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Vocabulary Test: Imerfekt (anfangen-empfehlen)Words:hat angefangen, hat geheißen, hat geholfen, hat genommen, hat unternommen, hat gesprochen, hat versprochen, hat bespochen, ist gestorben, hat unterbrochen, hat empfohlen
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Vocabulary Test: Präsens (anfangen-empfehlen) Words:er fängt an, er heißt, er hilft, er nimmt, er unternimmt, er spricht, er verspricht, er bespricht, er stirbt, er unterbricht, er empfiehlt
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Vocabulary Test: Perfekt (anfangen-empfehlen)Words:er unterbrach, er starb, er versprach, er besprach, er sprach, er unternahm, er nahm, er hieß, er half, er fing an, er empfahl
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Vocabulary Test: Contract EmploymentWords:Acceptance , Counteroffer, Employment Law, Common Law, Collective Bargaining, Contract, Unemployment Compensation Law , Tort , Intentional Tort , Parties
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 6Vocabulary for “Emperors, Gods, and Foreign Invaders”Words:might, contagious, elite, resentment, appointed, ambassador, procession, dominance, fragile
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Vocabulary Test: Verbs (anfangen-empfehlen)Words:anfangen, heißen, helfen, nehmen, unternehmen, sprechen, versprechen , besprechen, sterben, unterbrechen, empfehlen
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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills Vocab. QuizWords:Employability, Professionalism, Mannerisms, Effective Communication, Ethical Behaviors, Academic Preparation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Teamwork, Leadership, Time Management, Stress Management
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Vocabulary Test: EL TIEMPO - WEATHERWords:Hace mal tiempo, Hace buen tiempo., Hay tormentas, Hay neblina, Está nublado, Hace sol, Hace calor, Hace frío, Hace fresco, Hace viento, llueve, Está nevando, truena, relampaguea, Está granizando, Llovizna, Está húmedo, Está árido, Verano, Invierno, Otoño, Primavera
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Vocabulary Test: Los PasatiemposWords:El ajedrez, Las damas, El billar, El boliche, Las cartas, los naipes, Los dardos, El juego de mesa, El tiempo libre, los ratos libres, Aburrirse, El pasatiempo, La televisión, El videojuego, rentgar/alquilar una película, Dar un paseo, Disfrutar de, Entretenerse de, reunirse con, Retar, desafiar, Aficionado de, el fanático, El cine, El circo, El parque de atracciones, La motaña rusa, El árbitro, El entrenador, El tramposo, El campeonato, El torneo, Ganar, perder, empatar, El asiento, El escenario, La obra de teatro, La taquilla, Hacer cola, Los boletos, las entradas
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Vocabulary Test: ss the first empiresWords:empire, ally, cultural trait, govern , calvalry, standing army, reform, tribute, currency, stele, assembly, import, export, navigation, cultural diffusion
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Vocabulary Test: Sem 1 NT Principles of TemptationWords:Principles of Temptation 18 Satan temps us to compromise, Temptation takes place after our "mountain, Temptation takes place during, Temptation takes place before, Principles of Temptation 03 we can, Principles of Temptation 04 Satin begins with, Principles of Temptation 05 Satan attacks with, Principles of Temptation 06 Satan attemps to have, Principles of Temptation 07 Satan tempts us to seek, Principles of Temptation 08 Jesus used Scripture, Principles of Temptation 09 Victory comes when, Principles of Temptation 10 Victory can also come, Principles of Temptation 11 Victory will rush to us when, Principles of Temptation 12 Satan is, Principles of Temptation 13 Satan uses the same methods, Principles of Temptation 14 Satan appeals to, Principles of Temptation 16 Satan temps us to substitute , Principles of Temptation 15 Satan attemps to get us to, Principles of Temptation 01 No one is , Principles of Temptation 02 Satan temps, Principles of Temptation 17 Satan attemps to get us to use
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Vocabulary Test: V1L6- TempusWords:temporary, contemporary, extemporaneous, temporal, atemporal, tempo, tense, contretemps, temporize, tempest
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 7: Islamic Empires VocabularyWords:Islam, Caravan, Muhammad, Muslim, Qu'ran, Sunnah, Caliph, Tolerance, Janissaries, Shar'ia, Shia, Sunni, Minaret, Mosque, Mecca
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Vocabulary Test: Emperors, Gods, and Foreign InvadersWords:Dominance, Ambassador, Procession, Appointed, Elite, Resentment, Might, Contagious, Fragile
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Vocabulary Test: Extemp Speaking Words:evaluate , confidence, inflection, tone, Body Language, Time Management, Application, support, body, support , preview, connection, rapport, extemporaneous speaking , grammar
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 6, The Four Empires of MesopotamiaWords:display, conflict, unify, tribute, technique, strategy, siege, invader, empire, economy, code of laws, capital, assembling, city-state, complex, dispute, Euphrates River, irrigation, levee, silt
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Vocabulary Test: Sem 1 O T Principles of Temptation Words:When confronted with their sin each tried to blame , When confronted with their sin both , Principles of Temptation #13 Satan will always use, When confronted with their sin Adam & Eve tried to, Principles of Temptation #14 Satan often uses another, Principles of Temptation #12 Satan is the biggest, Principles of Temptation #11 Satan appeals, Principles of Temptation #8 Satan wants us to believe, Principles of Temptation #5 Once Satan has, Principles of Temptation #6 Satan tries to convince us, Principles of Temptation #10 Satan wins when, Principles of Temptation #9 Satan's goal is to, Principles of Temptation #7 Satan wants to convince us that, Principles of Temptation #3 Satan always works , Principles of Temptation #1 Satan works , Principles of Temptation #4 Satan always tries, Principles of Temptation #2 Satan always chooses
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Vocabulary Test: nts vocabWords:tentatively, imprinted, relocate, hazy, pose, lanky, submerged, sabotage, rationed, occupation, disdainfully, exasperation
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Vocabulary Test: vocab9Words:famine, generous, curiosity, gaze, agreeable, banquet, dense, reaction, ingredients, momentum
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Vocabulary Test: Density-KeckWords:Density, Volume, Mass, Characteristic Properties, Hardness, Melting Point, Flammability, Magnetism, Boiling Point, Freezing Point
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Vocabulary Test: vocab test 9Words:ambivalence, bemused, blighted, ephemeral, incomprehensible, lament, nostalgia, reminiscent, serene, vibrant
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary test- 4th grade review wordsWords:recently, citizen, generous, suggest, gigantic, particle, observe, firm, hurricane, horizon, emotion, solution, duration, combination, stationary, culture, adventure, manufacture, agriculture, legislature, outstanding, proof, understood, moisture, annoy, author, auditorium, awkward, meadow, coward
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Vocabulary Test: mohawk study 1Words:To Niiohwista:e, entienikare, tsha tewahson:then, (kareon) Tsi niio:re, shate:kon niiohwista:e, wisk iawenron minutes iotohetston shate:kon niiohwista:e, tsha tewahsen:non iotohetston shate:kon niiohwista:e, wisk iawenron tsi niio:re tiohkton niiohwista:e, Ia wententa:onh, tekenihaton, ashenhaton, kaierihaton, wiskhaton, Tsi ienaktohares, Iawentatokenhton, Tsi iothorhko:wa, Enniska, Ennisko:wa, Onerahtokha, Onerahtohko:wa, Ohyariha, Ohyarihko:wa, Seskeha, Seskehko:wa, kenthenha, Kenthenhko:wa, Tsi Iothotha, Oh niwenhnisero:ten ne Atste, kenkwite:ne, Iokenno:ron, Ioronhio:ron, Iao:te, tewennennekarawanion, Iowehrenhaties, Akenhake:ne, Iorahkote, lotarihen, kannenake:ne, tekanerahtatennions, kanerahtens, kohserake:ne, lokeren:on, lotho:re, wenhniseri:io, akhwatsi:re, Rakeniha, Rakhsotha, Raktsi:a, riken:a, riien:a, Akenistenha, Akhsotha, Aktsi:a, kheken:a, kheien:a, kanonhsa, kanonhsake, kanonhsa:kon, kanonhsakta, kanonhso:kon, atiatawi, ahta, atiatahnha, ennonwarore, ennianawen, athahste:ren, aterahti, theten:ri, onwa, eniorhenne
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Vocabulary Test: civilizationsWords:artifacts, primary resources, secondary resources, oral history, Anthropology, Archaelogy, fossils, prehistory, nomads, Stone Age, Agricultural Revolution, civilization, barter system, ziggurat, cuneiform, scribe, irrigate, artisan, Code of Hammurabi, barley, lentil, empire, city-state, Fertile Crescent
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Vocabulary Test: vocablist3Words:attribute, countenanced, decorously, transfiguration, imbibed, lurid, deleterious, precocity, irrevocable, denizen, deportment, vicissitude, transitory, potentate, effervescence, depredations, contiguous, diffuse, indefatigable, ethereal
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Vocabulary Test: AP PSYCH VOCAB 5Words:sensation, perception, bottom up processing, top down processing, psychophysics, absolute threshold, singal detection theory, subliminal, priming, difference threshold, weber's law, sensory adaption, transduction, wavelength, hue, intensity, pupil, iris, lens, retina, accomodation, rods, cones, optic nerve, blind spot, fovea, feature detectors, parallel processing, young helmholtz trichromatic theory, opponent process theory, frecuency, pitch, middle ear, cochlea, inner ear, place theory, frequency theory, conduction hearing loss, sensorineural heraing loss, cochlear implant, kinesthesis, vestibular sense, gate control theory, sensory interaction, gestalt, figure ground, gourping, depth perception, visual cliff, binocular cues, retinal disparity, monocular cues, phi phenomenon, perceptual constancy, color constancy, perceptual adaptation, perceptual set, human factors psychology, extrasensory perception, parapsychology, audition
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Vocabulary Test: vocab level fWords:approbation, assuage, coalition, decadence, elicit, expostulate, hackneyed, hiatus, intercede, jaded, innuendo, lurid, meritorious, petulant, prerogative, provincial, simulate, transcend, umbrage, unctuous
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Lesson 18Words:accord, annulment, arduous, astute, carping, covert, desecrate, dilatory, esteem, expatriate, fortuitous, guileless, hackneyed, illustrious, insatiable, loquatious, neuriotic, parch, porous, rancid, reconcile, saccharine, sonorous, tentative, utility
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Vocabulary Test: FirefighterWords:chief, rescue, firehouse, monitor, emergency, siren, guess, dispatch, firefighter, valves
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary PracticeWords:analyze, apply, approximate, aspect, assess, cite, characterize, composition, conclude, context, convey, depict, deduce, derive, determine
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Vocabulary Test: aardvarkWords:Affirming the Consequence, Tucking False premise into valid argument, White Lies, Public-record theory of truth, Pragmatic theory of Truth, Coherence theory of Truth, Correspondence theory of Truth, Appeal to sympathy, Analytic Statements, Unproven Premise, Casual Causality, With this, therefore because of this
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test (Lord of the Flies)Words:Hiatus, Ebullience, Tirade, Ludicrous, Emphatic, Incredulity, Leviathan, Impervious, Abruptly, Demented, Infinite, Corpulent, Derision, Assimilating, Anonymous, Pinnacles, Truculently, Talisman, Acrid, Cordon
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Vocabulary Test: Ta-Na-E-KaWords:loftiest, legend, audacity, endurance, sacred, shrewdest, gorging, reservation, ritual, marina
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