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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Middle ages, Byzantine , Latin, Hagia Sophia , Icons , Great Schism , Pope, Justinian, Justinian Code, Christianity , Heretic, Patriarch, Excommunicated , Priests, Bishops, Mosk, Ottoman Turks, Western Empire, Eastern Orthodox, Constantine
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Vocabulary Test: byzantine empire Words:Rome , byzantine empire , Western Empire, why did the byzantine empire decline , code of justinian , what is an icon , the patriarch , the schism , Hagia Sophia , after the Pax Romana, the Roman Empire entered an era of , by 47____ conquered the western Roman empire , the western Roman fell into the ? , Constantinople was crossroads for ? , the language which became the ebyzantine's official language was, most byzantines had converted to before people in the western Ro, christians in Western Europe became the , christians in Eastern Europe became the , Roman Catholic , eastern orthodox , emperor Leo III ordered the destruction of ?, the biggest controversy between christians of the west and east , led individual churches
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Constantinople, Latin, Justinian, Hagia Sophia, Western, Holy Wisdom, Justinian's Code, Theodora, Ottoman, Pope, Patriarch, Icons, The Great Schism, Cyrillic, Greco-Roman, Black Sea, Bishops, Barbarian Tribes, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine empireWords:Constantinople, Byzantine Emipre, Justinians , Ottoman Turks, Womens, Italy , Digest, Holy Wisdom, Greek, Pope, Icons, Cyrillic, Schism, divided, Dark Ages, Trade, Roman, Domes, Theodora, Rebellion
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Pax Romana, Eastern, Western, Romans, Justinian, Justiniancode, Thelawcode, Thedigest, Theinstitutes, Thenovellae, HagiaSophia, Empresstheodora, Rebellion, RomanCatholic, EasternOrthodox, Icons, LeoIII, TheGreatSchism , JustinianPlague, Russia
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Vocabulary Test: Cortometraje- PorsiemprejamónWords:aguantar, colgar, desmayarse, echar de menos, encerrado/a, fiel, funcionar, liarse con, el ramo, el tesoro, la cabaña, chismear, comprometerse, la fidelidad, el juramento, el/la prometido/a, sincerarse
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Vocabulary Test: Contemporary Lit Unit 2Words:Accost, Acrimonous, Bigot, Censure, Cessation, Deleterious, Elaboration, Glutton, Fastidious, Hedonism, Marred, Impede, Pariah, Legacy, Obstinate, Salubrious, Temper, Unkempt, Impetuous, Verbose
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Vocabulary Test: Empower unit 2 CopyWords:goal, change one's mind, challenge (n), calm, Earth (planet), earth, water, fire, air, in control, leader, make a decision, negative (adj), pay attention, personality, plan (n), quality (n), toward, artist, coach, computer technician, newsboy, orthopedist, underwater photographer, belong to, full-time job, complain, stuck, traffic jam, solve, should, has to, have to, had to, must
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: self-testWords:wrath, subside, unwitting, mortal, muse, pioneer, plague, devious, devoid, heed, benefactor, bestow, admonish, aghast, annihilate
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Vocabulary Test: Test yourselfWords:contemporary, groundless , hypocrite , encompass , depict, constrain, confront, assailant, arid, disinterested
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Vocabulary Test: from Deep Survival & Is Survival Selfish?Words:transfix, utilize, sustain, valid, subjective, sufficient, rhetorical, reason, relevant, purposeful, laud, objective, infer, external, idiom, evidence, edict, disintegrate, distill, demeanor, dimension, conversely, claim, deduce, consume, berate, anecdote, argument, belay
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 5- Big up YourselfWords:unison, culprit, mutual, tuxedo, commute, solar, unique, quest, prominent, influence, monotonous, futile, harzardous, esteem, excel, effect, eerie, eclipse, deplete, dense
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Vocabulary Test: Self TestWords:Personification, Archaic Diction, Alliteration, Metonymy , Zeugma , Rhetorical Question, Periodic Sentence , Inversion, Hortative Sentence, Antithesis, Antimetabole, Anaphora, Asyndeton, Allusion, Oxymoron, Imperative Sentence , Metaphor, Cumulative Sentence , Parallelism, Juxtaposition
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Vocabulary Test: self quiz 2Words:Manhatten, Muscow Mule, Long Island, XXX, Old Fashion, Magarita, White Russian, Screw Driver, Fuzzy Navel, Tequila Sunrise, Kamikaze, Vegas Bomb, Soco & Lime, Lemon Drop, Washington Apple
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Vocabulary Test: vocab16Words:Adept, Aptitude, Astute, Dexterity, Finesse, Inspiration, Precocious, Prodigy, Resourceful, Virtuoso
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Vocabulary Test: roots12Words:phototropic, quadriplegic, infidelity, canine, adequate, adherent, humid, frigid, novelty, expire
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Vocabulary Test: equate10Words:monophagous, melanosis, osteoblast, osteoporosis, monoplegia, iconoclast, ichthyolite, fissiped, necropolis, ootheca
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Vocabulary Test: equate11Words:psychosis, hemocytozoan, nephrolith, cholelith, glossotomy, lobotomy, logorrhea, angiitis, hippodrome, brachydactyly
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Vocabulary Test: equate12Words:bacterium, anthophilous, unanimous, hematuria, hydropathy, otorrhea, pyogenesis, antipyogenic, dysuria, barotalgia
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Vocabulary Test: equate133Words:platyhelminth, stenothermic, tachylogia, petroglyph, impugn, pyoderma, biennial, lycanthropy, avert, avenge
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Vocabulary Test: satvocab1Words:aberration, blithe, corroboration, deride, ebullient, facetious, idiosyncrasy, jovial, languid, mundane, parsimonious, quixotic, revere, scintillating, sycophant
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Vocabulary Test: equate14Words:matriarch, monarchy, archangel, architect, kleptomaniac, zoology, asterisk, meniscus, oophoridium, bifid
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Vocabulary Test: goldenWords:Pecos petes chow wagon, Kates Wedding, In Miami, count bessie, Interuterine, Phil, St Olaf, Shakes her, Personal Servant, Stan, Coffee Mug Cup, Palm leaves
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Vocabulary Test: equate15Words:dyspnea, dysphonia, dyspepsia, edentate, edict, effloresce, effulgence, effervesce, helicopter, Lepidoptera
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Vocabulary Test: equate16Words:eczema, encephalitis, monolith, monologue, sphygmomanometer, escape, evanesce, evert, evangelist, exhibit
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Vocabulary Test: lesson1Words:aquatic, aqueduct, arbitrate, bacillus, plundering, ratify, amphibian, sedimentary, solubility, permeate
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Vocabulary Test: www85Words:grat, ped, sui, tact, tude, ism, turb, turg, per, muta, con, voc, man, ex, sur, luc, gratuitous, impedimenta, soi-disant, tactile, similitude, pointillism, turbid, turgid, permutation, convoke, lugubrious, manifest, extirpate, surfeit, pellucid, mendacious, ductile, adventitious, inveigh, ontology, oncology, escritoire, simulacrum, hebetude, remunerate, ten, vitium, plex, cosm, mord
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyquizWords:Aquatic, Whilst, Frantic, Flaw, Ally, Minor, Wither, Acquire, Value, Scowl, Volume, Lenses, Deposit, Habit, Paranormal, Hibernate, Noble, Source, Quality, Frolic, Habitat, Turf, Knowledge, Dehydrated, Astma
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularytestWords:perturb, resignation, piety, reverence, elate, insolent, condescend, conspicuous, pittance, barter, Krisna, tabla, sitar, Rama, mantra, urban, rural, dowry, urn, garland, exasperate, modesty, sullen , Monsoon, mischievous
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