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Vocabulary Test: Literary Terms Quiz 1Words:alliteration, allusion, ambiguity, anachronism, analogy, analysis, anapest, anecdote, antagonist, antecedent, anticlimax, antihero, antithesis, aphorism, apostrophe, apotheosis, archetype, aside, assonance, attitude
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Vocabulary Test: IntroductionWords:Domine Ut Videam, Jogging, Car Accident, Zelie Burke, Father Ted Mclean, Peter Miller, Rexdale, Father Mohan, Motto, Discipline, Knowledge, Goodness, Saint Basil the Great, France, Congregation, Basilian, Fathers, Catholic, Education, St Michaels’s College, St Basils, Priest, Educator, Father Henry Carr, Lord That I Might See, The whole person
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Vocabulary Test: apparition-voluble 61-80Words:apparition, asinine, assiduous, bigamist, laggard, coddle, erudite, mitigate, philanderer, praxis, unkempt, truncated, tractable, verbose, sallow, proffer, sycophant, surreptitiously, veritable, voluble
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Vocabulary Test: lackadaisical-lugubrious 81-100Words:lackadaisical, flippant, indolent, capitulate, feral, sage, endemic, perturbing, deprecate, circuitous, crass, descry, execrable, sedulous, urbane, dour, delectable, propinquity, lugubrious, supine
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Vocabulary Test: testWords:polymath, hoi polloi, polyglot, divulge, vulgar, poly, poll, monosyllabic, monotone, vulg, soliloquy, mono, monotonous, sol, solipsism, desolate
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Vocabulary Test: Greek Myth Vocab 2Words:Atlas, Calliope, Cloth, Echo, Fortune, Titanic, Morphine, Erotic, Geology, Hypnosis, Insomnia, Jovial, Opulent, Terminal, Lunatic
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Vocabulary Test: capacious-lugubriousWords:lugubrious, propinquity, delectable, dour, urbane, sedulous, execrable, descry, crass, circuitous, deprecate, supine, endemic, sagacious, perturbing, feral, capitulate, indolent, flippant, lackadaisical, voluble, veritable, surreptitious, sycophant, proffer, sallow, verbose, tractable, truncated, unkempt, praxis, philanderer, mitigate, erudite, coddle, laggard, bigamist, assiduous, asinine, apparition, capacious, acquiesce, defame, misconstrue, destitute, envenom, efface, abrogate, erroneous, feign, multifarious, opine, laud, insolent, irksome, rue, stupified, surreal, vilify, pernicious, pallid, obfuscate, maniacal, malinger, timorous, serpentine, hellion, vacillate, feckless, meticulous, apathy, benign, clamor, clandestine, efficacious, enmity, glean, emaciated, effrontery, fatuous, fictitious, covert, overt, cower, furtive, flagrant, facade, dilatory, aggrandize, exemplary, reputable, tribulation, plaudits, ludicrous, gesticulate, garner, belate, penury, adulterated, ameliorate
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Vocabulary Test: urban sprawlWords:metropolitan area, rural fringe, suburb, urban core, urban fringe, urban sprawl, land use laws, urban growth boundaries, public transit system, mixed-use developments, infill
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Vocabulary Test: Political Geography Vocab QuizWords:Political Geography, State, Territoriality, Sovereignty, Territorial integrity, Peace of Westphalia, Mercantilism, Nation, Nation-State, Democracy, Multinational state, Multistate nation, Stateless nations, Colonialism, Scale, Capitalism, Commodification, Periphery, Semiperiphery, Ability, Centripetal, Centrifugal, Unitary, Federal, Devolution, Territorial Representation, Reapportionment, Splitting, Majority-Minority districts, Gerrymandering boundary, Boundary, Geometric boundary, Physical-Political boundary, Heartland theory, Critical Geopolitics, Unilateralism, Core, Supranational Organization, Eighty Years’ War
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Vocabulary Test: seethe-reticent 101-120Words:seethe, obsequious, officious, fallacious, bumptious, ingrate, bilious, ruminate, palliate, rife, duplcity, respite, pristine, wane, wily, impetuous, replete, rancorous, querulous, rapacious
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Vocabulary Test: Social Studies 20.1Words:Patent, Business Cycle, Busts, Booms, Bessemer Steel Process, Generator, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Centennia; Exhibition, Christopher Latham Sholes, Elias Howe, Isacc Singer, Margaret Knight
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Vocabulary Test: obese-pinionWords:obese, portal, poltroon, mete, maritime, portend, obtrude, predatory, mogul, prattle, quaff, quell, quail, quietude, jetsam, pedestrian, personify, inundate, incessant, pinion
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Vocabulary Test: Lesson 20Words:territory, attracted, audible, universal, expression, volume, performance, creative, relieved, concentrate
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Vocabulary Test: art historyWords:Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Pop Art, American Scene, Op Art, Photo Realism, Pointlism, Post-Impressionism, Regionalism, Abstract Expressionism, Cubism
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Vocabulary Test: cap-pern-sentWords:capacious, acquiesced, abrogated, destitute, defame, efface, envenom, erroneous, feign, feckless, insolent, querulous, laud, maniacal, misconstrue, multifarious, obfuscating, penury, pallid, pernicious
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