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Vocabulary Test: Employability Skills & Attire for WorkWords:Job Shadow, Work Ethics, Associateś Degree, Bachelors Degree, Self-Assessment, Personality Trait, Incentive, Retirement, Self-Esteem, Career Decisions, Aptitudes, Job Application, What career is associated with Finance?, What career is associated with Agriculture Food & Natural Resour, What career is associated with STEM?, What are four career clusters?
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Vocabulary Test: Cortometraje- PorsiemprejamónWords:aguantar, colgar, desmayarse, echar de menos, encerrado/a, fiel, funcionar, liarse con, el ramo, el tesoro, la cabaña, chismear, comprometerse, la fidelidad, el juramento, el/la prometido/a, sincerarse
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Vocabulary Test: Contemporary Lit Unit 2Words:Accost, Acrimonous, Bigot, Censure, Cessation, Deleterious, Elaboration, Glutton, Fastidious, Hedonism, Marred, Impede, Pariah, Legacy, Obstinate, Salubrious, Temper, Unkempt, Impetuous, Verbose
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Vocabulary Test: Novedades de Empresas HispanoamericanasWords:talentos, cuenta propia, acrecentamiento, comisión, mayorista, interior, minorista, comprometer, apareciera, rentabilidad, se destaca, empresarial, ámbito, vinculación
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Business English II: Unit 25 Efficiency and EmploymentWords:flexible labour market, efficiency, downsizing, delayering, casual work, contract work, age of retirement, job sharing, outsourcing, part-time, public sector, private sector, rationalization, redundancy package, relocation, rightsizing, temporary employment, privatize, trade unions
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Vocabulary Test: unit 4 empires vocabularyWords:asia minor, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Istanbul, Hagia Sophia, Suleymaniye mosque, Ottoman empire, Mughal Empire, Taj Mahal, Shogun, Isolation, Meiji Restoration, Enclaves, Songhai Empire, Swahili, Commercial revolution, Silk Road, Manchu/Qing Dynasty, Trans-Saharan trade route, Dutch East India Company, British East India Company, Kongo, Asante (Ashanti)
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Vocabulary Test: EMPOWER PAGE 24 ADVERBSWords:race, amazing, amazingly, beautifuly, proud, proudly, perfectly, dangerously, well, careful, quickly, finally, heavily, hardly, calmly, carelessly, kindly, nervously, politely, even though, sunny, went, while, manage to, in front of
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Getting to Know YourselfWords:value, aptitude, interest, career, employment, work, occupation, income, survey, goals, decision, skills, ambition, research, quality, responsibility, porfolio, performance, resume', leadership
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Icons, Great Schism, Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, DarkAge, Holy wisdom, Justinian's, Theodora, Eastern, Pope, Roman , Orthodox, authority, Heretic, Greco-Roman, trade, german, Iconoclasts, Greek, Latin
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Trade, Decline, Germanic, Catholic, Orthodox, Western, Institutes, Digest, Roman, Hagia Sophia , Patriarch, Eastern, Constantinople, Icons, Theodora, Justinian, Greco-Roman, Novellae, Schism, Bishops
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Pax Romana, Eastern, Western, Romans, Justinian, Justiniancode, Thelawcode, Thedigest, Theinstitutes, Thenovellae, HagiaSophia, Empresstheodora, Rebellion, RomanCatholic, EasternOrthodox, Icons, LeoIII, TheGreatSchism , JustinianPlague, Russia
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Vocabulary Test: Self TestWords:Personification, Archaic Diction, Alliteration, Metonymy , Zeugma , Rhetorical Question, Periodic Sentence , Inversion, Hortative Sentence, Antithesis, Antimetabole, Anaphora, Asyndeton, Allusion, Oxymoron, Imperative Sentence , Metaphor, Cumulative Sentence , Parallelism, Juxtaposition
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Vocabulary Test: Empower unit 2 CopyWords:goal, change one's mind, challenge (n), calm, Earth (planet), earth, water, fire, air, in control, leader, make a decision, negative (adj), pay attention, personality, plan (n), quality (n), toward, artist, coach, computer technician, newsboy, orthopedist, underwater photographer, belong to, full-time job, complain, stuck, traffic jam, solve, should, has to, have to, had to, must
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: self quiz 2Words:Manhatten, Muscow Mule, Long Island, XXX, Old Fashion, Magarita, White Russian, Screw Driver, Fuzzy Navel, Tequila Sunrise, Kamikaze, Vegas Bomb, Soco & Lime, Lemon Drop, Washington Apple
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Vocabulary Test: Selfish GiantWords:giant, jack, wall, garod, trespassers, harvest, cornwall, seasons, horace, garden, castle, cold, rose, summer, oscar
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Vocabulary Test: normal balance side for an asset account is the debit side , Debit means the increase side of an account , A credit to a liability account decrease the account , Assets are increased as debits , Capital is increased on the debit side , Liabilities are decreased on the credit side , The basic accounting equation is A + L = OE , The right side of the T account is always the debit side , For every debit there is an equal credit , A debit to one asset account and a credit to another asset accou, The left side of a T account is always the credit, Credit is an increase to a liability account
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Vocabulary Test: literarydevicesWords:alliteration, allusion, assonance, blank verse, cacophony, connotation, consonance, denotation, euphony, figurative language, free verse, hyperbole, imagery, verbal irony, dramatic irony, situational irony, metaphor, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, paradox, personification, quatrain, refrain, rhyme, repetition, simile, stanza, symbol
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Vocabulary Test: lesson14Words:improve, shoveling, flood, govern, somebody, usable, loving, governor, onion, grandmother, lovable, using, lovely, rough, sometime, touch, ugly, Eucharist, shove, touched, shovel
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Vocabulary Test: vocauunit4Words:border, certain, clasp, depart, fierce, journey, observe, superb, treasure, wisdom
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Vocabulary Test: crustWords:outer core, convergent, divergent, transform, normal, thinner, denser, iron, mars, asthenosphere, mesosphere, lithosphere, Mariana Trench, reverse, strike slip, compression, tension, folding, granite, basalt, mid ocean ridge, older, San Andreas Fault, subduction zone, Pangaea, continental drift, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
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Vocabulary Test: unit3manu-Words:emancipate, mandate, maneuver, manipulate, manager, manacle, manicure, manuscript, manual, manufacture
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Vocabulary Test: kappyWords:indigenous, monoculture, cuisine, multinational, westernization, native, global, variety, danger, dangerous, endanger, adaptability, adaptable, market, influence, identical, identity, group, tradition, value, represent, lose, grow, culture, transform
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Vocabulary Test: grevocab3Words:desiccate, scad, dichotomous, synchronous, neologism, nice, list, harbingers, acerbic, sanguine, sanguinary, magnanimity, rapacious, shoal, mendacity, ingenue, variegated, apotheosis, precipitate, banality, nonplussed, penchant, iniquitous, solicitous, penurious, hackneyed, reticent, indigent, parsimonious, enervate, dissolution, censure, dearth, redoubtable, chary, assiduity, gaucheness, tractable, taciturnity, intransigence, pusillanimous, avaricious, apotheosis, avaricious, gaucheness, indigent, nonplussed, scad, chary
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Vocabulary Test: fdrWords:campaign, cooperate, democracy, dictatorship, diligently, disabled, liberty, opponent, public service
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Vocabulary Test: allaboutmeWords:wats my fave color, wat color of hair do i have, wats my mom and dads name, how many sis do i have, wat do i collect, wats my middle name
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Vocabulary Test: mytestlesson10Words:amendment, calliope, clairvoyance, didactic, epic, gruff, incomprehensible, lurch, ocular, palatable, quiver, residual, stoic, tirade, voracious
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Vocabulary Test: nacionalidadesWords:German, Canadian, Chinese, Ecuadorian, Spanish, From the united states, French, English, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, north america, puerto rican, russian
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Vocabulary Test: windowsbasicsWords:Address bar, Close button, Computer folder, Control Panel, Desktop, Dialog box, Documents folder, Explorer windows, Folder, icon, Maximize button, Menu, Minimize button, Operating system, Personal folder, Pointer, Pointing device, Recycle bin, Restore Down button, Scroll arrows, Scroll bar, Scroll box, Taskbar, Title bar, Toolbar, Window
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyWords:booster, inflamation, ascending, descending, activate, hasten, prifile, depression, involuntary, effeciency
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Vocabulary Test: vocabtestfc2Words:guileless, jurisprudence, hue, litigant, condescension, curator, catalyst, epitome, emissary, philistine
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Vocabulary Test: roots11Words:LEV, MON, MIS(S) or MIT(T), NOV, NEG, PATR, PATER, PULS, QUINT, RADIC, TERMIN
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Vocabulary Test: roots99Words:PSEUDO, SOMN, RETRO, HIPP, PUGN, PATH, PSYCHO, LIP, MIS(S) or MIT(T), OLIG
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