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Vocabulary Test: 10.1 Mining, Railroads and the Economy
Lode, Vigilantes, Transcontinental Railroad, Subsidy, Gauge, Network, Consolidate, Rebate, Pool

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Vocabulary Test: My Brother Sam is Dead 2
enlistment , roving , pallets , retaliates , sedition , moored , vanguard , insignia , unscrupulous , compunction , foreboding , clemency

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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Vocab Grades 3-4
combustible, furtive, flint, bellow, hemlock, barometer, gorge, fell, brooding, bough, loam, perch, venison, tether, plumage, savory, vengeance, poach, preen, scant

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Vocabulary Test: My Side of the Mountain Vocab Grades 3-4 Copy
plumage, tether, venison, perch, bough, loam, brooding, fell, gorge, barometer, hemlock, bellow, flint, furtive, combustible, savory, vengeance, poach, preen, scant

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Vocabulary Test: My Uncle Romie
studio, glorious, feast, streak, yanked, scheduled, concerned, ruined, model, smeared

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Vocabulary Test: my Family
Denise, Terry, Darla Boo, Dottie, Mike, Dexter, Henry, Waves , Katie, Elijah

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Vocabulary Test: anatomy
abdomin/ o, Angi/o, arthr/o, cardi/o, cyan/o, cyt/o or -cyte, derm/o, erythr/o, gastr/o, glyc/o, hapat/o, hist/o, Hyper-, Hypo-, leuk/o, mamm/o, nephr/o, neur/o, oste/o, phag/o, path/o or -pathy, rhin/o, Acro-

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Vocabulary Test: MYP1musicvocab1
Tuning Peg, Tempo, Composer, Genre, Lyrics, Melody, Harmony, Performance, Ukulele, Sharp, Flat, Professional, Tradition, Culture, Research

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Vocabulary Test: L10-3 My House
窗户 Chuānɡhu, 窗帘 chuānɡlián, 洗衣机 xǐyījī, 沙发 Shāfā, 床 chuánɡ , 椅子 yǐzi , 衣柜 yīɡuì , 书架 shūjià , 家具 jiājù , 烘干机 hōnɡɡānjī

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Vocabulary Test: Out of My Mind Novel Vocabulary
iridescent, partial, stupendous, profoundly, frantically, insensitive, complicated, hesitantly, sheepish, irritable, tersely, mellow

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Vocabulary Test: MY BROTHER MARTIN

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Vocabulary Test: Tommy history 10/24/18
Plains Shelter, plains foods, resources, nomad, Theory, Migrate, Migrate, Longitude, latitude, encounter, perspective , Plains Clothing, Southwest Food, Southwest Shelter, Southwest Clothing

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Vocabulary Test: Royal Mystery Copy
Descendant , Infrequently , Theme, Characterization , Persnickety, Refinement , Threshold, Scene, Daintily , Mere, Muckin, Legume, Glumy, Clamber, Offend, Squelch, Archery, Brandishing, Bungled, Contagious, Discomfort, Gingerly, Guardian, Honored, Immersed, Imprinted, Interior, Lugging, Mimicking, Primitive, Secretive, Shrugging

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Vocabulary Test: my vocab
cannabis, Industrial Hemp, legislature, Probate, judicial, retention, enacted, incument, Congressional, Redistricting, Servitude, Proposition

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Vocabulary Test: The Mystery of Saint Matthew Island Vocabulary Quiz
bleached, carcasses, decay, parasites, scrawny , starvation, suspicions, tundra

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Vocabulary Test: Mythology
Adorn, Cleanse, Lifeless, Precious, Realm, Spoonful, Chamber, inconvenience

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Vocabulary Test: Remy
advantage, analyze, cite, coordinate, data, debate, emphasize, evaluate, infer, interact

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Vocabulary Test: My Librarian Is a Camel
remote, impassible, devour, access, virtual, isolated, obtain, preserve, extremes, avid

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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Voacab Quiz
Anterior, Posterior, Superior, Inferior, lateral , Medial, Proximal, Distal, Superficial , Deep

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Vocabulary Test: History of Taxonomy Vocab Quiz
classification, family, fixity of species, genetics, genus, kind, population, species, taxonomic system, taxonomist, taxonomy, variation

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Vocabulary Test: seniors
Tenet, Debunk, Retort, Jargon, Repertoire, Rebuttal, Trite, Aesthetic, Pastiche, Mosaic

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Vocabulary Test: testje
crazy, weird, monkey, sick, ill, nose, verbal, excistance, serious, negative

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Vocabulary Test: joey
cat, rabbit, weirdo, lovely, fab, great, chair, bus, loser, mad, remote, clever, smart, friendly, hamster, amazing, tree, speaker, laugh, joke, bounce, music, rock, pop, drink, food, curry, chips, cat, bye

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Vocabulary Test: englishfortoursim
butcher, refrigerator, shallow, slice, blender, banquet, lobby, barber shop, accomodation, laundry, measure, bake

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Vocabulary Test: tiny
HAppy, sad, pretty, hungry, peaceful, silly

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Vocabulary Test: semesterexam
speculation, passive, perplexity, comprehend, versatile, dignity, wily, irrational, malfunction, eerie, momentary, pursue, undermine, pinnacle, vigor, anarchy, dynamic, ominous, frenzy, illegible

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Vocabulary Test: leveleunit9
allocate, ardent, assiduous, brash, capricious, chastise, copious, deviate, emaciated, exult, gnarled, indemnity, inkling, limpid, omnipotent, palatable, poignant, rancor, sophomoric, spontaneous

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Vocabulary Test: test
evidence, reproduction, environment, hypothesis, velocity, radiation, evolve, ecosystem, achievement, deceive, sleigh, premier, Contemporary, compel, comply, identical, gene, nutrient, conclusion, enlarge

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Vocabulary Test: eng11
rubicund, wistful, matriculate, bedizen, furor, gibe, fjord, recrudesce, pugilism, fecund, desiderate, exculpate, ruminate, oblation, strident, prelect, anodynia, bibelot, venatorial, recumbent, taurine, nascent, rectitude, volant, detonate, feckless, temerarious, novercal, presentiment, picayune, paroxysm, fluvial, adnegate, coruscate, brusque, bulwark, encroach, stead, flaunt, heinous, raconteur, browbeat, assail, proxy, cede, deprecate, array, martinet, comport

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Vocabulary Test: asd
ardent, assiduous, capricious, chastise, copious, deviate, rancor, acquiesce, contentious, lamentable, respite, allude, clairvoyant, disreputable, endemic, guile, placate, placid, callous, clandestine, compunction, indelible, inveterate, platitude, quell, quiescent, ruminate, trenchant, antipathy, duress, prowess, stentorian, stipulate, alacrity, bellicose, disparage, dissonant, elucidate, magnanimous, chagrin, complacent, fracas, reticent, vehement, voluble

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Vocabulary Test: vocab
provincial, umbrage, expostulate, aplomb, inveigh, lassitude, acculturation, adventitious, commiserate, enjoin, peculate, sangfroid, seditious, vitriolic, inscrutable, remonstrate, scurrilous, sedulous, axiomatic, blazon, caveat, flout, fractious, precept, salutary, scourge, vapid, anomalous, aspersion, castigate, disabuse, immutable, insurgent, sinecure, surreptitious, crass, disconcert, redoubtable, reprove, expurgate, acrimonious, consternation, disavow, ignoble, impugn, odium, perfidy, relegate, adulation

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Vocabulary Test: unit3
Abridge, Adherent, Altercation, Cherubic, Condone, Dissent, Eminent, Exorcise, Fabricate, Irate, Marauder, Obesity, Pauper, Pilfer, Rift, Semblance, Surmount, Terminate, Trite, Usurp

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Vocabulary Test: ryanhobley
Arachnophobia, Aquaphobia, Algophobia, Cynophobia, Dentophobia, Felinophobia, Homophobia, Hypnophobia, Megalophobia, Musicophobia

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Vocabulary Test: quiz1
apparel, besiege, compress, denounce, dispatch, douse, expressly, famished, forsake, gainful, immense, inept, ingenious, instantaneous, irk, libel, misgivings, oaf, recede, repast

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Vocabulary Test: final
coalition, intercede, simulate, bombastc, epitome, interloper, circuitous, nominal, vitrolic, aura, irrevocable, flout, scourge, vapid, castigate, surreptitious, grandiose, pillage, vulnarable, corpulant, hypothetical, squemish, egregious, nebulous, torpid, debonair, imperious, sedentary, gauche, specious, cupidity, ostentatious, buttress, foment, hurculean, oppurtune, carnage, infirmity, jejune, brouhaha, impromptu, mollify, presentiment, sartorial, thwart

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Vocabulary Test: lazzzzzzzzz
succumb, unbridled, circumspect, admonish, spurious, brazen, hew, atone, incessant, hamper, superfluous, supplant, defray, malign, obstreperous, vagrant, interim, exorbitant, sprightly, meander, dross, remunerate, envoy, repugnant, incredulous, expedient, mire, dimunitive, slipshod, extemporanous

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Vocabulary Test: unit1leveld
admonish, breach, brigand, circumspect, commandeer, cumbersome, deadlock, debris, diffuse, dilemma, efface, muddle, opinionated, perennial, predispose, relinquish, salvage, spasmodic, spurious, unbridled

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Vocabulary Test: french
bonsoir, bon nuit, salut, sil vous plait, merci, de rien, bienvenue, a tout al'huere, a biento, a demain, desole, pardonnez moi

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Vocabulary Test: psat2
bequest, blithe, broach, brusque, burgeon, buttress, cabal, cajole, calipers, candor, canon, cantankerous, canvass, capacitor, capitulate, capricious, captious, carp, cartography, castigate, catalyst, catharsis, cavil, censure, chagrin, chicanery, chimerical, choleric, circumvent, closefisted, cogitate, colloquial, conscript, corroborate, coterie, coy, craven, curmudgeon, dearth, debacle

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Vocabulary Test: psat4
gaffe, galvanize, germane, glower, goldbrick, grandiloquent, gratuitous, glut, hackeneyed, halcyon, harbinger, hedoism, hegemony, hermetic, hubris, humanist, hybrid, idiosyncratic, ignominy, importune, inane, incantation, incarnate, incensed, inchoate, indignant, indolent, ineffable, inexorable, inoculate, insouciant, irascible, jaunt, jejune, jettison, jingoist, jurisprudence, karma, kudos, lambaste
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