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Vocabulary Test: My FamilyWords:爸爸, 妈妈, 哥哥, 姐姐, 弟弟, 妹妹, 爷爷, 奶奶, 外公, 外婆, 爱, 家
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Root Word Quiz #2Words:baro, basal, blast, brachi, brady, brev, broncho, bucco, calor, capill, barometer, basal, blastoma, brachial, bradycardic, brevity, bronchitis, buccal, calories, capillary
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Vocabulary Test: Greek Mythology Vocabulary Test Words:Epic Poem, Polis, Hoplites, Philosopher, Democracy, Oligarchy, Helots, Ephors, Comedy , Tragedy, Olympic Games, Socratic Method, Minoan, Mycenaean, The Iliad, Immortal, The Odyssey , Hermes, Poseidon, Zeus, Hera
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Vocabulary Test: hidden armyWords:army, soldier, uniform, emperor, archaeologist, tomb, jade , clay, peasant, armor, bury , terra-cotta, moment, charge, battle, line up, row, figure, varnish, archer, inform, persuade, general, bestselling, plain, attack, iron, coffin, bright, trace, purpose, pit, craftsman, kiln, government, original, acient, shiny, scales
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Vocabulary Test: JasmyneJean-11Words:Verbatim, Abate, reactionary, satiety, Forestall, altruism, discount, Amiable, unrequited, traduce, bandy
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Vocabulary Test: Amya Sheffield vocab 1-11Words:verbatim, abate, reactionary, satiety, discount, bandy, forestall, altruism, amiable, unrequited, trudance
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy... Chapt 5.. voc wordsWords:osteocyte, neuron, neuroglial cell, nervous tissue, muscle tissue, mucous membrane, fibroblast, macrophage, cutaneous membrane, epithelial tissue, chondrocyte, connective tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage, osteon, serous membrane, synovial membrane
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch 1 Section 3 Words:Big Bang Theory , Cosmologist , Matter , Doppler Effect, Radiation , Cosmic background radiation, Mass, Nebula , Nebula Theory , Planetesimal , Protoplanetary Body, Fusion , Terrestrial Planet , Gas-Giant planets , Comet , Asteroid, Wavelength, Extrasolar planet
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Vocabulary Test: Rat AnatomyWords:thymus, heart, lungs, trachea, bronchi (not visible), esophagus, diaphragm, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus, mesentery, pancreas, spleen, liver, kidney, adrenal glands, ureter, urinary bladder, inferior vena cava, descending aorta, scrotum, testes, ductus deferens, penis, uterus, ovary, uterine horns, vagina, incisors, molars, hard palate, soft palate, epiglottis, larynx, oropharynx, ribs, sternum, cecum
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy FinalWords:Altitude , Synodic, Sidereal, The RA and Dec coordinate system the declination angle tells you, The Right ascension and declination coordinate system is useful , Ole Romer timed the eclipses of Jupiters moons and determined, Keplers third law, Kepler's second law, An x-ray burster is observed when, We detect black holes indirectly as , A low mass star fusing hydrogen in its core, Intermediate Mass stars fill up with helium over time because, Roche Lobe, Sagittarius A* , Radial Velocity, Transit Photometry, Disturbed Planetary Disk, Intermediate mass stars of less than 2 M a helium flash occures , Microlensing, Keplers first law, Direct Imaging, A star slowly moving through the instability strip on the HR dia, Pulsar Timing, Top part of sun we see, An object will be too dim to see with the naked eye if its appar, Where the magnetic field of the sun is Strong and breaks through, As the sun radiates energy it looses mass because, The layer of the Sun with the highest temperature is the , Part of the sun above the Photosphere, Hot gas flowing along magnetic field lines above the surface of , Azimuth
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy VocabWords:Astronomical Unit, Aphelion, Comet, Eclipse, Geocentric, Heliocentric, Perihelion, Sunspot, Supernova, Gravity
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Vocabulary Test: goodnessWords:benevolence, exemplary, reputable, gentility, decorum, punctilious, candid, veracity, feasible, solace, elation, avidity, preoccupy, morale, wary, impunity
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Vocabulary Test: test3Words:contemporary, decade, century, millenium, annual, centennial, simultaneously, punctual, chronic, continuous
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Vocabulary Test: toatWords:recuperated, cynical, infinite, rebellious, commodity, assume, bias, miscellaneous
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Vocabulary Test: golfWords:Green, Bogey, Eagle, Ace, Fore, Birdie, Double Bogey, Double Eagle, Fairway, Putt, Hole in One, Handicap, Par, Penalty Stroke
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Vocabulary Test: test4Words:premises, descendant, warranty, utilities, tenant, budget, courtesy, charity, opaque, transparent
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Vocabulary Test: unit2Words:available, cater, customary, dissuade, entrepreneur, firebrand, hazard, homicide, indifference, indignant, indispensable, lubricate, mutual, pelt, plague, poised, regime, retard, transparent, unscathed
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Vocabulary Test: voc#4Words:eccentric, debunk, penurious, squander, avarice, indulgent, assiduous, insuperable, assuage, incantation, extraneous, exult, coalesce, predator, imminent, exalt, archaic, conspicuous, recondite, lethargy
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Vocabulary Test: statesWords:Michigan, Maine, Vermont, Oregon, Mississippi, Alaska, Iowa, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, New York, Wisconsin, Alabama, Nevada, New Hampshire, Indiana, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Carolina, Georgia, Colorado, Nebrask, West Virginia, South Carolina, Ohio, Washington, Florida, Connecticut, Maryland, Wyoming, Virginia, Massachusetts, Missouri, Rhode Island, Delaware, Illinois, North Dakota, Montana, New Jersey, Hawaii, Arkansas, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Utah, Kansas, Tennessee
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Vocabulary Test: oursongWords:Senegal, lavender, delicate, ship, traders, surrounded, mist, ignores, quivers, imagine, shootouts, groundnuts, market, related, besides, galloping, whistles, winding, grabs
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Vocabulary Test: dictWords:contradict, dictation, dictator, diction, dictionary, dictum, edict, indictment, predict, verdict
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Vocabulary Test: mewWords:repellent, repercussion, repertoire, replenish, replete, replica, reprehensible, reprieve, reprimand, reprisal, reproach, reprobate, reprove, repudiate, repugnance
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Vocabulary Test: vocab4Words:un(i), bi, du, tri, terti, quadr, quart, quinque, quint, sex, sept,septem, septim, oct, octav, novem, non, decem, deci,decim, cent, mil
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Vocabulary Test: week31Words:innocuous, prudent, propagate, heresy, spurious, fervid, lassitude, strident, deleterious, ostensible, concomitant, incumbent, dissent, ferment, without rythme or Reason, cold shoulder, swan test, to get the sack, arbiter, anomaly, surfeit, attenuated, efficancy
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Vocabulary Test: michellebergsWords:invariably, proximity, affiliates, rejuvenated, portly, encumbered, unprecedented, exalted, pompous, plausible
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Vocabulary Test: gre19Words:passim, patrician, patronymic, peal, parity, parlay, paroxysm, parry, peculate, peerage, perdition, peregrination, peremptory, perfidious, perforce, perigee, permutation, peroration, perquisite, pertinacious, petrology, pettifogger, philippic, picayune, pillory
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Vocabulary Test: gre20Words:piscine, pixilated, plaudit, plenary, pleonasm, plumb, plutocrat, polity, pontificate, porcine, portend, portmanteau, posit, potentate, potter, prate, preclude, precocious, predicate, preempt, preferment, prestidigitator, priggish, privation, proctor
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Vocabulary Test: gre21Words:proffer, prognosticate, promethean, promontory, prophylactic, propinquity, propitiate, propound, proscenium, prosody, protean, provender, proxy, prurient, puckish, pugilism, pulchritude, punctilious, purblind, purlieus, purport, purvey, putative, putsch, pyrrhic
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Vocabulary Test: gre22Words:quadrille, quaff, quail, quandary, quarry, quaver, quay, querulous, quiddity, quietus, quorum, racketeer, raffish, raiment, rankle, rapine, rapport, rasp, rebus, recidivism, recoup, recreant, recumbent, redolent, redoubt
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Vocabulary Test: gre23Words:redress, refraction, rejoinder, remiss, remit, remuneration, rend, repartee, reprove, requite, rescind, restitution, restive, retiring, retrench, ribald, rime, riposte, risible, roister, rout, ruck, runel, sacerdotal, salacious
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Vocabulary Test: gre24Words:sally, sapid, sapient, sartorial, saturnine, scabrous, scarify, scintilla, scion, scurf, scurrilous, scuttle, sebaceous, self-effacing, seminal, senescence, sententious, sequacious, serried, sessile, shibboleth, shoal, shoring, shunt, shyster
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