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Vocabulary Test: My Brother Sam is Dead 2 Words:enlistment , roving , pallets , retaliates , sedition , moored , vanguard , insignia , unscrupulous , compunction , foreboding , clemency
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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Vocab Grades 3-4Words:combustible, furtive, flint, bellow, hemlock, barometer, gorge, fell, brooding, bough, loam, perch, venison, tether, plumage, savory, vengeance, poach, preen, scant
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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Vocab Grades 3-4 CopyWords:plumage, tether, venison, perch, bough, loam, brooding, fell, gorge, barometer, hemlock, bellow, flint, furtive, combustible, savory, vengeance, poach, preen, scant
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy Words:abdomin/ o, Angi/o, arthr/o, cardi/o, cyan/o, cyt/o or -cyte, derm/o, erythr/o, gastr/o, glyc/o, hapat/o, hist/o, Hyper-, Hypo-, leuk/o, mamm/o, nephr/o, neur/o, oste/o, phag/o, path/o or -pathy, rhin/o, Acro-
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Vocabulary Test: MYP1musicvocab1Words:Tuning Peg, Tempo, Composer, Genre, Lyrics, Melody, Harmony, Performance, Ukulele, Sharp, Flat, Professional, Tradition, Culture, Research
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Vocabulary Test: L10-3 My HouseWords: 窗户 Chuānɡhu, 窗帘 chuānɡlián, 洗衣机 xǐyījī, 沙发 Shāfā, 床 chuánɡ , 椅子 yǐzi , 衣柜 yīɡuì , 书架 shūjià , 家具 jiājù , 烘干机 hōnɡɡānjī
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Vocabulary Test: Out of My Mind Novel Vocabulary Words:iridescent, partial, stupendous, profoundly, frantically, insensitive, complicated, hesitantly, sheepish, irritable, tersely, mellow
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Vocabulary Test: Tommy history 10/24/18Words:Plains Shelter, plains foods, resources, nomad, Theory, Migrate, Migrate, Longitude, latitude, encounter, perspective , Plains Clothing, Southwest Food, Southwest Shelter, Southwest Clothing
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Vocabulary Test: Royal Mystery CopyWords:Descendant , Infrequently , Theme, Characterization , Persnickety, Refinement , Threshold, Scene, Daintily , Mere, Muckin, Legume, Glumy, Clamber, Offend, Squelch, Archery, Brandishing, Bungled, Contagious, Discomfort, Gingerly, Guardian, Honored, Immersed, Imprinted, Interior, Lugging, Mimicking, Primitive, Secretive, Shrugging
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Vocabulary Test: my vocabWords:cannabis, Industrial Hemp, legislature, Probate, judicial, retention, enacted, incument, Congressional, Redistricting, Servitude, Proposition
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Vocabulary Test: RemyWords:advantage, analyze, cite, coordinate, data, debate, emphasize, evaluate, infer, interact
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Vocabulary Test: History of Taxonomy Vocab QuizWords:classification, family, fixity of species, genetics, genus, kind, population, species, taxonomic system, taxonomist, taxonomy, variation
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Vocabulary Test: seniorsWords:Tenet, Debunk, Retort, Jargon, Repertoire, Rebuttal, Trite, Aesthetic, Pastiche, Mosaic
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Vocabulary Test: testjeWords:crazy, weird, monkey, sick, ill, nose, verbal, excistance, serious, negative
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Vocabulary Test: joeyWords:cat, rabbit, weirdo, lovely, fab, great, chair, bus, loser, mad, remote, clever, smart, friendly, hamster, amazing, tree, speaker, laugh, joke, bounce, music, rock, pop, drink, food, curry, chips, cat, bye
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Vocabulary Test: englishfortoursimWords:butcher, refrigerator, shallow, slice, blender, banquet, lobby, barber shop, accomodation, laundry, measure, bake
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Vocabulary Test: semesterexamWords:speculation, passive, perplexity, comprehend, versatile, dignity, wily, irrational, malfunction, eerie, momentary, pursue, undermine, pinnacle, vigor, anarchy, dynamic, ominous, frenzy, illegible
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Vocabulary Test: leveleunit9Words:allocate, ardent, assiduous, brash, capricious, chastise, copious, deviate, emaciated, exult, gnarled, indemnity, inkling, limpid, omnipotent, palatable, poignant, rancor, sophomoric, spontaneous
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Vocabulary Test: testWords:evidence, reproduction, environment, hypothesis, velocity, radiation, evolve, ecosystem, achievement, deceive, sleigh, premier, Contemporary, compel, comply, identical, gene, nutrient, conclusion, enlarge
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Vocabulary Test: eng11Words:rubicund, wistful, matriculate, bedizen, furor, gibe, fjord, recrudesce, pugilism, fecund, desiderate, exculpate, ruminate, oblation, strident, prelect, anodynia, bibelot, venatorial, recumbent, taurine, nascent, rectitude, volant, detonate, feckless, temerarious, novercal, presentiment, picayune, paroxysm, fluvial, adnegate, coruscate, brusque, bulwark, encroach, stead, flaunt, heinous, raconteur, browbeat, assail, proxy, cede, deprecate, array, martinet, comport
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Vocabulary Test: asdWords:ardent, assiduous, capricious, chastise, copious, deviate, rancor, acquiesce, contentious, lamentable, respite, allude, clairvoyant, disreputable, endemic, guile, placate, placid, callous, clandestine, compunction, indelible, inveterate, platitude, quell, quiescent, ruminate, trenchant, antipathy, duress, prowess, stentorian, stipulate, alacrity, bellicose, disparage, dissonant, elucidate, magnanimous, chagrin, complacent, fracas, reticent, vehement, voluble
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Vocabulary Test: vocabWords:provincial, umbrage, expostulate, aplomb, inveigh, lassitude, acculturation, adventitious, commiserate, enjoin, peculate, sangfroid, seditious, vitriolic, inscrutable, remonstrate, scurrilous, sedulous, axiomatic, blazon, caveat, flout, fractious, precept, salutary, scourge, vapid, anomalous, aspersion, castigate, disabuse, immutable, insurgent, sinecure, surreptitious, crass, disconcert, redoubtable, reprove, expurgate, acrimonious, consternation, disavow, ignoble, impugn, odium, perfidy, relegate, adulation
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Vocabulary Test: unit3Words:Abridge, Adherent, Altercation, Cherubic, Condone, Dissent, Eminent, Exorcise, Fabricate, Irate, Marauder, Obesity, Pauper, Pilfer, Rift, Semblance, Surmount, Terminate, Trite, Usurp
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Vocabulary Test: ryanhobleyWords:Arachnophobia, Aquaphobia, Algophobia, Cynophobia, Dentophobia, Felinophobia, Homophobia, Hypnophobia, Megalophobia, Musicophobia
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Vocabulary Test: quiz1Words:apparel, besiege, compress, denounce, dispatch, douse, expressly, famished, forsake, gainful, immense, inept, ingenious, instantaneous, irk, libel, misgivings, oaf, recede, repast
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Vocabulary Test: finalWords:coalition, intercede, simulate, bombastc, epitome, interloper, circuitous, nominal, vitrolic, aura, irrevocable, flout, scourge, vapid, castigate, surreptitious, grandiose, pillage, vulnarable, corpulant, hypothetical, squemish, egregious, nebulous, torpid, debonair, imperious, sedentary, gauche, specious, cupidity, ostentatious, buttress, foment, hurculean, oppurtune, carnage, infirmity, jejune, brouhaha, impromptu, mollify, presentiment, sartorial, thwart
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Vocabulary Test: lazzzzzzzzzWords:succumb, unbridled, circumspect, admonish, spurious, brazen, hew, atone, incessant, hamper, superfluous, supplant, defray, malign, obstreperous, vagrant, interim, exorbitant, sprightly, meander, dross, remunerate, envoy, repugnant, incredulous, expedient, mire, dimunitive, slipshod, extemporanous
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Vocabulary Test: unit1leveldWords:admonish, breach, brigand, circumspect, commandeer, cumbersome, deadlock, debris, diffuse, dilemma, efface, muddle, opinionated, perennial, predispose, relinquish, salvage, spasmodic, spurious, unbridled
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Vocabulary Test: frenchWords:bonsoir, bon nuit, salut, sil vous plait, merci, de rien, bienvenue, a tout al'huere, a biento, a demain, desole, pardonnez moi
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Vocabulary Test: psat2Words:bequest, blithe, broach, brusque, burgeon, buttress, cabal, cajole, calipers, candor, canon, cantankerous, canvass, capacitor, capitulate, capricious, captious, carp, cartography, castigate, catalyst, catharsis, cavil, censure, chagrin, chicanery, chimerical, choleric, circumvent, closefisted, cogitate, colloquial, conscript, corroborate, coterie, coy, craven, curmudgeon, dearth, debacle
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Vocabulary Test: psat4Words:gaffe, galvanize, germane, glower, goldbrick, grandiloquent, gratuitous, glut, hackeneyed, halcyon, harbinger, hedoism, hegemony, hermetic, hubris, humanist, hybrid, idiosyncratic, ignominy, importune, inane, incantation, incarnate, incensed, inchoate, indignant, indolent, ineffable, inexorable, inoculate, insouciant, irascible, jaunt, jejune, jettison, jingoist, jurisprudence, karma, kudos, lambaste
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