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Vocabulary Test: americanlitvocab#1Words:abdicate, anachronism, avid, banal, benign, blatant, boisterous, cantankerous, cajole, dexterous, distraught, embellish, facetious, gregarious, hackneyed, meritorious, phobia, precocious, taciturn, urbane
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Vocabulary Test: lovesmysteryWords:lust, love, sex, men, women, positions, loyality, honesty, seduction, bondage, orgasm, oral, dark
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Vocabulary Test: sociologyWords:2. Sociology & marriage, Emile Durkheim, C. Wright Mills, Functions of sociology, Sociological perspective, Auguste Comte, Theory, Structural Functional Paradigm, Social-Conflict Paradigm, Symbolic-Interaction Paradigm, Culture Shock, Values, Mores, Folkways, Postindustrial economy, Subculture, Multiculturalism, Ethnocentrism, Global Culture, Social Isolation, Sociobiology, Socialization, Personality traits, Sigmund Freud, George Herbert Mead, Charles Horton Cooley, Agents of Socialization, Childhood, globally, Social Interaction, Status, Ascribed status, Achieved status, Role Conflict, Thomas theorem, Harold Garfinkel, “Presentation of Self”, Nonverbal Communication, Personal Space, Eye Contact, Crowd, Primary Group, Secondary Group, Instrumental Leader, Authoritanian Leader, Stanley Milgram, In-group/Out-group, Formal Organizations, Coercive Organizations, Scientific management
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyquiz4Words:azure, charcoal, chatter, chill, cruise, hoe, interior, leisure, ore, outline, sow, stagger, stout, weigh
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Vocabulary Test: orange1-2Words:celebrity, counsel, demonstrate, drowsy, essential, hardship, haul, humble, pledge, sincere, stampede, suitable, annual, basic, competition, contract, dismiss, neglect, obtain, portion, recall, sponsor, stern, vacant
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Vocabulary Test: vocab4Words:Broach, Charlatan, Erudite, Extol, Gratuitous, Immutable, Predispose, Prerogative, Truism, Venerate, Absolve, Antipathy, Antipodes, Indigent, Infringe, Nettle, Ostensible, Retroactive, Specious, Subjugate
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Vocabulary Test: bluebook4Words:aggressive, associate, deceive, emigrate, flexible, glamour, hazy, linger, luxurious, mishap, overwhelm, span
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Vocabulary Test: vocabWords:strategy, inevitable, catastrophe, aggressive, motivate, ferocious, valid, ecology, sanctuary, intelligible
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Vocabulary Test: positionlesson3Words:excerpt, exhilerate, exonerate, exorbitant, compound, exposition, expound, impose, impostor, proponent
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Vocabulary Test: vocab2smithWords:abhor, advocate, allusion, archetype, badger, bicker, bombastic, caustic, curtail, exacerbate, fiasco, formidable, heinous, ignominy, innuendo, lush, nostalgia, perjure, sanctimonious, wrath
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Vocabulary Test: 6thWords:garrulous, perturbed, myriad, pedestian, arduously, entrepeneur
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Vocabulary Test: smilingrabbitvocabWords:vine, chocolate, elastic, deceitful, ear of corn, latter, myth, cage, sakaberas, bending, couple, folks, log, leap
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Vocabulary Test: unit1bWords:insidious, intimation, opulent, pliable, reiterate, stolid, tentative, unkempt, verbatim, warily
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Vocabulary Test: apenglishWords:Verisimilitude, Claque, Lexicon, Apprise, Miniscule, Aegis, Melee, Obfuscate, Vassal, Polarize, Solecism, Paternalism, Sanguine, Lachrymose, Bibulous, Deracinate, Microcosm, Indigenous, Purview, Eleemosynary
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Vocabulary Test: 7-9Words:memorandum, prevaricate, immerse, scour, dawdle, writhe, authorize, dissect, expend, quash, inflammatory, reminisce, relish, fatality, pathetic, taut, partition, jovial, manacle, retrieve, arrears, crotchety, affluence, martial, impassable, perishable, partition, immobile, sinister, cascade, avenge, deluge, giddy, intimidate, logical, optional, rendezvous, saunter, subordinate, variable, cede, discretion, impact, liberate, verge, outright, rotund, sluggish, tint
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Vocabulary Test: nohackersallowedWords:copious, tenacious, surreptitious, voracious, officious, spurious, onerous, gregarious, pious, scrupulous, attrition, edification, ablution, elocution, writhe, pedestrian, carrion, pinion, kismet, ambivalence, deploy, cavalier, egg, mete, nulllify, embroil, waffle, ascribe, enhance, impair, terse, coerce, diverse, abate, abide, gambit, jaunt, frank, lithe, aesthetic
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Vocabulary Test: donWords:door, chair, pizza, kfc, noorani kebab, mobile, shit ball
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Vocabulary Test: vocno2Words:available, cater, customary, dissuade, entrepreneur, firebrand, hazard, homicide, indifference, indignant, indispensable, lubircate, mutual, pelt, plague, poised, regime, retard, transparent, unscathed
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