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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz #2 - spring 2020 - mythology
Strain, Recoil, Wistful, Pseudonym, Mausoleum, Garlanded, Hewn, Threshold, Archetypes, Warily, Pavillion, Maim, Alliance, Bewildered, Quest, Pulverize

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy -- Chpt 8.. voc words
action potential, autonomic nervous system, axon, central nervous system (CNS), convergence, dendrite, divergence, effector, facilitation, ganglion, meninges, myelin, neurilemma, neurotransmitter, Nissl body, parasympathetic nervous system, peripheral nervous system (PNS), plexus, reflex, sensor receptor, somatic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, synapse

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy...Chapt 9 review sheet
A synnaptic cleft is the space between these two things:, The brainstem consists of these three things:, Pla Mater is this:, Microglia is what:, Temporal lobe, Occipital lobe, Medulla oblongata, Chemical transmitters, axon, pia mater, Sensory neurons conduct impulses where:, Examples of reflexes arcs include:, Effectors include:, gray matter in the spinal cords is in the shape of:, Synpse connects this many neurons and a neuron to this:, Dendrites, Four types of neuroglial cells, Neuroglia cells that form a myelin sheath around axons are this:, Gaps between segments of oligodendrocytes or between individual, Action potentials move more rapidly in this:, Chemical substances released from the presynaptic terminal may i, Four major regions of the brain:, Medulla oblongata, reticular formation, Hypothalamus, Ayri, Longitudinal fissure, Three characterictistics of axons:, Three characterictistics of the corpus callosum:, Two characterictistics of the cerebrum:, Dura mater is what:, Motor Neurons does this:, Cerebrum function:, Cerebellum function:, Hypothalamus function:, Medulla oblongata, Hypothalamus function, Cerebrum function

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Vocabulary Test: Here's My Dollar
tour, volunteer, thrilled, slogan, deserve, persuade

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy quiz 1
Anatomy, Physiology, Scientific Method, Requirements of an Organism, Homeostasis, Body Cavities, Anatomical Terms, Anatomical term Superior, Anatomical term Inferior, Anatomical term Anterior, Anatomical term Posterior, Anatomical term Medial, Anatomical term Lateral, Anatomical term Proximal, Anatomical term Distal, Anatomical Planes, sagittal plane, coronal plane, transverse plane, Abdominal Quadrants, upper right, upper left, lower right, lower left, acidic and bases

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Vocabulary Test: Out of My Mind Chapter 26-27 Quiz
inspiration, brisk, dashed, barricade, mused, clammy, glumly, declared, distracted, catapults

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Vocabulary Test: The Enemy- part 2
anesthetic, pulse, faint, rumor, torture, unconsciously, courteously, extraordinary, stubbornness , severely, obediently, fiercely

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz #3 - spring 2020 - mythology
chasm, void, distorted, resented, misnomer, propoganda, usurp, verdict, rural, repetitions, cowered , feigned, chaos, impulsive , faltered

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy Chapter 6 terms(seasons)
summer, winter, summer, spring, winter, winter, summer, autumn, winter, spring, winter, winter, spring, summer, winter

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Quiz #4 - spring 2020 - mythology
Veered, Adolescents, Drachma, Agitated, Arrogant, Confined, Cowered, Descend, Despair, Eternal, Faltered, Hallucination, Hovered, Immortal, Miserable

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy of a Volcanic Eruption
residents, diverted, intervals, originate, pressure, spewed

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Vocabulary Test: My Limb Difference Doesn't Define Me
advocate, circulation, inclusive, navigate, prosthetic, prototype, synthetic

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Vocabulary Test: Unit 5 Week 1 The Fungus that ate my school
spore, investigate, mold, humid, decompose, experminent

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Vocabulary Test: Mystery and Suspense
bewilderment, cryptogram, disagreement, endanger, evident , feign, flask, fraught, homicide, identical, identity, imprint, inscription, intrigue, mystify, password, persist, premise, systematic, uncanny

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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
console, flaunt, timid, goad, obnoxious, teeming, humiliate, reprimand, oblivious, chide, wary, formidable, abound, anticipation, indignant, exasperation, underhanded, frantically, hover, fleeting, despicable, aback, desolate, fragile, transfixed, interminable, rile, ashen, condone, banish

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy.. Chpt 8 voc words
actin, antagonist, aponeurosis, fascia, insertion, motor neuron, motor unit, muscle impulse, myofibril, myosin, neurotransmitter, origin, oxygen debt, prime mover, recruitment, sarcomere, symergist, threshold stimulus

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Vocabulary Test: Out of My Mind Chapter 28-29 Quiz
glowed, gasped, outrage, smug, policy, predicted, rapidly, thudding, croaks, curtly

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Vocabulary Test: Astronomy vocab quiz ch. 2
Rocket, Thrust, Velocity, Orbital Velocity, Escape Velocity, Satellite, Space Shuttle, Space Station, Space probe, Rover, Vacuum, Microgravity, Space spinoff, remote sensing, Geosynchronous orbit

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Vocabulary Test: My Brother Martin
numerous, avoided, injustice, indignity, nourishing, recall, shielding, encounter, confront, ancestors, rap

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Vocabulary Test: Where is my stuff
Favourite, At the back of, Behind, In, On, under, helmet, skates, glove, pads, equipment, Hockey stick, Golf club, Ski Poles, Drawers, socks, basement, garage, closet, shelves

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Vocabulary Test: americanlitvocab#1
abdicate, anachronism, avid, banal, benign, blatant, boisterous, cantankerous, cajole, dexterous, distraught, embellish, facetious, gregarious, hackneyed, meritorious, phobia, precocious, taciturn, urbane

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Vocabulary Test: folktalesfromasia
assured, bountiful, destiny, diligence, entrusted, merit, palanquin, plodded, virtue, wisdom

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Vocabulary Test: lovesmystery
lust, love, sex, men, women, positions, loyality, honesty, seduction, bondage, orgasm, oral, dark

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Vocabulary Test: sociology
2. Sociology & marriage, Emile Durkheim, C. Wright Mills, Functions of sociology, Sociological perspective, Auguste Comte, Theory, Structural Functional Paradigm, Social-Conflict Paradigm, Symbolic-Interaction Paradigm, Culture Shock, Values, Mores, Folkways, Postindustrial economy, Subculture, Multiculturalism, Ethnocentrism, Global Culture, Social Isolation, Sociobiology, Socialization, Personality traits, Sigmund Freud, George Herbert Mead, Charles Horton Cooley, Agents of Socialization, Childhood, globally, Social Interaction, Status, Ascribed status, Achieved status, Role Conflict, Thomas theorem, Harold Garfinkel, “Presentation of Self”, Nonverbal Communication, Personal Space, Eye Contact, Crowd, Primary Group, Secondary Group, Instrumental Leader, Authoritanian Leader, Stanley Milgram, In-group/Out-group, Formal Organizations, Coercive Organizations, Scientific management

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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyquiz4
azure, charcoal, chatter, chill, cruise, hoe, interior, leisure, ore, outline, sow, stagger, stout, weigh

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Vocabulary Test: orange1-2
celebrity, counsel, demonstrate, drowsy, essential, hardship, haul, humble, pledge, sincere, stampede, suitable, annual, basic, competition, contract, dismiss, neglect, obtain, portion, recall, sponsor, stern, vacant

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Vocabulary Test: vocab4
Broach, Charlatan, Erudite, Extol, Gratuitous, Immutable, Predispose, Prerogative, Truism, Venerate, Absolve, Antipathy, Antipodes, Indigent, Infringe, Nettle, Ostensible, Retroactive, Specious, Subjugate

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Vocabulary Test: bluebook4
aggressive, associate, deceive, emigrate, flexible, glamour, hazy, linger, luxurious, mishap, overwhelm, span

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Vocabulary Test: vocab
strategy, inevitable, catastrophe, aggressive, motivate, ferocious, valid, ecology, sanctuary, intelligible

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Vocabulary Test: positionlesson3
excerpt, exhilerate, exonerate, exorbitant, compound, exposition, expound, impose, impostor, proponent

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Vocabulary Test: vocab2smith
abhor, advocate, allusion, archetype, badger, bicker, bombastic, caustic, curtail, exacerbate, fiasco, formidable, heinous, ignominy, innuendo, lush, nostalgia, perjure, sanctimonious, wrath

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Vocabulary Test: 6th
garrulous, perturbed, myriad, pedestian, arduously, entrepeneur

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Vocabulary Test: smilingrabbitvocab
vine, chocolate, elastic, deceitful, ear of corn, latter, myth, cage, sakaberas, bending, couple, folks, log, leap

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Vocabulary Test: unit1b
insidious, intimation, opulent, pliable, reiterate, stolid, tentative, unkempt, verbatim, warily

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Vocabulary Test: apenglish
Verisimilitude, Claque, Lexicon, Apprise, Miniscule, Aegis, Melee, Obfuscate, Vassal, Polarize, Solecism, Paternalism, Sanguine, Lachrymose, Bibulous, Deracinate, Microcosm, Indigenous, Purview, Eleemosynary

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Vocabulary Test: levelhunit2
melee, purview, polarize, vassal, solecism, claque

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Vocabulary Test: 7-9
memorandum, prevaricate, immerse, scour, dawdle, writhe, authorize, dissect, expend, quash, inflammatory, reminisce, relish, fatality, pathetic, taut, partition, jovial, manacle, retrieve, arrears, crotchety, affluence, martial, impassable, perishable, partition, immobile, sinister, cascade, avenge, deluge, giddy, intimidate, logical, optional, rendezvous, saunter, subordinate, variable, cede, discretion, impact, liberate, verge, outright, rotund, sluggish, tint

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Vocabulary Test: nohackersallowed
copious, tenacious, surreptitious, voracious, officious, spurious, onerous, gregarious, pious, scrupulous, attrition, edification, ablution, elocution, writhe, pedestrian, carrion, pinion, kismet, ambivalence, deploy, cavalier, egg, mete, nulllify, embroil, waffle, ascribe, enhance, impair, terse, coerce, diverse, abate, abide, gambit, jaunt, frank, lithe, aesthetic

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Vocabulary Test: don
door, chair, pizza, kfc, noorani kebab, mobile, shit ball

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Vocabulary Test: vocno2
available, cater, customary, dissuade, entrepreneur, firebrand, hazard, homicide, indifference, indignant, indispensable, lubircate, mutual, pelt, plague, poised, regime, retard, transparent, unscathed
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