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Vocabulary Test: For my dear friend ;)Words:Omniscient, Pacifist, Impede, Pendulum, symphony, Populous, Primeval, Punctuation, Sacrosanct, Satiate, Sophisticated, Specimen, Inspirational, Terrestrial, Turbulent, Veracity, Diversion, Evident, Vocation, Voracious
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Vocabulary Test: Reproductive anatomy Words:Testes , Epididymis, Scrotum, Vas deferens, Seminal vesicles, Prostate gland, Bulbourethral gland, Urethra, Penis, Foreskin , Ovaries, Fimbriae, Oviducts (fallopian tubes), Uterus, Cervix, Vagina (birth canal), Haymen , Clitoris, Labia minora, Labia majora
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Vocabulary Test: kamylouWords:bequeath, decree', legacy, meet, prostrate, redress, unassailable, affability, appertain, augment, faction, hew, interpose, portent, visage, amiss, battlement, countenance, encompass, ere, fawn, infirmity, mettle
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 3 of 1Words:superior mesenteric, where does the splenic drain to, where does the inferior mesenteric drain, hepatic portal veins that go to the liver bring, what forms the hepatic portal?, how is interstitial fluid made, what pushes the interstitial fluid out?, what pushes the interstitial fluid back in?, how much interstitial fluid is left in the tissues a day, where does the excess 3 liters a day of fluid go, where do you go to clean the 3 liters of fluid, what cells are in lymph nodes, by bringing the fluid into lymphatics what happens, after fluid is cleaned where does it go, vessels that bring lymph to the lymph nodes are called, vessels that take lymph away from the lymph nodes called, where are lymphatic vessels found, you can do what with superficial regions of lymph nodes, infection in the lymph node would do what , cancer in the lymph node would do what
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 2 of 10Words:intrinsic , extrinsic, medulla includes, elastic arteries, muscular, arterioles, large and small veins , 3 things that propel blood back to the heart, left atrium, left ventricle, during systole, during diastole, hydrostatic pressure, osmotic pressure , the longer the vessel, baro receptors are located, isovolumetric relaxation, isovolumetric contraction, tunica media, tunica externa blood vessels called
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Vocabulary Test: AnatomyWords:Activation energy (Ea), Active site, adenylyl cyclase, pyruvate oxidation, Sodium channels, polymerization, Actin, Acetylcholine (Ach), Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), Acetyl-CoA, Acid hydrolases, adenohypophysis, acute, Absolute refractory (period), accessory organs, Five prime cap, A band, Potassium channels, Action potential, Acinar cells, A and I
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy test 3 of 10Words:vocal folds vibrate to , valsalvas maneuver, lower respiratory tract includes , trachea has what type of tissue, what is the bottom of the trachea called, trachealis muscle helps you do what, primary branch of bronchiolli tree goes where, secondary branch of broncholli tree goes where, how many secondary on right, how many secondary on left, right main bronchus is more, something getting lodged would most likely be where, how many orders of branching, secondary is also called, tertiary or segmental bronchus goes where, terminal bronchus, respiratory zone sequence, alveoli is where, alveolar sacs have what type of tissues, smooth muscle does what as you go down bronchioli tree
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Vocabulary Test: MyilesWords:Banco, Centro, Carumba, Pelota, Patines , Buzon , Carta, Pronto, Casi, Hasta, Medico, Tarjeta, Sello, Supermercado, Jabon, La Pasta Dental, Correo, Gasolina, Todavia, Varios, Farmacia, Dentista, Quedarse, Cuidar a, Cerrar
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy last test semester 7Words:middle ear is a small, the middle ear is flanked, the middle ear is flanked medially by, eustachian or auditory tube , the eustachian tube , ear ossicles- three small bones in the tympanic cavity, the ear ossicles are suspended by , ear ossicles , inner ear is called the , three parts of the inner ear are called, the inner ear is filled with , membranous labyrinth are filled with , vestuble controls, vestibule contains two membranous sacs called, saccule and utricle house, the vestibule responds to , semicicular canals are associated, semicircular canals have , crista ampullaris, crista ampullaris receptors respond to
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Vocabulary Test: Brain AnatomyWords:Oligodendrites, Hypothalamus, Gray Matter, White Matter, Medula, Midbrain, White matter Function, Multiple Sclerosis, Astrocytes, Limbic System, Thalamus, Fourth Ventricle, Pons
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Vocabulary Test: economyWords:market economy, mixed market economy, command economy, monopoly, balanced budget, budget deficit, budget, credit, interest rate, income, profit, productivity, currency, standard of living, strike, unemployment rate, capital, labor, resources, enterprenuer, partnership, sole proprietorship, corporation, economic indicators, expansion, recession, business cycle, GDP, Federal Reserve, fiscal policy, revenue, national debt, monetary policy, taxes, progressive tax, subsidies, incentives, regressive tax, inflation (CPI), distribution, production, comsumption, demand, supply, market clearing price, price effect, shortage, surplus, scarcity, opportunity cost, utility, marginal utility, trade, imports, exports, tariff
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 2 of 2Words:pulmonary veins, vessels that are going in to left atrium are , right side papillary muscles are called, pectinate muscles, after the pulmonary trunk the blood goes to, pulmonary trunk, the whole left side contains , the whole right side of the heart contains , arteries do what, veins do what, vessels that are going to valves are , bicuspid is also known as the , attachment of the papillary muscles are called , left side paillary muscles are called, papillary muscles, interventricular septum, trebiculae, two ventricles are, during diastole you do not want back flow so, coronary arteries
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy 230 test 2 of 3Words:what forms the base of the back of the heart is, portion of the heart sitting on the diaphragm is , auricles, coronary sulcus, pulmonary circuit, posterior interventricular artery, interventricular sulcus, anterior interventricular artery, posterior intervetnricular artery, right coronary artery, left coronary artery, coronary veins do what, in the pulmonary trunk you have valves called, in the aorta you have valves called, during ventricular systole what valves shut, the Dub second heart sound is caused by , murmur, fibrous skeleton, in intercalated discs you will find, fibrous skelton function
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Vocabulary Test: Jeremy LinWords:Impact, Passion, Impressed, Undrafted, Chanted, Stint, Relegated, Bearing, Ritual, Desire
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Vocabulary Test: vocab 15Words:crux, crucial, crucifixion, crucify, crucifix, crusade, cruciform, cruise, excruciating, cruiser
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Vocabulary Test: final1Words:mal, dol, re, cur, viv, fer, ject, pend, ex, hyper, contra-anti, manu, pre=ante, lat, pyro, post, tox, per, duct, circum=peri, geo=hum=terr, hemo, omni, ver, phil=amor, aqua=hydr, sci, grat, auto, vis, nova=neo, ami, locu=loqu, somn=dorm=sopor, mar, chron, cred, corp, mort, phon, arbor, mis, cent, ambul, laud, phobia, audi, therm, tract, ling, ambul, cura, culp, cede=gress, ann=enn, mono, trans, pater, voc, cogn=gnos, trans, belli, carn, derm, dict, vis, bio, cide, port, nav, verb, nat, tele, ling, mur, nym, fortun, herb, sub, vac, pseudo, meter, astro=stella, mon, avi, orb, bon=ben, capo, de, gen, via, ego, ology, therm=temp, pug, loguu, mater, arch, pun, reg
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Vocabulary Test: final4Words:capacious, acquiesce, cupidity, coerce, diatribe, choleric, augment, iconoclast, opaque, pandemic, paradigm, latent, lambaste, ostensible, palliate, nemesis, incontrovertible, lampoon, languid, idyllic, inure, indolent, intrepid, misconstrue, destitute, envenom, efface, abrogate, erroneous, feign, multifarious, opine, insolent, rue, surreal, vilify, pernicious, pallid, obfuscate, maniacal, malinger, timorous, penury, serpentine, hellion, vacillate, feckless, meticulous, apathy, benignant, clandestine, efficacious, inimical, emaciated, effrontery, fatuous, covert, overt, cower, furtive, dilatory, aggrandize, plaidits, ludicrous, gesticulate, adulterate, ameliorate, assiduous, erudite, mitigate, praxis, truncated, proffer, tractable, sallow, sycophant, surreptitious, sedulous, urbane, circuitous, flippant, veritable, execrable, descry, sagacious, propinquity, ;rapacious, obsequious, lugubrious, ruminate, bumptious, impugn, bilious, rancorous, impetuous, sinecure, pristine, duplicitious, complicit, explicate
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Vocabulary Test: Huck Finn 1-10Words:commenced, kin, middling, victuals, ignorant, quality, skiff, tanyard, ingots, lath, ornery, resigned, raspy, stile, cussed, hifalutin', stanchion, temperance, barked, delirium tremens, fagged, infernal, gully, palavering, roust, rushes, shanty, abolitionist, bluff, brash, fan-tods, game, hove, lolled, speculate, stern, hogshead, reticule, notion
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Vocabulary Test: IC3 Module 1Words:Central Processing Unit (CPU), Computer, Control Panel, Hardware, Memory, Microcomputer, Monitor, Modem, Operating System (OS), Random Access Memory (RAM), Read-Only Memory (ROM), Software, Virus, Web Applications
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Vocabulary Test: Into the Wild VocabularyWords:peregrination, oblique, asceticism, congenial, amalgam, munificent, contumacious, mawkish, itinerant, emotive, fecund, detritus, inimical, interdiction, staid, garrulous, turgid, fatuous, spectral, desiccated, indigent, harangue, fulminate, unalloyed, derelict, virulent, surfeit, opprobrium, histrionic, equanimity, paucity, plaintive, atavistic, arcane, taciturn, gregarious, obsequious, sanctimonious, idiosyncratic, pellucid, recalcitrant, solace, inveigle, dearth, sobriquet
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Vocabulary Test: lesson 9&10Words:affront, capitalist, capitulation, cerebral, cerebration, confront, decapitate, deface, efface, effrontery, facade, facet, precipice, precipitate, recapitulation, disgorge, gargantuan, gargoyle, gorge, indentation, indenture, inexorable, oracle, oration, orifice, orthodontist, osculate, regurgitate, supercilious, trident
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Vocabulary Test: The Monkey's PawWords:radiantly, talisman, absentmindedly, customary, conspicuously, interposed, meloncholy, mangled, peering, scurried
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Vocabulary Test: 21-30Words:dispel, gloat, penchant, predilection, ponderous, behemoth, salient, pulchritude, aversion, affinity
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Vocabulary Test: garner-boonWords:garner, gravity, edification, baleful, chastise, bandy, battery, cataract, cascade, dwell, dour, bedlam, carnivore, bequest, dogmatic, brink, bootleg, diverse, extrude, boon
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Vocabulary Test: seethe-repleteWords:seethe, terse, surmise, writhe, sedentary, travail, skullduggery, supine, zenith, tenacious, requisite, rote, ruminate, rife, respite, reproach, scrupulous, wince, raffish, replete
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Vocabulary Test: unit 9 vocabWords:convict, discipline, dungeon, earnest, enclose, gradual, grumble, jagged, nourish, provision, treaty, uneasy
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 5Words:Anecdote, Consolidate, Counterfeit, Docile, Dominate, Entreat, Fallible, Fickle, Fugitive, Grimy, Iota, Maul, Potential, Radiant, Rural, Substantial, Tactful, Tamper, Ultimate, Uncertainty
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