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Vocabulary Test: Civics Chapter 12 Test
95, Chatham, Property taxes, Board of Supervisors, School Board, Mayor, Ordinance, Treasurer, Zoning, Grants, City Charter, State, Manager/Administrator, Douglas A Wilder from VA, Sheriff, Clerk of Court

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Vocabulary Test: kjlkjl
annual, artificial, blend, bore, considerable, crude, evaporate, foliage, gash, hue, increase, nourish, vary, vision, yield

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Vocabulary Test: Root Word List 5 & 6
meter, Cav, Mem, Press, Cardio, Bio, Possum, Mand, Mend, Cogn, Ante, Anti, Bene, Vac, Auto, Pan, Pseud, Script, Scribe, Mal, Ject, Vag, Sequ, Secut

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Vocabulary Test: seniors 2nd QE
admonish, preposterous, console, rectify, stagnant, deadlock, lucrative, probed, impenitent, legion, breach, commandeer, cumbersome, reliquish, intolerable, spurious, efface, dubious, synthetic, dilemma, fortified, institute, flippant, surly, condone, assurance, venomous, abase, alien, rancid

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Vocabulary Test: Social Studies
North China Plain, Loess, Hung River, Dike, Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Mandate of Heaven, Extended Family, Confucius, Philosopher, Taoism, Civil-service, Shi Huangdi, Currency, Liv Bang, Wudi, Warlords, Silk Road, Silk, Sinai Qian

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Vocabulary Test: english 13
basipetal, coronal, coronate, coroner, impetuous, incontrovertible, maladjusted, maladroit, malevolence, pathosis, persistent, petulant, psoriasis, revert, subvert

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Vocabulary Test: vocab quiz 1
commiserate, hyperbole, judicious, coalesce, sequester, assonance

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Vocabulary Test: Twain Vocab Ch.1&2
perplexed, endowed, diplomacy, forestalled, vexed, circumstanitial, sagacity, unalloyed, pantaloons, derision, ambuscade, adamantine, delectable, resposeful, whitewash, vigor, tranquilly, ponderously, alacrity, dilapidated, substantial

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Vocabulary Test: Zoe
continuous, calculate, numerous, myth, inform, flexible

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Vocabulary Test: vocab
Deconditioned, Proprioception, Phase of Training, Stabilization, Neuromuscular Efficiency, Superset, Nervous System, Central Nervous System, Mechanoreceptors, Motor Function

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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 8
abnormal, capsize, catastrophe, decrease, disputatious, eject, flourish, incentive, insubordinate, legible, nub, onslaught, ordain, outstrip, pervade, prudent, quench, remnant, simultaneous, swerve

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Vocabulary Test: Lucasm
Median, Centroid, Angle Bisector, Incenter, Altitude, Orthocenter, Perpendicular Bisector, Circumcenter, Concurrent

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Vocabulary Test: Alex Walsh
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, Hello, The Pleasure is Mine, Delighted/ pleased to Meet You, Its a Pleasure, Same Here, Nice to Meet You, Last Name, Surname, Name, First Name, What is your Name?, My Name is......, His/Her Name is...., Where are you From?, Where is he/she From?, I am from......, He/She is from......, Goodbye, See you Tomorrow, See you Later, N/A, N/A

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Vocabulary Test: REALQQUIZ_monahan1_leary2_bushey3_flammand5_67890_SPM_16religion
apostolic, Magisterium, Trinitarian, Eucharist, Sacrament, The Little way, seven sacraments, Mosaic Law, gentiles, presbyters, catholic, marks of the church, Church, ecumenical council, heresy, Fathers and Mothers of the Church, Council of Chanceldon

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Vocabulary Test: jina jan 11
one third of, -- or so, out of sight, over there, pay for, plan to ___, play with, plenty of

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Vocabulary Test: HRT Integrated Science Level Red Chapter 1
science, scientific method, hypothesis, controlled experiment, variable, model, theory, law, meter, area, mass, volume, temperature, density

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Vocabulary Test: A Perfect Execution Pages 251-2650
Balustrade, Spluttering, Usurp, Reviled, Deference, Blinkered

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Vocabulary Test: Earth's Interior
basalt, asthenosphere, crust, destructive force, lithosphere, granite, pressure, seismic wave

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Vocabulary Test: gallacher vocab all 1-14
adorn, apathy, diligent, guile, benevolent, pious, refute, valid, alleviate, badger, curtail, sullen, imprudent, loathsome, lucid, placate, ravenous, revoke, anarchy, aspiration, deletable, sever, affiliated, prattle, jocund, milestone, tarry, timorous, gullible, notoriety, singular, ultimatum, robust, robust, apprehensive, sublime, terminate, trivial, subtle, incessant, lucrative, feasible

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Vocabulary Test: patrick_0110
denomination, denominator, ignominy, misnomer, no de plume, nomenclature, nominal, nominate
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