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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Root Word Quiz #3Words:contract, coelum, clavicle, circumcise, cillium, cholesterol, caudal, encephalitis, cervicle, coel, contra, clavi, circum, chondr, chole, cephal, cervix, chondrocyte, cilli, caud
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Vocabulary Test: Knots in My Yo-Yo StringWords:ominous, arsenal, inevitable, valiant, mystique, prominently, elusive, tousle, embodiment, beret, preferential
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy... Chapt 5.. voc wordsWords:osteocyte, neuron, neuroglial cell, nervous tissue, muscle tissue, mucous membrane, fibroblast, macrophage, cutaneous membrane, epithelial tissue, chondrocyte, connective tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage, osteon, serous membrane, synovial membrane
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy - Chapter 1Words:Anatomy, Digestion, Sagittal section, Superior, Visceral Pleura, Anatomical Position, Levels of organzation in increasing order, Organs which occupy the pelvic cavity, Homeostasis, Homeostatic mechanism example, Requirements of organisms for the maintenance of life, Dorsal and ventral cavity, In leg veins blood flows which way , Physiologist, Thoracic cavity, Pericardial cavity, Dorsal body cavity contains components of this system, Midsagital plane, Abdominal cavity, abdominal cavity, Negative Feedback, Terms of relative position, Diaphragm, Mediastinum, Water
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Vocabulary Test: Mythology 1-5Words:spurn, savant, insolvent, reverent, prodigious, commodious, nadir, jettison, prattle, boon, levity, wane, bombastic, demagogue, largesse, decry, fetter, ephemeral, ethereal, cognizant, kitsch, paragon, veracity, felicity, edify
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Vocabulary Test: yummyWords:acquisitive, arrogate, banal, belabor, carping, coherent, congeal, emulate, encomium, eschew, germane, insatiable, intransigent, invidious, largesse, reconnaissance, substantiate, taciturn, temporize, tenable
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy termsWords:superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, proximal, distal, deep, superficial
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy: Boby planes, cylindrical sections, body cavitiesWords:Pelvic cavity, Adbomnal Cavity, Thoracic cavity, Longitudinal section, Cross section, Oblique section, Sagittal plane, Midsagittal plane (median), Coronal plane (frontal), Transverse Plane
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Vocabulary Test: 4. Adjective – logy, plummy (15)Words:nonpareil, equivocal, plaintive, salubrious, raddled, jocose, coeval, cogent, apposite, plummy, logy, cap-a-pie, amaranthine, pursy, olfactory
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Vocabulary Test: Chapter 1 Astronomy Section 1Words:Parallax, Universe , Atmosphere , Telescope , Density , Gravity , Solar system , Parsec , Light-year , Galaxy , Planet , Astronomical Unit , Star , Astronomer
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy -- Chpt 1 - organ systemWords:Skeletal system, Nervous system, Endocrine system, Integumentary Sytstem, Reproductive system, Cariovasclar system, Digestive system, Urinary System, Muscular system, Lymphatic System, Respiratory System
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Vocabulary Test: Rat AnatomyWords:thymus, heart, lungs, trachea, bronchi (not visible), esophagus, diaphragm, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus, mesentery, pancreas, spleen, liver, kidney, adrenal glands, ureter, urinary bladder, inferior vena cava, descending aorta, scrotum, testes, ductus deferens, penis, uterus, ovary, uterine horns, vagina, incisors, molars, hard palate, soft palate, epiglottis, larynx, oropharynx, ribs, sternum, cecum
Test Also Includes: sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Ch 1 Section 3 Words:Big Bang Theory , Cosmologist , Matter , Doppler Effect, Radiation , Cosmic background radiation, Mass, Nebula , Nebula Theory , Planetesimal , Protoplanetary Body, Fusion , Terrestrial Planet , Gas-Giant planets , Comet , Asteroid, Wavelength, Extrasolar planet
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Vocabulary Test: Me, my family and friendsWords:les cheveux (m), célibataire, bouclé, bête, la belle-mère , le beau-père, beau/belle/bel, bavard, la barbe, avoir...ans, s'appeler, l'amour (m), aîné, aimable, le copain/la copine, court, le demi-frère, la demi-sœur, se disputer, dire
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Vocabulary Test: lesson72Words:clarify, confide, disclose, enlighten, exhibit, expound, ingrained, misconception, sage, seminar
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Vocabulary Test: jigobblerWords:ramification, rancor, rapacious, rebuke, rebut, recalcitrant, recant, reciprocal, reclusive, recondite, recrimination, redolent, redundant, refute, reiterate, relegate, relentless, relinquish, remonstrate, renaissance
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Vocabulary Test: jigobbler2Words:qualify, qualitative, querulous, quixotic, renounce, reparation, repercussion, replenish, replete, reprehensible, reprisal, reproach, reprove, repudiate, requisite, resolute, respite, reticent, revere, rhetoric, rigorous, robust, rogue, redimentary, ruminate, rustic, proletariat, proliferate, prolific, promulgate
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Vocabulary Test: lesson721Words:annihilate, contaminate, corrode, curtail, deplete, deteriorate, extinct, negate, rancid, squander
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Vocabulary Test: lesson828Words:abode, annex, cloister, edifice, excavate, masonry, prefabricate, rotunda, trellis, turret
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Vocabulary Test: vocab2Words:bibulous, gelid, ebullient, Zeitgeist, faineant, arcana, obdurate, lacuna, friable, scrabble, mimetic, pertinacious, raillery, imprimatur, remonstrate, supplicate, primogeniture, nonagenarian, inculcate, upbraid
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Vocabulary Test: vocab18Words:tutelage, dapple, palaver, gustatory, troglodyte, cupidity, fiduciary, mephitic, anodyne, tatterdemalion, malinger, insensate, supernumerary, emolument, contemn, propound, gamine, vituperation, melange, beatific
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Vocabulary Test: vocab19Words:mendicant, surly, deracinate, tarradiddle, profuse, soporific, vicissitude, cavalcade, malapropos, hirsute, incongruous, kvetch, foundling, recumbent, somniferous, postprandial, deipnosophist, wiseacre, extirpate, flout
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Vocabulary Test: greiiWords:glazier, bolt, largesse, scourge, enormity, unrelenting, sibyl, arbiter, euphony, acumen, impartiality, bestowal, jingoist, estop, irenic, fustian, bifurcate, duplex, perambulate, emote, trefoil, stipuled, stipple, palaverous, solecism, apostasy, canard, pittance, mountebank, charlatan, burnoose, hegira, jeremiad, premonish, odalisque, career, quizzical, medacity, inculcate, lambast, guzzle, dock, strident, palliate, officious, rake, effusive, certified, cherubic
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Vocabulary Test: greviiiWords:bigotry, aphasia, expedient, catholic, bestial, paramour, uxorious, comity, donnybrook, equipoise, ethnocentric, gemeinschaft, martinet, meliorism, mettle, obstreperous, pollyanna, pyrrhic, sangfroid, weal, ecumenical, exiguous, gestalt, googol, homunculus, modicum, niggle, oeuvre, rubric, scintilla, soup, trice, turgid, weltanschauung, beguine, codex, codicil, epistolary, hootenanny, palindrome, serif, sesquipedalian, synecdoche, threnody, ululate, etiolated, dirigible, penumbra, atavism
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Vocabulary Test: satvocabquiz9Words:hiatus, histrionics, hubris, husband, hypocrite, ignoble, illusory, imbibe, impassive, imperious, imperturbable, implacable, importunate, imprecation, impudent, impugn, impute, incandescent, incarnadine, inchoate, incipient, incorrigible, incredulous, indomitable, ingratiate
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Vocabulary Test: gre11Words:importune, impute, indolent, ineluctable, inherent, credulous, flout, fortuitous, garrulous, germane, glib, maverick, mercurial, obfuscate, obstinate, pedantic, pirate, rancorous, rhetoric, sedulous, solvent, inimitable, iniquity, innervate, parochial, interdict, involute, jibe, lassitude, libertine, limn, limpid, lubricious, lucluent, macerate, maculate, malinger, maunder, mendicant, meretricious, militate, natty, officious, ossified, ostensible, overweening, palliate, pangyric, pariah
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Vocabulary Test: enticentWords:asdf, asdfasdf, asdfasdfsaf, asdfadsfafdsf, asdfasdfasdfas, asdfasdfasdfdasads
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Vocabulary Test: ponyWords:devious, inquisitive, meticulous, reticent, dogmatic, mollify, duplicity, conciliatory, plausible, capricious
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Vocabulary Test: vocalWords:Alliteration, Counter Word, Epigram, Euphemism, Generics, Litotes, Malapropism, Metanymy, Mixed Metaphor, Prolixity, Sesquipedalian, Risible, Opt, Gambol, Mot Juste, Adjudicate, Insouciant, Maudlin, Faux Pas, Ecumenical, Condesced, Chimerical, Niggarly, Sub-rosa, Lagniappe, Noisome, Bane, In Medias Res, Neologism, Bete Noire
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Vocabulary Test: anatomych1Words:anatomy, physiology, tissues, metabolism, homeostasis, feedback system, receptor, control center, effector, negative feedback system, positive feedback system, chemical level, cellular level, tissue level, organ level, system level, organismal level, Integumentary System, Skeletal system, Muscular system, Nervous System, Endocrine System, Cardiovascular System, Lymphatic System and Immunity, Respiratory System, Digestive system, Urinary System, Reproductive Systems
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, medial, lateral, superficial, deep, proximal, distal, transverse plane, frontal plane, sagittal plane, anatomical position
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Vocabulary Test: vocabunit1Words:apparel, besiege, compress, denounce, dispatch, douse, expressly, famished, forsake, gainful, immense, inept, ingenious, instantaneous, irk, libel, misgiving, oaf, recede, repast
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Vocabulary Test: vocab_7_1Words:antiseptic, attentive, befuddle, commonplace, disruption, flamboyant, infallible, jaunt, laden, lure, queue, revive, shameless, slander, wholesome
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