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Vocabulary Test: My vocabWords:Adversary, apprehensive, banish, dismal, egregious, exasperation, knoll, muster, pristine, sabotage
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Unit 1 TermsWords:anatomy, physiology, gross anatomy, regional anatomy, systemic anatomy, microscopic anatomy, cellular anatomy, histology, developmental anatomy, embryology, Characteristics of Life, water, nutrients, oxygen, pressure, hyperthermic, hypothermic, homeostasis, allostasis, What factors directly influence the body's ability to maintain h, receptor, control center, effector, negative feedback, positive feedback, sympathetic, parasympathetic, anatomical position, superior, proximal, medial, anterior/ventral, superficial, inferior, lateral, distal, posterior/dorsal, deep, sagittal plane, transverse plane, coronal (frontal) plane , cross section, serosa, serous fluid, parietal membrane, pleural membrane, visceral membrane, pericardial (pericardium) membrane, peritoneal membrane, retroperitoneal, parietal pericardium, visceral pericardium, epigastric, hypogastric, hypochondriac, lumbar, iliac, organs in right hypochondriac, organs in left hypochondriac, organs in right iliac, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, suspension, matter, energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, chemical energy, electrical energy, radiant energy, mechanical energy , role of ATP, element, what elements make up most of our body? (96.1%), ions, ionic bonds, covalent bonds, polar covalent bonds, nonpolar covalent bonds, strongest bond in your body? covalent, electrolytes, intermolecular forces, hydrogen bond, water, heat of vaporization, specific heat capacity, hydrolizing, surface tension, surfactant, adhesion, cohesion, pH scale , pH of blood, acid, base, neutralization reaction, acidosis, alkalosis, inorganic compounds (4), water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, salts, organic compounds, types of organic compounds
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Vocabulary Test: mylesmWords:Main Idea, boigraphy, autobiography, analyze, Details, subjective, objective, text, summary, theme, explicit, infer
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Vocabulary Test: This Voice In My Heart chapter 2.1 Words:education, Ecole primaire de Rumeza , seven years old, compulsory education, six years, 41 %, Tutsis, Hutus, secondary education -- certificate technicien--, aguri, urusyo, ikanzus, three days, corporal punishment, switch from a tree
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Vocabulary Test: This Voice In My Heart chapter 2.2 Words:contrition, coca-cola or Fanta, French Peugeot coupe, peer pressure, soccer ball, truant , 50 or below, headmaster, national office not the school, paternal, muzungu, protestant, Saint Anthony of Padua, Father Joseph, religion, Passion of The Lord, Saint Gilbert of Meaux, avocado, apple, What fruit did Gilbert steal from the church grounds?
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Vocabulary Test: My testWords:adversary, apprehensive, banish, dismal, egregious, exasperation, knoll, muster, pristine, sabotage
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Vocabulary Test: mylesWords:Environment, Civilization, society, Interaction, Source , Perspective, economics, Government, Citizen
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Vocabulary Test: My Iffy WordsWords:laconic, protracted, serendipity, truculent, belligerent, repast, gelid, congruity, brevity, affluence, reticence
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: MythologyWords:shrines, oracle, acquisitive, matriarchal, patriarchal, agrarian, lulled, dismembered , implacable , tyrannical , docile, sickle, menacingly, excruciating , inevitable, obliterating , malicious , despondent, fertile, nymphs , relinquish , disgorged , obliterating , anthropomorphic , liberators , torrential , trident , ambrosia , bondage , bombarding , multitudinous , rampage , stronghold , onslaught , deluge , dominions , nectar , dismal , obol , disposition , impiously , formidable , torrential , charred , peril , belched, immobilizing , stealthily , evade , engulfs
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Vocabulary Test: This Voice In My Heart chapter 2.3Words:college, lycee, military school, college-and-lycee, French and English, math and science, whipped by his teacher, scientific method, FRODEBU, green-and-white FRODEBU ribbon, Gilbert killed , khh, opoihiu, nkn, knkn
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Vocabulary Test: Language of AnatomyWords:Scapular, Anterior, Patellar, Oral, Femoral, Thoracic, Cranial, Dorsal , Axillary, Proximal, Lumbar, Visceral, Parietal, Diaphragm, Cervical, Nasal, Intermediate, Sagittal, Brachial, Superficial, Deep, Posterior, Midsagittal, Distal , Vertebral, Medial, Occipital, Peroneal, Deltoid, Gluteal, Synovial, Buccal, Peritoneum, Serous fluid, Abdominopelvic, Pleural, Pericardial, Spinal , Ventral, Frontal, Transverse, Sural, Popliteal, Tarsal, Umbilical, Cephalic, Sternal, Pubic, Orbital, Inguinal, Digital, Antecubital, Lateral, Inferior, Superior
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Vocabulary Test: MommyWords:innocuous, conscientious, theme, genre, kindle, languid, disheveled
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:cytoskeleton, DNA, extracellular, intracellular, interstitial, psuedostratisfied, pathology, erythrocyte, reproduction, hepatitis, cellulitis, hemocytology, cytogenetics, tachycardia, bradycardia, glycolax, autoregulation, avascular, polypeptides, monosaccharide, denaturation, perinuclear, transcription, microvilli, autolysis, transmembrane, kinease, antiangeogenesis factor, dysplasia, monoacylglyceride, subserous fascia, paracarditis, epidermal , hydrostatic, osteocyte, endoplasmic reticulum, endothelium, oliogodendrocyte, cutaneous, glucose , cytokenesis, cytosol, microfilaments, endocytosis, exocytosis, endogenous, exogenous, myosin, hemolysis, hepatocyte, leukocyte, microtubles, osmolality, hyperosmotic, hypoosmotic, epigastic, epithelial, pinocytosis, microvascular, glycoproteins, isoosmotic, lipolysis, myocardium, supraglennoid fossa, hyperosmotic, macrophage, subcutaneous, anabolism, catabolism, hydrophilic, glycologen, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, glycolosis, hypotonic, cardiopulmonary, decomposition, symmorphosis, merocrine, endocrine , pericardial, hypothalamus, colloid, amphiphatic, hydrophobic, peritinitis, pleuritis, metabolism, ADP or ATP, paracrine, holocrine, autocrine, apocrine
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Vocabulary Test: anatomyWords:neck, diaphysis, trochanter, tubercle, facet, protuberance , fossa, condyle, ramus, spine, crest, sinus, tuberosity, head, canal, body, epicondyle, fissure, groove, line, epiphysis, process, wing, meatus, foramen
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Vocabulary Test: anatomy vocabWords:urology, toxicology, radiology, psychiatry, podiatry, pharmacology, pediatrics, pathology, otoaryngology, opthalmology, obstetrics, oncology, neurology , nephrology, neonatology, immunology, histology, hematology, gynecology, gerontology, geriatrics, gastroronterology, forensics, endocrinology, dermatology, cytology, cardiology, obstetrics
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Vocabulary Test: This Voice In My Heart 1.2Words:sorghum beer, improvise, Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa, cows, Vitalo Dynamique, carrying gallons of water and sprinting up hills, Gilbert's father, antelope, biology, FROBEDU, Mr. Niyonkenguraka, order and routine, Kirundi , Quaker missionaries, radio station
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Vocabulary Test: MyRoots1Words:bell-, pac/peas, hosp/host, crimen, prob-/prov-, grav-, finis, levis, ad-/ag-, tractus, sec/sequitur, ambi-, amphi-, ep/epi-, hypo/hyp, vorac-, carn, corre, courre, cata-/cat-/cath-, edaphos, echin-, erice, lute-/luteo, hygeia, hepat-/hepato, -glossia/glossa, muci-/muco-, pter-/ptero-, mycete-/myceto-, idio-, bucca, kausis (causis), erema, erem-/eremo, areni-, silvi-, psamm-, branchi-, corti-, gramin-, limi-, macul-/maculo-/maculi, musci.musci/musco, nidi-, -fugus, palud-, petri-/petr/petro, pratum, radici-, ripa, botry-/botryo, farina, chyl-/chyli/chylo-, chrys-, chryso-, gressus/gradi, cole-, coleo, cutis, dendro/dendr, ergon, erio-, troch-, trocho-, cer-, cero-, celer, skelos, brachy, macr-/macro/makro, nudi-, cauda, allo-, folii/folium, para-, esthesia (aisthesis), semen, nephro/ nephr, salubris, mer-/mero- (greek), mer/mero (ISV/Greek), viridis, verac-/verax, phyl-/phylo-, bursicula, erythr-/erythro-, psychro-, alektryon, -osis, loqui, sebum, pil-/pilo-, helos, cerato/kerato, kerat/kerato, thigmo-, myrmeco-/formica, castrum, thalassa-, pithec-/pitheco, anthropos, hepat-, vitrum, sapr-/sapro-
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Vocabulary Test: kmin jan 10Words:granted, revolutionary, loan, lender, individual, fortunate, task, annual, booking, economist
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Vocabulary Test: science chapter 21Words:organism, habitat, biotic factors, abiotic factors, species, population, community, ecosystem, ecology, photosynthesis
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Vocabulary Test: vocab QuizWords:Rivulets, Artesian Well, salinity, Algae, Bass, Plankton, Phytoplankton, Detritus, Bioluminescent, Aphotic Zone, Water Quality, Pollution, Acid Rain, Eutrophication, Reclamation, Water cycle, Water Purification, Water Table, Conservation, Pollutant
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Vocabulary Test: Latin and Greek Root wordsWords:Dict, Flect, Fract, Lev, Lith, Morph, Syn, Trop, Vor, Alto, Alt, Amphi, Arthr(o), bar(o), bio, carn(i), Chlor(o), Circ, Curr, de-
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Vocabulary Test: 6.2 and 6.4Words:constituent, majority party, minority party, political party, two party system, expressed power, implied powers, elastic clause, impeach, special interest group, filibuster, cloture, voice call vote, roll-call vote, veto, pocket veto
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Vocabulary Test: POP QUIZWords:adaptation, artery, atrium, mechanical energy, chemical energy, potential energy, kinetic energy
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Vocabulary Test: wow wordsWords:amiable, expeditious, sinister, immense, endeavor, malleable, facile, blistering, chilly, miniature, roost, proceed, cruel, consume, pleasant, glance, uttered, soiled, chuckle, exhausted
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Vocabulary Test: vocab unit 1-5Words:douse, famished, immense, inept, instantaneous, misgiving, arid, groundless, hypocrite, manipulate, maximum, mimic, bigot, diversity, illusion, pacifist, terrain, vocation, acquit, ingratitude, mortal, petty, repent, revocation, remorse, facet, setback, synopsis, headstrong, fray
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Vocabulary Test: English 3 Mid TermWords:adapt, alien, array, classify, diminutive, enigma, evoke, fragility, frigid, infinite, interior, merge, mingle, parasite, perennial, persistent, sprawl, stunted, tenuous, undulate
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Vocabulary Test: VocabQuiz1Words:indifferent, apathy, obscure, impartial, objective, revere, discrimintate, denounce, innovate, relevant
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Vocabulary Test: HISTORY#testWords:Geography, Latitude, Longitude, Erosion, Climate, Precipitation, Primary source, Artifact, Consumer, Free enterprise, Political science, Civics, Glacier, Surplus, Culture, Adobe, Pueblos, Tribe, Potlatch, Kachinas, Sachems, Direct democracy, Crusades, Republic, Colony, Conquistadors, missions, encomienda, Northwest passage, Alliance, Charter, House of Burgess, Proprietary colony, Royal colony, Cash crop, Slave code, Export, Imports, Legislature, Petition, Boycott, Repealed, Militia, Minutemen, Kevin
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Vocabulary Test: SS vocabularyWords:imposed, enforced, monitored, revenue, finance, rebellious, restricted, philosophies, unalienable rights, derives, violate, championed, prominent, frame, taunting, delegates, armed, principles
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Vocabulary Test: Term 2 Science Vocab ReviewWords:amplitude, biomass, circuit, circuit diagram, conduction, conductor, convection, current, decibel, electromagnet, electromagnetic radiation, energy, frequency, geothermal energy, hydroelectric energy, insulator, kinetic energy, light energy, magnetism, nuclear energy, pitch, potential energy, radiation, radio waves, reflection, refraction, resistor, solar energy, sound energy, sound waves, thermal energy, ultrasound, vibration, volt
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Week 9Words:symbiosis, tariff, technique, tempo, toxin, tranquility, tumult, tundra, ultraviolet, unanimous
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