface, envenom, erroneous, feign, feckless, insolent, querulous, laud, maniacal, misconstrue, multifarious, obfuscating, penury, pallid, pernicious
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