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Vocabulary Test: Aslihan Empower ElementaryWords:transportation, teleport, earn, salary, replace, uninhabitable, inhabitable, appointment, pollution, discovery, invention, allien, immigrant, generation, horoscope, fortune teller, longer, cure, drug, inhabit, prediction, family reunion, move, clean the house, do the laundry, do the washing up, enjoyable, grandchild, alive, granddaughter, grandson, choose, pick, take after, rude, nickname, rarely, hardly ever, bridge, steal, windmill, frying pan, fry, bake, grill, ingredients, stall, can, recipe, snack, dish, horrible, satnav, contact, reason, embarrassed, storey, neighbourhood, neighbour, convene, spend, midday, immediately, entertain, get on, get off, innocent, improve, decide, both, hurry
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Vocabulary Test: Self TalkWords:Self-talk, Thoughts, Distorted, Thinking Error, Rational, Irrational, Beliefs, Positive Thinking, Negative Thinking, Infallible, Namby-Pamby, Fairy Tale, I Stink, Doomsday, The Robot, You Stink
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Self-testWords:Dour, Umkempt , bequeath, tepid, fortitude, omnipotent, venal, disheveled, sophomoric, parsimonious, vociferous, reprehensible, pinnacle, chivalrous, perpetuate, fallow, omniscient, fallow, opulent, quintessence
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Vocabulary Test: fuel yourself for sportsWords:how long does digestion take?, what is the prefered energy source for sports?, what is the best sports drink?, if you are working out for more than an hour, what drink is the , what is good to have if your stomach is easily upset by food bef, should you ever skip a meal before sports?
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Vocabulary Test: How the Dog Found Himself a New Master! VocabtestWords:amid, dare, hasty, panic, creep, dart, sniff, kinsman, frighten, wander, bare, cliff, strike, faithful
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Self Talk CopyWords:Doomsday, I Stink, Fairy Tale, Namby-Pamby, Infallible, Negative Thinking, Beliefs, Positive Thinking, Irrational, Rational, Thinking Error, Distorted, Self-talk, Thoughts, The Robot, You Stink
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Self Reliance VocabWords:admonition, lustre, disdain, eclat, titular, ephemeral , affectation, pules, expiate, forbear, meanness, expedient, chagrin, asinine, mortify, askance, succumb, benefactors, magnanimity, capitulate, valor, affinity, intrinsic, obsequious , petulance, chaste, invalids , transcendent, prudent, deference , aboriginal, importune, piquancy, sycophantic, interpose , docility, invigorate, contrite, formidable
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Vocabulary Test: French - Home Life - Describing Yourself and OthersWords:mince, maigre, moche, frises, raides, les cheveux mi-longs, plus...que, moins bete que, aussi...que, meilleur...que, mieux que, le meilleur/la meilleure/les meilleurs, pire que
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Vocabulary Test: Templeton Twins Chapter 5 - 12 vocabularyWords:enact, prototype, "gnashing teeth", "in perpetuity, propelled, acquire , seize, burlap, excursion, outing, cryptic, knapsack, appropriate, gibberish, tedious, conspicuous, eliminate, crenellations, massive
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Vocabulary Test: THe bizintine empireWords:Muslima , moque, Mecaa, caravan, nomads, muhammad, Schism, justinains code, Justininain, Constaintine, Constananople , quaran, Omar hayyamT, caliph, Sufis
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Vocabulary Test: The Byzantine EmpireWords:Muhammad, schism, Justinian's Code , Justinian, Constantine, nomads, caravan, Mecca, Muslim, mosque, Quran, Omar Khayyam, caliph, Sufis
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Vocabulary Test: TemplesWords:Sukeshwar Temple, Dwarakadhessh Temple, Gomateshwaram Temple, Virupaksha Temple, Khajraho Temple, Kornank sun Temple, Lingraj Temple, Jagannath Temple, Ranakpur Temple, Kanchipuram Temple, Mahabalipuram Temple, Brihandeshwara Temple, Natraj Temple, Meenakshi Temple, Badrinath Temple, Gangotari Temple, Yamnotari Temple, Vishwanath Temple, Padmanabh swami (richest) Temple, Ramnath swami Temple
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Vocabulary Test: Los Lugares y Los PasatiemposWords:descansar, hacer nada, jugar videojuegos, tomar fotos, practicar deportes, levantar pesas, hacer ejercicio, viajar en autobús, ver una película, tomar el sol, tocar el piano, salir de copas, patinar sobre hielo, pasear por el parque, nadar en la piscina, montar en caballo, leer el periódico, Jugar al fútbol, Ir de compras, hablar español, estudar biología , esquiar en la nieve, cantar una canción, bailar en la discoteca, el valle, la playa, el oceano, el bosque, las montañas, el río, la escuela, la casa, la plaza , el gimnasio, la tienda, el teatro, la piscina, el museo, el concierto, el cine, el centro comercial, el campo, el restaurante, el supermercado , el estadio, la biblioteca, el hospital , el café, el parque, hacer los deberes
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Vocabulary Test: TemposWords:Allegro , Grave , Allegro Molto, Moderato , Largo , Andante , L'istesso
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Vocabulary Test: Templeton Vocab Chapter 5 - 11Words:burlap, excursion, outing, cryptic, knapsack, gibberish, appropriate, tedious, eliminate, conspicuous, crenellations, massive, seize, acquire , gnashing teeth, in perpetuity, propelled, prototype, enact
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Vocabulary Test: Ch 10 Byzantine EmpireWords:Sufis, caliph, Omar Khayyam, Muslim, Quran, caravan, Mecca, nomads, Muhammad, schism, Justinian , Justinian's Code, Constantine, Constantinople, mosque
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Vocabulary Test: vocab2Words:Lee, Mutinous, Plunder, Guile, Formidable, Prodigious, Lout, Victuals, Teeming, Civility, Hale, Ravage, Ponderous, Pectoral, Carrion, Insidious, Overweening, Entrails, Libation, Contentious, Strait
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Vocabulary Test: Lutheran Quiz 2Words:Test for a Sacrament, Baptism, Eucarist, Maundy Thursday, Passover, Orthodox Communion Tradition, Lutheran Communion Tradition, Reformed Communion Tradition, Common Cup, Individual Portions, Intinction, Confession, Open Communion, Closed Communion, Celebrant, Eucharist, First Communion
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Vocabulary Test: SectWords:bisect, dissect, insect, intersection, section, sectional, sector, transect, trisect, vivisection
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Vocabulary Test: GREWords:Ameliorate, Attenuate, Banal, Bombastic, Capricious, Caustic, Chicanery, Cogent, credulous, desicatte, desultry, diatribe, diffident, dilatory, dirge, dissemble, efficacy, enervate, engender, ephemeral, exigent, foment, garrulous, gregarious, guile, conoclast, inchoate, ingenuous, inimical, innocuous, insipid
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Vocabulary Test: Coronal Polishing TermsWords:Abrasive, Calcification, Acquired Pellicle, Materia Alba, Endogenous, Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Exogenous, Dental Flurorosis, Pumice, Bristle Brush, Rubber Polishing Cup, Prophylaxis Angle, Modified Pen Grasp, Frictional Heat, Fulcrum, Rheostat, Soft Deposit, Stain, Gingival Hyperplasia, Tetracycline, Coronal Polish, Decalcification, Mobile Teeth, Clinical Crown
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Vocabulary Test: AP Lang Third QuizWords:alliteration, allusion, anaphora, antimetabole, antithesis, asyndeton, diction, hortative sentence, hyperbole, imagery, inversion, juxtaposition, metaphor, metonomy, oxymoron, parallelism, personification, scheme, simile, syntax, trope, zeugma, document, assertion, connotation, polemic, satiric, logos, ethos, Aristotelian triangle, persona, pathos, concede, refute, counterargument, bias, propaganda
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy1Words:anatomy, physiology, embryology, regional anatomy, systemic anatomy, topographical-surface anatomy, gross-macroscopic anatomy, histology-microscopic anatomy, morbid-pathological anatomy, biology, botany, zoology, movement, responsiveness, growth, reproduction, respiration, digestion, absorption, circulation, assimilation, excretion, chemical level, cell, tissue, organ, system, organism, integumentary system, circulatory system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, medial, lateral, superior, inferior, anterior-ventral, posterior- dorsal, deep, superficial, visceral, parietal, prone, supine, peripheral, central, proximal, distal, median-midsagittal plane, sagittal plane, coronal-frontal plane, transverse-horizontal plane, linear guide, anatomical guide, anatomical limits, dorsal cavity, cranial cavity, spinal cavity, ventral cavity, thoracic cavity, pleural cavity, mediastinal-mediastinum cavity, pericadial cavity, abdominal-pelvic cavity, abdominal cavity proper, pelvic cavity, orbital cavity, nasal cavity, oral-buccal cavity
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Vocabulary Test: vocabWords:ameliorate (amelioration), conserve (conservation, conservationist), detriment (detrimental), exotic, folly, formerly (former), harmony, ignore (ignoramus), impediment (impede), indolent (indolence), intact, invalid (invalidate), noncarcinogenic, parsimonious (parsimony), raze, reticent (reticence), retire, retort, subvert (subversion), tractable (tractability)
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Vocabulary Test: AnatomyWords:Anatomy, Physiology, Anterior, Posterior, Superior, Inferior, Lateral, Distal, Proximal, Medial, Amnion, Placenta, Zygote, Umbilical cord, Ectoderm, Endoderm, Hypoderm, Mesoderm, Mosaic, Vestigial Organ
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test 1Words:Echolalia, Eristic, Herculean, Hector, Forum, Flora, Fauna, Adonis, Amazon, Atlas, Chimerical, Draconian, Elysian, Aegis, Bacchanalian, Cassandra, Auroral, Ambrosial
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