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Vocabulary Test: Eclectic-empiricalWords:eclectic, efficacious, effrontery, effusive, egotism, egregious, elated, elliptical , embezzle, emend, emigrate, eminent, emissary , emollient, empathy, empirical , ., ., ., .
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Vocabulary Test: Templeton Vocab Chapter 5 - 11Words:burlap, excursion, outing, cryptic, knapsack, gibberish, appropriate, tedious, eliminate, conspicuous, crenellations, massive, seize, acquire , gnashing teeth, in perpetuity, propelled, prototype, enact
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Vocabulary Test: Ch 10 Byzantine EmpireWords:Sufis, caliph, Omar Khayyam, Muslim, Quran, caravan, Mecca, nomads, Muhammad, schism, Justinian , Justinian's Code, Constantine, Constantinople, mosque
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Vocabulary Test: THe bizintine empireWords:Muslima , moque, Mecaa, caravan, nomads, muhammad, Schism, justinains code, Justininain, Constaintine, Constananople , quaran, Omar hayyamT, caliph, Sufis
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Vocabulary Test: Templeton Twins Chapter 5 - 12 vocabularyWords:enact, prototype, "gnashing teeth", "in perpetuity, propelled, acquire , seize, burlap, excursion, outing, cryptic, knapsack, appropriate, gibberish, tedious, conspicuous, eliminate, crenellations, massive
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Vocabulary Test: The Byzantine EmpireWords:Muhammad, schism, Justinian's Code , Justinian, Constantine, nomads, caravan, Mecca, Muslim, mosque, Quran, Omar Khayyam, caliph, Sufis
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 5 - Employment BasicsWords:Piecework Rate, Royalty, Commission, Gross Pay, FICA tax, Time-and-a-half Overtime, Double-time Pay, Overtime hours, Social Security, Unemployment insurance, Worker's Compensation, Retirement Plans, Hourly Rate, Pension, Insurance, Discount, Pieceworker, Benefits, Resume, Employment Agency, Social Security Tax, Maximum taxable income, Medicare tax
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Vocabulary Test: Persian Empire wordsWords:Iran, Zoroaster, Good and evil, Persians, Jews, Barter, Empire, Bureacracy, Satraps, Roads System, tolerance, Evil, Zoroastrianism
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 10 Byzantine EmpireWords:Caliph, Omar Khayyam, Muslim, Mosque, Quran, Caravan, Mecca , Nomads, Muhammad, Schism, Justinian's Code, Sufis, Justinian, Constantine, Constantinople
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Vocabulary Test: Mauryan and Gupta EmpiresWords:Fourished, Hindu, Hospitals, Horrified, Asoka, Arabic Numeral, War, Asoka was, Zero, Buddhism, Roads, Convert, Missionary, Bloody Battlefield was this kind of experience for Asoka, Napal, India, Mathematics, Golden Age, Aryan, Roman Numerals, Asoka's Dynasty
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Vocabulary Test: TemposWords:Allegro , Grave , Allegro Molto, Moderato , Largo , Andante , L'istesso
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Vocabulary Test: TemplesWords:Sukeshwar Temple, Dwarakadhessh Temple, Gomateshwaram Temple, Virupaksha Temple, Khajraho Temple, Kornank sun Temple, Lingraj Temple, Jagannath Temple, Ranakpur Temple, Kanchipuram Temple, Mahabalipuram Temple, Brihandeshwara Temple, Natraj Temple, Meenakshi Temple, Badrinath Temple, Gangotari Temple, Yamnotari Temple, Vishwanath Temple, Padmanabh swami (richest) Temple, Ramnath swami Temple
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Vocabulary Test: Los Lugares y Los PasatiemposWords:descansar, hacer nada, jugar videojuegos, tomar fotos, practicar deportes, levantar pesas, hacer ejercicio, viajar en autobús, ver una película, tomar el sol, tocar el piano, salir de copas, patinar sobre hielo, pasear por el parque, nadar en la piscina, montar en caballo, leer el periódico, Jugar al fútbol, Ir de compras, hablar español, estudar biología , esquiar en la nieve, cantar una canción, bailar en la discoteca, el valle, la playa, el oceano, el bosque, las montañas, el río, la escuela, la casa, la plaza , el gimnasio, la tienda, el teatro, la piscina, el museo, el concierto, el cine, el centro comercial, el campo, el restaurante, el supermercado , el estadio, la biblioteca, el hospital , el café, el parque, hacer los deberes
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Vocabulary Test: EmploymentWords:manual, managerial, challenging, demanding, rewarding, versatile, repetitive, excessive, temporary and permanent, full-time/part-time, to apply for a job, job seeker, vacancy, shortlist, probation, contractual obligations, occupation, perks, opportunity for promotion, dead-end job, to work for peanuts, to make the best of a bad job, increment, steady, mental work
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 1 Employability SkillsWords:Job Lead, Networking, Human Resource Department , School to Work Programs, Employment Agencies, Public Agencies, Private Agencies, Internet, Personal Fact Sheet, Letter of Reference, Video Resume, Portfolio, Letter of Application/Cover Letter, Job Application
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Vocabulary Test: P6-1 self test 2Words:the weld puddle is large and difficult to control in out of posi, can be done in all positions, globular, an erratic arc and high spatter, globular metal transfer changes to short circuit metal transfer, true, ferrous metals, a very fine spray directed axially at the weld pool, large, irregular shaped droplets across the arc, when the filler metal wire makes contact with the molten weld po, short circuit transfer
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabu-lit 3Words:distracted, elusive, etched, evokes, magnitude, potential, precise, stamina, starkly, statistical
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Vocabulary Test: ANATOMY1AWords:anatomyter, physiology, embrylogy, regional anatomy, systemic anatomy, topographical anatomy, surface anatomy, gross anatomy, macroscopic anatomy, histology anatomy, microscopic anatomy, mrobid anatomy, pathological anatomy, biology, botany, zoology, movement, responsiveness, growth, reproduction, respiration, digestion, absorption, circulation, assimilation, excretion, cell, tissue, organ, system, organism, integumentary system, circulatory system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary systme, reproductive system, standard anatomy position, cadaver, medial, lateral, superior, inferior, anterior, ventral, posterior, dorsal, deep, superficial, visceral, parietal, prone, supine, peripheral, central, proximal, distal, median plane, midsagittal plane, sagittal plane, coronal plane, frontal plane, transverse plane, horizontal plane, linear guide, anatomical guide, anatomical limits, body cavities, dorsal cavity, cranial cavity, spinal cavity, ventral cavity, thoracic cavity, pleural cavities, mediastinal cavity, mediastinum, pericardial cavity, abdominal pelvi cavity, abdominal cavity, abdominal cavity proper, pelvic cavity, peritoneal camity, orbital cavity, nasal cavity, vomer bone, anterior nares, posterior nares, oral cavity, buccal cavity, vestibule, four region plan, 9 region plan, umbilical region, epigastric region, hypograstric region, pubic region
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 3 Vocab. TestWords:bluff, catious, consist, despise, haven, miniature, monarch, obstacle, postpone, straggle, treacherous, vivid
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab. Test #3Words:adversary, alienate, artifice, coerce, craven, culinary, delete, demise, exhilarate, fallow, harass, inclement, muse, negligible, perpetuate, precedent, punitive, redress, sojourn, urbane
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Vocabulary Test: Ecce Romani Latin 9 Review VocabularyWords:fero, ferre, name, all, cum, man, venit, veniunt: venire, country house, mother, now, ubi, big, great, loud, mind, to be able, to go, good
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 9 synonymsWords:convict, discipline, dungeon, earnest, enclose, gradual, grumble, jagged, nourish, provision, treaty, uneasy
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 9 parts of speechWords:convict (v), convict (n), discipline (n), discipline (v), dungeon (n), earnest (adj), enclose (v), gradual (adj), grumble (v), grumble (n), jagged (adj), nourish (v), provision (n), provision(v), treaty (n), uneasy (adj)
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 2Words:Available, Cater, Customary, Dissuade, Entrepreneur, Firebrand, Hazard, Homicide, Indifference, Indignant, Indispensable, Lubricate, Mutual, Pelt, Plague, Poised, Regime, Retard, Transparent, Unscathed
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Vocabulary Test: greWords:advert, affected, adulterate, advent, adventitious, affront, aegis, aerie, affidavit, agglomeration, amenable, ameliorate, ambulatory, amalgamate, alluvial, allusion, allay, alimentary, alacrity, agrarian, agog, aggregate, aggrandize
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Vocabulary Test: unit 3Words:attractive, burden, consent, dependable, indicate, previous, qualify, response, shabby, thaw, urgent, vanity
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Development Test 1Words:ballast, heralds, livid, consigned, sluices, renown, cubit, prevailed, abated, smite, mitigated, concession, grotesque, asylum, carrion, profusely, caricature, travail
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Vocabulary Test: vocab quiz 3Words:garish, vestigal, pleonastic, auspicious, providential, reticent, expostulate, denigrate, mercurial, indefatigable, vacuous, presumptuous, traducement, contumely, execrate, bumptious, choleric, dyspeptic, querulous, crotchety, rancorous, acrimonious, equable, waggish, buoyant, rapturous, chiffon, diaphanous, vicar, preening, prurience, iniquity, abscission, accretion, adumbrate, alacrity, ambivalence, surfeit, anodyne, apogee, apostate, apotheosis, apposite, arabesque, impudent, arrant, august, auspice, auspicious, baleful, beatify, bedizened, brook, burnish, inveigle, wheedle, chary, churlish, complaisance, contemn, contrite, deleterious, denigrate, denouement, desuetude, desultory, dilate, dilatory, discomfit, distrait, doggerel, dross, dulcet, effrontery, effusive, enormity, ennui, equable, equanimity, evanescent, evince, expatiate, expurgate, extirpate, feckless, filigree, forbearance, froward, fracas, gambol, gregarious, grouse, hirsute, homily, idolatrous, idyll, ignominious, imbroglio, importune, ineluctable, ingenuous, iniquity, innervate, inured, jejune, jibe, labile, lassitude, limn, list, maunder, mellifluous, mendacity, mendicancy, mercurial, meretricious, tawdry, mettlesome, meddlesome, minatory, mince, nadir, perigee, nostrum, obeisance, obfuscate, obtuse, obstreperous, overweening, penurious, petrous, picaresque, pied, pine, piquant, plangent, plumb, prate, prattle, propinquity, propitious, proscribe, provident, putrefy, quaff, quail, querulous, ramify, rebus, recondite, redolent, refulgent, repine, risible, sinuous, solder, soporific, stolid, supercilious, suppliant, tawdry, toady, tumid, turgid, turbid, verisimilitude, viscous, welter, contretemps, desuetude, coeval, ligneous, hoary, contumacious, otiose, carapace, stygian, voluble, sidereal, sententious, plangent, perorate, mellifluous, desultory, husband, ligneous, limn, lubricious, coeval, captious, asseverate, abstemious, adduce, apposite, consonant, contumely, convivial, forbear, gambit, ineluctable, motility, patina, prurient, unalloyed, verdant, wizened, obfuscate, phlegmatic, chary, inured, effrontery, labile, priggish, pietistic, rectitude, obstreperous, tumid, pleonastic, redolent, saccharine, badinage, traducement, redoubtable, insouciant, acidulous, salacious, obdurate, sedulous
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Vocabulary Test: college vocab 2Words:Bulwark, Cache, Callous, Candor, Capitulate, Catharsis, Caustic, Censure, Chastise, Chronic, Circumspect, Clemency, Clique, Coalesce, Coherent
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Vocabulary Test: Week--3Words:segment, timidity, stabilize, dawdle, predicament, revise, snag, absorptiom, incision, deceit
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 1Words:apocryphal, arcane, convene, expedient, exude, gesticulate, imperturbable, increment, levity, mortify, periphery, raconteur, reiterate, subterfuge, vacillate
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