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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder Hear My CryWords:Racism, Injustice, Segregation, Discriminate, Prejudice, Exasperation, Admonish, Accustom, Multitude, Threadbare, Underhanded, Frantically, Expansive, Glean
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Vocabulary Test: Roll of Thunder Hear My CryWords:Racism, Injustice, Segregation, Discriminate, Prejudice, Exasperation, Admonish, Accustom, Multitude, Threadbare, Underhanded, Frantically, Expansive, Glean, Abound, Reverberate, Anticipation, Indignant, Dismayed, Maverick
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Vocabulary Words:Elastic Fibers, Chondrocyte, Collagenous fibers, Erythrocyte, Histology, Macrophage, Neurogelia, Neuron, Osteocyte, Tissue, Thrombocyte, Arrector pili, Ceruminous gland, Dermis, Epidermis, Keratinization, Melanin, Sebaceous Gland, Subcutaneous layer, Sudoriferous gland, Psoriasis, Callus, Gangreene, Pathology, Saracoma
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Vocabulary Test: TimmyWords:afasf, asfasf, asfasd, asfasd, asfasf, asf, asf, ves, happy, Penis
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Vocabulary Test: Anatomy Test #6Words:Is there any type of blood you cannot give to someone who has ty, Your patient has type AB blood. Can you give her type O blood?, Your patient has type B blood. Can you give her type A blood?, The golden straw colored fluid left after the formed elements ar, The clear watery fluid that remains after a blood clot has been , _____ are examples of agranylocytes. (L. & M.), ______ are examples of granulocytes. (B.,N., & E.), Which kind of leukocytes is/are not an agranulocyte?, What do you call the amount of oxygen carrying protein in the RB, What is the name of the protein that carries oxygen in the blood, Lymphocyte that matures in the thymus & stimulates antibody prod, A lymphocyte that slows antibody production, Another name for platelet, Another name for a red blood cell, Another name for a white bood cell
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Vocabulary Test: My words 6Words:multitude, monotonous, momentum, meticulous , materialize, meander, malleable, luminous, knoll
Test Also Includes: parts of speech, sentences
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Vocabulary Test: BugmyfrienddtelleveruonrilikehombutinefertolfthenjfkndsobiffontnWords:doping, semiconductor, representative metals , nonmetals, noble gases, metalloid, metals, malleable, lanthanides, hydrogen, transition elements , mass number, period, halogens , group, actinides , atomic number, ductile , alloy, alkali metals
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary - Part 3 "The Enemy"Words:evade, haggard, futile, debilitating, undermining, mesmerizing, retrospect, ominous, scrutinizing, garrote, distainful, spile, divulge, equaidistant, vexed, articulated, detoxify, conjure, precarious, obsolete
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Vocabulary Test: AstronomyWords:nebula, black hole, Nova, N F, M O, Moon, Comet, sOLAR SYSTEM, Galaxy, Star, Planet, Telescope, aSTRONOMER, Space exploration, Space craft, Satellite
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Vocabulary Test: mytestWords:Ideal, Marketing , Site , Wary , Query , Savvy, Cite, Cynical, Entice
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Vocabulary Test: AmyWords:undergird, enormity, mitigate, rectitudinous, corrigendum, comprise
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Vocabulary Test: i love my wordsWords:venerate, oblique, wanton, veer, maim, invalidate, minimize, legendary, congested, banter, frugal, avowed, bountiful, detriment, incognito, gingerly, glut, enterprising, durable, antics
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Vocabulary Test: My TestWords:demise, alienate, precedent, warily, unkempt, guise, scrutinize, nostalgia, benevolent, amicable
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Vocabulary Test: ANATOMY LECTURE 7Words:Herniated Disc, Herniated Disc, Nucleus Pulposus, Herniated Disc, Herniated Disc, Coccygeal, Intervertebral Disc, Annulus Fibrosus, T9, T10-T12, Lumbar Vertebrae, Sacral, T1, T2-T8, C2, C3-6, C7 , thoracic vertebrea, scoliosis, cervical, C1, cervical curve, thoracic curve, lumbar curve, sacral-coccygeal curve, kyphosis, lordosis, line, spine, epicondyle, facet, tubercle, tuberosity, trochanter, condyle, head, process, fossa, sulcus, sinus, meatus, foramen, fissure cleft
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Test #12Words:dreck, droll, drudgery, dubious, dyad, dyspepsia, earnest, ebullient, echelon, eddy, edifice, elegiac, elfin, elucidate, emanate, emblazon, emir, emollient, encapsulate, enjoin, enmesh, ennui, enshrine, enspirit, entrench
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Vocabulary Test: vocabWords:face, nose, mouth, lips, the teeth, the eyes, the chin, eyelashes, eyebrows, shoulders
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Vocabulary Test: vocabularyWords:plot, character, setting, point of view, antagonist, protagonist, tone, mood, narrator, expostion, 1st person, 3rd person, omniscent narrator, conflict, complications, moral, flashback, foreshadowing, denouement, internal conflict, external conflict, resolution, suspense, rising action, dialogue, short story, climax, abate, abdicate, aberrattion, trans-, gen-, flam-, domn, flat
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Vocabulary Test: Spanish 2 Las compras para la escuelaWords:el bus escolar, a pie, algunos, un, unos, apuntes, la papeleria, materiales escolares, el cuaderno, el lapiz, el boligrafo, la pluma, la tienda de ropa, la bulsa, los pantalones, el vestido, la manga corta, la manga largo, la cafeteria, el empleado, la maestra, el professor, la mochila, la camisa, cuanto cuesta, las cosas, las medias, los pantalones cortos, la gorra, el abrigo, tomar, ensenar, escuchar, prestar atencion, llegar, llevar, comprar, buscar, estudiar, temblar
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test Unit 8Words:flourish, nub, outstrip, pervade, remnant, prudent, swerve, abnormal, eject, disputatious, decrease, catastrophe, capsize, incentive, insubordinate, legible, onslaught, ordain, quench, simultaneous
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Vocabulary Test: Geometry VocabularyWords:Acute triangle, acute angle, adjacent angles, angle, central angle, chord, circle, complementary, congruent angles, congruent polygons, congruent sides, decagon, diameter, equilateral triangle, hexagon, intersecting lines, irregular polygons, isosceles triangle, line, obtuse triangle, octagon, parallel lines, parallelogram, pentagon, plane, point, polygon, quadrilateral, radius, ray, rectangle, regular polygon, rhombus, right angle, right triangle, scalene triangle, segment, straight angle, square, supplementary, trapezoid, vertex, vertical angles, obtuse angle
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Vocabulary Test: unit #1 blue bookWords:blunder, distribute, reject, solitary, myth, numerous, convert, impressive, shrewd, monarch, cautious, obstacle, despise, haven, miniature, treacherous, hazy, linger, luxurious, mishap, emigrate, glamour, span, overwhelm, abandon, villian, strategy, justify, aggressive, deceive
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Vocabulary Test: unit test 2Words:cater, dissuade, firebrand, hazard, indifference, indignant, mutal, plague, homicide, transparent
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Vocabulary Test: french090101Words:la tête, le nez, la bouche, les lèvres, les dents, le visage, le menton, les cils, les sourcils, les yeux
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Vocabulary Test: Unit 7Words:authorize, culprit, dawdle, dissect, expend, fatality, gullible, illicit, immerse, inflammatory, memorandum, pathetic, persevere, prevaricate, quash, relish, reminisce, scour, tribute, writhe
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Vocabulary Test: french090102Words:le corps, les épaules, les mamelons, le dos, la poitrine, l'estomac, les tablettes de chocolat, le nombril, le torse, les côtes, les bras, le coude, les mains, les avant-bras, les doigts, le pouce, le poignet
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Vocabulary Test: french 090103Words:les jambes, le derrière, le cul, l'aine, la cuisse, le tibia, le genou, la cheville, le pied, le doigt de pied
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Vocabulary Test: 1/13Words:assent, dissent, presentiment, sensuous, contiguous, tangible, tactile, tangent, sentinel
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Vocabulary Test: french090103Words:les problèmes, j'ai mal à, J'ai mal à la tête, ça fait mal, je saigne du nez, je me suis brûlé la main, je me suis coupé le doigt, je me suis cassé le bras, je me suis demis l'épaule
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Vocabulary Test: Chpt.1 chpt.2Words:Inclined, Privy, Levity, Incredulouly, Contemptuously, Intimation, Desolate, Impenetrable, Sumptuous, Indeterminate, Apathetically, Incessant
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Vocabulary Test: Vocabulary Test 1Words:Apparel, Besiege, Compress, Denounce, Dispatch, Douse, Expressly, Famished, Forsake, Gainful, Immense, Inept, Ingenious, Instantaneious, irk, Libel, Misgiving, Oaf, Recede, Repast
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Vocabulary Test: french090105Words:s'étouffer, perdre connaissance, ne respirer pas, avoir une insolation, avoir une intoxication, être enrhumé, avoir la gripe, tousser, être constipé
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Vocabulary Test: IVB-2Words:agape, aggregate, alibi, allay, alloy, allspice, allusion, alms, altruism, amalgamate, ambiance, ambivalance, ambush, amelioration, amorous, amulet, analgesic, annex, annotation, annuity, anodyne, antecedent, anthropology, antidote, anecdote
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Vocabulary Test: Great gasbyWords:Inclined, Privy, Levity, Incredulously, Contemptuously, Intimation, Desolate, Impenetrable, Sumptuous, Indeterminate, Apathetically, Incessant
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