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Vocabulary Test: vocab 15Words:crux, crucial, crucifixion, crucify, crucifix, crusade, cruciform, cruise, excruciating, cruiser
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Vocabulary Test: final1Words:mal, dol, re, cur, viv, fer, ject, pend, ex, hyper, contra-anti, manu, pre=ante, lat, pyro, post, tox, per, duct, circum=peri, geo=hum=terr, hemo, omni, ver, phil=amor, aqua=hydr, sci, grat, auto, vis, nova=neo, ami, locu=loqu, somn=dorm=sopor, mar, chron, cred, corp, mort, phon, arbor, mis, cent, ambul, laud, phobia, audi, therm, tract, ling, ambul, cura, culp, cede=gress, ann=enn, mono, trans, pater, voc, cogn=gnos, trans, belli, carn, derm, dict, vis, bio, cide, port, nav, verb, nat, tele, ling, mur, nym, fortun, herb, sub, vac, pseudo, meter, astro=stella, mon, avi, orb, bon=ben, capo, de, gen, via, ego, ology, therm=temp, pug, loguu, mater, arch, pun, reg
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Vocabulary Test: final4Words:capacious, acquiesce, cupidity, coerce, diatribe, choleric, augment, iconoclast, opaque, pandemic, paradigm, latent, lambaste, ostensible, palliate, nemesis, incontrovertible, lampoon, languid, idyllic, inure, indolent, intrepid, misconstrue, destitute, envenom, efface, abrogate, erroneous, feign, multifarious, opine, insolent, rue, surreal, vilify, pernicious, pallid, obfuscate, maniacal, malinger, timorous, penury, serpentine, hellion, vacillate, feckless, meticulous, apathy, benignant, clandestine, efficacious, inimical, emaciated, effrontery, fatuous, covert, overt, cower, furtive, dilatory, aggrandize, plaidits, ludicrous, gesticulate, adulterate, ameliorate, assiduous, erudite, mitigate, praxis, truncated, proffer, tractable, sallow, sycophant, surreptitious, sedulous, urbane, circuitous, flippant, veritable, execrable, descry, sagacious, propinquity, ;rapacious, obsequious, lugubrious, ruminate, bumptious, impugn, bilious, rancorous, impetuous, sinecure, pristine, duplicitious, complicit, explicate
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Vocabulary Test: Huck Finn 1-10Words:commenced, kin, middling, victuals, ignorant, quality, skiff, tanyard, ingots, lath, ornery, resigned, raspy, stile, cussed, hifalutin', stanchion, temperance, barked, delirium tremens, fagged, infernal, gully, palavering, roust, rushes, shanty, abolitionist, bluff, brash, fan-tods, game, hove, lolled, speculate, stern, hogshead, reticule, notion
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Vocabulary Test: IC3 Module 1Words:Central Processing Unit (CPU), Computer, Control Panel, Hardware, Memory, Microcomputer, Monitor, Modem, Operating System (OS), Random Access Memory (RAM), Read-Only Memory (ROM), Software, Virus, Web Applications
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Vocabulary Test: Into the Wild VocabularyWords:peregrination, oblique, asceticism, congenial, amalgam, munificent, contumacious, mawkish, itinerant, emotive, fecund, detritus, inimical, interdiction, staid, garrulous, turgid, fatuous, spectral, desiccated, indigent, harangue, fulminate, unalloyed, derelict, virulent, surfeit, opprobrium, histrionic, equanimity, paucity, plaintive, atavistic, arcane, taciturn, gregarious, obsequious, sanctimonious, idiosyncratic, pellucid, recalcitrant, solace, inveigle, dearth, sobriquet
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Vocabulary Test: lesson 9&10Words:affront, capitalist, capitulation, cerebral, cerebration, confront, decapitate, deface, efface, effrontery, facade, facet, precipice, precipitate, recapitulation, disgorge, gargantuan, gargoyle, gorge, indentation, indenture, inexorable, oracle, oration, orifice, orthodontist, osculate, regurgitate, supercilious, trident
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Vocabulary Test: The Monkey's PawWords:radiantly, talisman, absentmindedly, customary, conspicuously, interposed, meloncholy, mangled, peering, scurried
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Vocabulary Test: 21-30Words:dispel, gloat, penchant, predilection, ponderous, behemoth, salient, pulchritude, aversion, affinity
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Vocabulary Test: garner-boonWords:garner, gravity, edification, baleful, chastise, bandy, battery, cataract, cascade, dwell, dour, bedlam, carnivore, bequest, dogmatic, brink, bootleg, diverse, extrude, boon
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Vocabulary Test: seethe-repleteWords:seethe, terse, surmise, writhe, sedentary, travail, skullduggery, supine, zenith, tenacious, requisite, rote, ruminate, rife, respite, reproach, scrupulous, wince, raffish, replete
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Vocabulary Test: unit 9 vocabWords:convict, discipline, dungeon, earnest, enclose, gradual, grumble, jagged, nourish, provision, treaty, uneasy
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 5Words:Anecdote, Consolidate, Counterfeit, Docile, Dominate, Entreat, Fallible, Fickle, Fugitive, Grimy, Iota, Maul, Potential, Radiant, Rural, Substantial, Tactful, Tamper, Ultimate, Uncertainty
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