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Vocabulary Test: Folktale Vocabulary
divine, ancestor, diversity, distinctive, venerate, subsequently, heterogeneity, adjoin, profound, reclaim

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Vocabulary Test: La ten words
Knavery, Abrade, Veriest, Procellous, Weald, Copse, Collope, Serry, Bough, Bascage

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Vocabulary Test: Vocab
surplus, duplicate, seldom, aroma, furious, essential, monotonous, colossal, vacant, urgent, unique, annually, solitude, error, gist, chaos, eerie, simultaneous, prompt, reluctant

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Vocabulary Test: MITOSIS
cell cycle, chromatin, chromosome, cytokinesis, interphase, mitosis, anaphase, centromere, metaphase, prophase, sister chromatid, telophase, crossing over, diploid, fertilization, gamete, gene, haploid, homologous, meiosis, jessica

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Vocabulary Test: french
Dormir, choisir, remplir, finir, partir, sortir

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Vocabulary Test: Science quiz
How does planting tress and other vegetation control erosion?, How are deltas formed?, Besides planting vegetation, what else could be done to an area , What is a dam?, How does water help to break apart rock?, What is a topographical map? What is it used for?, What is the difference between chemical and physical weathering?, Explain the difference between weathering and erosion?, What are the two main causes of soil erosion?, How is a canyon formed?, What is a tributary?, What is a meander? Describe what it looks like., How does overgrazing contribute to erosion?, Describe what happens to rock as abrasion occurs?, What are the different ways that water shapes the land?, Describe the process of ice wedging., What is a floodplain?, What are the 4 causes of weathering?, How does weathering and erosion shape the land?, What is deposition?

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Vocabulary Test: sdjkaskl
passive transport, diffusion, concentration, hypotonic, hypertonic, isotomic, facilitated diffusion, contractal vacuole, active transport, diffusion, endocytocis, exocytosis, patocyte

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Vocabulary Test: voca week ch 1-4
shattered, incredible, hordes, frustration, coma, massive, haze, transmitter, remnants, lurched

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Vocabulary Test: Animal Farm
adept, aspire, bleak, chide, despicable, diminutive, emancipate, erroneous, exploit, extemporaneous, impair, invincible, languid, mire, obtrusive, preamble, render, rugged, skeptical, slipshod, lurched, propulsion, faculty, scullery, windfalls, paddock, cockerels, expelled, tyranny, whelped

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Vocabulary Test: vocab chapter 1 ORGB
Anthropology, Challenge, Change, Engineering, Formal organization, Hawthorne studies, Informal organization, Management, Medicine, Objective knowledge, Opportunities, Organizational behaviour, People, Psychology, Skill development, Sociology, Structure, Task, Technology

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Vocabulary Test: Junie B., First Grader
mustache, peek, nervous, goose bumps, adventure, precious, disappointment, friendship, promise, frowned, curious, languages, assignment, expensive

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Vocabulary Test: Biology Word Parts Q1-21
a, ab, abysso, actin, ad, adipo, affer, ala, alb, acanth, alveoli, amnio, amphi, ampulla, an, andr, anell, angio, ansio, ante, antho, anthro, anti, aqua, arach, abor, arch, arthro, artio, asco, -ase, aster, ater, auid, auri, auto, avi, basi, bathy, bdella, bio, bi, blast, brachi, branchy, brady, branch, bronch, bucc, bursa, aec, caly, campanla, canth, capit, capill, card, carin, carn, -carp, caud, cephal, cera, cerebr, cerv, cest, ceta, chaet, chel, choan, chondr, chlor, chord, chrom, chrys, cili, cirri, clitor, cloaca, cnid, coel, com, conch, corn, corp, cotyl, crani, crusta, crypt, cten, cusp, cuti, -cuel, cyan, cyst, cyt, -dae, dactyl, de, deca, demi, den, dendr, derm, di, second, dia, digit, din, diplo, don, dors, duo, -eal, echin, eco, ect, ef, ejacul, embol, encephalon, end, engy, enter, entom, epi, erythr, eu, eury, ex, ectra, fasc, fenestr, fer, fili, flex, foramen, foss, gam, gaster, gangli, gen, gila, gly, glom, gloss, gnath, gono, gymn, gyn, haem, hali, helminth, hemi, hepat, herp, hetero, hex, hipp, histo, holo, hom, homo, hyal, hydr, hyper, hypo, ichth, -ida, -idia, insect, inter, intra, iso, itis, kary, kin, lab, lacuna, lamella, lepi, -lemma, leuc, liga, lith, log, lumen, lumin, lutea, lys, macro, macula, magni, mastig, major, mamma, maxilla, medull, mela, mening

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
scuttle, cower, flinch, gait, lunge, fancy, valiant, brood, burrow, bungalow, thicket, fledgings, sluice, veranda, window

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Vocabulary Test: absa
perish, justify, abundant, confirm, emerge, absa

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Vocabulary Test: Economics1
Scarcity, Economics, Factors of Production, Land, Capital, Labor, Entrepreneur, Production, Consumer Goods, Service, Value, Paradox Value, Utility, Factor Market, Product Market, Productivity, Trade Off, Opportunity Cost, Production Possibilities Frontier, Cost benefit Analysis, Resource, Economy

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Vocabulary Test: AR VERBS 2
Cocinar, Comprar, Contestar, cortar, cuidar, cultivar, descansar, desear, dibujar, ensenar, entrar

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Vocabulary Test: vocb unit 3
abridge, adherent, altercation, cherubic, condone, dissent, eminent, exorcise, fabricate, irate, marauder, obesity, pauper, pilfer, rift, semblance, surmount, terminate, trite, usurp

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Vocabulary Test: Dramatic Terms for Theater
Comedy, Tragedy, Plot, Setting, Drama, Suspense, Theme, Characterization, Situational Irony, Dramatic Irony, Verbal Irony, Aside, Conflict, Climax, Soliloquy, Theater, Stage, Audience

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Vocabulary Test: G.G Vocab 9-11
Inexplicable, Conjured, Truncated, Rogue, Impudent, Paltry, Interminnent, Audacious, Enigmatic, Superficially

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Vocabulary Test: vocab 28
vulnerable, bedlam, cacophony, exploit, propinquity, disgruntled, infallible, panacea, eradicate, impede, sedate, eqanimity, compatible, serentiy, revere, irrational, avarice, insatiable, nadir, moribund
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