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Vocabulary Test: Food History and TourismWords:Louis Pasteur, Boulanger, Georges Escoffier, Catherine de Medici, Frank Carney, White Castle, A&W, Walter Scott, Julia Child, Marie-Antonie Careme, Cafeteria, Guilds, Oxford, England, Marcus Apicius, Lesche, Hospitality, $1 Trillion, Africa, Quick Service
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 6Words:bask, anguish, articulate, resolute, finesse, defect, instill, repercussion, purge, premonition, rehabilitate, ostracize, genial, aloof, pseudonym, rententive, forthright, scapegoat, flaunt, abashed
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Vocabulary Test: Theology 2 midtermWords:anawim, confirmation, Gifts of the holy spirit, parousia, Shema, sin, eucharist, Theophilus, Samaria, table fellowship
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Vocabulary Test: chapter 6 vocabularyWords:combustion, conduction, convection, extrnal combustion engine, fluid, heat engine, heat mover, insulator, internal combustion engine, ocean thermal energy, radiation, radiator, solar collector, solar energy, pressure, pascal, Boyle's law, Charles's Law, buoyant force, Archimeds' principle, Bernoulli's principal, Venturi effect, Pascal's principal
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Vocabulary Test: E111 Unit 1Words:adage, bonanza, churlish, citadel, collaborate, decree, discordant, evolve, excerpt, grope, hover, jostle, laggard, plaudits, preclude, revert, rubble, servile, vigil, wrangle
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Vocabulary Test: theology 2 midterm2Words:blasphemy, conversion experience, discipleship, eucharist, paschal mystery, threefold pattern, transfiguration, treason, messianic mystery, apostolos
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Vocabulary Test: Latin VocabWords:a,ab, absum, abesse, afui, ac, atque, accido, accidere, accidi, accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus, ad, adeo, adsum, adesse, adfui, advenio, advenire, adveni, aedificio, aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatu, ager, ago, agere, egi, actus, alii...alii, alius, alia, aliud, alter, altera, altum, ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, amicus, amo, amare, amavi, amatus, amor, ancilla, altus, animus, annus, ante, antea, appareo, apparere, apparui, appropinquo appropinquare, appropinquavi, apud, aqua, arma, ars, artis, ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascensus, audax, audeo, audere, ausus sum, audio, audire, audivi, auditus, aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatu, autem, auxilium, bellum, bellum gero, gere, gessi, gestus, bene, benignus, bibo, bibere, bibi, bonus, brevis, cado, cadere, cecidi, caelum, canis, capio, capere, cepi, casus, captivus, caput
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Vocabulary Test: 11312Words:fruit, soil, root, harvest, vine, bumpy, smooth, cycle, wither, tendrils, adapt, annual, nutrients, bury, undisturbed, ancient, massive, sprout
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Vocabulary Test: english vocab 10-13Words:coron, mal, pet, sis, vert, basipetal, coronal, coronate, coroner, impetous, incontrovertible, malajusted, maladroit, malevolence, pathosis, persistent, petulant, psoriasis, revert, subvert
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test Unit 5Words:antic, attire, captivate, deft, diligent, eclipse, evolve, innate, inscribe, posture, shroud, stifle, tentative, tranquil, versatile
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary 6-1Words:Befuddle, Blight, Boisterous, Clarity, Compliant, Conserve, Debut, Gory, Gross, Induce, Leeway, Agenda, Amiable, Limber, Maze, Oracle, Partisan, Reimburse, Vacate, Vagabond
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Vocabulary Test: 193Words:levitate, neglect, stifle, astray, alibi, enigma, escapade, notorious
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab. for Social StudiesWords:Traditional Economy, Command Economy, Market Economy, Mixed Economy, Trade Barriers, Tariff, Embargo, Quota, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Per Capita GDP
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Vocabulary Test: Math 1/10Words:acute angle, obtuse angle, straight angle, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, intersecting lines, point, line, line segment, ray, plane, angle, right angle
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Vocabulary Test: journeyWords:romp, strained, picturing, shouldered, frantic, lunging, checking, stride, bounding
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Vocabulary Test: D'Elia Midterm ReviewWords:bogus, admonish, salvage, perilous, tantalize, condone, muddle, fabrication, rectify, terse, adjourn, inundated, opaque, lucrative, larceny, abscond, doleful, cumbersome, hew, servitude, morbid, brazen, diffuse, annihilated, obesity
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Vocabulary Test: economicsfinalWords:need, want, economics, goods, services, scarcity, shortage, factors of production, land, labor capital, physical capital, human capital, entrepreneur, trade-off, guns or butter, opportinity cost, thinking at the margin, production possibilities curve, production possibilities frontier, effciency, underutiliztion, cost, law of increasing costs, economic system, factor payments, patriotism, safety net, standard of living, traditional economy, market economy, centrally planned economy, command economy, mixed economy, market, dsspecialization, household, firm, factor market, profit, product market, self-intrest, incentive, competition, invisible hand, consumer sovereignty, socisalism, communism, authoritarian, collective, heavy industry, laissez faire, private property, free enterprise, continuum, transition, privatize, profit motive, open opportunity, private property rights, free contract, voluntary exchange, competition, intrest group, public disclosure laws, public intrest, macroeconomics, microeconomics, gross domestic product, business cycle, work ethic, technology, public good, public sector, private sector, free rider, market failure, externality, poverty threshold, velfare, cash transfers, in-kind benefits, demand, law of demand, substitution effect, income effect, demand schedule, narket demand schedule, demand curve, ceteris paribus, normal good, inferior good, complements, substitutes, elasticity of demand, inelastic, elastic, unitary elastic, total revenue, supply, law of supply, quantity supplied, supply schedule, variable, market supply schedule, supply curve, market supply curve, elasticity of supply, marginal product of labor, increasing marginal returns, decreasing marginal returns, fixed cost, variable cost, total cost, marginal cost, marginal cost, marginal revenue, operating cost, subsidy, excise tax, regulation, equilibrium, disequlibrium, excess demand, excess supply, price ceiling, price floor, rent control, minimum wage, surplus, shortage, search costs, supply shock, rationing, black market, spillover costs, perfect competition, commodity, barrier to entry, imperect competition, start-up costs, monopoly, economics of sale, natural monopoly, government monopoly, patent, franchise, license, price discrimination, market power, monopolistic competition, differentiation, nonprice competition, oliopoly, price war, collusion, price fixing, cartel, predatory pricing, antitrust laws, trust, merger, deregulation, business organization, sole proprietorship, business license, zoning law, liability, fringe benefit, partnership, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership (LLP), articles of partnership, uniform part act (UPA), assests, corporation, stock, closely held corporation, publicly held corporation, bond, certificae of incorporation, dividend, horizontal merger, vertical merger, conglomerate, multinational corporation (MNC), business franchise, royalty, cooperative, consumer cooperative, service cooperative, producer cooperative, nonprofit organization, professional organization, business association, trade association, aggregate demand, aggregate supply, business cycle, capital deepening, contraction, cost-puch theory, CPI, cyclical unemployment, deflation, demand-pull theory, depreciation, depression, discouraged worker, durable goods, nondurable goods, economic growth, expansion, frictional unemployment, full employment, gross domestic product (GDP), hyperinflation, inflation, inflation rate, intermediate goods, leading indicators, lorenz curve, market basket, national income accounting, nominal GDP, Real GDP, peak, poverty rate, price index, price level, quantity theory, real gdp per capita, recession, savings rate, seasonal unemployment, stagflation, structural unemployment, trough, underemployed, unemployment rate, wage-price spiral, CBO, CEA, corporate income tax, discretionary spending, entitlment, estate tax, FICA, gift tax, incidence of a tax, individual income tax, mandatory spending, medicaid, madicare, progressive tax, property tax, proportional tax, regressive tax, revenue, sales tax, social security, tariff, tax base, tax incentive, witholding, money, medium of exchange, barter, unit of account, store of value, currency, commodity money, representative money, fiat money, bank, national bank, bANK RUN, greenback, gold standerd, federal reserve system, central bank, member bank, federal reserve note, great depression, money supply, liquidity, demand deposit, money mrket mutal fund, fractional reserve banking, default, mortgage, credit card, intrest, principal, debit card, creditor, fiscal policy
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