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Vocabulary Test: are you cuteWords:if you like a boy what would you do, if you love to sing if a boy came up, if your mom screams at you, if you like your mom what would you do, if you like a mean boy, if a boy is cute, what is your skin color, baby is cute, what is your color, do you love boys
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Vocabulary Test: Wordmaster4Words:manuscript, postscript, subscription, script, describe, transcribe, scribble, scribe, inscription, prescription, autograph, biography, paragraph, seismograph, photograph, autobiography, homograph, phonograph, bibliography, cartography
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Vocabulary Test: Wordly Wise 7Words:amorous, belittle, injunction, motif, moribund, ingrate, fateful, exorbitant, expostulate, divulge, deem, censure, subsidize, sumptuous, injunction, motif, voluble
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary - Figures of SpeechWords:exaggeration, personification, simile, metaphor, alliteration, assonance, imagery, symbol, allusion, 1st person point of view, 2nd person point of view, 3rd person point of view, 3rd person omniscient point of view, 3rd person limited point of view, setting, characterization, climax, resolution, conflict, antagonist, protagonist, dynamic character, static character, theme, irony, phrase, plot, dialogue, point of view, rhyme, rhyme scheme, onomatopoeia, dialect, couplet, oxymoron, lyric poem, narrative poem, prose, denotation, connotation, suspense, flashback, foreshadowing, moral
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Vocabulary Test: 10 woedsWords:boscage, serry, collop, bouygh, crepitive, oprose, copse, bobbery, ABRADE, GANGEL
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Vocabulary Test: ROCKSWords:contact metamorphism, regional m etamorphism, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock, lava, magma, igneous rock, mineral
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Vocabulary Test: #11 & 14Words:abbot, banquet, clamber, cruel, custom, danger, duty, habit, hatchet, necessity, outlaw, pardon, pasture, pretense, protect, punish, puny, scold, scorch, sculptor, soot, swoop, tendril, trial, witty, fiend, fond, fraud, gleam, grief, grope, guise, homestead, keen, mode, plead, plight, praise, quell, rash, scarce, scheme, shame, shirk, skulk, spoil, strait, stronghold, toil, wont
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Vocabulary Test: vocab test 143Words:hi, bye, see ya, happy, sun, bulls, ten, balls, dance, walk, step, need
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Vocabulary Test: 1st Semester TestWords:transformation, bacteriophage, nucleotide, base pairing, chromatin, histone, replication, DNA polymerase, gene, messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), transcription, RNA polymerase, codon, translation, mutation, point mutation, frameshift mutation, polypoidy, cell division, mitosis, cytokinesis, chromatid, centromere, interphase, cell cycle, prophase, centriole, spindle, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cyclin, cancer, calorie, glycolysis, cellular respiration, NAD+, fermentation, anaerobic, aerobic, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, autotroph, hetertroph, adenosine triphospate (ATP), photosynthesis, pigment, chlorophyll, thylakoid, photosystem, stroma, NADP+, light-dependent reactions, ATP synthase, Calvin cycle, cell, cell theory, nucleus, eukaryote, prokaryote, organelle, cytoplasm, nuclear envelope, chromatin, chromosome, nucleolus, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome, vacuole, mitochondria, chloroplast, cytoskeleton, centriole, cell membrane, cell wall, lipid bilayer, concentration, diffusion, equilibrium, osmosis, isotonic, hypertonic, manipulated variable, facilitated diffusion, active transport, endocytosis, controlled experiment, pinocytosis, exocytosis, cell specialization, tissue, organ
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab 7Words:majestic, astute, elusive, clique, ample, concur, dapper, rejuvenate, chivalry, sentiment, articulate, replica, editor, circumstance, acquaintence, perplexing, vis-a-vis, hilarious, superstitious, dramatic
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Vocabulary Test: ch8Words:constitutional con., james madison, federalism, virginia plan, bill of rights, federalist, new jersey plan, great compromise, wilderness road, land ordinance of 1785, three-fifts compromise, antifederalist, articles of confederation, george mason, northwest territory, the federalist papers, shay's rebellion, republic, northwest ordinance
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Vocabulary Test: Social Studies Jan 10 2011Words:technology, navigation, expedition, empire, entrepreneur, cost, benefit, Reconquista, isthmus, treaty, grant, conquistador, reform, Reformation, Counter-Reformation, missionary
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Vocabulary Test: quizWords:Animosity, Prodigious, Perpetual, Deference, Expedient, Proficiency, Deplorable, Emulation, Encumbrance, Rudiment
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyWords:Mass, volume, density, buoyancy, surface tension, cohesion, adhesion, displacement, capacity, heaping
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Week 21Words:atmosphere, barometer, body, closing, compare, condensation, contrast, details, evaporation, expanded form, greeting, heading, main idea, multiple, percipitation, product, quotient, round-estimate, signature, summarize
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Vocabulary Test: SS-CH10VOCABWords:Tariff of Abominations, Trail of Tears, Jacksonian Democracy, Spoils System, Whig Party, Sequoya, Nullification Crisis, Osceola, Democratic Party, Indian Removal Act, Panic of 1837, States Rights Doctrine
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Vocabulary Test: latin vocab 2Words:castra, celer, celo, celare, celavi, celatus, cena, ceteri, cibus, circum, civis, clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus, clamor, clarus, coepi, cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatus, cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus, cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus, comes, conficio, conficere, confeci, confectus, conor, conari, conatus sum, consilium, consilii, conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectus, constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus, consul, consumo consumere, consumpsi, consumptus, contra, convenio convenire, conveni, copiae, corpus, cras, credo credere, credidi, creditus, crudelis, cum, cupio cupere, cupivi, cupitus, cur?, cura, curro currere, cucurri, cursus, custodio custodire, custodivi, custoditus, custos, de, dea, debeo debere, debui, debitus, defendo defendere, defendi, defensus, deinde, deleo delere, delevi, deletus, descendo descendere, descendi, descensus, deus, dico dicere, dixi, dictus, dies, difficilis, diligens, dirus, discedo discedere, discessi, diu, do dare, dedi, datus, doceo docere, docui, doctus, domina, dominus, domus, donum, dormio, duco ducere, duxi, ductus, dum, dux, e, ex, ecce!, effugio effugere, effugi, ego mei, egredior egredi, egressus sum, emo emere, emi, emptus, enim, eo ire, epistula epistulae, equus, nul.
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Vocabulary Test: spanish vocabWords:el deysayuno, los huevos, el pan, el cereal, las bebidas, el yougur, el jugo de naranja, la leche, el cafe, al almurezro, al sandwich de jamon y queso, la hamberguesa, la sopa, las uvas, la manzana, la banana, la cean, compartir, la comida, vender, tengo gans de, tener hambre, tener sed, como, cual, Por Que, quien en, ahora, es importante, horible, nutriva, otra, fambuesa, la fresa, para, rico, desayunar, la mantiquilla, la miel, el pantostado, la batido, la bolsa, la manquilla de cachuate, la jelea, el atun, la esalada, el patano, el patano, la toronja, la pina, el durazano, el limon, la sandia, xxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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