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Vocabulary Test: Extemp Speaking Words:evaluate , confidence, inflection, tone, Body Language, Time Management, Application, support, body, support , preview, connection, rapport, extemporaneous speaking , grammar
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Vocabulary Test: Tiempo de JuegoWords:asfalto, la loma, influir, basto, transitoriamente , puntualidad, forjando, vertigiginoso, obstaculo, incentivo, metodologia, valores, inculcar, el juego limpio, el equidad de genero, la victoria con humildad, la derrota con dignidad, programas de capacitacion, el vicio acompana el ocio , apoderarse , aquejar , constatar, le sede, el entrenamiento
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 6, The Four Empires of MesopotamiaWords:display, conflict, unify, tribute, technique, strategy, siege, invader, empire, economy, code of laws, capital, assembling, city-state, complex, dispute, Euphrates River, irrigation, levee, silt
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 7: Islamic Empires VocabularyWords:Islam, Caravan, Muhammad, Muslim, Qu'ran, Sunnah, Caliph, Tolerance, Janissaries, Shar'ia, Shia, Sunni, Minaret, Mosque, Mecca
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Vocabulary Test: V1L6- TempusWords:temporary, contemporary, extemporaneous, temporal, atemporal, tempo, tense, contretemps, temporize, tempest
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Vocabulary Test: Emperors, Gods, and Foreign InvadersWords:Dominance, Ambassador, Procession, Appointed, Elite, Resentment, Might, Contagious, Fragile
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy last test semester 8Words:vestibular apparatus consists of the , vestibular receptors monitor , semicircular canal receptors monitor , the cochlea houses the cochlear duct which houses, scala vestibule, scala edia (cochlear duct), scala tympai, the roof of the cochlear duct is the , the floor of the cochlear duct is composed of , sound waves vibrate the , ossicles vibrate and amplify the pressure at the , sounds in the hearing range go through the cochlear duct vibrati, how many spinal nerves are there, how many cervical nerves are there, how many thoracic nerves are there, how many lumbar nerves are there , how many sacral nerves are there , how many coccygeal nerves are there, ventral roots contain, dorsal roots contain
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy last test semester 5Words:pyramids are where, olives get information about, vestibular nuclear complex, the medulla oblongata cardiac centrer adjusts what, two centers for breathing are the , medulla oblongata vasomotor center adjusts, respiratory centers of the medulla control , the cerebellum fuctios, cerebellum has two hemispheres connected by, cerebellum folia, there are three paired fiber tracts that connect the cerebellum , superior peduncles, middle peduncle, inferior peduncles, cerebellum receives impulses from the , the comparator , intention tremors, limbic system, reticular formation, where is the limbic system located
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy last test semester 4Words:melatonin helps , Hypothalamus controls , infundibulum, what contains fiber tracts connectigng higher and lower neural c, brain stem controls, three regions of the brain stem, pinaeal gland , the whole pituitary gland is controlled by the , hypothalamic function, the brain stem is associated with , midbrain located, midbrain contais, cortiospinal, superior colliculi, inferior colliculi, substantia nigra, pons conects , pos relays, medulla oblongata, pyramids
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy last test semester 6Words:limbic system, amygdala, cingulate gyrus, limbic system, reticular formation , RAS (reticular activating system) sends impulses to the, RAS (reticular activating system) filters out what, injury to the RAS will cause, to put someone to sleep you have to deactivate what system, the RAS reticular activatig system is inhibited by what, amygdala and cigulate gyrus are a part of what, to put someone to sleep you have to deactivate what system, olfaction (taste and smell) thier chemoreceptors respond to , receptor organs are, in order to taste a chemical it must be , exteral and middle ear are involved in , internal ear (labyrith) functions in both , tympanic membrane is the , boundry of the tympanic membrane, connective tissue in the external ear
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy final 1Words:ph above 7 is what, ph below 7 is , hydrogen bond, water, polar bonds, dehydrations synthessi, amino acids, glucose, carbohydrates, monosaccharides, disaccharides , polysaccharides, phospholipid, hydrophobic, hydrophilic, proteins, nucleic acid, primary structure of a protein, secondary structure of a protein, tertiary, quaternary, peptide bond
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Vocabulary Test: BrummyWords:El alma gemela, la amistad, el animo, el chisme, la cita a ciegas, el compromiso, el deseo, el divorcio, la (in)fidelidad, el matrimonio, la pareja, el riesgo
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy finalWords:which part of the eye contains the densest concentration of cone, photoreceptions, which is true about the human ear, path my which sound waves travel through the ear, thalamus, cerebral cortex is associated with what, yes, false, what focuses light onto the retina
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy last test semester 3Words:prefrontal cortex anterior, posterior association areas, nerve tracts are, nuclei is , lateralization, cerebral dominance, left hemisphere controls, right hemisphere controls, left and right hemispheres communicate via , myelinated fibers and their tracts are, commissures connect , association fibers connect, project fibers connect , nuclei connnection, function of basal nuclei, you will have what if you have problems with your basal nuclei, diencephalon includes, 80% of the diecephalon is the , all sensory information goes where, nuclei project and receive fibers from
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy last test semester 13Words:chemoreceptors, nociceptors, palpebral fissure, lacrimal carucle, levator palpebrae superioris, eyelashes , tears, conjunctiva , sclera, conjunctiva produces, extrinsic eye muscles how many, how many rectus muscles, how many oblique muscles, what do oblique muscles do , lateral rectus, medial recuts, superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique, superior oblique
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Vocabulary Test: Fa6amyWords:Vain, Vane, Vein, Pane, Sheer, Shear, Miner , Minor, Naval, Navel, Aisle, Isle, Lessen, Principle, Principal, Lesson, I"ll, Pain, Idle, Idol
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Vocabulary Test: Spelling Words for "One Small Place in a Tree"Words:sprout, damp, suppose, roost, spears, strikes, glimpse, maze, transformation, harmony, recital, vanish, regret, colony, visiting, broken, total, solid, final, petal
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Vocabulary Test: CNAWords:Abbreviation, body language, chart, communication, empathy, feedback, flowchart, interpersonal skills, Medical Terminology, nonjudgmental, Noverbal communication, Objective data, observations, recording, reporting, subjective data, Verbal communication, stress, confidentiality, standards of care, false imprisonment, scope of practice, hygiene, incident, job description, liable, malpractice, negligence, manage care, Kardex, Activities of daily living, Acute illness, Chronic illness, care plan, Chain of command, diagnosis - ralated -groups, interdisciplinary team
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Vocabulary Test: vocab quizWords:Mendicant, Persiflage, cavalcade, Artiface, Amity, Rapprochement, Vicissitude, Sigil, Surly, Deracinate, Mauger, Corpulent, Argal, Plutocracy, Bibulous, Dishabille, Draconian, Persicacity, Tarradiddle, Tocsin, Discursive, Frangible, Parri Passu, Purple Prose, Soporific, Gelid, Finical, Unfledged, Calumny, Hermitage
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Vocabulary Test: FrenchWords:un lycee, une salle de classe, une cour, une cantine, un magasin, une papeterie, une caisse, le cours, la class, la matiere, les sciences naturelles, la biologie, les mathematiques, les maths, l'algebre, les langues, le francais, l'espagnol, l'italien, l'allemand, l'anglais, le latin, les sciences sociales, l'histoire, la geographie
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 7 Vocab.Words:barrier, calculate, compose, considerable, deputy, industrious, jolt, loot, rejoice, reliable, senseless, shrivel
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Vocabulary Test: vocab quiz unit 6Words:abject, agnostic, complicity, derelict, diatribe, effigy, equity, inane, indictment, indbitable, intermittent, moot, motif, neophyte, perspicactiy, plenary, surveillance, sylvan, testy, travesty
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Vocabulary Test: 'Monster' by Walter Dean MyersWords:Jury, Case, Felony, Murder, "Get-over", Nesbitt, Diablos, Osvaldo, Harlem, Screen-Play, Journal, Director, Prison, Hopelessness, Greed, King, Evans, Bobo, Delgado, Lorelle
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz – “The Drive-In Movies” by Gary SotoWords:Brew, Disgusting, Evident, Migrated, Nightfall, Plucked, Remedy, Snails, Applied, Buffed, Chrome, Dedicated, Glinting, Involved, Vigorously, Waxing
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Vocabulary Test: vocabgrace1013Words:pare, cockade, lei, disrupt, allude, scourge, baton, eliminate, unseemly, clarity, knell, triplicate, authentic, hireling, authentic
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Vocabulary Test: World War 1Words:Treaty of Versailles, Militarism, Imperialism, Nationalism, Alliance System, Final Spark, Franz Ferdinand, Trench Warfare, Attrition, Shot at Dawn, Cartwheel Crucifiction, Ross Rifle, Lee Enfield, Snipers, Machine Gun, Barbed Wire, Artillery, 57th from Nfld, Poison Gas, Conscription / 1917 Election, Total War, Ypres, Somme, Vimy Ridge, Passchendale, Arras, Hangard Woods, Morais Woods, Borden, Laurier, Schieffen, Haig, Currie, Flowerdew, Papineau, Cannon Scot, Terrance McKenna, McClung and the suffriagists, Men with broken faces, George Lawrence
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Vocabulary Test: Night Vocabulary Quiz 1Words:penury, waiflike, fraught, err, insinuate, annihilate, billeted, edict, apparatus, delusion, antechamber, liquidate, surreptitiously, hermetically, pious
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab List 1 Huck FinnWords:abreast, aggravate, anxiety, cavorting, clatter, estimation, gaudy, har-lip, histrionic, infernal, lugubrious, meddle, pone, quicksilver, rapscallions, ship-shape, stanchion, stove-pipe, texas, towhead
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Vocabulary Test: CharacterizationWords:Direct Characterization, Indirect Characterization, Character Trait, Protagonist, Antagonist, Round Character, Flat Character, Dialogue, Tone
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