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Vocabulary Test: EMPOWER PAGE 24 ADVERBSWords:race, amazing, amazingly, beautifuly, proud, proudly, perfectly, dangerously, well, careful, quickly, finally, heavily, hardly, calmly, carelessly, kindly, nervously, politely, even though, sunny, went, while, manage to, in front of
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Vocabulary Test: GR7 Tic-Tac-Toe: Test YourselfWords:pan, pod, demo, cracy, crat, type, arch, biblio, phil, soph, gyn, gam, miso
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Vocabulary Test: self-quizWords:do you ever feel anxious?, do you get upset easliy?, Are you a emotional person?, frustrated easily?, Do you get discourged fast when somethimg goes wrong?, do you feel lonely at times, are you always unhappy?, do you feel blue today?, Are you miserable with you life?, Are you dealing with Depression?
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Vocabulary Test: unit 4 empires vocabularyWords:asia minor, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Istanbul, Hagia Sophia, Suleymaniye mosque, Ottoman empire, Mughal Empire, Taj Mahal, Shogun, Isolation, Meiji Restoration, Enclaves, Songhai Empire, Swahili, Commercial revolution, Silk Road, Manchu/Qing Dynasty, Trans-Saharan trade route, Dutch East India Company, British East India Company, Kongo, Asante (Ashanti)
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Icons, Great Schism, Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, DarkAge, Holy wisdom, Justinian's, Theodora, Eastern, Pope, Roman , Orthodox, authority, Heretic, Greco-Roman, trade, german, Iconoclasts, Greek, Latin
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Vocabulary Test: Getting to Know YourselfWords:value, aptitude, interest, career, employment, work, occupation, income, survey, goals, decision, skills, ambition, research, quality, responsibility, porfolio, performance, resume', leadership
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Vocabulary Test: ginger selfWords:what is 3,989+10,976=?, what is 100,975+400,697=?, what is 100x800=?, what is 50x900=?, what is 100x110, 500x500
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Vocabulary Test: self 10/28 mixedWords:plight, abstruse, abominate, Ça ne fait rien., Je n'ai aucune idée., Tenez/Tiens, Bien sûr., Pouvez-vous m'aider? / Tu peux m'aider?, Je suis désolè(e), Jag är ___ år (gammal), Mitt namn är ...., Välkommen, Varsågod, Ingen orsak, Snälla
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech
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Vocabulary Test: EMPOWER UNIT 1Words:business, shrapnel, suggest, search, search, powerful, realize, offer, line, isolated, in front of , impatiently, grows, greet, favorite, fit, dust, disappear, doubt, continue, condition, terrible, breathe, borrow, beat, back and forth, appointment, act, double , miracle
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Constantinople, Justinian, Hagia Sophia, Byzantine, eastern orthodox, Iconoclasm, theodora, Basil II, Byzantine Rite, exarchate, theme system, Greek fire, Patriarch, Nika Riots, procopius, corpus juris civilis, byzantium, schism, mosaics, icon
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Vocabulary Test: The Byzantine EmpireWords:The Schism , The Patriarch , Code of Justinian, Byzanytine , restore empire , Pax Romana , Excommunicated , Roman Catholic church , Eastern orthodox church , Emperors , 900 years , Novellae, Constantinopole, Germanic barbarians , trade imbalance , Greek, Haiga Sophia , Justinian , Theodora , Middle ages
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Vocabulary Test: Tempo LiberoWords:navigare internet, ballare, girare la citta`, leggere, cantare, preparare il pranzo, cucinare, ascoltare , completare i compiti, andare in palestra, scaricare musica dall'internet, guardare la televisione, aggiornare la mia pagina su Facebook, passeggiare, fare shopping, fare colazione, scrivere nel mio diario, organizzare una festa, andare a trovare i nonni, mangiare fuori con i miei amici, nuotare , fare lezioni di aerobica, lavorare con i pesi, camminare lungo il fiume, prendere un caffe`
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Vocabulary Test: self 10/29 mixedWords:Vi ses senare/snart, Jag saknar dig, le sous-sol, l'arbre, le râteau, indiscriminate, acclivity, accentuate
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech
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Vocabulary Test: self 10/27 mixedWords:le grenier, Hej då. / Adjö, la penderie, le couloir, Abate, Abash, Abase, ingratiate, Je vous en prie., Bienvenue., A plus tard., Bonsoir., De rien., God kväll., God Morgon.
Test Also Includes: synonyms, parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Trade, Decline, Germanic, Catholic, Orthodox, Western, Institutes, Digest, Roman, Hagia Sophia , Patriarch, Eastern, Constantinople, Icons, Theodora, Justinian, Greco-Roman, Novellae, Schism, Bishops
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Vocabulary Test: Byzantine EmpireWords:Pax Romana, Eastern, Western, Romans, Justinian, Justiniancode, Thelawcode, Thedigest, Theinstitutes, Thenovellae, HagiaSophia, Empresstheodora, Rebellion, RomanCatholic, EasternOrthodox, Icons, LeoIII, TheGreatSchism , JustinianPlague, Russia
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Vocabulary Test: frenchcountriesWords:la France, l'Espagne, l'Angleterre, la Russie, la Belgique, les Etats-Unis, le Canada , l'Argentine, la Chine, l'Inde, l'Italie, l'Allemagne, la Suisse, la Grece, le Mexique, le Bresil, l'Australie, la Coree du Nord, la Viet-Nam, l'Irlande
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Vocabulary Test: equate6Words:program, pyrophobia, pyuria, pylorus, omnipotent, omniscient, omophagia, otitis, clairvoyant, commiserate
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Vocabulary Test: equate7Words:decapitate, enema, subtract, circadian, osteology, compile, bioluminescence, binocular, conifer, equinox
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Vocabulary Test: equate8Words:equilibrium, expedite, expectorant, incarcerate, incessant, manufacture, polyandry, primogeniture, monogamy, polygamy
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Vocabulary Test: manuWords:manufacture, manual, manuscript, manicure, manacle, manager, manipulate, maneuver, mandate, emancipate
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Vocabulary Test: unit4Words:asseverate , atrophy, bastion, concord, consummate, disarray, exigency, flotsam, frenetic, glean, grouse, incarcerate, incumbent , jocular, ludicrous, mordant, nettle, pecuniary, prepossessing, pusillanimous, recumbent, stratagem
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Vocabulary Test: equate4Words:lipoma, mastitis, ichthyology, paragraph, pharmacology, phytopathology, phytophagous, polygyny, polyglot, precise
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Vocabulary Test: ancestorWords:ancestor, carnivore, comprehend, duration, evident, extinct, ferocious, gigantic, obscure, option, premature, preserve, prey, puny, survive
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Vocabulary Test: frankensteinvocabWords:precipices, promontory, repugnance, abhorred, poignant, exordium, acquiesced, insurmountable, amiable, squalidness
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Vocabulary Test: equate5Words:isoceles, melanoma, monopoly, monopode, extract, extrude, macrobiotic, macrocephaly, manuscript, mastectomy
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Vocabulary Test: vocabunit5Words:acute, bluster, bungle, commentary, duration, eerie, facet, fidelity, fray, headstrong, inhabitant, numb, pacify, ravenous, refute, remorse, setback, smug, synopsis, tarry
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Vocabulary Test: equate9Words:topology, geophagy, toxicosis, osteoclast, osteoarthritis, geothermic, melanocyte, isogloss, democracy, theology
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyWords:abbreviate, abstinence, adulation, adversity, aesthetic, amicable, anachronistic, anecdote, anonymoous, antagonist, arid, assiduous, asylum, benevolent, camaraderie, censure, circuitous, clairvoyant, collaborate, compassion
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Vocabulary Test: aphglanguagevocabWords:Creole, Dialect, Indo-Eauropean languages, Ideograms, Isogloss, Isolated language, Language, Language branch, Language family, Language group, Language subfamily, Lingua franca, Linguistic diversity, Literary tradition, Monolingual, Multilingual, Official language, Pidgin language, Toponymy, Trade language, Vulgar Latin
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Vocabulary Test: namethatphobiaWords:Isolophobia, Arachnophobia, Claustrophobia, Batophobia, Demophobia, Triskaidekaphobia, Ophidiophobia, Gymnophobia, Didaskaleinophobia, Thaasophobia, Barophobia, Nyctophobia, Phronemophobia, Ailurophobia, Hydrophobia, Arachibutyrophobia , Potophobia , Rectophobia, Lutraphobia, Oneirogmophobia, Agrizoophobia
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