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Vocabulary Test: englishWords:delineate, nefarious, vernacular, brawn, tout, enhance, hindrance, efface, glutton, hiatus, querulous, engender, obliterate, copious, obscure, extol, pugnacious, quell, artisan, kindle
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Vocabulary Test: 2011 VocabWords:abject, acclamation, accost, acuity, aesthetic, affront, agnostic, allege, ambient, amenity, articulate, askance, atrophy, avid, banal, belabor, behemoth, benign, bestial, brackish, bucolic, carping, cavil, cavort, celerity, charlatan, chary, chicanery, cognizant, coherent, collusion, complicity, concord, congeal, consummate, convivial, coterie, countermand, counterpart, coup, credence, decimate, decry, defunct, deign, delectable, delineate, demur, depraved, deprecate, desiccated, devious, diatribe, disarray, dissemble, dissidence, distraught, echelon, eclectic, effigy, effrontery, embellish, emulate, enconium, enervate, engender, ephemeral, epicurean, equity, eschew, esoteric, espouse, ethereal, euphemism, evince, exacerbate, exhume, facade, fatuous, feckless, fecund, felicitous, fetish, figment, foible, forgo, fraught, frenetic, furtive, garish, garner, garnish, germane, ghoulish, glean, gregarious, halcyon, histrionic, idiosyncrasy, ignominy, illusory, imminent, impeccable, imperturbable, inane, incarcerate, incendiary, incongruous, increment, incumbent, indictment, indubitable, innate, inordinate, insatiable, intermittent, intrasigent, inure, invidious, irrefutable, irreparable, jettison, jocular, juggernaut, lackadaisical, laconic, litany, ludicrous, luminous, maelstrom, mandate, mesmerize, minutiae, misanthrope, moot, moratorium, moribund, motif, mundane, murky, mutable, myopic, nefarious, neophyte, obsequious, obtuse, omnipresent, onerous, oscillate, overt, overweening, paltry, pariah, paroxysm, paucity, pejorative, penchant, penitent, peremptory, perspicacity, piquant, pittance, portend, propinquity, propriety, progeny, promulgate, pusillanimous, raiment, raze, recant, reconnaissance, recumbent, redolent, refulgent, restive, rife, rudiments, sacrilege, saturate, sequester, seraphic, sophistry, sporadic, subsist, substantiate, surveillance, sylvan, talisman, tantamount, tenable, tyro, ubiquitous, unremitting, utopian, vacillate, verbiage, verdant, winnow, wizened
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Vocabulary Test: Midterm study testWords:adulterate, ambidextrous, augment, bereft, deploy, dour, fortitude, gape, gibe, guise, insidious, intimation, opulent, pliable, reiterate, stolid, tentative, unkempt, verbatim, warily, adroit, amicable, averse, belligerent, benevolent, cursory, duplicity, extol, feasible, grimace, holocaust, impervious, impetus, jeopardy, meticulous, nostalgia, quintessence, retrogress, scrutinize, tepid, adversary, alienate, artifice, coerce, craven, culinary, delete, demise, exhilarate, fallow, harass, inclement, muse, negligible, perpetuate, precedent, punitive, redress, sojourn, urbane, affiliated, ascertain, attainment, bequeath, cogent, converge, disperse, esteem, expunge, finite, invulnerable, malevolent, nonchalant, omniscient, panacea, scrupulous, skulk, supercilious, uncanny, venial, altruistic, assent, benefactor, chivalrous, clemency, dearth, diffident, discrepancy, embark, facile, indomitable, infallible, plod, pungent, remiss, repsoe, temerity, truculent, unfeigned, virulent, accede, brandish, comprise, deft, destitute, explicit, extirpate, inopportune, ironic, musty, officious, pinnacle, premeditated, rampant, solace, stately, supple, suppress, venal, abhor, amend, buffet, chaos, commodious, corrosive, discern, extant, implicate, inter, martinet, obviate, renegade, reprehensible, somber, squalid, turbulent, vociferous, voluminous, waive, ominous
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Vocabulary Test: Rhetorical TermsWords:absolute, ad hominem, allegory, allusion, anachronsim, assonance, analepsis, anaphora, anecdote, antithesis, aphorism, alliteration, aposiopesis, apostrophe, aside, asyndeton, atmosphere, catharsis, conceit, denouement, double entendre, cacophony, couplet, dramatic poem, chiasmus, connotation, deus ex machine, ballad, caesura, diction, colloquial language, denotation, dialect, blank verse, consonance, didactic poem, elegy, end stopped, epigram, extended methaphor, fable, figurative language, free verse, hubris, elevated diction, enjambment, euphony, farce, foil, harmartia, hyperbole, ellipsis, ennui, ethos, eye rhyme, feminine rhyme, framework story, heroic couplet, epilogue, la cage aux folle
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab addl 80Words:corroborate, amorous, decorous, expedite, idyllic, juxtapose, incandescent, exasperate, discordant, volatile, distend, fecund, sage, vacuous, deride, assail, benevolent, scrutinize, histrionic, didactic, bucolic, pretentious, gullible, convivial, discreet, discrete, fabricate, gesticulate, laud, belabor, reiterate, conflagration, induce, soporific, anarchy, strident, nonchalant, malleable, ludicrous, abridge, lethargy, recondite, conspicuous, archaic, imminent, predator, coalesce, exult, exalt, extraneous, incantation, assuage, insuperable, assiduous, indulgent, avarice, squander, penurious, debunk, eccentric, desiccate, diverse, loquacious, maudlin, farcical, vibrant, virulent, contemptuous, enigma, labyrinth, lucid, repudiate, superficial, primordial, mellifluous, provincial, contrite, incessant, imperceptible, prevaricate
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Vocabulary Test: Academic words #1-12Words:access, capable, impact, aid, interpret, communicate, challenge, issue, justify, clarify, contrast, legal
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Vocabulary Test: QuizWords:Compress, Compression, Digress, Digression, Obsess, Obsession, Possess, Possession, Regress, Regression
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Vocabulary Test: nmpmmcWords:lassitude, pusillanimous, animosity, dolorous, querulous, splenetic, lethargic, recalcitrant, choleric, melancholy, phlegmatic, sanguine
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Vocabulary Test: SAT vocabWords:Femur, asining, ostentacious, depraved, manubrium, phalanges, fibula, femur, diminuitive, indigent
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Vocabulary Test: alyWords:oasis, hijra, monotheistic, mosque, hajj, jihad, caliph, minaret, muezzin, sultan, social mobility, arabesque, calligraphy, sultunate, caste, rajah, millet, janizary, shah, taj mahal
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Vocabulary Test: L'Art du XIXe SiècleWords:foncé, noirâtre, réel, morose, monotone, ordinaire, quotidien (la vie quotidienne), banal, rustique, ombre/ombré, direct, solonnel, typique, les paysans, montrer, sembler, mettre en evidence, se concentrer sur, l'art, un tableau, une peinture, un pinceau, une touche, un effet, un/une artiste, la couleur/la palette, une teinte, un personnage, un autoportrait, un nu, une toile, une cadre, le premier plan, le fond, un dessin, une esquisse, équilibré, privilégié, allégorique, symétrique, planifier, un peintre, orchestrer, précis, détaillé, un chef-d'oeuvre, un chevalet, un portrait, une nature morte, l'arrière-plan, jaun[âtre], être evident que, une oeuvre, exprimer, réprésenter, mettre l'accent sur, une façon de, une image, les mythes romains ou grèques, une critique, le mouvement, exalté, harmonieux/l'harmonie, orné, net/nette, éclairé, lumineux, inspiré/inspirant, sévère, mince/fin, les couleurs vives, raffiné, sentimental, émotionnel, contrasté, s'opposer, exotique, flou, épais, vif/vive, la fumée, se rebeller, un objet, la brume, actif/active, le paysage, réprésenter, exprimer, mouvementé, l'Académie, le jury, le Salon, Le Centre Pompidou, Le Louvre, Le Musée d'Orsay, le musée, comprendre, conservateur/-trice, lutter contre, priviléger, menacer
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Vocabulary Test: yo mamma vocabWords:asining, anachonous, sanguine, fastidious, concentric, depraved, ostentacious, indigent, guache, taciturn, turid, procrastinator, vicariously
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Vocabulary Test: thehumorousWords:sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy, choleric, recalcitrant, lethargic, splenetic, querulous, dolorous, animosity, pusillanimous, lassitude
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Vocabulary Test: 5aWords:el huracan, la inundacion, llover, la lluvia, nevar, el terremoto, la tormenta, el articulo, investigar, el locutor, el noticiero, ocurrir, el reportero, tratar de, apagar, bajar, el bombero, comenzar, destruir, dormindo, el edificio de apartamentos, la escalera, escaparse, esconderse, la explosion, el humo, el incendio, los muebles, muerto, el paramedico, se murieron, subir, herido, el herido, el heroe, la heroina, rescatar, salvar, valiente, la vida, vivo, a causa de, afortunadamente, asustado, la causa, de prisa, de repente, gritar, hubo, llamar, oir, sun duda, socorro, x
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Vocabulary Test: Mackenzie HinesWords:retort, introvert, adversity, subvert, subservient, avert, contort, prose, tortouous, perverse, elation, contend, dilatory, defer, infer, perennial, percussion, intent, permeate, perservere, distort, excerpt, analyze, catalyst, precise, absolve, impose, superfluous, herbicide, resolve, resolute, concise
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Vocabulary Test: Unit oneWords:Imdulgence, Abbusive, Cunt, Happy, Vag, Umnerella, Hullagan, Match, Weird, Hmm
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Vocabulary Test: Weught Room VocabWords:aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise, cardiovascular fitness, FIT formula, health realated fitness, heart rate, skill related fitness, sprain, strain, total fitness, set, ligaments, tendons, atrophy, hypertrophy, muscle failure
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab List #671Words:sorceror, blighted, locust, submission, emulate, timbre, fledgling, prestidigitation, apprentice, levitate, permeate, curiosity, thaumaturgy, pansophy, repertoire, dignity, transmogrification, vapor, telekinesis, rheumy, exorcism, hemlock, impotency, lattice, litany, salvo, incantation, brusque, ratiocination, conjure
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