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Vocabulary Test: Selfish Giant
giant, jack, wall, garod, trespassers, harvest, cornwall, seasons, horace, garden, castle, cold, rose, summer, oscar

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Vocabulary Test:
The normal balance side for an asset account is the debit side , Debit means the increase side of an account , A credit to a liability account decrease the account , Assets are increased as debits , Capital is increased on the debit side , Liabilities are decreased on the credit side , The basic accounting equation is A + L = OE , The right side of the T account is always the debit side , For every debit there is an equal credit , A debit to one asset account and a credit to another asset accou, The left side of a T account is always the credit, Credit is an increase to a liability account

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Vocabulary Test: self quiz 2 Copy
Manhatten, Muscow Mule, Long Island, XXX, Old Fashion, Magarita, White Russian, Screw Driver, Fuzzy Navel, Tequila Sunrise, Kamikaze, Vegas Bomb, Soco & Lime, Lemon Drop, Washington Apple

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Vocabulary Test: self quiz 2
Manhatten, Muscow Mule, Long Island, XXX, Old Fashion, Magarita, White Russian, Screw Driver, Fuzzy Navel, Tequila Sunrise, Kamikaze, Vegas Bomb, Soco & Lime, Lemon Drop, Washington Apple

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 5- Big up Yourself
unison, culprit, mutual, tuxedo, commute, solar, unique, quest, prominent, influence, monotonous, futile, harzardous, esteem, excel, effect, eerie, eclipse, deplete, dense

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Vocabulary Test: self-test
wrath, subside, unwitting, mortal, muse, pioneer, plague, devious, devoid, heed, benefactor, bestow, admonish, aghast, annihilate

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Vocabulary Test: Self-Reliance Vocabulary Copy
occult, decorum, aversion, exhilaration, importune, nonconformist

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Vocabulary Test: aiden self
266+266=?, 489x800=?, 300x300, 500x1,000, 700x700, 500x500, 300x500, 100x400

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Vocabulary Test: The Empty Pot
weep, pleased, empty, glum, shame, encouragement, sprout, boil, emperor, empty

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Vocabulary Test: Self Test
Personification, Archaic Diction, Alliteration, Metonymy , Zeugma , Rhetorical Question, Periodic Sentence , Inversion, Hortative Sentence, Antithesis, Antimetabole, Anaphora, Asyndeton, Allusion, Oxymoron, Imperative Sentence , Metaphor, Cumulative Sentence , Parallelism, Juxtaposition

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Vocabulary Test: Empower unit 2 Copy
goal, change one's mind, challenge (n), calm, Earth (planet), earth, water, fire, air, in control, leader, make a decision, negative (adj), pay attention, personality, plan (n), quality (n), toward, artist, coach, computer technician, newsboy, orthopedist, underwater photographer, belong to, full-time job, complain, stuck, traffic jam, solve, should, has to, have to, had to, must
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: Express Yourself
Enhance , Precision , Vary, Subtle , Competent, Visualize , emphasis, Emulate

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Vocabulary Test: Madame C.J. Walker: Self-Made Millionaire
Factory, hired, managed, secretary, millionaire, charged, sued , wealth

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Vocabulary Test: Self-Selected Vocab
Abnegation, Demagogue, Fatuous, Licentious, Preclude, Sanguine
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences

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Vocabulary Test: selfreliance
importune, aversion, exhiliration, nonconformist, occult, decorum

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Vocabulary Test: Self-Reliance Vocabulary
nonconformist, importune, aversion, exhilaration, decorum, occult

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Vocabulary Test: Self-Reliance Vocabulary Quiz
exhilaration, aversion, importune, noncomformist, decorum, occult

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Vocabulary Test: P6-1 self test 2
the weld puddle is large and difficult to control in out of posi, can be done in all positions, globular, an erratic arc and high spatter, globular metal transfer changes to short circuit metal transfer, true, ferrous metals, a very fine spray directed axially at the weld pool, large, irregular shaped droplets across the arc, when the filler metal wire makes contact with the molten weld po, short circuit transfer

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Vocabulary Test: P6-1 self test 1
to control burn-off rate without making adjustments to your weld, CC/AC, CC/AC, CV/DCEP, is an economical process, porosity, gas-shielded, low carbon steels, DCEP, self-shielded and dual shielded, gas-shielded continuous-feed filler metal wire, GMAW, absence of slag, less distortion, fast deposition rate, CV, a shielding gas, high deposition rates

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Vocabulary Test: Quiz Yourself! The Scientific Revolution
Starry Messenger, Hobbes, Bach, Scientific Method, Voltaire, Newton, Galileo, Scientific Revolution

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Vocabulary Test: unit2
interloper, intrinsic, inveigh, lassitude, millennium, occult, permeate, precipitate, stringent, surmise, amellorate, aplomb, bombastic, callow, drivel, epitome, exhort, ex officio, infringe, ingratiate

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Vocabulary Test: sneetches
frankfurter, guaranteed, peculiar, precisely, contraption, snooty

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Vocabulary Test: julia2
deluge, catholic, eerie, martial, anthropomorphic, beneficiary, careen, aplomb, guile, modicum, fester, languish, pall, havoc, rancid

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Vocabulary Test: chapter5
Charlatan, Corroborate, Disseminate, Diverge, Dormant, Hoist, Illicit, Irrevocable, Precipitate, Proliferation

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Vocabulary Test: justinbeiber
when was he born, what is his fave color, how old is he, do you like his music, what sport does justin play, what is his moms name, who does he live with, dose he have sibilings, dose he have a pet, what type of pet, how did justin get found, whats his fave animal, dose he like jokes

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Vocabulary Test: vocab
Atrophy, Deplore, Deprivation, exacerbate, imperative, mitigate, objective, panacea, unprecedented, utilitarian

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Vocabulary Test: spacevocabulary
Solar System, Orbit, Planet, Axis, Rotation, Revolution, Asteroid, Coment, Dwarf Planet, Satellite

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Vocabulary Test: boo
abominable, bumbling, consequence, delude, dole, engulf`, foil, formulate, initiative, memento, nonconformist, null and void, panorama, posterity, pry, refurbish, resourceful, rigorous, subsequent, unerring

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Vocabulary Test: greekmythology
Cyclopes, Cerberus , Gorgons, Sirens, Chimaera, Pegasus, Minotaur, Hydra, Sphinx, Charybdis, Scylla, Odysseus

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Vocabulary Test: unit7grade8
acme, attribute, belittle, convey, doctrine, excise, exotic, haggard, jaunty, juncture, menial, parry, predatory, ravage, stance, tawdry, turncoat, unassuming, wallow, waver

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Vocabulary Test: cogat
geology, velocity, angular, momentum, potential, lever, prefix, biology, mythology, hyperbole

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Vocabulary Test: chemistry
acids, atoms, atomic number, bases, chemical reaction, chemistry, coefficient, conservation of mass, colliod, corrosive acids, covalent bond, chemical formula, decomposition reaction, double replacement reaction, elements, endothermic, exothermic, electrons, litmus paper, ions, ionic compounds, nucleus, neutron, neutralization, open system, pH scale, periodic table, protons, solute, solubility, solution, suspension, synthesis reaction, valence electron, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 0

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Vocabulary Test: unit1
approbation, assuage, coalition, decadence, elicit, expostulate, hackneyed, hiatus, innuendo, intercede, jaded, lurid, meritorious, petulant, prerogative, provincial, simulate, transcend, umbrage, unctuous

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Vocabulary Test: vocabtesthollis
exultation, burgeoning, melancholy, pining, deliniate, chasm, husk, trumphent, insensible, dreary

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Vocabulary Test: frankenstein
appeased, averred, ardent, arial, benignity, enunciation, contumely, conflagration, consternation, depravity, disconsolate, exordium, insatiate, incredulous, immured, impertinent, immutable, languor, lineaments, minutiae, multifarious, opprobrium, precarious, purport, panegyric, procure, prognosticate, promontary, pertinacity, pallid, perambulations, rankle, salubrious, solicitude, sagacity, squalid, supposition, sanguinary, tumult

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Vocabulary Test: learningdefinitions
ad finitum, apportion, bona finde, buoyant, clique, concede, congenial, lofty, migration, perceive, perverse, prelude, rancid, rustic, sever, sordid, untenable, versatile, vindicate, wane

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Vocabulary Test: unit10
bellow, beneficiary, botch, clutter, farce, futile, grueling, hospitable, lair, lavish, morbid, notorious, pamper, parasite, shirk, surplus, timidity, dilapidated, dismantle, veto

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Vocabulary Test: unit11
adequate, ajar, dialogue, emblem, gigantic, havoc, hearth, implore, infamous, innumerable, lax, mar , misdemeanor, mull, narrative, overture, pact, stalemate, vindictive, wilt

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Vocabulary Test: englishvocabulary
Accentuate, Alliteration, Antibody, Aspire, Bamboozle, Bizarre, Boisterous, Boycott, Camouflage, Chronology, Cower, Decorum, Deduction, Deign, Despondent, Dialog, Divulge, Eclectic, Ellipse, Embargo, Enthusiastic, Exponent, Exult, Flourish, Gargoyle

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Vocabulary Test: unit11
alias, amble, burly, distort, dogged, dumbfounded, extinct, fossil, grit, inevitable, ingrained, meteoric, parody, prevail, rend, replenish, rummage, skimp, sleuth, vandalism
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