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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Sufis, Quran, Omar Khayyam, mosque, Muslim, caravan, nomads, Muhammad, schism, Justinian, Constantinople, caliph, Mecca, Constantine, Justinian's Code
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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills Vocab. QuizWords:Employability, Professionalism, Mannerisms, Effective Communication, Ethical Behaviors, Academic Preparation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Teamwork, Leadership, Time Management, Stress Management
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Vocabulary Test: EL TIEMPO - WEATHERWords:Hace mal tiempo, Hace buen tiempo., Hay tormentas, Hay neblina, Está nublado, Hace sol, Hace calor, Hace frío, Hace fresco, Hace viento, llueve, Está nevando, truena, relampaguea, Está granizando, Llovizna, Está húmedo, Está árido, Verano, Invierno, Otoño, Primavera
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Vocabulary Test: Verbs (anfangen-empfehlen)Words:anfangen, heißen, helfen, nehmen, unternehmen, sprechen, versprechen , besprechen, sterben, unterbrechen, empfehlen
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Vocabulary Test: Les passe-tempsWords:Je joue au foot, Je fais du vélo, Je joue aux échecs, Je joue aux jeux vidéo, Je regarde la télé, J'écoute de la musique, Je cuisine, Je joue de la guitare, Je fais du skate, Je crée un blog
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Vocabulary Test: ALE Unit 3 Employment lawWords:facility, dismissal, terminate, consolidation, respective, backsliding, redundancy, abolition, bargain, refrain from, impede, thereof, relinquish, otherwise, notwithstanding, vocational training, recourse, resort to, hereto, hereinafter, vested interest, trade-off, pull weight, allegation of, malingering, defamation, ascertain, gross misconduct, tension, vent
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Vocabulary Test: The Tempest Acts II and IIIWords:Woe, Odious, Contentious , Idle, Modesty, Precept, Repose, Conscience, Perdition , Precedent, Incense, Conspiracy , Endure, Detract, Bondage, Cunning, Tyrant, Snare, Upbraid, Upbraid
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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skill VocabularyWords:Stress Management, Time Management, Leadership, teamwork, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Academic Preparation, Ethical Behaviors, Employyability, professionalism, Mannerisms, Effective communication
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Vocabulary Test: Employability VocabularyWords:Resume`, Application, Reference, Punctuality, Organized, Multitasking, Accuracy, Collaborative, Criticism, Interview, Onboarding, Interpersonal skills, Workplace etiquette, Dependability, Government Documentation, Nepotism , Entry level, Hourly, Salary, Availability, Benefits
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Vocabulary Test: ss the first empiresWords:empire, ally, cultural trait, govern , calvalry, standing army, reform, tribute, currency, stele, assembly, import, export, navigation, cultural diffusion
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 6Vocabulary for “Emperors, Gods, and Foreign Invaders”Words:might, contagious, elite, resentment, appointed, ambassador, procession, dominance, fragile
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Vocabulary Test: Sem 1 NT Principles of TemptationWords:Principles of Temptation 18 Satan temps us to compromise, Temptation takes place after our "mountain, Temptation takes place during, Temptation takes place before, Principles of Temptation 03 we can, Principles of Temptation 04 Satin begins with, Principles of Temptation 05 Satan attacks with, Principles of Temptation 06 Satan attemps to have, Principles of Temptation 07 Satan tempts us to seek, Principles of Temptation 08 Jesus used Scripture, Principles of Temptation 09 Victory comes when, Principles of Temptation 10 Victory can also come, Principles of Temptation 11 Victory will rush to us when, Principles of Temptation 12 Satan is, Principles of Temptation 13 Satan uses the same methods, Principles of Temptation 14 Satan appeals to, Principles of Temptation 16 Satan temps us to substitute , Principles of Temptation 15 Satan attemps to get us to, Principles of Temptation 01 No one is , Principles of Temptation 02 Satan temps, Principles of Temptation 17 Satan attemps to get us to use
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Vocabulary Test: En una tempestad- José María HerediaWords:Tono, Tipo de rima, Simbolo, Temas, Tono, Ambiente continuo..., Métrica, Punto de vista, Conflicto, Figuras estilísticas, Exposición (ambiente), Resumen, Sobre el autor, Época literario, Autor
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Vocabulary Test: Employment VocabWords:Inbox, Email, W-2 Form, IRS, Tax Day, Taxes, Relationship, Savings Account, Withdrawal slip, Bank Account Number
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Vocabulary Test: Sem 1 O T Principles of Temptation Words:When confronted with their sin each tried to blame , When confronted with their sin both , Principles of Temptation #13 Satan will always use, When confronted with their sin Adam & Eve tried to, Principles of Temptation #14 Satan often uses another, Principles of Temptation #12 Satan is the biggest, Principles of Temptation #11 Satan appeals, Principles of Temptation #8 Satan wants us to believe, Principles of Temptation #5 Once Satan has, Principles of Temptation #6 Satan tries to convince us, Principles of Temptation #10 Satan wins when, Principles of Temptation #9 Satan's goal is to, Principles of Temptation #7 Satan wants to convince us that, Principles of Temptation #3 Satan always works , Principles of Temptation #1 Satan works , Principles of Temptation #4 Satan always tries, Principles of Temptation #2 Satan always chooses
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Vocabulary Test: From Student to EmployeeWords:encounter, anticipate, fixed, ambiguous, constant, pattern, adjust, transition, analyze, interpret, collaborative, expertise
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Contract EmploymentWords:Acceptance , Counteroffer, Employment Law, Common Law, Collective Bargaining, Contract, Unemployment Compensation Law , Tort , Intentional Tort , Parties
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Vocabulary Test: vampire diariesWords:Predict, came out of nowhere, Dumped, nail polish, chick, transcript, psychic, hold up, Stoned, Exaggerate, fog, risk, toast, thesis, vampire
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Unit 7Words:envy, elementary, disaster, ancestor, alert, accurate, survive, staple, romp, penetrate, feeble, epidemic
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Vocabulary Test: By the Great Horn SpoonWords:Abandon, Accommodation, Becalmed, Cantankerous, Brisk, Cargo, Cholera, Cleaver, Dandies, Daring, Defraud, Dispirited, Dissolve, Dredge, Elated, Familiar, Fierce, Fortress, Galley, Gaping, Gratitude, Grubstake, Hawker, Hawser, Heinous, Highwayman, Horrendous, Immigrant, Joshed, Lurch, Monotony, Nuzzled, Paunch, Peddler, Plunge, Recite, Scoundrel, Scows, Skiff, Slake, Speculation, Squall, Squint, Stowaway, Swells, Ventilators, Villain, Welling, Wheeze, Wily
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Vocabulary Test: Three Skeleton KeyWords:monotonous, provisions, riveted, maritime, vengeful, writhing, sickle, pestilential, fetid, morose, maniacal, breach, incendiary, derisive
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Quiz - Anthony Reynoso - Born to RopeWords:rodeo, charro, petroglyphs, ceremonies, pitch in, pinata, experts, exhibition, performers, mariachis, celebrity
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary - Nettie's Trip South & Donavan's Word JarWords:corkboard, ballyhoo, pincers, squabble, nutrition, boutique, profound, hieroglyphic, buggy, twittered, tattered, fierce, cedar, platform, abolitionist
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Vocabulary Test: Names/NombresWords:chaotic, identify, pursue, promotes, contributes, ironically, immigration, inevitably, ethnicity, inscribed
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Vocabulary Test: sewing quizWords:bobbin, bobbin case, bobbin winder, feed dog, foot control, hand wheel, clutch knob, machine needle, needle clamp, throat plate, power switch, presser foot, presser foot lifter, reverse control, spool pin, stitch-length control, stitch-pattern selector, thread take-up lever, thread cutter, thread guides, tension control
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Vocabulary Test: Group Counseling 1Words:Group Psychotherapy, Group Psychotherapy, Group Psychotherapy, Group Psychotherapy, Group Psychotherapy, Psychoeducational Groups, Psychoeducational Groups, Psychoeducational Groups, Psychoeducational Groups, Task/Work Groups, Task/Work Groups, Task/Work Groups, Task/Work Groups, Brief Group Work, Brief Group Work
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Vocabulary Test: perceptionWords:trichromatic theory, opponent process theory, reversible figure, perceptual sets, inattentional blindness, feature detection theory, form perception, subjective contours, gestalt principles of for percpeption, perceptual hypothesis, depth perception, monocular cues, motion prallax, accomodation, pictorial depth cues, binocular cues, retinal disparity, convergence, perceptual consistancies, optical illusion
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Vocabulary Test: science vocabWords:Science, Scientific Theory, Scientific Law, System, Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, Technology
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 1Words:humane, mortal, planetary, satellite, galaxy, alien, diplomatic, tranquil, ghastly, velocity
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Vocabulary Test: GorgeWords:Stoically, Heritage, disuade, deposing, defiant, repressed, mustiness, flanked, kowtow, fanatic, ideographs, plainstakingly, disassociate, common, chaotic, frenzied, pedestrian, giberish, fantatical, pidgin, smatering, exsaperated, infuriated
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 1-4Words:anonymous, disposition, encompass, pivot, imperative, recluse, affable, abhor, dehydrate, derive, electrify, endeavor, brusque, demean, evoke, emulate, concise, excruciating, avid, pseudonym, resilient, turbulent, grimace, gingerly, inventory, clad, abrasion, surmise, anthology, anonymous, prevalent, spontaneous, modify, instil, generation, conjecture, excruciating, evoke, despicable, teacher
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Vocabulary Test: Gulliver's VocabWords:abhorrence, apprehension, aversion, congruity, credulity, disapprobation, docility, expedient, extenuate, impediment, impudence, indignation, magnanimous, malice, profusion, prodigious, sagacity, veracity, vindicate, rudiment
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Vocabulary Test: Unwind SlangWords:AWOL, Bill of Life, Boeuf, Chop Shop, Clappers, Harvest Camp, Humphrey Dunfee, Juvey cops, "Living in a divided state", StaHo, Storked, Tithe, Umber, Sienna
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Vocabulary Test: ahmadWords:badger, benevolent, elapse, fitful, genre, haven, immaterial, innate, kindle, listless, meager, octogenarian, permeate, republic, tether
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